Annexure C Temperature

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Effect of Solar Radiation

C-1 General

The sun transmits electromagnetic radiation and the radiation per unit area arriving at
the top of the Earth's atmosphere, called as Solar Constant, is about 1366 W/m2. The
Sun's rays are attenuated as they pass though the atmosphere, thus reducing the
insolation at the Earth's surface to a maximum value of approximately 1000 W/m2
(860 kCal/hr/m2) for a surface perpendicular to the Sun's rays at sea level on a clear

Structural elements, horizontal or vertical, will be subjected to solar radiation and the
exposed surface will have temperature rise. The effect of temperature variation across
the depth arising out of solar radiation will have to be taken into account in design.

C-2 Solar Radiation at a given place.

Total Solar radiation acting on any plane at earth surface constitutes the sum of direct
solar beam radiation after absorption by earth atmosphere, diffused radiation from the
atmosphere and the radiation from the ground surface.

Step-by-Step procedure for calculating the total solar radiation on any given plane is
as follows.(Ref: Ashrae Handbook 2005 Fundamentals).

Apparent Solar Time (AST) is the time at which the sun crosses the meridian of the
site and is calculated by

AST = LST+ET/60+(LSM-LON)/15

Where, LST is the Local Standard Time at Longitude LSM, LON is the Longitude of
the site and ET is the correction factor called Equation of Time to account for
variation in length of Solar day throughout the year.

ET is given by the relationship,

ET=9.87 Sin (2B)-7.53 Cos(B) –1.5 Sin(B)

B=360(n-81)/364 and n=day of the year , 1n365

The Hour Angle H = 15(AST-12)

The Solar Altitude β = Sin-1[Cos(L)Cos(δ)Cos(H)+Sin(L)Sin(δ)]

The Solar Azimuth  = Cos-1{[Sin(β)Sin(L)-Sin(δ)]/[Cos( β)Cos(L)]}

The Surface-solar Azimuth  =

Incident Angle  =Cos-1[Cos(β)Cos()Sin(г)+Sin (β)Cos(г)]
Direct Normal Irradiance EDN ={A/exp[B/Sin(β)]}CN
Surface Direct Irradiance ED = EDNCos()

Ratio of sky diffuse radiation on vertical surface to sky diffuse radiation on horizontal
surface Y= 0.55+0.437 Cos()+0.313 Cos2() for Cos(θ)>- 0.2
Y= 0.45 for Cos(θ )≤-0.2
Diffuse Irradiance
Ed = CYEDN For Verical Surface
Ed = CEDN [(1+Cos(г)]/2 For surfaces other than vertical

Ground-reflected Irradiance Er = EDN[C+Sin(β)]Gr[1-cos(г)]/2

Total Surface irradiance Et =ED+Ed+Er

L = Latitude of site
δ = Solar Declination
= 23.45 Sin{[360(284+n)]/365}
n = Day of the year
 = Orientation of the vertical plane from south
г = Tilt of Plane from Horizontal
Gr = Ground Reflectivity = 0.2
CN = Clearness Number = 1.0
A,B,C = Constants (Table:C-1 )

Table-C-1 : CONSTANTS A, B, C

Month Day A B C
Jan, 21 21 1202 0.141 0.103
Feb, 21 52 1187 0.142 0.104
March, 21 80 1164 0.149 0.109
April, 21 111 1130 0.164 0.12
May, 21 141 1106 0.177 0.13
June, 21 172 1092 0.185 0.137
July, 21 202 1093 0.186 0.138
August, 21 233 1107 0.182 0.134
Sept, 21 264 1136 0.165 0.121
Oct, 21 294 1166 0.152 0.111
Nov, 21 325 1190 0.144 0.106
Dec, 21 355 1204 0.141 0.103
C-3 Temperature Variation of Total slab assembly

Above procedure computes the Total Solar surface Irradiance (Et) on any surface.
Temperature variation through the slab assembly can be determined from the
fundamentals of heat transfer assuming steady state condition when total heat
received is equal to the sum of heat radiated out from the surface, heat conducted
inside and the heat lost from the surface by convection (Ref Fig.C-1).
Total heat received at the surface Qt =  Et
Heat Lost due to surface Radiation Qr =  (Ts+273)4
Heat Conducted inside the structure Qc = (Ts-Ti)/R
Heat Lost due to Convection from the surface Qv = h0(Ts-Ta)
= Surface absorptance, may be taken as 0.7 for concrete surface
 = Stefan-Boltzmann Constant = 5.67x10-8
Surface emmissivity , may be taken as 0.91 for concrete surface
R = Thermal Resistance of the structural system and is given by
R = 1/hi + ti/ki
h0 = Coefficient of surface heat transfer at top surface
hi = Coefficient of surface heat transfer at the inner surface of the slab
Ts = Top Exposed Surface Temperature in oC
Ti = Inside Ambient Temperature in oC
Ta = Outside Ambient Temperature in oC
ti = Thickness of Layer i
ki = Coefficient of thermal conductivity of layer i
The Heat Balance equation becomes,

 . Et - (Ts+273)4- (Ts-Ti)/R- h0(Ts-Ta)= 0

The value of Surface Temperature Ts can be evaluated from the above equation.
The Temperature Distribution along the depth of the structure cab be evaluated from

T1 = Temperature at the junction of Layer 1 and 2 = Ts – Qc t1/k1

T2 = Temperature at the junction of Layer 2 and 3 = T1 – Qc t2/k2
T3= Temperature at the junction of Layer 3 and air film inside = T2 – Qc t3/k3
Ti= Inside Ambient Temperature = T3 – Qc/hi

Following table shows the surface temperature calculated in accordance with the
procedure described in this annexure for the following four cases.

CASE-1 Slab assembly consisting of one layer which is 200mm thick R.C. slab.

CASE-2 Slab assembly consisting of three layer with top layer as 50mm thick
screed, intermediate layer as 50 mm thick thermal insulator and bottom
layer as 150mm thick R.C. slab.

CASE-3 Slab assembly consisting of one layer of 150mm thick R.C. slab.

CASE-4 Slab assembly consisting of one layer of 450mm thick R.C. slab
Computation Of Surface Temperature Due To Solar Radiation at Kakrapar Site
For Minimum Ambient Temperature Condition

PARAMETER Units Case-1 Case-2 Case-3 Case-4

Latitude Degree 21.23 21.23 21.23 21.23

Longitude Degree 76.37 76.37 76.37 76.37

Day of the Year Number 141 141 141 141

Local Standard Time Hrs. 12.19 12.19 12.19 12.19

Declination of Sun Degree 20.14 20.14 20.14 20.14

Hour Angle of Sun Degree 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10

Azimuth of sun from south Degree 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85

Altitude of sun Degree 88.90 88.90 88.90 88.90

Angle of incidence Degree 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10

Tilt angle from horizontal Degree 0 0 0 0

Surface Absorbtance Number 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

Incident Radiation Heat W/M2 732.79 732.79 732.79 732.79

Emmissivity Conc Surface Number 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9

Film Coeff outside W/M2/oC 17 17 17 17

Film Coeff inside = W/M2/oC 10 10 10 10

Outside Ambient Temp C 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81
Inside Ambient Temp C 30 30 30 30

Layer 1,thickness mm 200 50 150 450

Layer 2,thickness mm 50

Layer 3,thickness mm 150

Layer 1,conductivity W/M/oC 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250

Layer 2,conductivity W/M/oC 0.035

Layer 2,conductivity W/M/oC 1.250

Heat inflow conduction W/M2 -23.29 -4.09 -26.80 -14.06

Heat outflow Radiation W/M2 396.77 392.19 397.61 394.56

Heat outflow convection W/M2 359.31 344.69 361.98 352.28

Sol Air Temperature C 16.52 15.93 16.63 16.24
Surface Temperature C 23.95 23.09 24.10 23.53
Computation Of Surface Temperature Due To Solar Radiation at Kakrapar Site
For Maximum Ambient Temperature Condition

PARAMETER Units Case-1 Case-2 Case-3 Case-4

Latitude Degree 21.23 21.23 21.23 21.23

Longitude Degree 76.37 76.37 76.37 76.37

Day of the Year Number 141 141 141 141

Local Standard Time Hrs. 12.19 12.19 12.19 12.19

Declination of Sun Degree 20.14 20.14 20.14 20.14

Hour Angle of Sun Degree 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10

Azimuth of sun from south Degree 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85

Altitude of sun Degree 88.90 88.90 88.90 88.90

Angle of incidence Degree 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10

Tilt angle from horizontal Degree 0 0 0 0

Surface Absorbtance Number 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

Incident Radiation Heat W/M2 732.79 732.79 732.79 732.79

Emmissivity Conc Surface Number 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9

Film Coeff outside W/M2/oC 17 17 17 17

Film Coeff inside = W/M2/oC 10 10 10 10

Outside Ambient Temp C 49.54 49.54 49.54 49.54
Inside Ambient Temp C 30 30 30 30

Layer 1,thickness mm 200 50 150 450

Layer 2,thickness mm 50

Layer 3,thickness mm 150

Layer 1,conductivity W/M/oC 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250

Layer 2,conductivity W/M/oC 0.035

Layer 2,conductivity W/M/oC 1.250

Heat inflow conduction W/M2 89.72 15.63 103.44 53.93

Heat outflow Radiation W/M2 578.68 600.71 574.65 589.27

Heat outflow convection W/M2 64.38 116.45 54.69 89.58

Sol Air Temperature C 81.93 83.70 81.60 82.79
Surface Temperature C 53.33 56.39 52.76 54.81
Fig. C–1(a): Roof Slab With Insulation

Fig. C–1(b): Roof Slab Without Insulation

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