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 Lot 5-A is registered under the  YES! There are 2 concepts of
name of the petitioner THE HOLY sovereign immunity. One is the
SEE. classical theory and the other is
 This lot is contiguous to lots 5-B restrictive theory.
and 5-D registered in the name of  According to the restrictive
PRC. theory, immunity is recognized
 3 lots were sold to Licup who only with regard to public acts but
assigned his rights to SSEI. not with regard to private acts.
 Due to the refusal of the  But the mere entering into a
squatters to vacate, a dispute contract by a foreign state with a
arose as to who has the private party, cannot be the
ultimate test. The question is
responsibility of eviction and
whether it is engaged in the regular
clearing the land.
business or trade.
 Petitioner proposed that SSEI
 If the act is in pursuit of a sovereign
undertake the eviction otherwise activity,
the money will be returned.  Lot 5-A was acquired as a donation
 The earnest money was returned for the site of its mission.
and the property was sold to  The subsequent disposal was made
TROPICANA. because it would be impossible for
 SSEI filed a suit for annulment of the petitioner to use it for the
sale and for damages. purpose of donation because of the
 Petitioner moved to dismissed for squatters living thereon. The
lack of jurisdiction based on petitioner did not sell it for profit.
 Under Vienna Convention on
immunity from suit.
Diplomatic Relations, a diplomatic
 It was denied on the ground that
envoy is immune from suit over real
the petitioner shed off its
action relating to private immovable
sovereign immunity by entering property.
into business contract in  Moreover, the DFA certified that is a
question. duly certified diplomatic missionary
hence exempt from local jurisdiction
and entitled to all rights, immunities,
 WHETHER OR NOT THE HOLY SEE and privileges of a diplomatic
PROPERLY INVOKE SOVEREIGN missionary or embassy in this court.

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