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Berikut adalah kondisi yg dapat dijumpai pada sebagian kasus clubfoot kongenital, kecuali:
a. Streeter dysplasia
b. Myelodisplasia
c. Omphalocele
d. Sindrom Pierre Robin
e. Arthrogryposis

2. Tulang apakah yang paling sering mengalami kelainan pada pasien clubfoot?
a. Calcaneus
b. Cuboid
c. Naviculare
d. Talus
e. Cuneiforme

3. Apa yg dinilai utk Hind Foot Contracture Score pada Ponseti Methode?
A. Posterior crease, Empty Heel, Rigid equinus
B. Medial crease, curved lateral border, lateral head of talus
C. Posterior crease, empty heel, lateral head of talus
D. Medial crease, curved lateral border, rigid equinus by
E. Empty heel, curved lateral border, rigid equinus

4. Berikut merupakan kelainan Di evaluasi Di pirani score kecuali ?

A.curved lateral border
B.tallar head coverage
C lateral crease
D.empty heal
E. Posterior crease

5. Apa penanganan Awal pada pasien Clubfoot?

A. Pembedahan
B. Imobilisasi
C. Observasi
D. Metode ponseti
E. Metode french

1. According to ASIA Score, elbow flexion tests the motor level of…
A. C5
B. C6
C. C7
D. C8
E. T1
2. To test the motor level of L5, we ask the patient to…
A. Flex their hip
B. Extend their knee
C. Dorsoflex their ankle
D. Extend their big toe
E. Plantarflex their ankle
3. Which of the following cannot be evaluated in a spine x-ray lateral view :
A. Anterior longitudinal line
B. Spinolaminar line
C. Interpedicle distance
D. Spinous process line
E. Posterior longitudinal line

4. Lachman test is performed to evaluate which structure :

A. Posterior cruciate ligament
B. Medial meniscus
C. Lateral meniscus
D. Anterior cruciate ligament
E. Lateral collateral ligament
5. Which of the following structures passes through the quadrangular space?
A. Radial nerve
B. Axillary nerve
C. Circumflex scapular artery
D. Teres minor
E. Teres major

1. State the stage of frozen shoulder

a. Pain, stiffness, resolving
b. Stiffness, weakness, pain
c. Weakness, resolving, pain
d. Resolving, weakness, pain
e. Weakness, pain, resolving

2. Special test for glenohumeral instability is

a. O’brians test
b. Empty can test
c. Apprehension test
d. Belly press test
e. Neer test
3. Positive results for Belly press test and Lift off test indicate
a. Glenohumeral instability
b. Osteoarthritis
c. Subscapularis tear
d. Infraspinatus tear
e. Frozen shoulder

4. Normal range for forward flexion and extension of shoulder joint

a. 160o-180o flexion and 60o extension
b. 90o-160o flexion and 60o extension
c. 120o-160o flexion and 45o extension
d. 90o-120o flexion and 60o extension
e. 120o-180o flexion and 45o extension

5. Hawkings test is specific for the examination of

a. Impingement syndrome
b. Osteoarthritis
c. Glenohumeral instability
d. Frozen shoulder
e. Fracture of proximal humerus

1. Which initial physical examination below that is not relevant in clinical sign for spinal
a. Look
b. Feel
c. Move
d. Special test
e. Rotation

2. Which examination that is not included to test active cervical movement?

a. Flexion
b. Extension
c. Lateral flexion
d. Lateral extention
e. Rotation

3. What Physical Examination that frequently used to diagnose ankylosing spondylitis?

a. Schober’s test
b. Lasegue test
c. Straight leg raise test
d. Patrick test
e. Femoral nerve stretch test

4. What is the function of nerve root C5?

a. Elbow flexion
b. Wrist extension
c. Wrist flexion
d. Finger flexion
e. Finger abduction
5. Which nerve root responsible for great toe extension?
a. L1
b. L2
c. L3
d. L4
e. L5
6. 1.Fracture at 1/3 distal clavicle with torn of conoid ligament is classified as...
a. Group 1 type 2A
b. Group 2 Type 2A
c. Group 2 type 2B
d. Group 3 type 2B
e. Group 3 type 2A

7. These are ORIF indication in clavicle fracture, except...

a. Open fractures
b. Displaced fracture with skin tenting
c. Association with Vascular injury
d. Floating shoulder
e. Non displaced fracture

8. These are static stabilizers of shoulder, except...

a. Labrum
b. Glenoid
c. Rotator cuff muscle
d. Glenohumeral ligaments
e. Negative intraarticular pressure

9. At the shoulder, Radial nerve goes through...

a. Triangular interval
b. Triangular space
c. Quadrangular space
d. Quadrangular interval
e. Quadrangular canal

10. The roots of median nerve are...

a. C5-C7
b. C6-C8
c. C5-T1
d. C7-T1
e. C8-T1

11. What is one of the main symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?

a. Sweaty palms
b. Finger stiffness
c. Numbness in the finger
d. Hand tremors
e. Swollen finger

12. Which of these is another common symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome?

a. Weak grip
b. Burning and tingling in the fingers
c. Pain that is worse at night
d. Hand weakness
e. All of the above

13. Which of these is one of the physical examinations for carpal tunnel syndrome?
a. Phalen test
b. Piano key
c. Scaphoid shift
d. Froment sign
e. Finkelstein

14. Which of these is one of the radial nerve compression?

a. Pronator syndrome
b. PIN syndrome
c. AIN syndrome
d. Carpal tunnel syndrome
e. Guyon's cannal syndrome

15. A positive spurling test or provocation maneuver of the neck is indicative of which of the
following disorders?
a. Multiple sclerosis
b. Cervical radiculopathy
c. Cauda Equina syndrome
d. Spinal stenosis
e. HNP

1. Seorang anak laki-laki usia 16 bulan diantar oleh ibunya datang ke poliklinik ortopedi den
gan dengan keluhan kaki sebelah kanan pengkor. Keluhan sudah dialami oleh anak terse
but sejak lahir. Ibu pasien mengaku keluhan bengkok hanya terjadi pada tungkai bawah d
an tidak ada riwayat keluhan yang sama dalam keluarga pasien. Pasien tidak memiliki riw
ayat trauma sebelumnya. Pasien saat ini sudah mulai bisa berjalan.
a. Apakah pemeriksaan radiologi yang diminta untuk menunjang diagnosis pasien terse
b. Apa saja komponen yang dinilai dalam klasifikasi Pirani?
c. Apakah metode terapi yang dapat diberikan kepada pasien tersebut?

2. Male, 24 years old, admitted to the emergency unit after involved in a motor vehicle
accident 2 hours ago. According to an eye witness, the patient was riding his motorcycle
when a car hit his knee from the front. The patient's clinical presentation is seen in the
a. What is the diagnosis of this patient?
b. After the patient's condition is stabilized, explain the types of manuvers that can be
performed to treat his condition.

a. Anterior hip dislocation

b. – Allis maneuver. Patient supine on table, under anesthesia or sedation. Examiner
applies firm distal traction at flexed knee to pull head into acetabulum; slight rotary
motion may also help. Assistant fixes pelvis by pressing on
anterior superior iliac spines
- Stimson gravity technique : The patient's position prone.
The leg is made to hang over the lateral side of the cart. The
physician made knee and hip each in 90 degrees of flexion
and applies a lower leg while using the internal rotation and
external rotation until the hip is reduced
- Bigelow maneuver : Place the patient in the supine position
with the physician standing beside the bed. Place your
forearm beneath the patients knee and grasp the ankle with
your opposite hand (as shown). While an assistant stabilizes
the pelvis, flex the hip to 90 degrees and apply traction in
line with the femur while abducting, externally rotating and extending the hip until

3. Answer the following questions:

a. What is the diagnosis for picture in figure 1?
i. Rotator cuff tear
b. State special test for the diagnosis?
i. Jobe empty can test, drop arm test, Horn blowers
test, lift off test, Belly press test
c. Explain ROM test for shoulder joint!
i. Forward flexion => arms from sides forward => 160-180 derajat
ii. Extension => arms from sides backward => normalmya 60 derajat
iii. Abduction => arms froms sides outward => normal 160-180 derajat
iv. Internal rotasi => reach thumb up back => mid thoraxic (T7) normal
v. External rotasi => elbow at side, rotate forearm => normal 30-60 derajat

4. See the figure below. This is an X-ray of 65 year old female patient who came to the
hospital with the chief complain of pain in the left groin after falling off the stairs.

a. What is the diagnosis of this patient ?

b. Mention the artery for blood supply to the femoral head.
c. What is the choice of operative treatment in this patient ?
d. What is the complication if the condition is left untreated?
Answer :
a. Femoral neck fracture.

b. Medial femoral circumflex artery (MFCA), Lateral femoral circumflex

artery (LFCA), Artery of ligamentum teres, Metaphyseal vessels

c. i. Multiple cancellous leg screw

ii. Sliding Hip screw
iii. Hemiarthroplasty
iv. Total Hip Arthroplasty

d. i. General complications such as deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary

embolism, decubitus ulcer
ii. Avascular necrosis
iii. Non union

5. Female, 15 years old came to out patient department complained about back pain. The
back pain is localized to the mid-thoracic region, is absent at rest and is exacerbated
during heavy activities. The pain has been present for 1 year. She is unhappy with her
body alignment and complaints of shoulder imbalance and truncal rotation (rib cage and
breast asymmetry). The same problem runs in her family.
a. Perform full physical examination to the patient
b. What is the auxiliary examination should be done to the patient?
 Introduces self
 Confirms name & age of patient
 Asks if patient suffers from pain, stiffness or reduced range of movement in the
 Asks if patient has had previous trauma to the back, is waking up at night with
pain, neurological symptoms or bladder/bowel dysfunction
 Washes hands
 Exposes patient fully and asks them to stand
 General inspection around bed and patient (walking aids, obvious scars, wasting
or deformities)
 Inspects front for shoulder/hip alignment, limb-limb discrepancy, varus/valgus
 Inspects back for wasting of muscles (trapezius, paraspinal, gluteal, calf), scoliosis,
skin changes, scars, hindfoot deformities
 Inspects sides for fixed flexion deformities and increased kyphosis or lordosis
 Inspects back for shoulder/hip/knee alignment, kyphoses and lordoses, scoliosis,
scars, skin changes, wasting of muscles (trapezius, paraspinal, gluteal)
 Feels for temperature, tenderness and alignment of the spinal processes
 Feels for tenderness and tone of the paravertebral muscles
 Assesses cervical flexion, lateral flexion, rotation and extension
 Whilst standing checks for spinal flexion using the modified Schober’s test and
lateral flexion
 Supports body whilst checking for extension of the back
 Asks patient to sit down to assess thoracic rotation
 Assesses chest expansion
 Performs straight leg raise for testing sciatic nerve, femoral stretch test for the
femoral nerve, Faber’s test for sacroilitis
 Offers examination of shoulder and hip, neurovascular exam and history
 Offers next step (imaging: 2 plain x rays for bony pathology or CT if indicated, MRI
for soft tissue

6. (X-ray AP shoulder: fracture at 1/3 middle clavicle)

a. What is the diagnosis of this case?
b. What is the classification of this case?
c. What is the nonoperative treatment of this case?
d. What are the operative treatment indications for his case?

7. A 56-year-old right hand dominant woman presents with a chief complaint of numbness
and tingling in the right thumb index and long finger. It is worse at night, worse with
holding a book or newspaper, and she describes nocturnal awakenings. Her symptoms
have been bothersome to her for approximately 2 years, but have gotten worse,
particularly over the past 6 months. (CTS)
a. What are the spesific physical exams to confirm the diagnosis?
b. What is your primary diagnosis?

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