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Setting Your Intentions for This Program:

First things first. Like any else, it makes sense to decide what you want to get out of this
program for it to be truly productive for you. This is true in life, too. It’s the difference in
being proactive and reactive. When you are productive, you are setting the sails in a particular
direction, the wind still can blow them another way, but you have set your course and you can
get back on track.

When you are reactive, you just deal with whatever comes up. That’s okay for survival but not
for living your dreams.

Speaking of which, if you don’t know what you next dream is, that’s okay. One of the first
goals you can set for yourself in this program is clarity.

You can either fill out your goals online and then print this document out or print it out first
and use a pen to write your goals.

My suggestion is to list the dream you want to attain (or clarity about your dream) and then set
underlying intentions about the person you will become over the next 12 months who can
attain it. Again, keep in mind that transformation is not a quick fix. It is about changing things
at the core, so that the change is permanent. Some changes will happen quickly and others,
well there just may be more layers of the onion for others. I will talk about that in a bit.

I suggest that you write your goal or dream in a way that is result oriented such that you can
tell when you have reached it, For example, if the big dream is to have a successful career or
business that you love -- how do you know when you are successful?. A better goal might be
“To earn “x” in my business or career doing something that brings a smile to my face and
allows me the time and energy to spend with friends and family”

Here are some examples of some bigger goals or dreams:

1. To create a residual stream of income of $XXX/month in a way that brings me joy.

2. To be healthy and free of any maladies or physical symptoms.
3. To attract or create a personal relationship with my soul mate that is loving, healthy
and sustainable.

Okay now, it’s your turn.

Write down your first intention/goal or dream for this program. .Make sure it feels doable to
you and yet a stretch . . . something that you think you can attain within 12 months.

NOTE: One of the mistakes I see people make is set their goal really high because they have
seen other people attain it. Make sure the goal is doable for you based on your personality.
While you will be making breakthroughs in this program, my experience has been that when
people set a goal too high, they get paralyzed or overwhelmed and it actually acts against

Copyright © Center for Balanced Living, Inc. All Rights Reserved

them. Start with a doable goal that is a stretch. Remember you can always increase the next
goal, once you have attained this one. SET YOURSELF UP TO WIN!

My First Goal/Dream for this program is:

Earn admissions into an OT program and get a job with $60k+ working on popular technologies

Character Building Goals

An underlying or character building goal that will help you reach the bigger goal might be to
become more confident. Again, how will you know when you are more confident? A better goal
might be. I want to be able to share “x” with people with confidence. “X” could be myself, my
product, my service, my truth, etc)

Here are some examples of some character building goals:

1. To be so confident that I do what I want without concern for what anyone thinks.
2. To ask for help and support whenever I need it.
3. To stay focused on my goal and take steps forward on it every day.
4. To clear whatever is in they way of attaining my bigger goal until I am easily able to
attract and create it.

Okay now, it’s your turn.

Write down your character building goals for this program.

My character building goals:

to be proud of myself in front of other people

Next, I would like you to take those goals and break them down to one intention or goal for this

Here are some examples based on the bigger goals above:

To be so confident that I do what I want without concern of what anyone thinks.

Month 1: To do one thing I want to do without concern for what anyone thinks

To ask for help and support whenever I need it.

Month 1: To ask for help or support at least once when I normally would not (and feel
good about it)

To stay focused on my goal and take steps forward on it every day.

Month 1: To take a step forward on my goal at least 1 more time each week than I have
been doing

Copyright © Center for Balanced Living, Inc. All Rights Reserved

To create a residual stream of income of $XXX/month in a way that brings me joy
Month 1: To explore and be open to seeing residual income ideas that match with you
talents, interests and time

To be healthy and free of any maladies or physical symptoms

Month 1: To gain insight or clarity into my physical symptoms or be open to new ways
to get supported

To create a personal or business relationship that works well for both parties
Month 1: Intend to have a breakthrough conversation in or about a particular

To clear whatever is in they way of attaining my bigger goal until I am easily able to attract
and create it
Month1: To implement and practice the life transformation tools presented in this
program 3 times/week

Some of you may be thinking these steps are too small. But the truth is that small steps are
what it takes. I will be taking you deeper in our sessions to get past what has been stopping
your or slowing down your progress, but taking small steps or having intentions for small
breakthroughs will focus your energy in the right direction. And when you have small
successes, it raises your energy, which allows you to attract more things. It also increases your

For example, I was speaking with a client recently who is working 20 hours a week on her goal.
We talked about how increasing time by just 5 hours and focusing it in a particular direction
could increase her income by $1000/week in the long run.

It just takes small steps ☺

So now, write down a smaller intention for what you want to create this month, put it on a
sticky note, and put it on your mirror.

My intention for Month 1 is:

to work on my goals for an entire workweek without succumbing to self-sabotage (avoidance)

Now re-state your intention in a positive way:

i.e. I am excited about attracting new ideas for residual income that I can easily do.
Or I am ecstatic about the possibility of gaining insight into what has been causing “x”.

When stating your intention in a positive way, use adjectives that raise your energy such as
excited, delighted, joyful, etc. Also, make it believable so that you can line up with it.
i.e. if you say I am so excited that I have found the perfect solution for residual income and
you haven’t you will have conflicting internal thoughts that will push it away.
Whereas if you say I am excited about the possibility of ….
You can generally line up with that, with no negative mind chatter.

When you state your intention in a positive way, such that it raises your energy and is
believable, you begin to attract what you desire.

Copyright © Center for Balanced Living, Inc. All Rights Reserved

My intention stated in a positive way is:
i am excited to work on my goals for a whole week by better managing my anxieties

What is the essence of your desire?

What will you feel when you have attained it?

Get in touch with this feeling. This is the essence of what you really want. It might be joy,
freedom, peace, confidence… Set the intention to bring more of that feeling into your life as

The essence of my desire is:


Now if you want to multiply the effect,

Go post your intention for this month stated in a positive way, on the Forum.

Then let it go and go about your life.

Notice when you are inspired to do something in alignment with your intention and do it.

Create a folder or notebook for all your worksheets from Life Transformation Tools & More and
place this goal sheet in it so you can refer back to it at anytime.

If you have not yet registered for the Forum, you can find instructions for doing so on the
Getting Started Page –

I look forward to seeing your dreams unfold.

Copyright © Center for Balanced Living, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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