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TOPIC : Listening
GRADE LEVEL : 10-12 1,2,ips
DATE :26-28/18
TIME :1x40

GOAL(S): To improve students’ listening skills. Increase their vocabulary.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Students to listen and quickly understand the dialogue that is
being said. Practicing note taking. Determine what is and isn’t important points for note


 Class discussion about listening.
 Write notes on the board about the listening exercise.
 Ask the students question about the rules of listening.
 We’ll discuss about taking notes while listening to the dialogue.
 Students will take the important bits of information and write them down e.g. names,
location, theme etc.
Main activity:
 Students will hand out the listening papers.
 We will proceed to listen to the CD.
 Students will take notes about the dialogue.
 Students will try to just take the important parts of the dialogue.
 We will listen to the dialogue 2 times.
 We’ll discuss what notes students took and did they think that the notes were important
or not.
 Students will compare notes with each other and determine which points they think are
important and why.
 Students will listen to the question part and using their notes will answer the questions.
 Students will then swap papers with other students.
 We will go through the answers together.
 We’ll listen to the dialogue again if necessary to check answers.
 We’ll discuss whether their notes were helpful or not, and the need to practice more note

MATERIALS & RESOURCES: Cambridge book of Toefl, listen exercise.

ASSESSMENT: handouts finished

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