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Bulacan State University

Sarmiento Campus
SJDM, Bulacan

In partial fulfillment of the requirements


Teaching Profession

Problems and Current Issues in

Philippine Education on K-12 Curriculum

Submitted by:

Gertrude Aubrey N. Bellen

Submitted to:

Atty. Perpetua Serapio

March 20, 2012

Title Page i
Table of Contents ii
Abstract iii

Chapter Page


Background of the Study 1-2

Statement of the Problem 3
Importance of the Study 3
Theoretical Framework 4
Scope and Limitations of the Study 4
Definition of Terms 4-5


Foreign Literature 6-9

Local Literature 10


The Research Design 11-12


OF DATA 13-20


Summary of Findings 21
Conclusion 21
Recommendation 22


Quality basic education is a right of every Filipino. The Department of Education K+12
program in order to prepare the Filipino students to have more time to choose the career that
best suits their skills and to prepare them for employment at a global standards.

K+12 mean Kindergarten and the 12 years of elementary and secondary education.
Kindergarten refers to the 5yr. Cohort for Kinder curriculum. Elementary education refers to
high school, 4yrs of Junior High School (7 to 10) and 2 years of Senior High School (grades 11 to

Some problems arise from the proposed program which includes the number of
qualified/hired teachers, number of public school classroom, inadequate supply of school
facilities like classroom chairs/tables, textbooks etc. Therefore, the government must allot
bigger budget for educational needs to achieve success of the K+12 program.

Not only the teachers, but the parents must have the personal awareness of the
effectiveness of the K+12 program.

From this program, the Filipino students would become more literate, skilled and
globally competitive to find jobs more easily which contribute to the country’s pride and

The research findings show that teacher- respondents had majority of personal
awareness of the K+12 Curriculum. They also believe that K+12 Curriculum give them the ability
to gain self-confidence leading to the improvement of the quality of education and quality
individuals benefited from this education program/curriculum.

Chapter I


Background of the Study

DepEd (The Department of Education) is said to detail the K+12 Education Plan on

October 5, 2010. This is part of President Benigno "NoyNoy" Aquino III's Educational Reform

Program. The P-Noy Administration believes that adding more years to basic education in the

Philippines could help solve the problem of unemployment, keep up with global standards, and

help Filipino students to have more time to choose the career that best suits their skills.

The K+12 Education plan is said to add one more year on both primary and secondary

levels plus kindergarten. Though the opinion and reaction of the public are divided, some are in

favor and some are not. Among the main issues that relates to the K+12 program are the

financial capacity of parents, the number of schools and classrooms, the number of teachers,

and even the availability of books and other school supplies.

Though, DepEd (Department of Education) also stated that the government will basically

shoulder most of the education costs.

If the K-12 Education Plan becomes successful, then the Philippine education system can

become more competitive among other countries around the world. Though there are still

some problems that the government needs to solve before they can successfully implement the

plan. The proposed program is good but it still won't work if the needed element to make it

work isn’t present.

Such element includes the addressed problems mentioned above, especially the number

of public school classrooms plus the adequate supply of classroom chairs, books, etc. If the

government could allot a bigger budget to educational needs, then we could be one-step ahead

towards the success of the K+12 program.

Furthermore, parents (especially those who belong in the poor sector) should be

properly informed and motivated of the advantages of the K+12 Education Plan. This is very

important since a parent plays a major role in providing the child's school allowances, supplies,

and fees for other school projects and activities. Add to that the support of parents towards

their children in terms of guidance and teaching.

Once this succeeds, it is best hoped that Filipino students would be more literate, skilled,

and competitive to be able to find jobs more easily and contribute to the country's pride as well

as the country's economy.


This study attempts to answer the following question.

1.) Why students will undergo the K+12 program in terms of:

a. Its effectiveness
b. Implementation

2.) To what extent do teachers belief towards

K+12 Curriculum in improving the quality of Philippines education.


This study is important for this may help students to have more time to choose the

career that best suits their skills.

K+12 Program can produce Filipino Citizens that may contribute to the improvement of

the country’s, economy because this allow specializations in Science and Technology, Music and

Arts, Agriculture and fisheries, Sport, Business and Entrepreneurship.

Theoretical Framework

Input Process Output

 Why students will  This study will  The researcher

undergo the K+12 be using the conducted a dry
program in terms descriptive run to detect
of its survey method. the weaken
effectiveness and
parts of the
implementation.  This method
characterized a
 To what extend that needs
fact finding with
do teachers belief improvement.
towards K+12 the adequate
Curriculum in analysis.  The researcher
improving the personally
quality of administers the
Philippines questionnaire to
education. the

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study is limited only on the Elementary level and Secondary level.

Definition of Terms

To facilitate understanding of this study, the term used are listed with the corresponding

operational definition.

K+12 Educational Plan - Kindergarten and the 12 years of Elementary and Secondary


DepEd- Department of Education

Kindergarten - 5 years cohort for kinder curriculum

Secondary education

high school, 4 years Junior high school

grades 7 to 10

2 years Senior high school

grades 11 to 12

Problems - difficulties met in the program

Issues - concerns about the plan

Chapter II


Foreign Literature
The results of national and international assessments were reviewed and analyzed for
their implications for teaching and learning.

The findings were used to further tighter the standards and improve the delivery of the

curriculum and the teaching-learning process.

What is K+12?

 K+12 mean Kindergarten and the 12 years of elementary and secondary education.

Kindergarten refers to the 5-year old cohort that takes a standardized kinder curriculum.

Elementary education refers to primary schooling that involves six or seven years of education

Secondary education refers to high school.

How are we planning to implement the K+12 program?

After considering various proposals and studies, the model that is currently being

proposed by DepEd is the K-6-4-2 Model. This model involves Kindergarten, six years of

elementary education, four years of junior high school (Grades 7 to 10) and two years of senior

high school (Grades 11 to 12). The two years of senior high school intend to provide time for

students to consolidate acquired academic skills and competencies.

Features of K 6-4-2

(1) Kindergarten and 12 years of quality basic education is a right of every Filipino,

therefore they must be and will be provided by government and will be free.

(2) Those that go through the 12 years cycle will get an elementary diploma (6 years), a

junior high school diploma (4 years), and a senior high school diploma (2 years).

(3) A full 12 years of basic education will eventually be required for entry into tertiary

level education (entering freshmen by SY 2018-2019 or seven years from now).

a. An open and consultative process will be adopted in the development and

implementation of K+12.

b. Change is two-fold: (a) curriculum enhancement and (b) transition management.

What is Senior High School?

a. 2 years of in-depth specialization for students depending on the occupation/career track

they wish to pursue

b. Skills and competencies relevant to the job market

c. The 2 years of senior HS intend to provide time for students to consolidate acquired

academic skills and competencies.

d. The curriculum will allow specializations in Science and Technology, Music and Arts,

Agriculture and Fisheries, Sports, Business and Entrepreneurship.

What is the proposed implementation plan of DepEd?

Phases of Implementation:

(1) Universal kindergarten will be offered starting SY 2011-2012.

(2) DepEd will begin unclogging the basic education curriculum in SY 2012-2013.

(3) The enhanced 12-year curriculum will be implemented starting with incoming Grade

1 students of SY 2012-2013.

(4) Incoming freshmen of SY 2012-2013 will be the first beneficiary of a free Senior High

School education that will be made available by DepEd in public schools beginning SY 2016-

2017. Electives to be offered in Senior HS (arts, music, tech-voch, .etc)

In implementing the K-6-4-2 proposal, DepEd will take into account the issues and

concerns of all stakeholders, including the high school graduates before 2016. This will be done

through regional consultations to begin early 2011. The mechanics and other details of the

transition plan will be threshed out with HEIs in coordination with CHED, TESDA and other

critical stakeholders.

Why add two more years?

a. To decongest and enhance the basic education curriculum.

b. To provide better quality education for all.

c. The Philippines is the only remaining country in Asia with a 10-year basic education


d. K+12 are not new. The proposal to expand the basic education dates back to 1925.

e. Studies in the Philippines have shown that an additional year of schooling increases

earnings by 7.5%.

f. Studies validate that improvements in the quality of education will increase GDP growth

by 2% to 2.2%.

g. Minus 2 instead of plus 2 for those families who cannot afford a college education but

still wish to have their children find a good paying job. Right now, parents spend for at

least 4 years of college to have an employable child. In our model, parents will not pay

for 2 years of basic education that will give them an employable child. In effect, we are

saving parents 2 years of expenses. The plan is not “Plus 2 years before graduation” but

minus 2 years before work.

h. To inspire a shift in attitude that completion of high school education is more than just

preparation for college but can be sufficient for a gainful employment or career.

Local Literature

“The national right and duty of parents in the rearing of the youth for civic efficiency

should receive the aid and support of the government.” This is according to section 4 of Article II

of our constitution.

This means that the government shall establish and maintain a complete and adequate

system of public education and shall provide at least free primary instruction and citizenship

training to adult citizens.

The administrators, supervisors and teachers must know and understand the

fundamental objectives of Philippine education. Corollary to the understanding of goals is the

understanding of the educational program that is going on, both on the national and on the

local levels.

Chapter III


This chapter represents the method used in the study. It includes the research design,

respondents of the study, instrument used, procedure and the statistical treatment of data.

The Research Design

This study will be using the descriptive survey method.

This method characterized it briefly; it is a fact- finding with the adequate analysis.

This method of research goes beyond gathering of data.

The questionnaire will be used as the main instrument in gathering data together with

the interview and observation techniques.

There will be 10 teacher respondents for the interview. Both are taken from 1 st to 4th

year teachers at Muzon High School.

The research will be conducted at Muzon High School, San Jose del Monte Bulacan.
To established proof and to supplement the data gathered from books, periodical,

articles as well as ideas of people.


The questionnaire will be composed of profile of teacher- respondents. And 1-8 question

each of which is followed by choices and answers.

To check the validity, the researcher conducted a dry-run to detect the weaken parts of

the questionnaire that needs improvement.

The researcher personally administers the questionnaire to the respondents and collects

them afterwards.

The data are summarized into a frequency and percentage distribution in order to

present them meaningfully and to facilitate their analysis.

To find out the percentage distribution, the number of response and the resulting

quotient will be multiplied by 100%.

The formula is:

P= f x 100%


P= is the percentage distribution of the respondents answer to certain question.

f= is the frequency distribution of the respondents answer to certain question.
N= is the total number of respondents being selected.

Chapter IV



This chapter presents the interpretations and analysis of respondent’s responses to the

major questions and problems raised in the study. The results of the data were presented in

tabular form for better understanding.

Age Rate of the Respondents

Table 1
Percentage Distribution of the Respondent’s Age Rate


24-26 1 10%
27-30 2 20%
31-35 3 30%
36-40 3 30%
41-45 1 10%
Total N = 10 100%


Table 1 shows the percentage distribution of the Respondent’s age rate. It shows

that majority of the teachers being interviewed by the researcher are 31-35, 36-40 years
old comprising of 3 or 30% respectively; followed with those of 27-30 years old which

comprise of 2 or 20% and the least of them are at the ages of 24-26 and 41-45 years old
both comprised of 1 or 10% respectively. These respondents are the working teachers

whose ages are different to one another who serve as respondents or recipients for the

interviewed by the researcher.

Rate of Respondents by Sex

Table 2

Percentage Distribution of the Respondent’s Rate

By Sex


Male 2 20%
Female 8 80%
TOTAL 10 100%


Table 2 shows the percentage distribution of the respondent’s rate by sex. It shows that

the majority of the teachers who have been interviewed are female teachers comprising of 8 or

80% and the others are just 2 or 20%.

These teachers who have been interviewed are recipients of the personal interviewed

conducted by the researcher


Rate of the Respondents by Civil Status for Teachers

Table 3
Percentage Distribution of the Rate of the Respondents
By Civil Status for Teachers


Single 4 40%
Married 6 60%
TOTAL N = 10 100%

Civil Status

Table 3 shows the percentage distribution of the rate of the respondents by civil status

for teachers. It shows that majority of the teachers are married comprising of 6 or 60%

followed with those of single comprising of 4 or 40%.

Both these single and married teachers are currently teaching to different subjects in our

school. They are the direct recipients of the personal interview which I conducted.


Rate by length of service teaching of the Respondents (Teachers)

Table 4

Percentage Distribution of the Rate by length of Service (teaching)

Of the Respondents (teachers)


1 – 2 yrs. 2 20%
3 – 7 yrs. 3 30%
8 – 10yrs. 4 40%
11-12 yrs. 1 10%
Total N= 10 100%
Length of Service

Table 4 shows the percentage distribution of the rate by length of service of the

respondents’ .Their length of service as teachers are not the same. Majority of them have

taught in our school for 8 – 10 years which comprise of 1 of 10% followed with those of 8-10

years in teaching which comprise of 4 or 40%; then other teachers continue teach for 3-7 years

comprising of 3 or30% then the least of them are 1-2 years in teaching comprising of 2 or 20%.
The teachers have different periods and length of service for teaching profession as what

I observed the after conducting personal interview on them.


Awareness of the Respondent’s on the Effectiveness of Bilingual Medium for


Table 5

Percentage Distribution on Awareness of the Respondent’s for the

Effectiveness of K-12 Curriculum


Yes 7 70%
No 1 10%
Sometimes 2 20%
Total N = 10 100%

Table 5 shows the percentage distribution on awareness of the respondents for the

effectiveness of K-12 Curriculum. The table shows that majority of teachers are aware of the

effectiveness of K-12 curriculum for elementary and high school, they choose and answer “Yes”

comprising of 7 or 70%, followed with those who answer for “sometimes” comprising of 2 or

20% then followed with those who answered “No”, they are not aware of its effectiveness

reflected with 1 or 10%.

A total of 10 teachers who have answered differently regarding the effectiveness of K+12

curriculum in our present education.


The Effects of Bilingual Medium in teaching to students

Table 6

Percentage Distribution on the Impact of K-12 curriculum in Teaching to

Students and Pupils


Easy to understand 1 10%

Easy to remember 2 20%

Feel at ease and comfort 1 10%

Gain self confidence 5 50%

Make us courageous and well prepared 1 10%

Total N= 10 100%


Table 6 shows the percentage distribution on the effects of bilingual medium in teaching

to students and pupils. The Table shows that majority of them believe that K-12 curriculum give

them the ability to have “gain self-confidence” reflected as 5 or 50% followed with those who

said the new lessons of K-12 curriculum are “easy to remember” reflected as 2 or20%, then

some said, such is “easy to understand”; they “feel at ease and comfort”, and “make them

courageous and well prepared” both comprising of 1 or 10% respectively.


Table 7

Percentage Distribution on the Teachers belief towards K-12 Curriculum as priority to improve
the quality of Education


Yes 8 80%
No 2 20%
Total N = 10 100%


Table 7 shows the teachers belief towards K-12 Curriculum as priority to improve the

quality of education. Majority of them believe so they answered “Yes” reflected as 8 or 80%;

few of them do not believe such is priority; they answered “No” reflected as 2 or 20%.

Table 8
Percentage Distribution for Teachers Acceptance of the K-12 curriculum


Strongly Agree 7 70%
Agree 2 20%
Uncertain 1 10%
Disagree 0 0%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total N = 10 100%


Table 8 shows that majority of teachers accepted and “strongly agree” to K-12

curriculum to be taught in the school reflected as 7 or 70% followed with those who simply

“agree” reflected as 2 or 20% then followed with those who are “uncertain” towards the K-12

curriculum reflected as 1 or 10%, there are no teachers who disagree and strongly disagree

reflected as 0%.

Chapter V



The K+12 Program intend to provide time for students to consolidate acquired academic

skills and competences.

Those who go through the 12 years cycle will get an elementary diploma (6 years) a

junior high school diploma (4 years) and a Senior high school diploma (2 years).

A full 12 years of basic education will eventually be required for entry into tertiary level


From the research work, it was reflected that most of the teachers from the first year

level to the fourth year level are aware of the K+12 Program, but they do not have the enough

knowledge about it. According to them, they are willing to learn everything about the program

regarding on its implementation, provision and execution.


It is therefore concluded that High School Education is more than just preparation for

college but can be sufficient for a gainful employment or career. The curriculum allowed

specializations is Science and Technology, Music and Arts, Agriculture, Fisheries, Sports,

Business and Entrepreneurship.

The teachers are not yet well equipped with the knowledge on the mentioned program.



The following suggestions and recommendations are to be considered:

1. Conduct a seminar-workshop for the trainers and teachers concerned regarding

the K to 12 Program.

2. The government should have the full support in the DepEd program as regards


2.1 Financial/ free assistance to the trainers and teachers who will undergo the


2.2 Guidelines and implementation.



Article on Official School News Paper of Quezon, City,

December 2012.

K to 12 primer/Handouts, DepEd,


Ornstein, Allan; Strategies for Effective Teaching, New York


Dear Respondents:

This research was made as a partial fulfillment of the requirements in Teaching

Profession. In this connection, may I ask your participation in this project by answering the given

questions below.

Your full cooperation will be highly appreciated for the reliability and credibility of the

results. Rest assured that all responses will be treated confidentially.

Thank you very much.

Respectfully yours,

The Researcher


Personal Profile:

Name: _________________________________
Address: _______________________________



Date of Birth__________________ Place of Birth:_____________ Age: ______

Citizenship: _______________ Civil Status: ______________

Educational Attainment: _________________________ Length of Service_____

Religion: _______________


This is not a test. Please read carefully the following questions and answer it correctly.
1. How old are you now since you began your teaching career in this school?

24-26 years old ( )

27-30 years old ( )

31-35 years old ( )

36-40 years old ( )

41.45 ears old ( )

2. What do you think of your gender anyway?

Female ( )

Male ( )

3. What is your current civil status?

Single ( )
Married ( )

4. How long is your teaching employment in this school?

1–2 years ( )

3–7 years ( )

8-10 years ( )

11-12 years ( )

5. Are you personally aware the effectiveness of K-12 curriculum as proposed by our

Yes ( )

No ( )

Sometime ( )

6. Do you have options to the impact of K-12 curriculum in teaching to students and pupils,
what are these options?

Easy to understand ( )

Easy to remember ( )

Feel at ease and comfort ( )

Gain self-confidence ( )

Make us courageous and well

Prepare ( )

7. Do you believe that K-12 curriculum can improve the quality of education?

Yes ( )

No ( )
8. Do you accept the proposal of K-12 curriculum to be taught in your school?

Strongly agree ( )

Agree ( )

Uncertain ( )

Disagree ( )

Strongly disagree ( )

Curriculum Vitae

Gertrude Aubrey N. Bellen

#1134 Roga St. Minuyan Norzagaray Bulacan
Email Add:
Contact No.: 09359701565

To grow together with your company in terms of having good career
and to enhance more my ability.

Personal Data:
Date of Birth : December 13, 1990
Place of Birth : Norzagaray, Bulacan
Religion : Roman Catholic
Citizenship : Filipino
Height : 5’2”
Weight : 50 kilos
Language : English, Filipino
Father : Bobby M. Napay
Occupation : Security Guard
Mother : Shirley A. Napay
Occupation : Housewife

Educational Background:

College : Bulacan State University 2010 up to


High School : Minuyan High School 2003

- 2007

Elementary : Timoteo Policarpio Elementary School

1996 -2002

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.


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