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TOPIC : grammar review
GRADE LEVEL : 10 1,2,ips
DATE : 8-10/10/17
TIME :1x40

GOAL(S): Preparing for the exam.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Students will do the hand-outs to learn that even if the
sentence is difficult and they don’t understand the content, the grammar is the same and
simple. To learn that it’s the simple grammar points that matter. Building teamwork.


 Students will get out their hand-outs.

 Students will get into their groups
 They have 10 minutes to finish 5 question together.
 They have analyse the sentences and find the incorrect grammar points.
 They must correct the grammar point and put the correct word in its place.
 After everyone is finished we will go through the sentences.
 We’ll discuss each sentence and talk about the right answer.

MATERIALS & RESOURCES: Toefl hand-outs

ASSESSMENT: finish hand-outs, HW

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