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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements


Research Paper
Submitted to

Jireh Nissi M. Reloza
March 2012
Low grades are commonly carried out by variety of reasons: a student may be
lacking study time, or he may be having difficulties learning as quickly as his peers. The
idea of getting a bad grade not only upsets parents, but can also frustrate the student.
Understanding the root of bad grades in school can help the students, the professors,
school administration, and the parents know how to help improve school work.

Descriptive method research design is visibly used in this study. This kind
of design is useful in obtaining the prevailing status or condition of the problem which is
essential in understanding the research itself.

Qualitative design is also used in this research study. The researcher gathered
data through distributing questionnaires to randomly selected students of Bulacan State
University-Sarmiento Campus.

This research aims to determine the factors that cause low grades of the
students in Bulacan State University – Sarmiento Campus. A total population of Twenty-
Seven (27) students of BSU-SC from various departments answered the survey and gave
their opinions about the subject of the research and two of their best chosen answers.
The Problem and Its Background
Introduction 1
Statement of the Problem 2
Significance of the Study 2
Scope and Limitation 3
Conceptual Framework 4

Theoretical Framework 5
Relevant Studies ______8

Methods of Research
Research Method __ ___20
Respondents _____ 21
Background of the Given Factors that Cause Low Grades
to the BulSUan ___ __21

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
Distribution of Indicators per Respondent _________________ ______24
Distribution of Frequency and Percent from the Total Answer
of the Respondents Using the Indicators _________________________26
Distribution of Frequency and Percent of Probable Causes of Low Grade
of the Student of BSU-SC Arranged from Highest to Lowest in Order __27

Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations
Summary ______________________________________________ ____29
Summary of Findings _________________________________________30
Conclusion _______________________________ __________________31
Recommendation __________________________________________ 32

Survey Questionnaire _____________________________ ___________34
Bibliography ________________________________________________35
Researcher’s Profile __________________________________________36
Conceptual Framework _______________________________________4

Distribution of Indicators per Respondent _______________________24
Distribution of Frequency and Percent from
the Total Answer of the Respondents Using the Indicators _________ 26
Distribution of Frequency and Percent of Probable Causes of Low Grade
of the Student of BSU-SC Arranged from Highest to Lowest in Order __27



Student’s deficiency of studying lessons in school is one of the well-known

reason most of the people believe why they carry out unsatisfying grades or the worst,

failing one. But as I go through schooling and going through different encounters, I

become aware that subjacent grades aren’t just brought out due to the exiguity of

studying. There are students I know who have an impressive academic history during

high school days yet achieve failing grades when they got in college. The researcher

herself has confronted this. That’s the reason why she decided to have this as her

subject: Factors that Causes Low Grades to the Students of Bulacan State University-

Sarmiento Campus. The analyst believes that inadequacy of studying is only one part of

student’s mediocre grade and that there are various factors that affect grade.

The questionnaire was distributed to identify real causes of low grades

particularly in Bulacan State University-Sarmiento Campus whether it’s about student’s

background, financial matters, stress factor, entertainment, professors, school facility or

the campus location and environment.

Having this diagnose may help us identify and find an adequate solution to the

problem. Hence, if not remedied, the dilemma and dispute may be compounded.


The study attempted to validate the Factors that Cause Low Grades of the

Students in Bulacan State University – Sarmiento Campus with the use of some

questionnaires distributed to the students of BSU.

Specifically, it sought answer to the following questions:

1. What are the factors that cause low grades to the students of BSU-SC?
a) Student’s background
b) Entertainment
c) The professors
d) The school location and environment
e) School facility
f) Financial Matters
g) Stress Factor


The study may be deemed signifi cant to the following:

Students for them to study harder and to be informed of their adequacies in terms of

their academic performance.

Professors for them to be enlightened of the full extent of improvements and

adjustments they are to do for the sake of student’s learning.

Parents for them to be informed of the common causes of their child’s unsatisfying

grades and for them to be on guard of them.

Administrators for them to gain insights and to do something about the probable

causes of low grades of their students knowing the fact that they have the supreme

authority of the campus.

Future Researchers. This will help them improve this study and discover new strategies

to get rid of low grades. Hence, by seeking the main root of low grades and researching

for broader information, it will be easier for the students to prevent having one.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focuses mainly on the Factors that Cause Low Grades of the Students

in Bulacan State University –Sarmiento Campus. There were 27 randomly selected

BulSUans who answered the questionnaires.

The survey questionnaire is composed of one question with seven (7) indicators,

together with the respondent’s reasons of selecting those two probable causes they

rated highest.

The researcher considered working on this study to find out the possible main

cause of low grades of the BSU-SC’s students and is not claiming that the result is an

official factor of low grades and is applicable to all the students of the school.


According to Laura Rediehs (2000) Intepreting Grades in College: A Guide for

Students, College students can feel under a lot of pressure about the grades they receive
for the courses they take. Sometimes their parents put pressure on them to receive good

grades. Other times it may be that they need to maintain a minimum grade point

average in order to keep scholarships or to be able to continue participating in certain

activities or organizations. Many students feel that their future opportunities will be

largely, or in part, determined by their grade point average, especially if they want to

continue studies beyond college, or if they aspire to a competitive job or profession. In

addition to these external pressures, many students are internally motivated to do their

best and may set high standards for themselves, believing that the grades they receive

are a measure of their success or failure in meeting these standards.

The particular problem is that frequent evaluation puts a kind of pressure on

students that can detract from the deeper ideals of a liberal arts education. The more

students worry about grades (and they typically feel that they have good reasons to

worry about grades), the more they will play it safe, not take intellectual risks, get upset

when challenged too much, and narrow their focus to just those components of a course

that are likely to improve their grade. While ideally getting good grades should

correspond with getting a good education (and these can correspond well in practical

education), the most important kinds of knowledge in a liberal arts education are the

most difficult to evaluate ; and conversely, the kind of knowledge that is easiest to

evaluate objectively is usually the least important for a liberal arts education. Thus, the

students who are most adept at getting good grades might be the ones most likely to

miss out on some of the deeper goals of a liberal arts education.

Meanwhile, some of the students who take their educations most seriously, and even

allow themselves to be changed by it, might not always be the students who consistently

receive the best grades.

The researcher agrees that student’s grades are brought by variety of factors

whether the grade is pleasing or disappointing. Satisfying grades may be carried out by

self-determination or by parent’s motivation and pursuance. Some of the times, low

grades are from the pressure of expectation or lack of motivation. Hence, good grades

are product of good education.

Laura Rediehs Grades Are Not A Measure Of Self-Worth (2000)

This is the most important first principle to internalize. Most professors agree

with this. Those who disagree with this (professors, parents, or potential employers) are

simply wrong. Don’t let them intimidate you. Do everything in your power to create for

yourself structures that have nothing to do with grades, that will affirm your value as a

human being. Get involved in meaningful activities, related to your interests that do not

have any evaluative components. If your main interests are academic interests, then

participate in enjoyable discussion groups outside of class to further your interests (and

confidence and/or get into the habit of talking with professors about ideas just for the

sake of talking about those ideas. If you have trouble reconciling this kind of relationship

with the evaluative role the professor has to assert, then talk with professors other than

the ones with whom you are currently taking classes! If you are ever feeling discouraged

or unworthy because of poor performance grade-wise (or for any other reason!), re-read

this passage: you really are a gift to the world; you give in ways you do not even realize.
You have intrinsic value. There really are people who care about your well-being. There

really are people who appreciate your being around. Everything you have ever

appreciated about yourself really is valuable, whether other people have noticed these

things about you yet or not. It is also worth remembering that professors themselves do

not base their liking or disliking of students on the grades they give those students. Very

often professors can get annoyed with:

A. students who are too obsessed with grades, and greatly admire
B. students who participate well in class and are not too worried
about their grades
C. students who are trying really hard not to fail the course.

Taking education seriously does require a certain amount of self-confidence, and it is

very important not to let discouraging grades undermine your confidence. Do all you can

to build this up. It is harder for some people than others. It may have a lot to do with

your upbringing. If you know that you have a problem with self-confidence, you may

have to work at finding ways to develop it. You can even let good grades boost your

confidence, but you must not let the bad grades undermine your confidence! And you

certainly must not rest all of your confidence-building upon your grades or other kinds of

external evaluation. You must develop your own sense of who you are, what your

interests are, and what you do well. The confident person is one who has developed this

inner sense, but is is also able to listen to what others say and interpret these things

carefully, neither giving them undue weight, nor undervaluing them. In a way, this is

exactly what this document is all about.

Relevant Studies
Trockel (2000) stated that the effects of perceived social support are mixed.

Some studies have shown that the amount of social support from the university and

outside contributors like family, friends and mentors can make a huge impact on a

student’s success. Support such as emotional, academic, and financial are tremendous

factors in the success of a college student. The years spent at college can be a stressful

and life-changing experience, having your family and friends, along with the university

all there is crucial. If the student has a family that involves his or her own children, the

support of everyone is needed even more, to achieve the goal of graduation.

The researcher believes that student’s background can affect his study greatly.

Most of the time, comfort zone and too much leisure being offered by peers redirect

one’s focus.

Calderon, Hey, & Seabert (2001) described the correlation between hours worked in a

week and grade point average or GPA seems obvious. The more time spent at work, the

less time a student spends studying. Having to hold down a job and still be a college

student is a constant source of stress Also, mentally juggling the two roles of workplace

and college student can itself be stressful. Finding the time to work a full or part time job

and take it as seriously, and also maintain focus on academic studies can be perceived as

stressful. Being exhausted from working the night before can cause a poor attendance


The researcher agrees to Calderon, Hey, & Seabert that too much work will make

it tough for the students to focus on their academic studies. So often, poor academic

performance is the result of having less time to study,

Kelly, Kelly, and Clanton (2001) the most important contribution that was found

was the effects of sleep on students’ GPA. One study took into account previous research

that had been done in the area of sleep, not just on college students but also on the

general population.

Classified Sleepers into Three Categories

1) Short sleepers, individuals who, when left to set their own schedule, slept six

or fewer hours.

2) Average sleepers, individuals who slept seven or eight hours.

3) Long sleepers, individuals who slept nine or more hours out of twenty-four

.The study found that people who were considered to be long sleepers reported

higher GPAs.

In accordance to Kelly, Kelly, and Clanton, the researcher was informed that sleep

can also be a factor of poor academic performance. Howard Taras, M.D. said that in a

series of six recently-published articles, of all the health problems investigated, poor

sleep was among the most unexpected and definitive causes of poor academic


Most children need at least nine hours of restful sleep each night. However, for

many reasons, school-aged children may receive less than the recommended amount.

The reasons for this shortfall include the working, eating, and bedtime patterns of

students and their families, early school-start times, and childhood sleep disorders (such

as disrupted sleep from snoring or breathing pauses).

Many adolescents and pre-adolescents (more than 40%, in many research

studies) do not get adequate amounts of sleep. In one study of 1,000 students (grades 9-

12), 90% reported feeling groggy from lack of sleep. And there is evidence that

grogginess affects school performance.

In another study comparing 150 high school students with high GPAs with their

peers with lower GPAs, most of the higher-GPA students awakened later on school days,

awoke earlier on weekends, had fewer night-time awakenings and other signs of good

sleep habits.

Going to bed late and waking up late appear to be just another part of how all (or

most) adolescents are wired during that stage of life. This sleep pattern is not necessarily

a personality characteristic, a sign of laziness, or a desire to stay up late (even though

many will spend the time partying or talking on the telephone). Early school-start times

do not mesh well with this stage of development. Although it makes sense that later

school-start times for adolescents would lead to better grades, more research is

necessary to determine if this would actually occur.

It is not only adolescents who have sleep problems that affect their education. In

one study of 132 third, fourth, and fifth graders, 43% had sleep difficulties lasting more

than six months. Those with the sleep difficulties were related to when the sleep is

obtained and what time of the morning a student wakes up.

The researcher, in accordance to the study of Trockel, Barnes, and Egget, agrees

that sleeping is another factor why students produce destitute grades.

Another health-related factor that can influence student’s GPA is class

attendance. Attendance itself can be related to stress factors like insufficient sleep, job

responsibility, illness and also having a family or children to care for. Having a class at

seven in the morning can be a huge problem for students deprived of sleep, especially

for those students who attend classes during the day and work at night. Students who

have children to take care of can often find themselves being held.

Taking education seriously does require a certain amount of self-confidence, and

it is very important not to let discouraging grades undermine your confidence. Do all you

can to build this up? It is harder for some people than others. It may have a lot to do

with your upbringing. If you know that you have a problem with self-confidence, you

may have to work at finding ways to develop it. You can even let good grades boost your

confidence, but you must not let the bad grades undermine your confidence! And you

certainly must not rest all of your confidence-building upon your grades or other kinds of

external evaluation. You must develop your own sense of who you are, what your

interests are, and what you do well. The confident person is one who has developed this

inner sense, but is also able to listen to what others say and interpret these things

carefully, neither giving them undue weight, nor undervaluing them. In a way, this is

exactly what this document is all about.

Grace (AUGUST 18, 2010) Cause and Effect in failing grades in College
Failing a course in college is a situation of many students in college have experienced. As

a student, receiving a "D" in a class is left me feeling like a failure, and for the lack of a

better word, stupid. A failing grade is not randomly dealt, however, as there are several

factors that lead to a student receiving an "F". Most of the time these factors can be

pointed out and cause and effect relationship can be established.

The first, and most obvious, thing must do to pass a course is to show up for

class. Many students rely on a friend or other classmates to give them important

information on a course that they do not like to attend .However, people make mistakes

so misinformation on test dates and homework/assignments can lead to work handed in

late, doing the wrong assignment, and perhaps most detrimental, not showing up for a


Reasons of students fail

There are a number of possible reasons a student may get failing grades in

school. I've combines them into classifications, for better analysis:

Subject matter

a) Subject material was too difficult

b) Did not learn required material in previous classes

c) Pace was too fast


a) Couldn't understand the teacher's explanations

b) Teacher had a heavy foreign accent

c) Didn't like the teacher

d) Teacher didn't like the student

School skills

a) Froze up in test

b) Have a trouble doing Homework


a) Wanted to punish parents

b) Fear of success

c) Don't like the subject

d) Don't like the school

e) Don't pay attention

Problem with Failing

One problem with failing is the word itself. It says that you are failure (at least in

this Subject). That is quite a stigma, even if you say you don't care or you blame the

teacher or your parents.

The Best of Times - The Worst of Times

While time spent at college is a fond memory and a happy experience for most,

college life is not without its rough patches and problems. While each person’s problems

are unique to their current circumstances, I know that there are a few problems that

almost all college students deal with at least once during their time at school. If you are
on your way into college you might want to get a jump on how to deal with the 10

Common Problems Students Face during College. If you are reading for the sake of

remembrance and posterity, I would ask that you try and throw a few good memories

into the mix as you plod through the problems that once plagued you in your youth, or

not so distant past.

1. Study.

Problem: College is challenging. For many it requires a much larger effort than high

school did, and unlike most high schools, college packs about two years of classes into

one. Many students take a full 15 credit semester, while other try to cram in 18 or even

21 credits. At times it seems impossible for students to stay on top of it all.

Solution: College students need to realize their limits. If they can't handle 18 credit

semesters, it will be worth it in the long run to slow down a little and only take 15.

While the purpose of college is to study and to further the education of an individual,

that doesn't mean students should study all of the time. It is important to schedule time

for fun outside of study, and to take study breaks to keep the mind fresh and clear.

2. Money

Problem: Tuition costs are rising at alarmingly high rates. Couple that with eating out,

shopping trips, gas for the car, and the price of textbooks, and you have a college

student's worst nightmare. College students drop out of school each year because they

cannot afford it. Others are forced to juggle full schedules with full time jobs to make

ends meet. It is becoming increasingly harder for students to graduate debt-free.

Solution: A new startup called BuzzFund is aiming to change the way that students pay

for college. Buzzfund is a website where college students can post their personal profile,

and donors can search for students to provide scholarships to. In addition, students can

make less shopping trips, eat out less, car pool and share or buy used books to try to

save some money.

3. Job

Problem: To combat the high price of college tuition, many students must get a job.

Juggling a job, 15 to 18 credits, and sometimes a club or sports team is quite a chore.

Many students try to cram all of these activities into one day, and time spent sleeping

suffers. Without proper rest, the student can then become susceptible to different kinds

of health problems.

Solution: Decide what is important. The student must prioritize and then schedule

events, games, meetings, and studies accordingly. Also, a college student must be well

aware of their options when getting a job. Many times the university will offer jobs to

students that are flexible and fit into the student's schedule. For more information see

the College Jobs Guide.

4. Homesickness

Problem: Whether they admit it or not, most students will at one point get homesick.

This is especially common for students who go to a school that is more than 3 hours

from their home. Homesickness also affects freshman as it is presumably their first year
away from home, and most freshman are not allowed to have a car during their first year

at university.

Solution: If the student lives within 3 - 4 hours from home (considered a comfortable

day's drive) they can plan to visit home perhaps once every month or two. Care

packages, emails, and phone calls to and from friends and family members can also

greatly assist in reducing feelings of homesickness.

5. Depression

Problem: Most every problem on here has seemed quite dismal. These problems raise

the stress levels of students. Some find relief in partying, and others (even some who

party) find themselves getting depressed from their problems.

Solution: If high stress levels and depression are an issue, it is best to seek professional

attention. Many campuses have free counseling programs for the benefit of students.

Many counselors are more than willing to listen and help students get back on track.

(This doesn't mean the partying has to stop either, so long as students are partying

responsibly and legally.)

6. Sickness / Health Conditions

Problem: With heightened levels of stress and lack of sleep, health problems can occur.

Living in close quarters in dorms also poses potential health risks and increases student's

chances of contracting some sort of virus or other sickness.

Solution: College students should eat healthy and balanced meals. It is also important

for students to get a good night's rest as well. Keeping hands, bathrooms, door knobs,
and other shared spaces clean will also reduce the risk of students coming down with

sickness. If sickness and health issues do develop, most campuses will have a nurse on

standby to provide medical assistance and advice.

7. Friends / Roommates

Problem: Friends and roommates are usually good for a good time. However, they can

get on each other’s nerves at times. Because these students are living together in close

quarters and seeing each other each day, this is just not a good thing

Solution: Students must remember to take some time out for themselves. If possible,

students should get away from campus for a little while and go to a coffee shop or a mall

and just take some time to gather their thoughts and be themselves. If conflicts do

arise, it is best to get others (such as an RA or other friends) involved so that the spirit of

community, unity, and peace at the college can continue to be upheld.

8. Partying

Problem: Partying in itself really is not a problem. Parties were designed so that

attendees could have a good time. However, many of the parties that go on at colleges

today have the potential to cause problems. At many parties alcohol, drugs, and sex rule

the night. Alcohol can lead to drunkenness and potentially deadly situations. Having sex

without taking the necessary precautions can spread disease.

Solution: While parties are a good time, students should plan to enjoy them in a

responsible and legal way to ensure that they do not create problems for themselves for
others. A simple internet search for drunk driving will turn up plenty of pictures and

news articles which really do not need to be repeated.

9. Relationships

Problem: Relationships are good, but at times they can become a problem. There are

times in every relationship where a couple will have a disagreement or issue.

Disagreements between couples can distract students from their school work and add to

already high stress levels. Break-ups can drive some students even further into


Solution: Relationship advice is hard to give. It will usually vary on a case by case basis.

Couples should try and reconcile their differences. If break-ups do occur, it might be

best to consult with a school counselor concerning feelings of depression.

One of toughest decisions college students face is choosing a major and a career. This

article takes students through a journey of self-discovery.

Choose a major with this assessment quiz, designed to help you think about your

personality and your college major choices.

10. Choosing a Major

Problem: Many students exert a lot of stress on choosing a major. Most of them think

that their major will dictate their future career and how much money they will make at

their future jobs.

Solution: College majors have some importance, but they do not chisel future careers or

wages in stone. Students should choose something that they like to do. If a student is

unsure about what major to choose, they should choose something broad and versatile,

such as a degree in communications. Many students who have gotten their Bachelor's

degree in one field have progressed to get a Master's degree in a different one.

Worrying about what field to major is simply not worth it. Worrying about gaining

knowledge and life skills during a college education is.

Is College Worth It All?

These are just ten of the many problems that college students face. In the end, is

college worth facing these problems and struggles? Ask college students, and probably

8 out of 10 will say it sure is. While students get stressed to the max, the good times

outweigh the problem times and the college experience becomes one which shapes the

minds and futures of many young people worldwide.


This chapter presents the research design, population sample and

sampling technique, research instrument, data gathering procedure and statistical

treatment of data.

Research Method

Descriptive method research design is visibly used in this study. This kind of

design is useful in obtaining the prevailing status or condition of the problem which is

essential in understanding the research itself.

Qualitative design is used in this research study. I gathered data through

distributing questionnaires from the college students in Bulacan State University-

Sarmiento Campus

According to Fraenkel (2006), descriptive method of research is used to obtain

information concerning the current status of the phenomena to describe “what exists”

with respect to variable or conditions in a situation. The method involve range from the

survey which describe the status quo, the correlation study which investigates the

relationship between variables, to develop mental studies which seek to determine

changes over time.

This chapter presents the methods of research involves research design , data

processing instrument , respondents , data gathering procedure and related data to this


The respondents are Bulacan State University – Sarmiento Campus students who

are randomly chosen. They are from various courses of the university with age raging

from 18 to 20 years old.

Background of the Given Factors that Cause Low Grades of BulSUans:

 Student’s background
- History (negative past practices in high school, hobbies, etc.)
- Relationships
- family for moral and financial support
- peers (good or bad influence?)
- classmates – bullied?
- Boyfriend/girlfriend

 Entertainment - Student’s priority are defocus to what’s most relevant

- New Age Media - High technology temptations
- Social media [social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter), blog
- Broadcast Media
– TV shows (very few educational shows nowadays), nonsense
books, movies, radio, etc.

- High tech gadgets

- cellphone
- portable music player

 The professors

 The school location and environment

- Climate, weather, humidity,
 School facility

 Financial matters – tuition fee, subject requirements that needs a lot of expenses
for grade completion,etc.
 Stress Factor



The purpose of this chapter is to describe and discuss the results of the action

research made and to answer the questions reflected in the statement of the problem.

The data are presented in tables with corresponding analysis.

1. What are the factors that cause low grades to the students of BSU-SC?
a) Student’s background
b) Entertainment
c) The professors
d) The school location and environment
e) School facility
f) Financial Matters
g) Stress Factor

Cause of Low Grades 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 TOTAL

Student’s background 2 2 2 6 5 4 6 27

The professors
10 6 4 2 3 1 1 27

2 3 6 4 5 4 3 27

Financial Matters 7 7 2 1 0 5 5 27

The school location and

0 3 4 4 2 6 8 27

School facility 1 3 4 6 7 4 2 27

Stress Factor 5 3 5 4 5 3 2 27


This Table 1 shows the distributions of the indicators per causes from the

27 respondents. Student’s background got 2 votes for 7 points, 2 votes for 6

points, 2 votes for 5 points, 6 votes for 4 points, 5 votes for 3 points, 4 votes for 2

points, and 6 votes for 1 point. The professors got 10 votes for 7 points, 6 votes
for 6 points, 4 votes for 5 points, 2 votes for 4 points, 3 votes for 3 points, 1 vote

for 2 points, and 1 vote for 1 point. Entertainment got 2 votes for 7 points, 3

votes for 6 points, 6 votes for 5 points, 4 votes for 4 points, 5 votes for 3 points, 4

votes for 2 points, and 3 votes for 1 point. Financial matters got 7 votes for 7

points, 7 votes for 6 points, 2 votes for 5 points, 1 vote for 4 points, no vote for 3

points, 5 votes for 2 points, and 5 votes for 1 point. The school location and

environment got no vote for 7 points, 3 votes for 6 points, 4 votes for 5 points, 4

votes for 4 points, 2 votes for 3 points, 6 votes for 2 points, and 8 votes for 1

point. School Facility got 1 vote for 7 points, 3 votes for 6 points, 4 votes for 5

points, 6 votes for 4 points, 7 votes for 3 points, 4 votes for 2 points, and 2 votes

for 1 point. Stress factor got 5 votes for 7 points, 3 votes for 6 points, 5 votes for

5 points, 4 votes for 4 points, 5 votes for 3 points, 3 votes for 2 points, 2 votes for

1 point.

Table 2

Probable Frequency Percent

Cause of Low Grades Causes Causes
Student’s background 89/189 47.09

Entertainment 104/189 55.03

The professors 146/189 77.25

The school location and environment 80/189 42.33

School facility 100/189 52.91

Financial Matters 120/189 63.49

Stress Factor 117/189 61.90

This Table 2 shows the distribution of the total score of 189 each causes

answered by the 27 respondents. Student’s background got 89/189. Entertainment got

104 out of 189. 146 points for the professors. The school and environment got 80 points.

School facility got 100 points. Financial matter has 120 points.

Table 3
Distribution of Frequency and Percent of Probable Cause of Low Grade of the Student

of Bulacan State University –Sarmiento Campus

Arranged from Highest to Lowest in Order

Probable Frequency Percent

Cause of Low Grades Causes Causes

The Professors
146/189 77.25

Financial Matters
120/189 63.49

Stress Factor 117/189 61.90

104/189 55.03

School Facility
100/189 52.91

Student’s Background
89/189 47.09

The School Location and Environment 80/189 42.33

This Table shows the percentage of each causes that are arrange from highest to

lowest. The professor got the highest point for the probable cause of low grade.

Financial Matter ranks second. Stress Factor is the third factor. Next is the

Entertainment. The fifth one is School Facility. Student’s Background ranks second the

least factor of low grades. The School Location and Environment got lowest votes.


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions drawn from the

findings and the recommendations that answer the problems that were stated in

In this concluding chapter of this research entitled Factors That Cause Low

Grades of The Students In Bulacan State University –Sarmiento Campus the intention is

to provide a summary of the study to identify which factors that cause the low grades of

the students in the said university.


This research made the researcher to help the students categorize the factors

that made them constant worry and causes some problems about their grades and to

get over from this dilemma.

Statement of the Problem

What do you think is the most probable cause of low grade of the student of

Bulacan State University –Sarmiento Campus?

a) Student’s background
b) Entertainment
c) The professors
d) The school location and environment
e) School facility
f) Financial Matters
g) Stress Factor


Based on the gathered data, the researcher came up with the following findings:

1. Distribution of indicators per respondents.

a) 27 or 100% respondents answered different number of indicators per

2. Distribution of frequency and percent from the total answer of the respondents

using the indicators .

a) 89/189 or 47.09% student’s background
b) 104/189 or 55.03% entertainment
c) 146/189 or 77.25% the professor
d) 80/189 or 42.33% The school location and
e) 100/189 or 52.91% School Facility
f) 120/189 or 63.49 % Financial Matter
g) 117/189 or 61.90% Stress Factor
3. Distribution of frequency and percent of probable cause of low grade
of the student of Bulacan State University –Sarmiento Campus
that is arrange in order.
a) 146/189 or 77.25% The professor
b) 120/189 or 63.49% Financial Matter
c) 117/189 or 61.90% Stress Factor
d) 104/189 or 55.03% Entertainment
e) 100/189 or 52.91% School Faculty
f) 89/189 or 47.09% Student’s Background
g) 80/189 or 42.33% The School Location and Environment


In view of the findings made, the researcher has formulated has the following


Cause of Low Grades Conclusions

The professor got the highest rank among

the rest of the given possible causes of low

grade of BulSUans. It got 77.25% of the

The second factor of low grades according
Financial Matter
to the conducted survey is financial

Stress factor got the third slot for the

Stress Factor causes of low grade.

Entertainment is the fourth factor of low

Entertainment grade in BSU-SC.

Having 100/189 votes on the survey,

School Facility school facility is the 5th factor why students

of BSU-SC gets low grade. That means it

doesn’t affect academic performance

Student’s background, having 47% of votes

Student’s Background on survey is the second to the last cause of

student’s unsatisfying grade.

Location of BSU-SC and its environment is

The School Location and Environment the least cause of poor academic

performance of BulSUans.


Based on the findings and conclusion, the researcher hereby present the following


1. To the Professors

They may attend seminars and trainings to develop more their knowledge and

techniques in teaching students.

They may observe and be updated about the evolving teaching strategies.
2. To the Administrators

They may plan seminars requiring all students to attend and tackle student’s grade

awareness and/or discuss how a student will be in focus of their studies.

3. To the BulSUans

They must be enlightened of the relevance of education towards their future and the

effects of low grades in fulfilling their desired profession. They are to prioritize their

studies particularly tertiary education.

4. To the Parents

They may guide their child of the things they do inside their home. They must also be

concern of the academic performance of their child.



What do you think is the most probable cause of low grade of the student of BSU-SC?
Choose your top 7 and rate them (7 for the most and 1 for the least)

 Student’s background ___

 Entertainment ___
 The professors ___
 The school location and environment ___
 School facility ___
 Financial Matters ___
 Stress Factor ___

Give an explanation to your 2 best choices at the back.

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Rediehs , Laura 2000, Interpretating Grades in College; A Guide for Students

Trockel , M.T., Barnes , M. D. , and Egget , D. L. 2000 , Health-related variables and

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Name: Jireh Nissi Reloza

Date of Birth: April 7, 1993

Place of Birth: Quezon City, Manila

Gender: Female

Citizenship: Filipino

Cellphone Number: 0949-76-63-573

E-mail Address:

Home Address: Blk. 44 Lot 50 Sweden Street, Harmony Hills

Subd. I, Barrio Muzon, City of San Jose Del

Monte, Bulacan

Mother: Edwina M. Reloza

Occupation: elementary school teacher

Father: Gerry B. Reloza

Occupation: security guard

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