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Write two brief short notes on open loop and closed loop control systems with the help of neat block diagrams. Explain role of
1 each of the blocks. Give some suitable real life examples of both types of systems. Discuss their advantages and disadvantages.

2 Explain the concept of linearity and time invariance in the context of control systems.
3 Give one example of an open loop stable system and open loop unstable system.
Which are different type of control systems? What are their relative advantages and disadvantages? Give three examples of
each type.
UNIT-1 5 What is analogous system? Explain Force-Voltage and Force-Current Analogy With suitable Example
INTRODUCTION TO 6 What is Transfer function ? Discuss its properties, advantages & disadvantages of it.
CONTROL PROBLEM Prepare a mathematical model of a series R-C or R-L or parallel R, L, C circuit connected to a DC supply. Obtain the transfer
8 What is mathematical modeling of a system? Derive equations for Mass, spring & friction for motion in a straight line.
9 Derive the overall Transfer Function of armature controlled DC servomotor with block diagram
Select a block diagram of your choice. The selected diagram must contain minimum three loops. The block diagram must
10 contain summing points, take-off points and minimum 10 blocks. Obtain the transfer function of this system using block
diagram reduction techniques.
11 What is block diagram representation? Describe the rules for block diagram reduction.
Draw sketches of three time responses of a second order system for a unit step input for under damped, critically damped and
damped systems. Derive Expression of five performance indices(Time Responce Specification) with the help of sketch drawn
for under damped system.
13 Explain Standard Test Signals used in control system.
14 Briefly explain the first order system and its time response to a unit step input
15 What is meant by order & type of systems?
UNIT-1 A second order system has a natural frequency of oscillation Wn = 3.0 rad/sec and undamped frequency of oscillation Wd = 2.5
CONTROL PROBLEM Calculate its percentage overshoot, when it is subjected to a step input (II) Calculate the resonant peak, if it is subjected to
UNIT-2 sinusoidal input.
17 What do you mean by Time response Analysis?
18 Derive the expression for Static error constants. Show that how the type of system effects the steady state error.
19 What is Hurwitz’s criteria of stability? Explain with the help of an example.
20 What is meant by stability? Which are different states of stability? Explain them with respect to pole location.
21 Compare root locus technique and Nyquist stability criterion for stability study of control systems in short.
Explain how (i) Breakaway points (ii) the point at which root locus crosses imaginary axis and (iii) response of closed loop
22 system at a given value of gain are found for a root locus of given system. Explain how at a given point on the root locus, the
gain can be determined.
Compare root locus technique and Bode plots for control system analysis purpose. Explain how root locus technique is more
23 difficult than
the Bode plots.
24 Explain the Root-locus technique rules in detail with a suitable example.
25 Discuss the magnitude and phase angle conditions for drawing the root locus
What do you mean by frequency response analysis? Obtain the general expression of steady state output for a system with a
26 transfer
function G(s) and connected to a sinusoidal input u(t) = A sin(wt).state its applications with possible limitations.
Explain Frequency domain specification. Establish the co-relation between the Time domain specifications and Frequency
27 domain
specifications for the second order system
What is Bode Plot? Write the procedure of drawing Bode plot. Define gain margin and phase margin.Write down the stability
UNIT-1 28 condition for
INTRODUCTION TO bode plot. What is the effect of poles and zeros on the graph? Illustrate with an example.
CONTROL PROBLEM State and explain Nyquist Stability criteria. Explain about phase margin and gain margin using Nyquist plot.Write down steps to
29 solve the
examples by using Nyquist criterion.
30 What is polar plot? Explain polar plot for Type-0, 1, 2 systems.
What are polar plots? What are it’s advantages? Sketch polar plot for any transfer function to explain polar plot. What are
31 gain and
phase margins?
32 Explain two position ON-OFF control action with example
33 Expain the effects of the proportional, integral and derivative action on the closed loop system performance
34 Discuss effects of the Proportional Integral (PI) and Proportional Derivative (PD) action on closed loop performance.
Write Mathematical expression for P,I,D,PI,PD,PID Controller and show the response of these controller to unit step load
36 Write notes on “Phase Lag – Lead compensation”
37 Describe Correlation between transfer function and state-space equations with suitable examples
UNIT-5 38 For a RLC circuit, derive the state model of the system
STATE VARIABLE 39 Obtain state variable model for dc motor
ANALYSIS Explain the advantages of state space approach over classical methods and obtain state variable equation. Also draw the block
Define the following terms (1) Badwidth(2) Conditionally Stable System(3) Continuous Time Control System(4) Cutoff
frequency(5) Delay
DEFINITIONS (ALL Time (6) Gain cross over frequency (7) Gain Margin(8) Peak Time(9) Phase cross over frequency(10) Phase Margin(11) Rise
UNITS) Time(12) Self Loop(13) Settling Time(14) Source Node(15) State(16) State Space(17) State Trajectory(18) State variable(19)
State vector (20) Steady state error(21) Time Invariant System(22) Time variant system

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