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Societal Issues In Media and

Internet Addiction:

Excessive Use of Internet Can Lead To Mental Health

Issues: Study
A recent survey at the McMaster University in Canada found that people, who use internet for
an excessive span of time in a day can develop more mental health problems.

Researchers used two scales to analyze internet usage among college students. First one was
the Internet Addiction Test (IAT) developed in 1998 before the widespread use of smartphones
and a new scale based on current internet usage patterns.

Chief researcher Michael Van Ameringen said, "Internet use has changed radically over the last
18 years, through more people working online, media streaming, social media, etc."

Adding, "We were concerned that the IAT questionnaire may not have been picking up on
problematic modern internet use, or showing up false positives for people who were simply
using the internet rather than being over-reliant on it."

Researchers studied internet usage of 254 students and correlated the results with their general
mental health.

Based on their results in the IAT, 33 students suffered from internet addiction but based on the
new scale, the number went up to 107.

However, it does not prove if the mental health issues are a consequence of internet addiction.

The findings were presented at the 29th European College of Neuropsychopharmacology

(ECNP) conference in Vienna.

Internet addiction is too much usage of the internet.
Internet addiction can prevent by controlling your behavior when using internet and doing some
physical activities or sports. Controlling your behavior when it comes in the usage of internet
will help you to avoid addiction. Use internet when you need it, not when you only want it.

Doing some physical activities or sports will help you to forget using internet. Do not just focus
on the updates in the internet but also focus to your health, excessive usage of it has a bad
effect to your body. Make time to your family, friends and acquaintance not only to your friends
online. Get other hobbies that will let you forget internet, do some poems, songs, artwork or
anything that will transfer your attention instead of streaming or surfing in the internet.

Twitter broadens its campaign against hate and abuse
The social media giant said it has begun identifying people who have been banned for abusive
behavior and it will stop them from creating new accounts. The company said its changes,
which also include a new “safe search” feature, will be implemented in the coming weeks.

In July, Twitter banned conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, an editor of the right-wing
news site Breitbart News, for “participating in or inciting targeted abuse of individuals.” Twitter
subsequently suspended the accounts of other prominent figureheads of the “alt-right” fringe
movement, an amorphous mix of racism, white nationalism, xenophobia and anti-feminism.

Twitter has been under fire for failing to address hate and abuse on the site since its founding a
decade ago. Balancing its reputation as a free speech haven has come into conflict with efforts
to protect users.

Other internet companies have taken recent steps to curb abusive behavior and ban users who
violate rules against promoting hate.


Cyberbullying happens in electronic devices such as computers, cell phones and other
communication tools like social media sites and text.

How you can prevent Cyberbullying?

It can prevent by teaching everybody respect with other people and guiding everybody
especially children with their actions against other. Learning how to respect other people can
lessen bullying. Respecting other people’s style, shape, ideas, physical appearance, mental
ability and emotional aspect. Understanding others situation will also help to decrease victims of

Guide your children with their action and also with their online activities.
Cybercrime cases rising – PNP
MANILA, Philippines - Cybercrime cases continue to rise with the upsurge in the number of
internet users in the country, the Philippine National Police (PNP) said yesterday.

Senior Superintendent Marni Marcos Jr., acting director of the Anti-Cybercrime Group (ACG),
urged victims of online scams to report to authorities.

“Victims may also file their complaints through, hotline number 7230401 local
5313 or e-mail at,” Marcos said.

The ACG has recorded 555 cases of online schemes such as swindling, libel, threat, video
voyeurism, identity theft and hacking since 2016.

Marcos said they also received complaints for unjust vexation, extortion, credit card fraud,
investment and pyramiding scams, child abuse and pornography, as well as violence against
women and children through social media.

“Cyber criminals take advantage of the increasing number of people using the internet,” Marcos


Cybercrime is an illegal act done through the use of the internet.

It can prevent by securing your computer it can be firewalls, passwords, anti-malwares and
data encryption.

Also by the use of penalties, some people will avoid this kind of crime.

Keep your personal information private like passwords and pin number.
Page 8 Opinion:
How doe MIL help you pursue the strand you are currently taking?

As an ABM student MIL will help us to engage with media and other sources of information. It
will develop our skills in socializing. In the field of business you must know how to communicate
well, MIL will help us to deal with it and become an active citizen. It will help us to understand
media, information and tools in communicating. It teaches us to become responsible in
everything we will do. –Lyanna

MIL subject help us as an ABM students to be more globally competitive. As we all know this
generation is a world of technology. Everything can happen in just one snap through media. So
through the help of this subject, we will able to understand how important the technology
nowadays and how it can help us in our daily lives. - Mariam

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