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06 AUGUST 2019

To: xxxx
Magsaysay Hills
Toledo City

Re: Unpaid Balance in the

Amount of xxxx

Dear Ms. Rafols:

I write in behalf of my client, xxxx, regarding the above-stated matter. It will be

recalled that you and my client executed a Deed of Absolute Sale over a motor
vehicle particularly described therein as Toyota Van with plate no. xxx. In the same
instrument, you agreed to assume the chattel mortgage over the vehicle in the amount
of xxxx, which, minus the previous payments, still has an unpaid balance of xxx
(exclusive of penalties) to United Coconut Planters Bank (UCPB), the mortgagee
bank (see Annex “A”).

Per agreement in the assumption of chattel mortgage, you agreed to be bound by the
terms and conditions of the chattel mortgage, obligating you to, among others, pay
the amortization at Php27,113.00 per month (see Annex “B”). As you well know,
my client issued post-dated checks to UCPB for the monthly amortization of the said
vehicle via her checking account with BDO, which you promised to fund
accordingly. However, records show that you have successively failed to deposit in
the said checking account for the months of June and July 2019, not to mention your
failure to deposit timely in the previous four months, resulting to the refusal by BDO
to honor the corresponding post-dated checks. This has not only caused anxiety and
humiliation to my client but has also given UCPB and BDO the causes of action to
file criminal and civil actions against her (see Annexes “C” to “E”), in addition to
the imposition of penalties and the warning to close her bank account (see Annex
“F”), which they intend to do so based on the correspondence attached herewith. In
the event that the banks file a criminal or civil action against my client, be
forewarned, we will drag and implead you into the case.

Further, please take this letter as a formal and final written demand for immediate
payment of the full amount captioned above. Should payment not be forth coming
within three (3) days from your receipt of this letter, appropriate collection
procedures will be commenced against you without further notice or warning. If you
wish to make an arrangement for the payment, please contact me at the given
information below.

I trust that you give this matter your prompt attention.



With my conformity: xxxx

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