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A Research Proposal

Presented to

PHINMA- University of Pangasinan

Dagupan City

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research II


Israel, Monica Ann

Natividad, Jeanne Cleo

Tandingan, Nica
Aquino, Danica

Soriano, Marco

Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………………i

Chapter 1: Background of the Study ………………………………………………

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………….

Statement of the Problem ………………………………………………………………

Scope and Delimitation………………………………………………………………..

Rationale of the Study………………………………………………………………….

Definition of Terms ……………………………………………………………………..




As cited on the website of, Punctuality is one of the virtues

beyond reproach. Much of the time and wealth will be saved if this virtue will be

carried out to the system of every responsible citizen. Punctuality will compass

positivity in all of actions in different aspects in life. Although, punctuality is

less appreciated, it will still be helpful in everyday lives most especially in

attending school.

Life as a student is full of problems, complications, frustrations, stress and issues

that makes a student tardy in class. What is tardiness? ‘’Tardiness is the habit of

being late or delaying arrival. Being late as a form of misconduct may be

formally punishable in various arrangements, such as workplace, school, etc. An

opposite personality is punctuality.’’ (, Many countries such

as the Philippines have declared a stereotype of being tardy as ‘Filipino time’. It

is like having our own body clock, albeit aware that the right time is the World’s
Standard Time. Historians say that this attitude recounts back to the idea of

siesta by the Spaniards that is still present today. (Valeriano, 2016)

Students are late for a numerous reasons, but being tardy to their classes can

become a negative habit that can cause either poor performance at school.

According to Fuller (2013), Tardiness among students has its own negative

repercussions, It is emphasized that lateness or tardiness is not just a problem of

the late student but also, it can affect the surrounding people. A student coming

late in class distracts the rest of the students and disrupts the flow of the

teacher’s discussion, It is even a burden to the students whom the late students

ask for what to catch up with (Nakpodia and Dafiaghor, 2011). Also, students

who are late may fall behind in their classroom works. It can cause them of being

stress in finishing their missed tasks and may add frustrations to them when the

teacher is not already accepting late homeworks and that may lead them to

having a low or an incomplete grade.

Being tardy does not mean that you are an irresponsible individual, but people

may associate lateness as of being rude. Not attending on time with different

events can show a big disappointment to the ones you know especially to the

teachers when it comes to attending classes. Many institutions and workplaces

do not tolerate tardiness and has imposed a rule not to be late. A concrete
example of an institution is the PHINMA - University of Pangasinan., They have

imposed rules in order of students and teachers to avoid getting tardy.

Punishments as well are made for people who do not follow the rules.

But as a student, it is impossible to avoid lateness with all the homeworks and

different stuffs, it is inevitable, but when you are a responsible one, it is


This research will determine the factors affecting the tardiness of GHT (GAS,

HUMSS & TVL) students in PHINMA - University of Pangasinan. Often being

late in their first subjects which is scheduled every 7:30 in the morning for AM

sections and 12:30 for some sections in the afternoon classes.Students can miss

quizzes, discussions and activity sheets which may led them to getting low


We the researchers has chosen the topic as our chosen field of interest because it

is experienced by most students with different factors on why it happens. This

study will be useful to everyone for they will know what are the factors of

tardiness and therefore how to avoid the certain situations.


The purpose of this study is to recognize and determine the answers on the

factors affecting the tardiness of the students. The research should answer the

following questions.


1. What is the primary and secondary reasons of the students for being late?

2. Is tardiness have a negative effects to their academic performances?

3. Why do the students practices tardiness?

4. How will the students avoid this hobby of lateness to their class?

5. Will they be able to change their lifestyle of being late? How?


The study will be conducted within the Senior High School Department

of PHINMA - University of Pangasinan. The research will be focusing on the

factors affecting the tardiness of the Grade 12 students revolving around the

tracks of GAS, HUMSS, and TVL. Each strand will have a 50 respondents,

therefore. This study will be having a total of 150 students, mixtures of male and

female students. Survey questionnaires will be used to know the major reasons

of why students is always late as well as assessing related factors underlying


All of the informations gathered provided by the respondents will be

used to confirm the primary and secondary causes of the problem that is stated

earlier. The result of the survey will then contribute insight in identifying and
planning the possible remedies being identified in addressing the problems

being gathered which needed proper and immediate solution.


This section discusses how our study will help and benefit the following

benefactors and how are they going to benefit from it.

The whole Society, This research will become helpful to the society

because it will be an instrument towards having a responsible adolescents.

Having a responsible teenagers will be a necessity in developing the nations’

growth to become a better country.

The School. This study will also be significant to the school for they will

produce well-disciplined students who is punctual in all classes and different

events inside the school. Those students will contribute a lot to to the

development of the school for having a better quality of educations.

The Teachers. All of the teachers who experience the tardiness of the

students will be alarmed and will give them the interest to provide the

immediate actions that the students needed. This study will also be beneficial to

them for they will know the different factors affecting the lateness of their

The Parents. Having a responsible child is a blessing to all the parents.

This research will serve as one way of changing the attitude pf their kids

towards being a role model for being a good students. Hence, this will reflect

to them as being a good child to their parents.

Educational Institutions. Educational Institutions like the Department

of Education (DepEd), and Commission on Higher Education (CHED), will

benefit to this study because they will be aware on what are the factors

affecting the tardiness of students, so that they can import more ideas on how

to improve the way they handle and run schools around the world.

The Students. This research will be beneficiary to all of the students

for they will find answers on how to cure their bad hobbies --- being tardy.

They will develop their own self and will be close enough to better understand

the lessons which will result to them having achievements and satisfying


The Future Researchers. Future researchers will be able to gather

ideas about this certain topic through our research study and help them in

doing their research study.


This section will define the unfamiliar terms and jargons that is being used in

this study.

Tardiness - The habit of being late or delaying arrival. Being late as a form of

misconduct may be formally punishable in various arrangements, such as

workplace, school, etc. An opposite personality is punctuality.

Siesta - an afternoon rest or nap, especially one taken during the hottest hours

of the day in a hot climate.

Stereotype - a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a

particular type of person or thing.

Inevitable - a situation that is unavoidable.

Evadable - to get away from or avoid.

Punctuality - the fact or quality of being on time.

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