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CHAPTER 1 COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS 1. Introduction to Computers 1.1 Introduction ‘A computer is a machine whieh is being used in almost all spheres of life of every human being, Due to advancements in development of computer machines, the computer has become pervasive and is being used in all areas of our lives. With regular research and developments going on itis sure that we will continue to experience new things as time passes. Personal Computers are being used by the students, engineers, creative writers for calculations, designing and publishing purposes. Computers have also enhanced the leaming processes. A student can learn his/her lesson not only in the classroom but also while travelling, ot by sitting at Monitor = pike Bim, | Floppy disk 7 Memory Laser aker printer \ \ Loy Ly Speake as eS SZ CD-ROM drive Dvwoia Figure: 1.1 Personal Computer eX souse Chapter 1 | Computer Fundamentals home with a PC. The internet technology made it possible to bring all the information on the doorsteps of every individual. People are now using computers for enquiries, banking, shopping and many more purposes. We are now passing through an era of information superhighway where alltypes of information are available justby clicking a button of the computer, 1.2 Computer Generations We may broadly divide the computer generations into five major periods. Each of these generations may be characterized by the technology it used and the nature of operation of computer systems of that period. With the passage of time new technological innovations took place and the efficiency of computer increased and the cost of processing decreased, Generation| Device Hardware feature Characteristics | System Names ‘Second Batch operating system (1956-1965) > Faster, smalerandrelible thn previous generation > Costly Fourth les with VSI Technology| ? Multiprocessing & GULOS » Appte t1 > Obj oeted programe ese Rrra 1915158 = ee) > Mfazntc pes and py] ? Salar easy | CRAY t > as portable > Easier to update > ‘es with ULSI Technology) > Fifth - os > Powerful, cheaper, reliable | ¥ [BM |988-Present) Largo copecity bard disk: ‘easy to use, portable > Pentium a with RAID Support . cal oie > Rapid software > PARAM: > Optical disks as portable | development possible read-only storage media > power server inert Eno computing Figure: 1.2 Computer Generations 1.2.1 First Generation (1942-1956) ‘The first generation computers were using vacuum tubes as the main electronic component and used magnetic drums for storing data, Their size was quite big; even they occupied @ fall room. ‘They were very expensive, heat producing, required a lot of cooling and their maintenance was also very tedious task. @ Figue 13: EDVAC Chapter I Computer Fundamentals ‘The first generation computer operated upon machine So) Glass Envelope Plate(anode) Filament (cathode) language and used it as programming language. Input was I «given to them by punched cards and paper tapes. They were =~ “i ie able to solve one problematatime. Grid 1.2.2. Second Generation (1956-1965) a ‘The second generation computers used transistors as the electronic component. The transistors made the computers ‘much smaller consumed less power, faster, efficient and ) wete cheaper and reliable than the first generation Typ computers Figure 1.4: Vacuum Tubes Although they were heat producing but ‘were more reliable, In this generation, magnetic cores were used as primary memory and magnetic tapes and magnetic disks were used as secondary storage devices. High level languages such as COBOL and FORTRAN were Figure 1.5: Second Generation introduced in this (CDC 1604) generation. 1.2.3 Third Generation (1965-1975) ‘The third generation computers have used Integrated Circuits (1.C.s) in place of transistors. A single IC could hold a large number of transistors, resistors and ‘capacitors which caused the size of the computers more compact. The computers of this generation used keyboards and monitors for input and output respectively. The concept of operating system was also introduced, In this generation, the concept of time sharing and multi programming operating system was introduced. Many new high level languages like FORTRAN IV, PASCAL, and BASIC etc. were Figure 1.6: Third Generation Computers introduced in this generation, 1.2.4 Fourth Generation (1975-1988) In this generation, microprocessors were introduced as thousands of ICs were fabricated on a single chip made up of silicon. The computers of this generation used Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits (VLSI) technology. The Intel 4004 chip, which was developed in 1971, located all the 3) Chapter 1 Computer Fundamentals components of a computer on a single chip. The size of the computers reduced which gave rise to the new name desktop computer or personal computer. In this generation, the concept of time sharing, real time processing, distributed operating system was used. New high level languages like C, C++, and Databases were FFigurel.7: PDP 11/70 used in this generation 1.2.5 Fifth Generation (1988 onwards) In the fifth generation, a new technology ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) was developed resulting in a microprocessor chip on which up to 10 million electronic components could be incorporated. The concepts like artificial intelligence, voice recognition, mobile communication, satellite communication, signal data processing were introduced, Even machines like human brains were developed and more and more work is still going on these new innovations. High level languages like Java, VB and .net framework were introduced in this generation, (QUICK RR > What is a microcomputer? > Which component was used in third generation computers? 1.3 Development of Electronics Machines The Abacus, which emerged about 5000 years ago, may be considered as first computer. This device allowed users to perform basic calculations by using a system of sliding beads arranged on a rack. But as the uuse of paper and pencil spread, the Abacus lost its importance. It took nearly 12 centuries for the next significant advancement in the making of a computing device. In the year 1642, Blaise Pascal, invented @ Figure 1.8: Abacus numerical wheel calculator. This brass rectangular box used eight movable dials to add sum up to 8 figures long. He gave il thename''Pascaline’. Inthe year 1646, a German mathematician, Gotftied Wilhem Von Leibniz improved the Pascaline by creating a machine that could also multiply. Leibniz: mechanical multiplier worked by a system of gears and dials. This machine was used till 1820, and then the mechanical calculators were introduced by a Frenchman Charles Xavier Thomas De Colmar which was capable of performing four basi arithmetic functions. It was named arithometer. With its enhanced versatility, the (a) W Chapter I ‘Computer Fundamentals arithometer was widely used up until First World War. The real beginning of computers which we know today can be associated with an English Mathematics Professor Charles Babbage. Babbage attempt brought a new machine which was able to perform differential equations and he named it as Difference Engine. This machine was powered by steam, was quite big in size and was able to store programs and could able to perform calculations and print the result simultaneously. After working on the difference engine for ten years, Babbage inspired to work on first general purpose computer and named it Analytical Engine. Babbage’s assistant Augusta Ada King, was instrumental in the machine's design. In their honour, the US defense department named a programming language ADA inherhonourin 1980's, The analytical engine designed by Charles Babbage is quite primitive when compared with today's standards. However, itoutlined the basic elements of modem general purpose computer. The analytical engine was consisting of over 50,000 components; the basic input design was in the form of perforated cards, it also contained a ‘mill! with @ control unit which allowed processing of instructions in any sequence. The Figurel.9: Analytical Engine ‘output devices were there to produce printed results In the year 1889, an American inventor, Herman Hollerith used the Jacquard loom concept to ‘computing, He wanted to find a faster way to compute US census. Hollerith's method used cards to store data information which he fed into the machine and compiled the results mechanically. Hollerith brought this punched card reader into business world, which ultimately gave rose to IBM in 1924, Other companies also entered in the market and manufactured punch readers forbusiness use, both government and business companies used punched cards for data processing until the year 1960, Further, many other scientists and engineers made significant advances in the field of ‘computers. Vannever Bush in the year 1930 developed a mechanically operated device, known a People: Itis easy to oversee people as one of the essential parts of an information system. This is what computers are all about ~ making people, end users like us, more productive and effective v Procedures: The rules or guidelines for people to follow when using software, hardware and data are procedures. Computer Specialists document these procedures in manuals written by them, Vv Software: A program consists ofa set of instructions that tell the computer how to do its work step-by-step. Software is another name for a program orset of programs. > Hardware: Hardware is controlled by software. The Hardware is the equipment’ that process the data to create information. It includes the keyboard, mouse, moniter, system unit, and other devices. v Data: The raw, unprocessed facts, including text, image, numbers and sounds are called data, Processed data yields information. 1.4.2 Basic Characteristics of Computer 1. Speed: The computer processes the data at a very high speed. Computers take only few seconds to process a huge amount of data, ie, millions of instructions may be processed in a second 2, Accuracy: The results produced by a computer are very correct. If correct data is entered in the computer, the output obtained is accurate. The computer works on the theory of GIGO (Garbage in Garbage out) 3. High Storage Capacity: Computers have a large memory and can store a large amount of data in a very compact manner. Any information stored in a computer may be retained init for avery long period. With this feature, lot of repetition is avoided. 4. Versati letters prepare sheets, listen to music; prepare inventory reports, hospital management, Computers are used to perform a variety of tasks. We may use them to write banking and many more. .- Diligence: Being a machine, a computers free from fatigue, lack of concentration, boredom, Computer will perform the last instruction atthe same speed at which the first instruction was processed, @ Chapter 1 Computer Fundamentals Limitations: Computer is a dumb machine and it cannot do anything on its own. The Computer is an clectronie device which is capable of receiving information (data) in a particular form and of performing a sequence of operations in accordance with a predetermined but variable set of procedural instructions (program) to produce a result in the form of information or signals. In an ‘unanticipated situation, the computer cannot take any decision on its own, The sequence of, instructions cannot be changed by the computer. Ithas no 1Q (Intelligent Quotient), 1.5 Hardware & Software 1.5.1 Software We perform different types of tasks with the help of computers, Actually all the processing is done with the help of software's which are stored in any of secondary memory device. Software is another name of programs. Software is collection of programs written for the purpose, A program is nothing but set of instructions written in a particular Programming Language. There are two majortypes of software: System Software and Application Software. SS eee ss on Soft s SERN Figure: 1.12 Software Types System Software The system software is software by which a user interacts first, and then he works with application software, System software supports the computer to manage its internal resources; System program is not a single program but is a collection of many programs. Some of the important components of system programs are: (3) ® Chapter I ‘Computer Fundamentals > Operating System (OS):An operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware and software resources (CPU, Memory, Input and Output etc.) and provides common services for computer programs. It provides an interface between the computer and the user. Windows OS is the most widely used operating system on computers. Linux and Unix OS are also used in some specialised types of applications. They are of many types like realtime, embedded, distributed ete. > Utilities: The utilities are also provided by the operating systems. Utilities are used to enhance the computer resources like the utility disk defragmenter locates and removes undesirable file fragments and reorganizes disk space and files to improve computer operations > Device drivers: These are specialised programs which allow other input and output devices to communicate with the rest of the computer system. > Servers: This is required to run different programs as per the requests received from different SYSTEM SOFTWARE "APPLICATION SOFTWARE Us ‘Number Sofiware ‘Dependency Table 1.1 Application and System Softwate Application Software Application Softwares are the Softwares which are specially designed for the users(also called ‘end-user programs); include such things as database programs, word processors, Web browsers and spreadsheets. These applications are widely used in almostall spheres of ife like: Education Medical Sciences Banking Industries Chapter 1 | Computer Fundamentals ‘This software also allows the user to complete jobs such as creating databases, documents, doing online shopping, spreadsheets, playing games, sending some messages. The application programs are designed in such a manner that the user finds it very friendly while working on them, For example, when a user is creating any word document file, he/she finds that the margins, line spacing, font size ete, are already been set. The user may add color, headings, and pictures to the documentand may make itas required by him/her. Example: - A web Browser is application software specially designed to locate, retrieve and display content found on the intemet. Browsers names: Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer Specialized Applications include a number of other programs that are more closely concentrated on specific disciplines and jobs. Some of the best known are multimedia, graphics, video, audio, Web authoring, and Artificial Intelligence (A.1.) programs. Sarr A software suite is a group of software applications with related functionality. For example office software suites might include word processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation and email applications. There are other suites also like graphics suites for graphics work and audio ‘master suite foraudio production. (QUICK RIANA > Name few application software > Whatisa webbrowser? > Whatis.alinkerand whatis does toa program? 1.5.2. Hardware Hardware is a generic term used to define any component of a computer system with a physical presence and which can be seen and touched. Common Hardware includes the monitor, computer case, keyboard, printers, electronic circuitry, memory chips, motherboard, expansion cards, cables, switches and everything you can touch and fecl. Hardware components are often categorised as being input, output, storage or processing devices. Devices which are not an essential part of the CPU are referred to as being peripherals. Peripheral i) © Chapter I ‘Computer Fundamentals Devices are usually used for input, output or storage (such asa hard disk, keyboard or printer). Input devices are hardware devices which take information from the user, convert it into electrical signals and transmit it to the processor. The key function of input devices is to allow ‘humans to act together with the computer system. For instance a mouse permits the user to control the movement ofthe pointer on screen (a common element in user interface design). Output devices take data from the computer system and convert it to @ form that can be understood by humans. For instance a monitor produces a visual electronic display to output information created by the processor to the user, Processing devices are the components accountable for the processing of information within the ‘computer system, These include devices such as the Motherboard, CPU and Memory, Storage devices arc components which permit data to be stored within a computer system. This includes devices such as Compact Disk drives and hard disk drives. TypeofComponents_| Examples Input ‘Trackball, Touchpad, Microphone, Keyboard, Sensors, Mouse, Joystick, Seanner, Web Cam. Processing “Motherboard, Processor (CPU), Memory Output “Monitor, Printer, Headphone, Speaker, Touchscreen, Projectors ete. Storage Hard Disk Drive Table 1.2 Summary of Hardware Types Chapter 1 Computer Fundamentals Multiple Choice Questions Name of High Level Language Introduced in Second Generation a. FORTRANIV, PASCAL, BASIC b.CiCH+ ©, COBOL and FORTRAN d, None oftheabove Key component of first generation computer was a. Transistors b. Vacuum Tubes and Valves c. Integrated Circuits d.None of above Second Generation computers were developed during 194910 1955 b, 1956 to 1965 ©. 1965 to 1970 4.1970t0 1990 In which computer generation Microprocessor was introduced? a. First Generation Second Generation ¢. third Generation 4. Fourth Generation Which isnot application software? a. Windows 7 b. Page Maker c. Notepad Photoshop 6. 10, Which of the following runs on computer hardware and serves as a platform for other Softwares torunon? a. Operating System . Application Software e.AandB d.None of the above ENIAC stands for: a. Blectronic Networks Integrated Ace Computer b.Blectronic Numerical Integration and Calculation c.Electronic Numerical Integrator&Computer d. Electronic November Is A Crossing Raw facts suchas leters, words and sounds arecalled:- a.Data b. User Response ¢. Programs d. Commands Ancxample of'an Output devieeisa a. Scanner b,Plotter e. Tapes 4. Software Limitations of Computer System a Speed Accuracy e.Diligence d.NoIQ Chapter I ‘Computer Fundamentals CHAPTER 2 COMPUTER SYSTEM 2, Computer System 2.1 Introduction ‘A computer system, for being useful has to communicate with its environment through some ‘means known as Computer Peripherals or Inpuvioutput Devices. Computer peripherals may be divided into three broad categories namely Input Devices, Output Devices and Input/output Devices. input _ output ct ohwes aga J ion PS -n Ina pa \ SE @ = Ph Figure 2.1 Inputioutput Devices 2.2 Input Devices 2.2.1 Keyboard ‘The computer keyboard is most commonly used input device to enter number, alphabets and special characters into the computer. The keyboards are also used to type in the commands to direct the computer to perform certain tasks. A keyboard has alphabetic and numeric keys for Chapter2 | Computer System. entering the text and numeric data. There are a certain number of editing keys and a number of function keys which are used to invoke function directly. The Caps Lock /Num Lock / Scroll Lock Key is called Toggle keys and used to tum on/off the feature. The Citl/ Alt Keys are called Combination key which allows certain operation by pressing along with other keys, Most of the keyboards come with separate numeric Pad/section to enter numerical values. 2.2.2 Pointing devices The graphical user interfaces (GUIs) which are extensively used require some kind of devices for positioning the on- sercen cursor. Some common pointing devices are: mouse, Figure 2.2 Keyboard trackball, touch pad, track point, graphics tablet, and joystick and touch screen. Pointing devices are connected toa PC via a USB port. Mouse ‘The mouse is most popular pointing device used by users with one hand. In older mouse, a ball in the bottom of the mouse rolls on the surface as we move the mouse and internal rollers sense the movement of ball and transmit the information to the computer through the mouse cord. The modem optical mouse does not use a rolling ball, but instead use a light and small sensorto detect the motion of the mouse by tracking a small image of the desk surface. A cordless or wireless mouse interconnects with the computer via radio waves. ‘A mouse may also include seroll wheels, to enable users to work together with GUI (Graphical User Interface). The traditional PC Figure 2.3- Mouse Mouse has two buttons while the Macintosh mouse has one button, Touch Pad Most of the laptops are equipped with a touch pad pointing device. User moves the on screen cursor by sliding his/her finger along the surface of the touch pad. The lefVright Click buttons are located below the pad. Touch pads have advantage over mouse that they take much less room to use. Also they don't have any moving parts. TrackPoint ‘Some sub-notebook computers such as IBM ThinkPad which lack room even for a touch pad, incorporates a TrackPoint, a small rubber projection embedded amid the keys of the keyboard. ‘The TrackPoint acts like a small joystick that can be used to control the position of the cursor. Trackball (a) Vd Chapter 2 ‘Computer System ‘The trackball is ike an upside-down mouse, with the ball located on the top. We use fingers to rol the trackball and internal rollers sense the motion which is transmitted to the computer. Trackball has the advantage over Mouse is, that the body of the trackball remains stationary on the desk; we don't need much room to use the trackball, Nowadays optical trackballs are available which don't have rollers and there is no problem of dirtin its wheels. Figure 2.4 - Touch Pad Joysticks Joysticks and other common game controllers can also be associated to a computer as pointing device. They are generally used forplaying games. Graphics Tablet Figure 2.5 - Joy Sticks {A graphics tablet contains an electronic writing area and special pen which works usingit. Gaphicstabletsallow ‘ZB actions similar to using more traditional drawing devices." ‘The pen of the graphics tablet is pressure sensitive, so pressing harder or softer can result in brush strokes of __ Figure 2.6- Graphics Tablet diferent width 2.2.3 Scanners ‘Ascanner isa device that enters the printed page or graphic in computerby digitizing it, producing an image made of tiny pixels of diverse brightness and color values which is sent to the Computer. It uses laser technique to convert the printed information into the Electronic format, The Information being scanned can be anything like Figure 2.7 - Scanners handwritten text, images, diagrams ete. Once scanned it can be stored in ‘Computer orprinted through a Printer. 2.2.4 MidiDevices MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a system intended to transmit information between electronic musical instruments. A MIDI musical keyboard can be connected to a computer and permit a performer to play music that is captured by the computer system as a sequence of notes with the associated timing, Chapter 2 Computer System 2.2.5 Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) Magnetic Ink Character Recognition Code (MICR Code) is a character-recognition technology used mainly by the banking industry to ease the processing and clearance of cheques and other documents It converts them into digital data for understanding of computer. 2.2.6 Optical Mark Reader (OMR) These are special scanners to scan and identify a pre-specified type of marks (human-marked data) made by Pencil or Pens. Most common example ‘answer sheets used in the examinations, OMR. is used to scan the answer sheets and produce result as output. OMR is also used in surveys, polls andtests 2.2.7 Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Optical character recognition (optical character reader) (OCR) is the electronic conversion of images of typed, handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded text. Itis widely used as a form of data entry from printed paper data records, whether passport documents, invoices, bank statements, computerized receipts, business cards, mail, printouts of static-data, or any suitable documentation. It is most common method of digitizing printed texts so that it can be electronically edited, searched, stored more compactly, displayed on-line, and used in machine processes such as machine translation, text-to-speech, key data and text mining 2.2.8 BarCode Reader Bar Code is a machine readable data representation of an object and is used to identify an object uniquely. Originally barcodes represented data by varying the widths and spacings of parallel ines but later they evolved into rectangles, dots, hexagons and other geometric pattems in two dimensions (2D). These are specifically used in shopping malls and departmental stores for quick billing and inventory management, A Special handheld device (Bar Code Reader) connected to a computer/terminal is used to read the code and identify the item. 2.2.9 Speech Recognition Device (Microphone) Microphone is an input device used to input audio data into a computer. It is connected to a computer system through a single wire and users may use a mouthpiece shape like device to capture the audio 2.2.10 Webcam (Web Camera) This is a digital camera connected to the computer and can feed images / videos to computer networks through the computer. The camera is focused on the input item to take a picture and convert ito amachine readable format forstoring in a computersystem, (16) © Chapter 2 ‘Computer System 2.3 Output Devices 2.3.1 Monitor To produce a soft copy of output, the most popular device is a Monitor, Itallows users to view/read the output on a Computer Sereen, CRT Monitor The classical output device of a personal computer has been the CRT monitor. Its just like a TV set. A CRT monitor encompasses a big cathode ray tube that uses an electron beam of varying power to “pain” a picture onto the color phosphorescent dots on the inside of the sereen. “Monitor sereen size is measured diagonally across rs the sereen, in inches. The resolution of the Figure 28 - CRT Monitor monitor is maximum number of pixels it can display horizontally and vertically such as 800X600, 1024X768 ete. Pixels are the small dots that ‘make the image displayed on the screen. The spacing of the screens tiny phosphor dots is called the dot pitch. A screen with smaller dot pitch produces sharperimages, FlatPanelMonitor A flat panel monitor usually uses an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen to show output from the computer. The LCD is made of several thin layers that polatize the light transmitting through them. The polarization of one layer, containing long thin molecules called ery: ial displays can be controlled electronically at cach pixel, blocking varying amounts of the light to create a pixel lighter or darker. LED (Light Emitting Diode) and Plasma Displaysare also flat panel technologies but LCDs are most Figure 2.9 - Flat panel Monitor popularly used in computers especially in laptops. Flat panel displays are much lighter and less bulky than CRT monitors. The latest LCD sereens use ‘transparent thin film transistor (TFT) controlling each pixel, so the picture quality and viewing angel are much improves. LED monitors use light emitting diodes that acts as a performance booster in the monitors. Basically LED monitors are the LCD monitors with a LED backlight to power up the LCD panel. Chapter 2 Computer System 2.3.2. Printer Printers provide information in a permanent readable format also known as Hard Copy. Usually output is printed on a paper. The printer output quality is measured in terms of DPI (Dots per Inches). The printers can be classified broadly into Impact and Non-Impact Printers. Impact Printers 23.2.1 Character Printer ‘These types of printers usually print one character ata time Most popular examplesare Dot Matrix and Daisy Wheel Printers. Dot matrix printers are small electromagnetically acti ied pins in the print head, and an inked ribbon to produce images by impact. These printers are noisy and comparatively slow. These are used in big businesses where continuous printing is to be done on 80 columns and 132 Figure 2.10 - Dot Matix printer columns stationary. LinePrinter A line printer prints a complete line at a time, Traditionally line printers were characterized as Chain Printers and Drum Printers. These types of printers use aprint head consisting of pins which are moved by electromechanical mechanism to strike a ribbon placed between printer head and the paper where the output need to be printed. Their speed varies from 200 to 2000 lines per minutes depending on the type of printing properties Non-Impact Printers ‘Non-impact printers are usually faster than impact printers and work very quietly. They do not use a striking device to produce characters on the paper. Some of the popular non-impact printers are: 23.221 Inkjet Printers ‘The most common type of printer for home uses is Colorink Jet Printer, These printers form the image of the page by spraying small <éroplets of ink from the print head, The printer needs several colors of ink to make color images. These printers are comparatively cheaper, but the cost of consumables makes them Figure 2.11 - Ink jet Printers costly to operate in the long run, — Laserprinter ‘A laser printer produces good quality images for office and business purposes. A drum coated with photosensitive material is charged, and then an image is written onto itby alaser or LED. The drum then rolls Figure 2.12 - Laser printer a) ® Chapter 2 ‘Computer System through the toner and the toners then deposited onto the paper, and then fused into the paper with hat. Most laser printers are monochrome (one color-black only) but more expensive laser printers with multiple color toner cartridges produce multi-color output. These printers are faster than ink jet printers; theirspeed is measured in pages per minute (ppm). 23.223 Thermal Printer Ttuses heat elements to produce output on special papers, The most common use is in printing slips by ATMs. Heat sensitive paper is used. Printing cost is high and hence is being used for only professional arts and design works purpose. Plotter Plotters are used to print high quality vector graphics (engineering drawings, building plans, circuit diagrams etc.) under the control of computer. They use ink pens or inkjet to draw graphics ordrawings. They are generally Drum Plotterand Flat Bed Plotter. 2.3.3 Speaker It's a part of the multimedia computer. Speakers contain amplifiers which vibrate to produce the soundand gives audio output. 2.3.4 Multimedia Projector To project the computer output to a large number of people, Multimedia Projectors are used. Itis, ‘widely used for showing presentations inside corporations during team meeting. 2.4 — Input/Output Devices Many peripheral devices have the capability of being used as Input and Output devices both. Some ofthe popular I/O devices are listed below: Fax machine: - The fax machine translates a document into a series of zeros and ones (also known as a bit map) that can be transferred like normal computer data. On the receiving side, a fax ‘machine receive the incoming data, translates the zeros and ones back into dots, and reprints the picture, Thus serve as both Inputand Output Device. Multifunctional Devices (MED):- It is a device that performs a variety of functions that would else be carried out by separate peripheral devices. multifunction peripheral combine a minimum two of the following: @ printer, a scanner, and a copier. Example of such device is a Multi- Funetional Printer. Moder itis a device which converts Analog signals received over the telephone line to Digital ® Chapter 2 Computer System signal which may be used as Input for @ Computer. Similarly it transmits information received froma computer overthe telephone li Touch screen displays and digital Camera are few other examples of common input / output devices, TQuick/ Ea | > Whatis he use ofa joystick? > Write the names ofthree input and three output devices? > Whatisascannerand how does it works? TIP If you are getting an I/O error with a dise, try another disc in the computer to see if you get the same error, Ifthe same error occurs, then you have a problem with the drive. If you can read another dise with no ertors, then it ay bea bad or dirty dise, Computer Memory A computer memory is just like @ human brain, Its used to store data and information. Computer memory is the storage space where data and instructions which are to be processed are kept. Memory is primarily of three types: Cache Memory, Primary Memory / Main Memory and Secondary Memory 25.1 CacheMemory Types of computer storage Cache memory is a very high speed semi- pee Cache memoryis fester than the main memory v It consumes less access time as compared to main memory. > Itstores data for temporary use } _ Itstores the program that can be stored within a short period of time Chapter 2 ‘Computer System c certain disadvantages of cache memory > Cache memory has limited capacity > Itisvery expensive. 2.5.2 Primary Memory (Main Memory) Primary memory holds only those data and instructions on which computer is working currently, The data in this memory is lost when the power is off. This memory is generally made up of Key Attches semiconductor devices, It means integrated Figure 2.14 - Cache Memory circuits consisting of silicon based transistors. RAM (Random Access Memory) and ROM (Read Only Memory) are two examples of main memory. RAM is volatile memory. Samples of non-volatile memory are ROM / PROM (Programmable) / EPROM (Erasable PROM) and flash memory, The data and instructions required to be processed reside in the main memory. RAM and ROM are two examples of main ‘memory. Additional characteristics of main memory are: > Itistheworkingmemory ofthe computer D> Itsspeedis faster than the main memory > Acomputereannot run without primary memory Random Access Memory (RAM) ‘The read and write (R/W) memory of computer is called computer memory. The user can read as, well as write information to it, With RAM any location can be reached after specifying the address ofthe location. RAM is considered “random access” because we may access any memory cell directly ifwe know the address. The transistors make up the individual storage cells which can each remember an amount of data. ‘There are two types of basic RAMS: a, DynamicRAM(DRAM) b. Static RAM (SRAM) ‘The term static differentiates SRAM from DRAM which must be periodically refreshed. SRAMis faster and more costly than DRAM; itis commonly used for CPU cache while DRAM is used fora ‘computer's main memory. Some other forms of RAM are: a, EDO (extended Data Output) RAM- in EDO RAMS, any memory location can be accessed, It stores 256 bytes of data information into latches. b. SDRAM (Synchronous DRAMs): These RAM chips use the same clock rate as the CPU @ Chapter 2 Computer System uses, c. DDR-SDRAM (Double Data Rate- SDRAM): This RAM transmits data on both edges of the clock, Read Only Memory (ROM) Itis non-volatile memory. The information stored on it is not lost, even when power goes off. It is used for permanent storage of information. The information on ROM cannot be altered. Whatever is stored on it by the manufacturer, it remains fixed, Figure: 2.15 Read Only Memory (ROM) The followingare the types of ROMs: a. PROM: Itis Programmable Read Only Memory, Its contents are decided by the user. The user ean store permanent programs. The datas fed into it using PROM programs. b. EPROM: It is an erasable PROM. The stored information on EPROM's can be erased by exposing it to UV rays in about 15 minutes. It is not possible to erase a part of it, but the entire contents are to be removed. EPROM's are cheap and reliable. ¢. Flash Memory: It is an electrically erasable and programmable permanent type of ‘memory. It uses transistor memory, all resulting in high packing density, low power consumption, low cost and higher reliability. Itis used in digital cameras, MP3 players. 2.5.3 Secondary Memory Secondary Memory is also known as external memory or non-volatile memory. Iti slower than the main memory. It is used for storing data and information permanently. CPU does not access secondary memory directly; rather they are retrieved via input-output routines. Contents of secondary memory are first transferred to main memory, and then CPU can access. it Figure: BT Secondary dS Doe Memory (DVD) Characteristics of Secondary memory abs Sindh > These are optical and magnetic memories. — (Usedas Back Up Memory) mike Opis Men > Data is permanently stored, even when the . power is switched off, (non-volatile SIP Bat RDEV Tem ene memory) > Slowerthan primary memories a ae ogee > Large and voluminous data may be stored Chapter 2 Figure: 2.17 Secondary Memory Classification Computer System without much cost involvement. (e.g. Hard Disk) Hard Disk, Hard Disk Drive It isa data storage device used for storing and retrieving digital {information using one or more fast rotating disks covered with ‘magnetic material. The platters are paired with magnetic heads arranged on a moving arm, which read and write information to the platter surface. Data is accessed in a random access manner ‘that means the data can be accessed in any sequence. An HDD retains its data even when the power is off, ‘The primary characteristics of HDD are its capacity and Figure 2.18-Hard Disk performance. A terabyte (TB) drive has a capacity of 1000 gigabyte (GB) where 1 GB~ I billion bytes. Performance is specified by the time taken by it to retrieve the data ie, the datarate. Optical Disks All optical disks are circular shaped platters. These come in different size and storage capacity. The most popular optical disk types are WORM (CD-R), CD-RW, DVD and Blu-Ray Dises. ern CDR 650-700MB L CD-RW | 650-700MB i : DVD-ROM| 47GB 1 DVDR 47GB T ° DVDRW | 47GB T ° DVD!RDL| 85GB z . Figure2.19 — Comparison of Optical Disk WORM Disk/CD Recordable Disk WORM Means Write Once, Read Many Disks or Compact Disc-Recordable (CD-R). Usinga CD recording drive one can store data on WORM Disk/CD-R Disks only once. Data in these disks are ‘written by creating pits on the disk surface by shining a laser beam forreading. Compact Dise-Read/Write (CD-RW) It is similar to a WORM Disk however you can wipe out and re-write the information multiple times, Chapter 2 Computer System 2, Digital Versatile Dise (DVD) Itis an optical storage device that looks same as CD with a storage capacity up to 4.7 GB-8.5 GB ofdata, DVD's may be classified as single layer disk or double layer disk. Itis most popularly used for storing high quality movies and audio files. Blu-Ray Dise It is expected to replace existing DVD's in the future. These discs also use a laser beam for recording with the additional capability to store high density data. It has the storage capacity varying from 50 GB to 500 GB. TIP How to determine available hard drive space ona PC? Open the Computer Icon or press the shortcut key Windows Key +E, In Computer you will see each drive with a small percentage bar of how much disk space is being used as well as a description of how much is free and the total disk space. If you need additional information, right-click the disk drive and click on Properties. Pen Drive/Flash Memory It uses a small portable device which can be connected to a computer through USB Port. It can retain data even when it is not connected to a computer. It is very easy to disconnect and carry anywhere safely. SmartMedia Card It'smost popularly being used in Digital Camera these days and is like a portable credit card. 2, Secure Digital Card (SD Card) They are second generation Multimedia Card, It has the ability to lock and protect the data from being used. thas two variants: % — MiniSD Card: This is used to meet the requirement storing data in smart phones. > — MicroSD Card:Itis smaller than MiniSD Memory card with all the features as available in Mini SD. Quick TAT > Whatis computer memory > Differentiate between RAM and ROM. > Whatis secondary memory? How aCD ROM works? Chapter 2 ‘Computer System 2.6 Computer Classification Computer Computers may be classified based on their data processing capabilities. They are categorized according to purpose, data handling, functionality, size, storage capacity and performance. & é 3 2.6.1 Classification based on Operating Principles According to operating principles and Micro Computer Mini Computer ‘Mainframe Computer Super Computer Figure220 ~ Classification of Computers data handling, computers can be classified into following three categories: Analog, Digital and Hybrid Computers Analog Computers Analog computers work on the principles of measuring, in which the measurements gained are translated into data ‘These are used to measure quantities like voltage, temperatures, current etc. These computers do not operate ‘onnumbers directly. Digital Computers ‘These computers operate with information in the digital form. These computers operate with more accuracy and faster rate, These operate by counting. These computers are used for all general purpose applications and are used for voluminous data processing work. Hybrid Computers ‘These computes exhibit features of both Digital and Analog computers. A hybrid computers system setup offers a cost effective method of performing complex simulations, These computers serve as controller and provide logical operation, Chapter 2 Computer System Figure 2.22: Digital Computers 2.6.2 Classification based on Size, Storage Capacity and Performance Computers can be very big as large as a big room and as small as a laptop ora micro controller ina mobile and embedded system. The four basic types of computers are Super, Mainframe, Mini and Micro Computer. Super Computer These are the most powerful computers in terms of data storage, performance and data processing. These computers are exceptional computers and are used for large research and scientific purposes. Like NASA is using these computers for launching space shuttles, controlling them and for space exploration purposes. These computers require lot of space for functioning and are extremely expensive. The first supercomputer was designed in 1964 namely CDC 6600. Applications of Super Computers: Weather forecasting: These computers are used to predict and study weather forecasting and to analyze the nature and extent of rainfalls, windstorms. > Earthquake studies: Supercomputers are also used for E Figure2,24 - Super Computers exploring the earthquake phenomenon. They ae used forresource exploration like natural gas petroleum and coal > Communication: These computers are also very usefil in enhancing the communication between diferent devices, different machines and between different individuals ‘There are many other uses like weapon simulation and for knowing the impact of nuc! ‘weapons, Some popular supercomputers are: > IBM's Sequoiain US > Fujitsu's K Computerin Japan > PARAM Super computerin India Mainframe Computers These computers are also very expensive and are used by government organizations, large business firms and for business operations. These computers are kept in big rooms with appropriate cooling and other facilities. They can process a large volume of data at a very high speed. Big business banks, educational institutions and insuran« companies use mainframe computers to store data oftheir customers. (26) @ Chapter 2 ‘Computer System Figure 2.25 Mainfame Computer Some popular mainframe computersare: > Fujitsu's ICL VME > Hitachi’sZ800 MiniComputers Mini computers are used by comparatively small business houses. Although they are not as powerful as super computers and mainframe computers, but still they are very powerful machines. ‘These are used by big or middle range companies and production houses. Theses computer uses 2 single user and a multi user concept also, Some examples of mini computers are: > K-202 > Texas Instrument T1-990 > sps-92. Micro Computers Desktop computers, laptops, PDAs, tablets and smart phones are all types of microcomputers. These computers are widely used and are fastest growing computers. These are cheapest amongst the all four basic type computers. These computers are general purpose computers and are used for education, entertainment and other office purposes. {QUICK TATA > How do we classify computers based on speed, storage and performance > Difference between a Personal Computerand Super Computer > Whatisthename of India's first Super Computer? Chapter 2 Computer System Multiple Choice Questions Daisy wheel printerisatypeof a.Matrixprinter ——_b. Impactprinter ¢. Laser Printer é.Manual Which of the following memories must be refreshed many times persecond a Static RAM b. Dynamic RAM c. EPROM 4.ROM Which memory is used to store most frequently accessed information from the RAM? a.CacheMemory _b. Main Memory Register 4. ROM An optical input device that scan and reads pencil marks on paper mediais: a.OMR Punched Card Reader c, Magnetic Tape 4. Optical Scanner Which form of memory is volatile in nature? a.RAM b.ROM ©.PROM 4. EPROM 6. 10, Which type of ROM can be erased by an electrical signal” a. ROM b. Mask ROM c.EPROM 4. EEPROM Which of the printers used in conjunetion with computers uses toner (dry ink powder)? a. Daisy wheel printer b.Line printer ¢. Laserprinter 4. Thermal printer Which of the following produces the best quality vector graphics? a.Laserprinter _b.Inkjetprinter ¢. Plotter 4. Dot matrix printer Which is the fastest computer? a. Mainframe b. Minicomputer ©. Workstations 4. Super Computer DPI Stands for? a. Dotperinch b.Dotpersq. inch ¢. Dotsprinted perunit time 4. Allofabove Chapter 2 ‘Computer System CHAPTER 3 Uses of Computers 3. Uses of Computers ‘Computers have become pervasive in our lives and it is difficult to imagine our lives without ‘computer and its associated devices. Computers have made our lives easy, simpler, efficient and productive, Computers are being used in almost all fields today like education, medicine, scientific research, governance, transportation, railways, roadways, communication, business, entertainment, home, hospitals ete, 3.1 UseofComputersin Home ‘Today computers are being used at home for various purposes. Few examples are given below: > Homework for school children: Children use computers to create documents, excel worksheets, power point presentations, internet to complete school assignments and projects. > Entertainment: Computers can be used to watch movies and videos, listen to music, play computer games, watch live streaming videos and doing many other activities meant for entertainment and recreation. > — Social Media: People use social media tools to chat with friends, video chat with friends. People use applications like Facebook, Instagram, and Google Plus to share photos and updates with friends. Figure 3.1 > Knowledge: People can take help of intemet to enhance skills and knowledge. There are educational and informative websites available to read or download content, books, tutorials and relevant documents. 3.2. Useof Computersin Business In the competitive world, itis very essential to leverage computer automation to increase office (3) Q9) Chapter3 | Uses of Computer efficiency and productivity. Today computer applications are helping business to lower cost of doing ‘ business and increase customer satisfaction. There are many sophisticated industry specific office automation products available in the market that can be used by business. Figure 3.2 > Communication: This is an important aspect of business where computers applications like ‘emails, instant messaging, contact systems, VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), video chats are being leveraged for communication among various stakeholders like employees, customers, vendors and management. Companies can use applications such as Outlook to manage business mail, track events and help employees schedule meetings. Skype, Google Hangouts and similar programs give you the ability to hold remote chats, video meetings with people across the globe. ‘These communications platforms also work on smartphones and tablets. Advanced computerized phone systems facilitate automated support and a virtual operator can quickly direct callers to the correct department for faster support. > Sales & Marketing: Computer applications allow businesses to plan, implement, track and report sales and marketing activities. Websites are created, digital ads and campaigns are Taunched with the help of software, From creating ad campaigns to tracking campaigns, contacting consumers, collecting and analyzing data, everything is done with specialized tool and software. “Digital Marketing” is a buzzword that means targeted, measurable, and interactive marketing of products or services using digital technologies to reach and convert leads into customers and retain them. The key objective is to promote brands, build preference and inercase sales through various digital marketing techniques and channels. This mainly uses the Internet as a core promotional medium, in addition to mobile and traditional TV and radio. Few of online channels used are: Afliatomarketing Display advertising 4 Emailmarketing Search marketing Social Media Social Networking 4 Gameadverting Videoadvertising Figure3.4 ® Chapter 3 Uses of Computer > Finance & HR: Companies typically uses ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) packages to handle automated Finance and HR functions. These packages takes care of all important functions like financial accounting, general ledger, accounts receivable, accounts payable, taxation, asset accounting, payroll, recruitment, benefits, performance & appraisals etc. HR applications also provide facility to HR managers to generate reports that profile specific employees. In addition to Finance & HR, ERP also comes with Sales, Planning, Inventory, Operations, Administration etc. modules. v Education & Traini : Businesses use computers to train & educate employees on processes, technical subjects, business subjects, company policies, standard procedures and safety. Computers are used to educate and train employees leveraging eLeaming platform and eContent where employees can plan training themselves and learn on their own pace. ‘These are supported by online assessments and learners are immediately certified, 3.3 Use of Computers in Education Computers have completely transformed education sector and has opened many avenues for imparting education. > — Smart Classes: Today traditional classrooms are being converted to modern smart cl Teachers are using interactive media, images, videos, animations, presentations, simulated learning and smart content to teach students, This helps students understand the concepts and retain Figure 3.5 the knowledge for @ long time. Additionally school ERPs are used to track activities and performance of teachers and students, generate ‘automated score cards and analyze performance at different levels and help in school administration activities. > — Online Education: In addition to strengthening traditional education system, computers are helping in creating a new ed ation paradigm “Online Education” of pursuing educational certificate, diploma and degree courses. Students can use online mode to pursue a course, degree or training sitting at home with the help of a computer and intemet ‘connection. Online education system offers several benefits to the students which they can't avail in traditional education system, This is the reason why millions of people are following online education today and this counts increasing day by day. Vv ital Library School books and contents are digitized and provided to students in eBook (soft copy) form. Magazines, Journals, brochures and articles have become online ‘making it convenient for students to access it anywhere, anytime over the internet. Libraries @ Chapter 3 Uses of Computer are being automated for maintaining issuing and return records and list of al articles in the library > Research / Projects: Computers help students their project and research works. Today most of the content, data and knowledge are available online hence it has become convenient for students to pursue their research and project works with ease and get ample amount of information forthe same over the internet. 3.4. Use of Computers in Healthcare Computers have become an integral part to provide efficient, effective, accountable and transparent health care services, Hospital Management: Industry specific and specialized software and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) packages, are leveraged to automate hospital administration and operational activities. The software includes functionalities, Figure 3.6 like online appointments, patient life cycle tracking, patient discharge, patient history, patient monitoring and other activities related to Hospital operations and administration, Medical Labs: Running tests (blood, urine, tissues, fluids etc.) have become automated to improve accuracy and sanctity of medical tests. There are automated machines available that can excoute medical test faster with accuracy at mass level. Now there are instruments available that can help measure and monitor health at home, for example there are digital blood pressure and diabetes monitoring instruments available in the market that one can conveniently use to track health. Surgery: Advanced machines have been designed with help from computers for minimally invasive surgeries. These surgeries cut a small incision, and then place a small surgical tool with an attached camera inside the patient's body. This makes it less likely that a patient will suffer complications igure 3.7 from a larger surgical wound, and it helps minimize damage done to the body. Most of these minimally invasive tools use computers to drive the tools, and to relay images from inside the patient's body out to the doctors. Computerized robotics allows doctors to perform surgery on patients without even being in the same room. These computer-controlled surgeries allow doctors to save the lives of patients many miles away which may not have been possible otherwise, Video networking and real-time vital statistics monitoring allow for safe, precise surgeries that are observed by on-staff doctors or students, Telemedicine is the use of telecommunication and information technologies in order to provide (32) &) Chapter 3 Uses of Computer clinical health care at a distance. It helps eliminate distance barriers and can improve access to medical services that would often not be ‘consistently available in distant rural communities, It is also used to save lives in critical care and emergency situations. Early forms of telemedicine achieved with telephone and radio have been supplemented with video telephony, advanced diagnostic methods supported by distributed client/server applications, and additionally with Figure 3.8 tele medical devices to support in-home care. Diagnostic: Computers are being broadly utilized in the radiology realm of health care ‘Technology advancements have led to more sophisticated ways of taking X-rays and performing imaging services. Computers allow radiologists and technicians to study and print the final images, ‘X-rays and CT (Computed Tomography) scans use radiation to produce images of a patient's inte I structure to search for abnormalities. X-rays allow for viewing of the internal structure of the patient from one perspective. CT scanning on the other hand uses computer technology to take several X-ray images that are two-dimensional cross-sections and tum them into a multidimensional picture that doctors use to make a diagnosis. These single X-rays are combined ‘using computer programs that precisely reconstruct the intemal structure ofthe patient. ‘Magnetic Resonance Imagining, more commonly known as MRI, is the process of using powerful magnet ficlds to map the pat snt's internal structure and activity. MRI is used to produce detailed images of soft tissue in the body without using radiation, The bio-clectrical activity in the body is detected by the MRI machine and fed to a computer that interprets the structure of the area being seanned and presents a three-dimensional presentation of electrical activity in the region. This allows doctorsto search for physical and operational defects in patients without invasive surgery. 3.5 Useof Computersin eGovernance Today governments worldwide are leveraging computers to create a better eco-system for effective eGovernance, e-Governance is the application of information and communication technology (ICT) for delivering government services, exchange of information communication transactions, integration of various stand-alone systems and services between government to citizens (G2C), government to business (G2B), government to employee (G2E), government to ‘government (G2G) as well as back office processes and interactions within the entire government framework. Through e-governance, government services are offered to citizens in an efficient, accountable, faster and transparent manner. ® Chapter 3 Uses of Computer In recent years due to technological advancements, computerization, internet connectivity availability, central and state governments in India have pushed large number of e-Governance initiatives Following few examples demonstrates various Governance initiatives in India: Government to Citizens > Railways enquiry and reservation system (http://www iret IRCTC (Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation) is pioneer in eGovernance and has designed and implemented one of the most complex online reservation systems for its passengers. Through IRCTC website, users can plan, book, cancel tickets and get regular updates on SMS and emails D Passport Seva Project (hiips/ The Passport Seva Project is transforming passport and related services in India to provide a best-in-class experience to Indian citizens. This is enabling Indian Government to deliver passport services ina reliable, convenient and transparent manner, within defined service levels, v ‘Aadhar Card (Attps:// Aadhaar is a unique identification number issued to residents of India by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI, The UIDAI will maintain a database of residents containing Biometric, demographics and other data, Central and State Governments in India are using Aaadhar to improved citizen services in various departments, To facilitate disbursements of Government entitlements like NREGA, Social Security pension ete. Central or State Government bodies are using Aadhaar based authentication. Vv Mitra in Rajasthan ( e-Mitra is an integrated project to facilitate the urban and the rural masses with maximum possible services related to different state government departments through cMitra Kiosks. In addition, eGovernance is also being rolled out for citizens in public distribution system (PDS), Figure 3.9 YL Chapter 3 Uses of Computer providing services by local bodies and municipalities, crime and criminal tracking network system (CCTNS), modemizing panchayats and districts, education and healthcare specially in schools, colleges and hospitals, national land records modernization program, digital cloud for every Indianete. 3.5.2, Government to Business > eProcurement: Central and many state governments have initiated procurement through eProcurement system. This not only reduces cost and effort for all stakeholders but also provides transparent, efficient and accountable services. v Ministry of Coxporate Affairs: The project aims at providing easy and secure online access to all registry related services provided by the Union Ministry of Corporate Affairs to corporates and other stakeholders at any time and in a manner that best suits them. 3.6 Onlineshopping (eCommerce) Online stores are usually available 24 hours a day hence it makes online shopping very convenient in addition to other advantages. Online shopping is a form of el rronic commerce (e-Commerce) which permits consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a ‘web browser, Mobile commerce (or m-Commerce) describes purchasing from an online retailer's mobile optimized online site or app. Online customers must have access to the Internet and a valid ‘method of payment in orderto complete a transaction, ‘Consumers find a product of interest by visiting the website ofthe ctailer directly or by searching ‘among alternative vendors using a shopping search engine. Once a particular product has been found on the website of the seller, most online retailers use shopping cart software to allow the ‘consumer to accumulate multiple items and to adjust quantities, lke filling a physical shopping cart or basket in a conventional store, A “checkout” process follows in which payment and delivery information is collected, if necessary. Some stores allow consumers to sign up for a permanent online account so that some or all of this information only needs to be entered ‘once. The consumer often receives an e-mail confirmation once the transaction is complete. Online shopping sites generally allow Net Banking, Credit Card, Debit Card and Cash on Delivery (C.0.D.) payment methods Some popular online shopping sites are: Figure 3.10, Amazon, Snapdeal, Flipkart, eBay, PayTM, Chapter 3 Uses of Computer Jabong, Myntra, Shopclues, PepperFry, Homeshop 8, firstery ete 3.7 Internet Banking Internet banking is an electronic payment system that allows customers of financial institutions like Banks, Insurance Companies, Financial Brokers etc. to conduct financial transactions (c.g. transferring payment to accounts, paying utility bills, paying insurance premium, bank: ements etc.) on a website operated by the institution, such as a retail bank, virtual bank, credit union or building society. This is also referred as internet banking (Net Banking), e-banking, virtual banking ete. Almost all banks and financial institutions provide Online Banking facilities to its customers. To access Internet Banking, a customer will need to register with the financial institutions and receive credentials, These typically include user id, password and other credentials for customer ‘oday financial institutions use verifications OTP (One Time Password sent on customer's registered mobile number) as one of the additional security credentials to make transactions safe and secure inaddition to usinga secure website, Figure 3.11 To access internet banking, a customer will need to access secured website of the financial institutions, provide required credentials and access all required services. Generally these financial institutions send SMS and emails on the transactions carried out by customers. Generally customers can perform following activities using Internet Banking: > Viewing account balance > Viewing recent transactions (mini and full statements) and download statements in ‘multiple formats like excel, PDF etc. > Services like ordering cheque books, updating profile, viewing cheques ete. > Funds transfers between the customer's linked accounts, > Paying third partes, including bill payments (see, e-g., BPAY) and third party fund transfers > Investment (stocks, mutual funds ete.) purchase or sale > Loan applications and transactions, such as repayments of enrolments > Creditcard applications > Registerutility billers and make bill payments Chapter 3 Uses of Computer 3.8 Online Booking Traveling by road by bus or train begins with online booking on the computer. Companies like redbus or Indian Railways have websites that let people plan trips using their services. You can enter the date of departure and return and the destination, and the computer screen will display ticket prices, itineraries and offer the option to book and pay for the trip right online with a credit card. Today almost all airlines provide online booking of air tickets. They provide end to end facilities tight from planning trip to book tickets, book accommodation, routes, transportation, visa, meals and everything that can make travel convenient and enjoyable. Procedure of Booking E-Ticket on Indian Railway Website: > Customer should register in the website to book tickets, Registrations fre. > Before registration, customer should go through the “Terms and Conditions” which areavailablein the website. } Customer is allowed to register only one user ID with correct details of e-mail, mobileno.,ete. > Full fare tickets including Tatkal, Child tickets and tickets for senior citizens at concessional rate can be booked through the website, E-tickets can be booked for joumey between any two stations on the route of the train including originating station and destination, > When ticket is successfully booked an SMS will be sent to the customer detailing the PNR, ticket status, fare chargedete. Payment for booking E-tickets on Indian Railway Website: > Paymentcanbemadeby using all Master/Visa /Amex cards, > Account holders of major banks viz. State Bank of India, PNB, Indian Bank, ICICI, HDFC, ete. can also use Net Banking/ Debit Cards facility for making payments for tickets booked through internet. > Customers can also use various Cash Cards for making payments. > Payment can also be made through IMPS (Immediate Payment Service) provided by National Payments Corporation of India, ‘Today uses of computer are not limited to only few areas but it has become pervasive. Itis difficult to imagine any industry or sector not leveraging computers to provide efficient services or increase productivity, Computers are also being used in followings areas: Chapter 3 Uses of Computer @ VVVVVVV VV VV VV ‘Travel Industry and Personal Travel Weather Forecasting Retail & Supermarkets, Remote Sensing Transportation Defense Media & Entertainment Design & Manufacturing Service Industry Aitlines/ Aerospace Space Programs Gems &lewelry Research / Artificial Intelligence Chapter 3 Uses of Computer Multiple Choice Questions 1, Which of the following could be a Governance services: a. DrivingLicense b. Drivinga Car Buying Vegetables 4. Printinga T-shirt 2. Online Banking isnot referredas: a. NetBanking . Virtual Banking, ¢. Private Banking d.e-Banking 3. Which one of the following service is not generally considered as part of online banking: a, Orderinga cheque book , Fund transfer c.Buyinga property 4. Viewing transactions Chapter 3 Uses of Computer CHAPTER 4 Introduction to Internet 4, Introduction to Internet 4.1 History Inits infancy, the Internet was originally conceived by the Department of Defence, USA asa way to protect government communications systems in the event of a military strike. The original network, dubbed ARPANet (for the Advanced Research Projects Agency that developed it) evolved into a communications channel among contractors, military personnel, and university researchers who were contributing to ARPA projects, ‘The network employed a set of standard protocols to create an effective way for these people to communicate and share data with each other. In the 1980's the National Science Foundation, ‘whose NSFNet, linked several high speed computers, took charge of the what had come to be known as the Internet. By the late 1980s, thousands of cooperating networks were participating in the Internet. In 1991, the U.S. High Performance Computing Act established the NREN (National Rescarch & Education Network). NREN's goal was to develop and maintain high-speed networks for research and education, and to investigate commercial uses for the Internet WORLD-WIDE-WER Chapter 4 | Introduction to Intemet ‘The popular name for the Internet is the information superhighway. Whether you want to find the latest financial news, browse through library catalogs, exchange information with colleagues, or join ina lively political debate, the Internets the tool that will take you beyond telephones, faxes, and isolated computersto a burgeoning networked information frontier. 4.2 Internet Intemnet is a global computer network providing a a variety of information and communication 2 "The Internet Web User facilities, consisting of interconnected networks \_DishicableDSL ISP. a) (ir erie vi) using standardized communication protocols.The connected computers belong to Web Serer various agencies - government, universities, ‘companies, individuals ete. Most of the Intemet Services operate on the client / server model. A. ‘computer isa client if it is receiving files, and isa server if it is sending files. To gain access to the Internet most people open an account with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) in theirareas. Figure 4.2- Internet 4.2.1 Uses ofInternet Communication At the moment the easiest thing that can be done using the internet is that we can communicate with the people living far away from us with extreme ease. Earlier the communication used to bea «daunting task but all that changed once intemet came into the life of the common people. Now people can not only chat but can also do the video conferencing. Communication is the most important gift thatthe internet has given o all ofus. Email, social networking sites are some of the prime example ofit. Research In orderto do research one needs to go through hundreds of books as well asthe references and that ‘was one of the most difficult jobs to do earlier. Since the Intemet came into life, everything is available just @ click away. You just have to search for the concerned topic and you will get hhundreds of references that may be beneficial for your research. You can also benefit a large amount of people from yourresearch work by making it public on the Internet. Education Education is one of the best things that the internet can provide. There are a number of books, Chapter 4 Introduction to Internet reference books, online help centers, expert's views and other study oriented material on the internet that can make the learning process very casy as well as a fun learning experience. Financial Transaction Financial transaction is the term which is used when there is exchange of money. With the use of {ntemet in the financial transaction, your work has become a lot easier. Now you don't need to stand in the queue at the branch of your particular bank rather you can just log in on to the bank website with the credential that has been provided to you by the bank and then ean do any transaction related to finance at your will. With the ability to do the financial transaction easily overthe internet you can purchase or sell financial products easily. Real Time Updates Internet provides you the ability to connect with latest happenings and real time updates at any point of time, There are various websites on the internet which provides you with the real time updatesin every field be it in business, sports, finance, politics, entertainment and others. TIP Intemetis an information super highway which finds use in almost all the industry fields. Itis a key skill for Digital Literacy which helps us connect tothe online world, JQUICK| ENE - > How does Internethelp in searching information? > How can Intemnethelp in doing School Project work? > Whatis the use of Internet in field of distance education? 4.3 World Wide Web The World Wide Web (WWW) is an open source information space where documents and other ‘web resources are identified by URLs, interlinked by hypertext links, and can be accessed via the Internet. The World Wide Web was central to the development of the Information Age and is the primary tool billions of people use to interact on the Internet Individual document pages on the World Wide Web are called web pages and are accessed with a software application running on the user's computer, commonly called a web browser. Web pages may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia components, as well as web navigation features consisting of hyperlinks. The Internet & the World Wide Web (the Web), are used interchangeably but they are not synonymous, Internet can be termed as hardware part - it is a collection of computer networks connected through either copper wires, fiber-optic cables or wireless connections whereas, the World Wide Web can be termed as the software part — it is a collection of web pages connected (42) @) Chapter 4 | Introduction to Intemet through hyperlinks and URLs. World Wide Web is one of the services provided by the Internet. Other services over the Internet include E-mail, chat, blogging and file transfer services are examples of services over the Intemet. 4.4 Browser Abrowser is a software application used to locate, retrieve and display content on the World Wide ‘Web including Web pages, images, video and other files. Asa client/server model, the browsers, the client run on a computer that contacts the Web server and requests information, The Web server sends the information back to the Web browser which displays the results on the computer corother Internet enabled device that supports a browser. Today's browsers are fully-functional software suites that can interpret and display HTML Web pages, applications, JavaScript and other content hosted on Web servers. Web browsers consist of | a.user interface, layout engine, rendering engine, JavaScript interpreter, UI backend, networking, ‘component and data persistence component. ‘Most major web browsers have these user interface elements in common though names can be different- } Back and forward buttons to go back to the previous resource and forward respectively. A refresh or reload button to reload the current resource. > Astop button to cancel loading the resource. In some browsers, the stop button is merged with the reload bution. > Ahomebuttontoretuto the user's home page. > An address bar to input the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the desired resource and display it. > A search bar to input terms into a Suncwiatans’ @©@QO@S the search bar is merged with the ? wy address bar. Figure 4.3- Browsers > A status bar to display progress in loading the resource and also the URL of links when the cursor hovers over them, and page zooming capability The viewport, the visible area of the webpage within the browser window. vv The ability to view the HTML source fora page. v Majorbrowsers also possess incremental find features to search within a web page. v Most browsers support HTTP Secure and offer quick and easy ways to delete the web cache, download history, form and search history, cookies, and browsing history The two most popular browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer / Mictosoft Edge and Google @ Chapter 4 Introduction to Internet Chrome. Other majorbrowsers include Firefox, Apple Safari and Opera. TIP It is highly advised to make Chrome Browser set as default browser as it is much more convenient due to seamless integration with other Google based services. 4.5 Website ‘A Web site isa related collection of World Wide Web (WWW) files that includes a beginning file called a home page. A company or an individual tells you how to get to their Web site by giving you the address of their home page. From the home page, you can getto all the other pages on their site Websites have many functions and can be used in various fashions; a website can be a personal website, a commercial website, a Figure 4.4 Websites government website or a non-profit organization website. Websites can be the ‘work ofan individual, a business or other organization, and are typically dedicated to a particular topic or purpose. Any website can contain a hyperlink to any other website, so the distinction between individual sites, as perceived by the user, can be blurred. Web pages can be viewed or otherwise accessed from a range of computer-based and Internet- enabled devices of various sizes, including desktop computers, laptops, PDAs and cell phones. website is hosted on a computer system known as a web server, also called a HTTP server, Websites can be divided into two broad categories - Static and Dynamic. Static sites serve or capture information but do not allow engagement with the audience directly. Dynamic sites are part of the Web 2.0 community of sites, and allow for interactivity between the site owner and site visitors, a Tie ‘Nowadays most of the corporate websites are dynamic in nature which help in better customer engagementand accurate tracking of consumer behavior. QUICK RW > Name some websites to access News? D> Whatare the types of Website? {De Sywhetie the edvantaneot ateractive webstted over Static websites?, e Chapter 4 | Introduction to Intemet 4.6 Uniform Resource Locator ‘A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) (commonly referred to as a web address) is a reference toa ‘web resource that specifies its location on a computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it URLs occur most commonly to reference web pages (http), but are also used for file transfer (ftp), email (mailto), database access (IDBC), and many other applications Most web browsers display the URL ofa web page above the page in an address bar. URL is an internet address of a website, file, or documentin the general format: BB //oww. =. —_ http://www.address/directories/file name Fame s-uRL Every computer conne ed to the internet has its unique URL without which it cannot be reached by other computers.In other words a typical URL could have the form:- hitp://Avww.example,com/index. html This indicates a protocol (hitp), a hostname (, and a file name (index.html). Few examples of TLDs (Top Level Domains) are shared below for reference: HTTP & HTTPS: HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for World Wide Web. Hyper Text is structured text that uses logical links (hyperlinks) between nodes containing text. HTTP is the protocol to exchange or transfer hypertext. HTTP functions as a request- response protocol in the client-server computing model ZoNe_ | DEENITON. FoRUSEBY Protocol for secure communication "==" Se overacomputernetworkusingTTPis "wee Mansi HTTPS (HTTP Secure). HTTPS “SoD hlewmnsissncs consists of communication over HTTP "™ —_‘svsieol__remintons sie hy memati sis within a connection encrypted by Mi Siti Transport layer security or its m¢ Néwok | Newoik vile, dinar canoer, predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer. _—_e* The main motivation for HTTPs is fe Orpetn Figuee 45 Top Level Domains authentication of the visited website and protection of the privacy and integrity of exchanged data, This is widely used on the internet especially websites that use financial transactions / privacy data use HTTPS. Chapter 4 Introduction to Internet _ Ss ne Se URL isa unique address that helps us locatea specific item on the web. (Quick PE D> Whatare the various components ofa URL? > Howcan you finda filein web directory using URL? > Whatis the difference between com & .edutop level domains? 4.7 Domain Name System The domain name system (DNS) is the way that Internet domain names are located and translated smember "handle" into Internet Protocol addresses. A domain name is a meaningful and easy-to-t foran Intemetaddress, ‘The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network. Most prominently, it translates domain names, which can be easily memorized by humans, to the numerical IP addresses needed for the purpose of computer services and devices worldwide. The Domain Name System is ‘aie Dn pte D9 an essential component of the s os functionality of most Intemet ul 3 services because it is the eon Ra com Intemet’s primary. directory a as serviceDNS is an Intemet 5 a, service that translates domain names. into IP addresses Because domain names ate Figure 4.7 DNS alphabetic, they're easier to remember. The Intemet however, is really based on IP addresses. Every time you use a domain name, therefore, a DNS service must translate the name into the corresponding IP address. For cxample, the domain name might translate to Sa (mene Services operate on the client/server model or concept. A computer is a client if it :| receiving files, and is a server if itis sending files Quick TAT > Whichis the best application for video chat service? > How FTPhelpsus senda file? {> Whataremobile centric chat applications? Chapter 4 | Introduction to Intemet 4.8 Intranet An intranet is a private network, accessible only to an organization's staff. Generally wide range of information and services from the organization's internal IT systems are eae available that would not be available to the public from the Internet, eoe2c2 An intranet’s Web sites look and act just ike | 5 any other Web sites, but the firewall surrounding an intranet fends offunauthorized access, Figure 4.8 Intranet 4.8.1 Internet versus Intranet ‘The Internet is the global World Wide Web, while an intranet is @ private Intemet operating within a ‘company. Both the Intemet and an intranet use TCP/IP protocol as well as features like e-mail and typical World Wide Web standards Intemet a-— eo ‘One main difference is that users of ‘an intranet can get on the Internet, but thanks to protection measures like computer firewalls, global Internet users cannot get onto an intranet unless they have access to it. In fact, an intranet can be rum without an Internet connection, Figure 4.9. Internet Intemet is more general, spreads toa larger population, provides a better access to all web based services and thus, is pretty user friendly. Intranet is a far safer and secure privatized version of intemet. Solely for the purpose of communication, intranet is an economic method to keep the organization's communication structured allowing quick data exchange round the clock all the year. Chapter 4 | Introduction to Intemet QUICK | > Whatare the differences between Internet & Intranet? > Which is more secure~Intemet or Intranet? 4.9 Connecting to Internet 4.9.1 Types of Internet Connection Once you've set up your computer, you'l probably want to get Internet access so youcan send and. receive emails, browse the Web, watch movies, and can do much more, Before you can access the Internet, there are three things you need: an Internet service, a modem, and a web browser. Here are some common types of Internet connection services: Dial-up: Dial-up is generally the slowest type of Intemet connection and mostly obsolete nowadays, Like a phone call, a dial-up modem will connect you to the Intemet by dialing a ‘number, and it will disconnect when you are done surfing the Web. DSL: Digital Subscriber Line service uses a broadband connection, which makes it much faster than dial-up. DSL connects to the Intemet via phone line but does not require you to have a land line at home. Unlike dial-up, it will always be ON once its set up, and you'll be able to use the Internetand your phone line simultaneously. Cable: Cable service connects to the Internet via cable TV, although you do not necessarily need tohave cable TV in order to gett. Ituses a broadband connection and can be faster than both dial- upand DSL service; however, itis only available in places where cable TV isavailable. Satellite: A satellite connection uses broadband but $ does not require cable or phone lines; it connects to the Internet through satellites orbiting the Barth, As a result, itean be used almost anywhere in the world, but the connection may be affected by weather patterns. A satellite connection also relays data on a delay, so itis not the best option for people who use real-time applications, ike gaming or video conferencing. Figure 4.11 — Connecting Internet 3G and 4G: 3G and 4G service is most commonly used with mobile phones and tablet computers, and it connects wirelessly through your ISP's s the Internet network. Ifyou have a device that's 3G or4G enabled, you'll be able to use it to a away from home, even when there is no Wi-Fi connection, (48) Bs Chapter 4 | Introduction to Intemet 49.1.1 Dialup Connection Dialup internet service is a service that allows connectivity to the internet through a standard telephone line. By connecting the telephone line to the modem in your computer and inserting the other end into the phone jack, and configuring the computer to dial a specific number provided by your internet service |poueose provider (ISP) you are able to access the intemeton your computer. Figure 4.12 — Dial-up Connection In order to get a dial up intemet service a person must definitely have a computer and even more important a modem, There are different types of modems, and most of them are inexpensive to purchase. A telephone line is linked to the modem.The modem is controlled by software on the computer With dial up internet you cannot use the phone and search the web at the same time. Itis because ‘one end of the telephone is linked to the modem and the other end is in the phone outlet. Modem A modem is a device or program that enables a ‘computer to transmit data over, for example, telephone ble lines. Computer information is stored digitally, whereas information transmitted over telephone lines is transmitted in the form of analog waves. A modem converts between these two forms. Modem is Figure 4.13 ~ Modem abbreviation for Modulator — Demodulator. ‘A modem modulates outgoing digital signals from a computer or other digital device to analog signals for a conventional copper twisted pair telephone line and demodulates the incoming ‘analog signal and converts it toa digital signal for the digital device. ‘The modems are of various types:- Internal Modem Internal Modem is the d c installed in the desktop or laptop computer to communicate over a network with other connected computers. These are cheaper than external modems as they do not require power supply or a chassis. There are two types of internal modems: dial-up and WiFi® (witeless).Dial up works on the telephone cables and requires a network access phone number and logon credentials to make a connection and WiFi modem comments to the network without filling these credentials Chapter 4 Introduction to Internet External Modem External modems are the simplest type of the modem to install. The telephone line plugs into a socket on the rear panel of the modem. As extemal modems have their own power supply, you can tum off the modem quickly to break the connection, The examples ofthese modemsarethe DSL Figure 4.14 External Modem modems which are used in the broadband connections, PC Card Modem: These modems, designed for portable computers, are the size of a credit card and fit into the PC Card slot on notebook and handheld computers. These modems are removed when the modem is not needed. Except for their size, PC Card modems are like a combination of external and intemal modems. These devices are plugged directly into an external slot in the portable computer. So no cable is required other than the telephone line connection. The cards are powered by the computer, which is fine unless the Figure 4,15- PC Card Modem computer is battery-operated. Digital Subscriber Line Digital subscriber line (DSL; originally digital subscriber loop) is a family of technologies that are used to transmit digital data over telephone lines, DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) is a technology for bringing high- bandwidth information to homes and small businesses over ordinary copper telephone lines. In telecommunications marketing, the term DSL is widely understood to mean asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL), the most commonly installed DSL Internet access. DSL service can be technology, for delivered simultaneously with wired telephone service on the same telephone line. This is possible because DSL uses higher frequency Figure 4.16 — Connecting Internet bands for data, On the customer premises, a DSL filter on each non-DSL outlet blocks any high-frequency interference to enable simultaneous use of the Voice and DSL services. The bit rate of consumer DSL services typically (50) @) Chapter 4 | Introduction to Intemet ranges from 256 Kbit’s to over 100 Mbit/sin the direction to the customer (downstream), depending on DSL. technology, tine HOW DSL Works conditions, and service-level ae ae implementation. | tne 2. Digital Subscriber Line is a technology that oh | assumes digital data does not require hange into analog form and back. Digital we aaa data is transmitted to your computer ui —_—_s* directly as digital data and this allows the | phone company to use a much wider rages bandwidth for transmitting it to you. Meanshile,ifyou choose, the signal can be sg) ——— ig). tau separated so that some of the bandwidth is ‘used to transmit an analog signal so that you — ; canuse yourtelephone and computer onthe | "=H yoo same lineandat the same time. Figure 4.17 DSL Working CableModem ‘A cable modem is a type of Network Bridge and modem that provides bi-directional data ‘communication via radio frequency channels on @ hybrid fiber-coaxial (HFC) and Radio frequency infrastructure. Cable modems are pri ly used to deliver broadband Internet ac the form of cable Internet, taking advantage of the high bandwidth network. comutce A cable modem is @ device that enables you to hook up your PC to a local cable TV line and receive data at about 1.5 Mbps, ‘This data rte far exceeds that of the prevalent 28.8 and 56 Kbps “Lt telephone modems and the up to LR ae 128 Kbps of Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) and is about the data rate available to subscribers of Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) telephone service. A cable modem can be added oor integrated with aset-top box that provides your TV set with channels for Intemet access, In most cases, cable modems are furnished aspartofthe cable access service and are not purchased directly and installed by the subscriber. Chapter 4 Introduction to Internet In addition tothe faster data rate, an advantage of cable over telephone Internet access is that itis a continuous connection, ISDN (Integrated Service fal Network) Integrated Services for Digital Network (ISDN) is a set of communication standards for simultaneous digital transmission of voice, video, data, and other network services over the traditional circuits of the public switched telephone network. The key feature of ISDN is that it integrates speech and data on the same lines, adding features that ‘were notavailable in the classic telephone system, ISDN is a circuit-switched telephone network system, which also provides access to packet switched networks, designed to allow digital transmission of voice and data over ordinary telephone copper wires, resulting in potentially better voice quality than an analog phone can provide. Integrated services refer to ISDN's ability to deliver at minimum two simultaneous connections, in any combination of data, Voice voice, video, and fax, over a single line. Multiple devices can be attached to the line, D and used as needed. That means an ISDN JDM. line can take care of most people's complete ‘ communications needs (apart from television) at a much higher transmission Video rate, without forcing the purchase of Figure 4.19- ISDN multiple analog phone lines. 4.9.2 Network/Internet Devices ‘A computer network or data network is a network which allows computers to exchange data, In computer networks, networked computing devices exchange data with cach other along network links (data connections). The connections between nodes are established using either cable media or wireless media. The best-known computer network is the Internet, Figure 4.20- ISDN Networks are used to: 1. Facilitate communication via email, video conferencing, instant messaging, etc. Chapter 4 | Introduction to Intemet 2, Enable multiple users to sharea single hardware device like a printer or scanner 3. Enable file sharing across the network 4. Allow forthe sharing of software or operating programs on remote systems 5. ‘Make information easier to access and maintain among network users Network Devices ‘An Internet device is a tool whose main function is easy access to Intemet = —S fm — services such as WWW or e ‘e-mail.A variety of devices, are used to connect network of a computer. a= = ‘The most common devices are given below: Figure 4.21 ~ Computer Network 4921.1 Hub Ahub isa common connection point for devices in anetwork, Hubs are commonly used to connect segments of'a LAN. A hub contains multiple ports. When a packet arrives at one port, it is ‘copied to the other ports so that all segments of Neer Hoh the LAN can sceall packets, po Lj =— =— Jvcecse nus Typically, a network hub is used fora private network, one that does not have any connections to sources other than local ™2ist0 Wz1e807 mush spun Figure 4.22 Hub computers (meaning, no Intemet access) Additionally, network bandwidth is. split between all of the connected ‘computers. So, more the computer that is connected, the less ‘bandwidth that is available for each ‘computer, which means slower ‘connection, speeds. Switeh 2 4921.2 Switch A network switch (also called switching hub, bridging hub) is a ‘computer networking device that connects devices together on a computer network, by using packet switching to receive, process and forward data to the destination device, Unlike network Figure 423 ~ Switch Chapter 4 Introduction to Internet hubs, a network switeh which is more advanced than hub forwards data only to one or multiple devices that need to receive it, rather than broadcasting the same data out ofeach ofits ports. Data not designed for a device on the other network in prevented from passing over the bridge 492.13 Bridge S A bridge is used to join two network segments together; it allows computers on either segment to access resources on Figure 424 —Bridge the other. They can also be used to divide large networks into smaller segments, Router A network router is quite different from a switch or hub since its primary function is to route data packets to other networks, instead of just the local computers. A router is quite common to find in homes and businesses since it allows your network to communicate with other networks including the Internet Routers perform the “traffic directing” functions on the Internet, Figure 4.25—Router A data packet is typically forwarded from one router to another through the networks that constitute the intemetwork until it reaches its destination node. Routing Table Routers contain. internal 254 an ae tables of information called ey ro ae Tai routing tables that keep track Comper’ Router Computer of all known network °°" " addresses and possible paths Rohe Tae throughout the intemetwork, ete Bae along with cost of reaching Figure 426 — Routing Table each network. Routers route packets based on the available paths and their costs, thus taking advantage of redundant paths that can exist in a mesh topology network.The routing tables are the hart ofa router; without them, there's no way for the router to know where to send the packets it Chapter 4 | Introduction to Intemet A basic routing table includes the following information: > Destination: The IP address ofthe packet's final destination > Nexthop: The IP address to which the packet is forwarded > Interface: The outgoing network interface the device should use when forwarding the packet, tothenexthop or final destination > — Metric: Assigns a cost to each available route so that the most cost-effective path can be chosen > Routes: Includes directly-attached subnets, indirect subnets that are not attached to the device but can be accessed through one of more hops, and default routes to use for certain types of traffic or when information is lacking. Gateway ‘A network gateway is an intemetworking system capable of joining together two networks that use different base protocols. web Secven A network gateway completely in software, completely in hardware, orasa combination ofboth. EEK Workstations n be implemented ‘A gateway is one of the many ways ourdata Gateway is moved over the Web for us. The gateway Figure 4.27 Gateway ives us entry into different networks so we ‘can send email, lok at Web pages, buy things online, and more. You can easily say that gateways deliver the freedom, information and convenience we enjoy online. ae ‘Most common use of Gateways is seen in e-commerce where Banks use secure Payment Gateway for transacting payments. (QUICK aE | D> Whatis the difference between Hub & Switch? > Whatis the difference between Bridge & Router? Chapter 4 Introduction to Internet Multiple Choice Questions KeyusesofIntemetare a. Communication ’. Education ¢. Financial Transaction 4.alloftheabove Before an user can access the Internet, which of the following is required? a.Intemetservice _b, Modem ©. Web browser d.Alloftheabove ISP stands for a. Intemet service provider b. Intranet service provider ¢. Information service provider 4. None ofthe above Webbrowserisa a, System Software b. Application Software ©. AandB 4. None ofthe above DSL stands for a. Dynamie subseriberline . Digital subscriberline ©. AandB d.None of the above 6. URL stands for a. Uniform Resource Locator . Universal Resource Locator ©. AandB d.None ofthe above WWW Stands for a, World Wisdom Web b, World Wide Web ©, World Web of Wisdom d, Wide Web of Word ‘com’ this URL “http// html represent in a. Domain , Sub Domain ¢.Protocol Top level domain Which isnot example of chat application? a. Skype b. Google Hang Outs ©. Facebook 4. None ofthe above FTP stands for a. Folder Transfer Protocol b. File Transfer Protocol ©. AandB d.None of the above Introduction to Intemet Chapter 4 [J cuarters Internet Applications 5. Internet Applications ‘The Intemet facilitates various services, ranging from the transfer of files from one place to another, e-mail, the World Wide Web, chat room, blogging, notice board, as well asa whole range of online services from shopping to entertainment, In addition, thousands of governments, ‘educational and commercial institutions as well as millions of individuals have information that is stored on computer system and can be accessed over telephone line, fiber optics cable and satellite ‘communication. Inthis chapter we will read few most important applications of the Internet, 5.1 Searching the Web 5.1.1 Introduction Searching the web isa process of information retrieval. The goal of searching the web is to ret all the documents which are relevant toa query while retrieving as few non-relevant documents as possible. Searching on the web is made possible by a search engine, Chapter 5 Internet Applications ‘A web search engine is software system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. The scarch results are generally presented in a line of results often referred to as search engine results pages (SERPs). The information may be a mix of web pages, images, and other ‘types of files. Some search engines also mine data available in databases or open directories. A search engine maintains the following processes in nearreal time: 1. Web crawling/Web Spider 2. Indexing 3. Searching A Web crawler is an Internet bot which systematically browses the World Wide Web, typically for the purpose of Web indexing, Search engines use Web crawling or spidering software to update their web content or indexes of others si s' web content, Web crawlers can copy all the pages they visit for later processing by a search engine which indexes the downloaded pages so the users can search much more efficiently. Indexing means associating words and other definable tokens found on web pages to their domain names and HTML -based fields. The associations are made in a public database, made available for ‘web search queries. A query from a user can be a single word. The index helps find information relating to the query as quickly as possible Typically when a user enters a query into a search engine it is a few keywords. The index already has the names of, the sites containing the keywords, and these are instantly obtained from the index. The real processing load is in generating the web pages that are the search results list. The usefulness of a search engine depends on the relevance of the result set it gives back. While there may be millions of web pages that include a particular word or phrase, some pages may be more relevant, popular, or authoritative than others. Most search engines employ methods to rank the results to provide the "best" results first How a search engine decides which pages are the best matches, and what order the results should bbe shown in, varies widely from one engine to another. As per the studies available in the market, following are most popular and common search engines being leveraged by intemet community: Google Bing Yahoo Baidu AOL (previously known as America Online) Ask Lycos Gal Search connonl rere was Gogh We Sear Gaogl sa vb arhengn (ss) ©) Chapter 5 Internet Applications ‘owned by Google Inc. Its the most- used search engine on the World G | Siac meagan oogle billion searches each day.The order of search on Google's search-results ’ pages is based, in part, on a patented priority rank algorithm called a Sa Eee "PageRank" Sconce Sed Wr es ly ed mes SG ‘The main purpose of Google Search is to bunt for text in publicly accessible documents offered by web servers, as opposed to other data, such as images or data Figure 5.2 ~ Google Search ‘contained in databases. It was originally developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1997, Bing (known J previously as Live Search, Windows Live Search, and MSN Search) isaweb search Figure 5.3 ~ Bing Search engine (advertised as a " decision engine") from Microsoft. Bing was unveiled by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer on May 28, 2009, 5.1.2 YouTube—Online Video Search ‘YouTube is a video-sharing & video search website headquartered in San Bruno, California, United States. The yay cian service was created by three former PayPal employees in February 2005. In November 2006, it was bought by Google for USS1.65 billion. YouTube now operates as one of Google's subsidiaries. Figure 5.4 — YouTube The site allows users to upload, view, and share videos, and it makes use of advanced video processing technology to display a wide variety of user-generated and corporate media video. Available searchable content includes video clips, TV clips, music videos, and other content such as video blogging, short original videos, and educational videos Chapter 5 Internet Applications 5.1.3 Narrowing the Search Finding just the right page among the billions onthe Web requires not only a search engine butalso abitof know-how. Here isa selection of tips for searching the Web efficiently 1. Search fora phrase To search for an exact, complete phrase and not just its constituent words, put it in quotation marks; for example; instead of typing at sunrise on my birthday type “at sunrise on my birthday”. The number of hits will shrink dramatically, as you'll see only pages that include that exact phrase. 2. Be more specific— Use Key Words TT Tf you want to find articles about “Gon gie ‘managing bookmarks in Safari on an iPhone running iOS 7, don't search for just manage bookmarks. Throw all those terms in: manage bookmarks safari iphone ios 7. The more information you provide, the more useful your results are likely tobe. 3. Try an advanced search Figure 5.5~ Advance Search Options in Google Search Ifyou want much more control over your searches, such as specifying which geographic regions to search in, how recently created a page should be, or the page's reading level, go to Google's Advanced Search page or, after performing a basic search, click the gear icon in the upper-right comer of the results page and choose Advanced Search from the pop-up menu. 4. Convert, calculate, and more ‘You can also use Google to find all sorts of information besides lists of webpages. Google can handle calculations (try 104 * 36.8), curmeney conversions (185 dollars in euros), time-zone conversions (time in Paris), weather forecasts (weather San Diego), word definitions (define: pedantic), anda great many otherthings. 5. Use another search engine Even the best Google search won't help you find pages that Google hasn't indexed. If Google isn't cutting it, youhave alternatives. Competitors, including Bing, Yahoo and may point you to sites that don't show up in Google, Because each search engine prioritizes search results differently, the page you're looking for may be more prominent in one than in another. If you get (60) @ Chapter 5 Internet Applications stuck, trying the same search in another engine may do the trick. ae SF Google search has also introduced Voice search nowadays which uses Speech recognition technology to process the questions you ask in your own voice and then give search results ( based onit ClUCeS REVIEW ] > Name some popular search engines? > Mention the tips tonarrow your search? > Whatis Web Spider? 5.2. Email Electronic mail, most commonly called email or e-mail since around 1993, is a method of exchanging digital messages from an author to one or more recipients. Email operates across the Intemet or other computer networks. Today's email systems are based on a store-and-forward model, Email servers accept, forward, deliver, and store messages. Neither the users nor their ‘computers are required to be online simultaneously; they need connect only briefly, typically to a ‘mail server, for as long as it takes to send or receive messages. ‘An Internet email message consists of three components, the message envelope, the message header, and the message body. The message header contains control information, including, minimally, an originator’s email address and one or more recipient addresses. Usually descriptive information is also added, such as a subject header field and a message submission date/time stamp. Popt sr email platforms include Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail, Outlook, and many others. ‘The general format of an email address is localpart@domain, and a specific example is, ‘An email address consists of two parts. The part before the @ sign (localpart) identifies the name ‘ofamailbox. Thisis often the username ofthe recipient, g,,jsmith, The partafter the @ symbol is, ‘a domain name that represents the administrative realm for the mail box, ¢.g.,a company’s domain name, ‘We will take the example of Gmail forupcoming sections. 5.2.1 Writing & Sending Email Messages Email is a great way of getting information to others quickly and Chapter 5 Internet Applications ‘messages to friends and family at the touch of a button keeps you up to date no matter where in the world you are, Following steps show you how to send an email using a Gmail account. However, many email accounts or applications follow a similar process for ereating and sending a new message. You'llneed: Acomputer with active internet connection 1. Anemail account set up and ready to send and receive emails 2. Follow these step-by-step instructions to send an email Step 1: Log in to your Gmail account so that you are on the dashboard (main page) of your mail account. Step 2: Click Compose. Google Gmall- S c ere vou ¢ ) none) - « Genes Reunited Wervehadamahnoved. To ensse Genes eaves Genes Reuntnd 1, gron your tee To esse Gores Row eres Reunies Regist wth Genes Reunted To ome me my arascrgk 4 YN, Hoe ancy ‘Gat Toa ‘go yur contacts are ol ea. Yu can in Sena Tarn ‘Customize Gm wth colors and themes." ‘Gmai Tean Figure 5.6- Writing « Mail Step 3: A new blank email window will open up. In the 'To' box, type in the email address of the recipient Step 4: You might want to include someone else in your email to ‘keep them in the loop’. You can means ‘carbon copy’ and "Bee! field means that that person will do this by clicking Ce or Bec, which will open another field. means ‘blind carbon copy’. Adding an email address to the receive copy of the email andall the other recipients will see their email address. If an email address is put into the 'Bec' field, the person will get a copy of the email but no other @ Chapter 5 Internet Applications recipient will see that Step 5: The subject field Fatlbacer@nai.con allows you to give the recipient an idea of the *neétotak topie of your email, ike a heading. You don'thave to put anything in the subject box, but it ean help when viewing and sorting email, eae Figure 5.7. Writing a Mail Step 6: Email text can be formatted in suet -/q-| 8 7 U A- similar way to text a+ wo: ina word style, color and size using the formatting icons. You can also create bullet points and check the spelling of your ‘menu shown, ‘ranessbacen@gmat.cor Step 7: Type your we needtotak ‘message in the main body field of your email Step 8: When you're happy with your email, click the blue Send button at the vortom of the MM 4 2 6 igure 9.9 Waiting a Maul ‘compose window, Chapter 5 Internet Applications Step 9: The email you've sent will now be stored in the Sent Mail folder on your Gmail dashboard. ‘Youmay have to run yourmouse pointer overthe Inbox folderlink to sce the other folders Gmail ~ = eC Mevo~ To: eedhiceat Th To: wshakespeare766 he Tome 068 (Oh) of 16 Gi used ange Figure 5.10- Writing a Mail Step 10: You may start an email but then decide to come back to it later rather than sending it straightaway. Gmail saves your drafts automatically. So you can simply close the email and the “unfinished email will be saved to your ‘Drafts’ folder, When you decide that you're ready to send it, you can retrieve it from the ‘Drafts’ folder by clicking Drafts and then clicking the correctitem in the Drafts' folder list, Finish the email and click on Send button as normal. 5.2.2 Email Folders Actually, going with our example - Gmail doesn’t use folders. To help you organize & sort your mail more effectively, Gmail uses labels instead, Because multiple labels can be applied toa single message, they are quite a bit more powerful than traditional folders. Following are key Folders in Email > Inbox~The folder where your incoming emails are stored for yourreference. > Sent Mail - The folder where all the emails sent via your email account are automatically saved % — Drafts- A draft folder is where outgoing e-mail messages are temporarily stored, While you are composing a message, most mail programs automatically savea draft of your message in the Outbox. The message is then stored in the drafts until itis successfully sent to the recipient. Once the message has been sent, most e-mail programs move the message to the "Sent" or "Sent Messages" folder. You can also save messages as drafts and finish them later for final sending, Spam — Email spam, also known as junk email or unsolicited bulk email (UBE), isa subset, Chapter 5 Internet Applications of electronic spam involving nearly identical messages sent to numerous recipients by email. Gmail automatically helps identify spam and suspicious emails by detecting viruses, finding patterns across messages, and learning from what Gmail users like you commonly ‘mark as spam or phishing. > — Trash —It is where deleted emails are stored for future review until we decide to empty the trash, TIP ‘Out of all the email clients, most popular is Gmail & has lot of latest utilities for a seamless | integration between both desktop & mobile platforms. ClUCeS REVIEW § ‘> Whatare variouskinds of Email clients? > WhatisaSPAM? N. 5.3. Chat This is another popular form of communication over the Internet, Unlike e-mail, mailing list and newsgroups, chat allows people to converse in "realtime." ‘On the Internet, chatting is talking to other people who ate using the Intemet at the same time you are, Usually, this "talking" is the exchange of typed-in messages requiring one site as the Figure 5.11- Internet Chatting repository for the messages (or "chat site") and a ‘group of users who take part from anywhere on the Internet. Few popular web based chat services include Skype, Google Hangouts, Facebook Messenger, ‘WhatsApp messenger ete, Normally all chat applications are available across multiple platforms (Mobile, Desktop) and Operating Systems (Windows, Android, iOS), 53.1. Skype Skype is an application that specializes in providing video chat and voice calls. Users can also exchange text and video messages, files and images, as well as create conference calls. Skype allows users to communicate by voice using a Chapter 5 Internet Applications ‘microphone, video by using a webcam, and instant messaging over the Intemet Google Hangouts Google Google Hangouts is a communication platform which includes instant messaging, video chat, SMS and VOIP (Voice over Intemet Protocol) features. It replaces three Figure 5.13- Google Hangouts messaging products that Google had implemented concurrently within its services, including Google Talk, Google+ Messenger and Hangouts, a video chat system present within Google. 5.3.3 Facebook Messenger Facebook Messenger is an instant messaging service and software application which provides text and voice communication. Integrated with Facebook's web-based Chat feature, Messenger lets Facebook users chat with friends both ‘on mobile andon the main website. 5.3.4 WhatsApp Figure 5.15— WhatsApp WhatsApp Messenger is a proprietary cross-platform instant Messenger ‘messaging client for smartphones. It uses the Internet to send text messages, images, video, user location and audio media messages to other users using standard cellular mobile numbers, 5.4 Blogs & So I Networking Sites A blog (a truncation of the expression web log) isa discussion or informational site published on _-eltsstge: the World Wide Web consisting of discrete entries ("posts") 5 i followin typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent i post appears first). ieBHOSt ‘ico tS ns 209, bogs were usaly the work ofa single individu, z icy 1 occasionally of small group, and often covered a single subject. SOC ‘vir More recently "multi-author blogs” (MABB) have developed, with : gaceo ork | poste written by large numbers of authors and professionally edited. acer MABs from newspapers, other media outlets, universities, think ci aoe tanks, advocacy groups, and similar institutions account for an increasing quantity of blog traffic. The rise of Twitter and other "microblogging" systems helps integrate blogs into societal new streams, @ Chapter 5 Internet Applications ‘A majority of blogs are interactive; allowing visitors to leave comments and even message each other via GUI widgets on the blogs, and itis this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites. ‘Many blogs provide commentary on a particular subject; others funetion as more personal online diaries; others function more as online brand advertising of a particular individual or company. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic, A social networking service (also social networking site or SNS) is a platform to build social networks or social relations among people who share similar interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections. A social network service consists ofa representation, of each user (often a profile), his or her social links, and a variety of additional services such as career services. Social network sites are web-based services that allow individuals to create @ public profile, create a list of users with whom to share Figure 5.17- Social Networking ‘connections, and view and cross the connections within the system, Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, blogs, pictures, posts, activities, events, and interests with people intheir network. 5.4.1 Typesof Blogs There are many different types of blogs, differing not only in the type of content, but also in the way that content is delivered or written. The various types of blogs are classified as below: "> Personal Blog - an ongoing diary or commentary Figure $.18- Blog Types written by an individual % Collaborative Blog or Group Blog - A type of weblog in which posts are written and published by more than one author. The majority of high-profile collaborative blogs are based arounda single uniting theme, such as polities or technology > Micro Blogging — Microblogging is the practice of posting small pieces of digital content—which could be text, pictures, links, short videos, or other media—on the Intemet, Microblogging offers a portable communication mode that feels organic and spontaneous to Chapter 5 Internet Applications ‘many and has captured the public imagination. E.g. Twitter > Corporate Blog A blog can be private, asin most cases, orit can be for business purposes. Blogs used internally to enhance the communication and culture in a corporation or extemally for marketing, branding or public re ns purposes are called corporate blogs. > Aggregated Blogs ~ Individuals or organization may aggregate selected feeds on specific, topic or product and provide combined view for its readers. These allow readers to concentrate on reading instead of searching for quality on-topic content and managing subscription. > By Genre—Some blogs focus on a particular subject, such as political blogs, health blogs, travel blogs (also known as travelogs), book blogs, fashion blogs, beauty blogs, ete. How ‘To/Tutorial blogs are becoming increasing popular. Two common types of genre blogs are art blogs and music blogs. > By Media Type—A blog comprising videos is called a vlog, one comprising links is called a linklog, a site containing a portfolio of sketches is called a sketch blog or one comprising photosis called aphotoblog. > By Device Type—A blog can also be defined by which type of device is used to compose it, Ablog written by a mobile device ikea mobile phone or PDA could be called a moblog 5.4.2 Social Networking Services 6 . We will primarily discuss 3 major social networking services namely —Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn, — Figure 5.19- Social Networking Services Facebook Facebook is a social eee _——— ° networking website that tei yi sc ani Create an account makes it easy for you to x connect and share with your family and friends. online. 2 Originally designed for college students, Facebook was created in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg. By 2006, anyone over the age of 13 with a valid email address could join Facebook, Today, Facebook is the world's largest social network, with more than | billion users worldwide, Figure 5.20. Facebook Facebook allows you to send messages and post status updates to keep in touch with your friends Chepies | eect and family. You can also share different types of content such as photos, links, and more, But sharing something on Facebook is a bit different from other types of online communication. Unlike email or instant messaging, which are relatively private, the things you share on Facebook are ‘more public, which means they'll usually be seen by lots of other people. While Facebook offers privacy tools to help you limit, — +--+. —_—— Figure 5.21- Facebook those who can see the things you share, it's important to understand that Facebook is designed to be more open and social than traditional communication Ta suns E) Potovideo KL Evan tools, Some key public features are Figure 5.22- Facebook listed below > Marketplace allows members to post, read and respond classified ads, > Groups-allows members who have common interests to find eachother and interac, > Events-allowsmembersto publicize an event invite guests and track who plans to attend } Pages-allows members to reate and promote apublie pagebuiltarounda specific topic. > Presence technology -allows members to see which contacts are online and video chats Within each member's personal profile, there are several key networking components, The most popular is arguably the Wall, which is essentially a virtual bulletin board. Messages left on ‘member's Wall can be text, video or photos. Another popular component is the virtual Photo Album, Photos can be uploaded from the desktop or directly from a smartphone camera. There is. no limitation on quantity, but Facebook staff will remove inappropriate or copyrighted images. An interactive album feature allows the member's contacts (who are called generically called friends") to comment on each other's photos and identify (tag) people in the photos. Another popular profile component is status updates, a microblogging feature that allows members to broadcast short announcements to their friends, Chapter 5 Internet Applications Al interactions are published in a news feed, which is distributed in real-time to the member's friends. Facebook offers a range of privacy options to its members. A member can make all his communications visible to everyone, he can block specific connections or he can keep all his communications private, Members can choose whether or not to be searchable, decide which parts oftheir profile are public, d see their posts. For those members who wish to use Facebook to communicate privately, there isa what not to putin theirnews feed and determine exactly who can message& chat feature, which closely resembles email. Twitter (also known as the SMS of the Internet) Twitter is an online social networking service that enables users to send and read short 140-character messages called “tweets”. Registered users can read and post tweets, but those Trmmam Nw wet proie ae paw vata or ‘who are unregisieed can Soccer sem emmnrarnnonerapee, | only read them. Users Mea ein omen so eats a access Twitter through the > ‘ website interface SMS or Figure $.23- Twitter mobile devi spp. Twitter Inc. is based in San Francisco and has more than 25 offices around the world. ‘Twitter was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone, and Noah Glass and launched in July 2006. Some key features are listed below: > — Tweet: A tweet is a piece of text no longer than 140 characters, Spaces and punctuation ‘count. Think ofitas a blog entry, abitesized blog entry. > Timelines: A timeline on Twitter is a collection of tweets in chronological order. ‘The Public Timeline consists of every public tweet made, When you tweet, you create your own timeline that people will see when they visit your profile page. You can see your own timeline by clicking the Profile link in the top menu. Every user also has their own unique timeline that consists of the tweets from everyone they follow. It's like your own personal news ticker. You can follow bunches of different people and all their tweets, except ‘messages to other people, will show up here. Chapter 5 Internet Applications > Twitter Profile: Click the Settings link in the top menu to edit your Twitter profile. One thing to keep in mind is everything in the Account section is publicly visible. You can put whatever you like as your name if you don't want your real name to be public. Using ahead shot as yourpicture is the norm. > Following & Followers: Following is Twitter's word for Subscribing or Friending. Whenever you visit someone's profile page you'll sce a little Follow button below their picture. Click on that button and their tweets will show up on your home timeline. Following is a one-way action on Twitter. Unless someone has made their updates private, they don't have to approve your requestto follow. Ifthey haven't rumed the feature off, they will get an e-mail telling them that you are now following them, They may well check out yourtweets, and follow you back ifitlooks like you put interesting stuff out there. Vv Conversation Direct Messages are private, Only the sender and recipient can see them, You ean only send them to people following you. In my experience, Direct Mestaged are not a good way of communicating, They are often ignored and often used to spam, i 4 Youcan see tweets mentioning you Figure 524 Hashing by clicking the @YourName link on the right side of the Twitter page. To directa tweet at someone specific begin it with @ followed by their username. To let your followers get the tweet in their timeline, and direct it at someone just include the @usemame someplace other than the beginning. v ReTweets (RT): ReTweeting is when someone repeats someone else's tweet, so their own followers can see the original message. ‘The traditional way of ReTwecting follows a formula: T @OriginalAuthor Content of original tweet [ReTweeter's comment] > — Hashtags: #hashtag: Hashtags let you add categories or keywords to your tweet. Using hashtags allows people to aggregate all the tweets on a subject. They consist of the hash sign, #, anda keyword with no spaces. Hashtags are now automatically turned into links to @® ‘Twitter searches. Chapter 5 Internet Applications conferences and events a lot. You can follow live coverage of all sorts of things by searching for the associated hashtag, You can track what's going on in a city or state, or you can tune in to a topic. 5, 1.2.3 LinkedIn LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking service, Founded in December 2002 and launched on May 5, 2003, it is mainly used for professional networking. As of 2015, most of the site's revenue comes from selling access to information about its users to recruiters and sales professionals, Figure 5.25- LinkedIn Linkedin users create professional, resume-like profiles that allow other site members to learn more about their business background, areas of expertise and groups or organizations they belong. +0, Onceauser creates their profile, they ean add other users to their network. oe The profiles also include options for including status updates that let those in a user's network know what they're working on and when they might be traveling, or offer advice when needed. Thete is also a feature that allows those not signed in to Linkedin to view pars of the profile the user deems allowable Some key features are listed below > Keep In Touch: With people changing jobs so often, LinkedIn J | #=eotstsiratnisrse gives users the opportunity to stay updated on where those in their renee > professional network are working and how to contact them. Figure 5.26 Linkedin Get Help: When ause’s immediate network of contacts can'thelp witha business problem, Chapter 5 Internet Applications Linked In's tools -~- Answers and Groups ~ let them connect with experts through trusted introductions. v Search for Jobs: Linkedin Jobs lets users search thousands of employment listings, with ‘options for filling out applications directly on the site. The application and LinkedIn profile is then sent directly to the potential employer. > Hire New Employees: Hiring managers can use LinkedIn to find the candidate with the specific skill setand necessary experience. aa Tie To start using Social Networking, we suggest you try opening a free Facebook Account & \ connect with some of your friends to try various features. {QUICK TRWA- > Whatarethetypes of Blogs? > How canbe LinkedIn Inhelpful forsearching jobs? > Whatare the various features of Facebook? 5.5 e-Commerce Ecommerce (orelectric commerce) refers to the buying and selling of goods and services via electronic channels, primarily the Intemet. Online retail is immensely convenient due to its 24-hour availability, global reach and generally efficient customer service. E-commerce businesses may employ some orall of the followings: > Online shopping web sites for retail sales direct to consumers > Providing or participating in online marketplaces, which process third-party business-to- ‘consumer or consumer-to-consumer sales > Business-to-business (B2B) buying and selling, > — Gathering and using demographic data through web contacts and social media > Businese-to-busineea electronic data interchange > Marketing to prospective and established customers by e-mail or fax (for example, with newsletters) Chapter 5 Internet Applications > — Engaging in pretail for launching new products and services The types of e-commerce setup arc explained below:~ > — Pure-click or pure-play companies are those that have launched a website without any previous existence asa firm. > — Bricks-and-clicks companies are those existing companies that have added an online site fore-commerce. > Clickto-brick online retailers that ater open physical locations to supplement their online efforts ‘There are multiple types ofe-sales scenario; some of itis as follows % — Business-to-Consumer (B2C): In a Business-to-Consumer E-commerce environment, companies sell their online goods to consumers who are the end users of their products or services. Usually, B2C E-commerce web shops have an open access forany visitor anduser. > Business-to-Business (B2B): In 2 Business-to-Business E-commerce environment, ‘companies sell their online goods to other companies without being engaged in sales to consumers. In most B2B E-commerce environments entering the web shop will requirea log in, B2B web shop usually contains customer-specific pricing, customer-specific assortments and customer-specitie discounts, > —Consumer-to-Business (C2B): In a Consumer-to-Business E-commerce environment, consumers usually post their products or services online on which companies ean post their bids. A consumer reviews the bids and selects the company that meets his price expectations, > Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C); In a Consumer-to-Consumer E-commerce environment consumers sell heir online goods to other consumers. A well-known example is eBay. > m-Commerce (Mobile Commerce): M-commerce (mobile commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services through wireless handheld devices such as cellular telephone and personal digital assistants (PDAs). Known as next-generation e-commerce, m- commerce enables users to ss the Internet without needing to find place to plugin. @p2c Sia 6 c2¢. vonnicee (7 - (Ce rosie Al cane sani Q BzB_ “tesco Henin com Figure 5.28- e-Commerce Types Chapter 5 Internet Applications ‘The main advantage of e-commerce is its ability to reach a global market, without necessarily iancial investment. The limits of this type of commerce are not defined sary implying a large ‘geographically, which allows consumers to make a global choice, obtain the nei information and compare offers from all potential suppliers, regardless oftheir locations. By allowing direct interaction with the final consumer, e+ distribution chain, sometimes even eliminating it completely. This way, a direct channel between ymmerce shortens the product the producer or service provider and the final user is ercated, enabling them to offer products and services that suit the individual preferences ofthe target market. E-commerce allows suppliers to be closer to their customers, resulting in increased productivity and competitiveness for companies; as a result, the consumer is benefited with an improvement in quality service, resulting in greater proximity, as well as a more efficient pre and post-sales support. With these new forms of electronic commerce, consumers now have virtual stores that are ‘open 24 hoursa day. Cost reduction is another very important advantage normally associated with electronic ‘commerce. 5.5.1 e-Commerce Applications ‘The most common E-commerce applications are a follows: Retail and wholesale: E-commerce has a number of applications in retail and wholesale, E-retailing or on-line retailing is the selling of goods from Business-to-Consumer through electronic stores that are designed using the electronic catalog and shopping cart model. A Cybermall OR E-Marketplace attracts the ‘customer and the seller into one virtual space through a Web browser: Marketing: Data collection about customer behavior, preferences, needs and buying patterns is possible through Web and E-commerce. This helps marketing activities such as price fixation, negotiation, product feature enhancement and relationship with the customer. Finance: Financial companies are using E-commerce to a large extent. Customers can check the balances of theirsavings and loan accounts, transfer money to their other account and pay theirbill through on- line banking or E-banking. Another application of E-commerce is on-line stock trading. Many ‘Websites provide access to news, charts, information about company profile and analyst rating on thestocks. Chapter 5 Internet Applications Manufacturing: E-commerce is also used in the supply chain operations of a company. Some companies form an electronic exchange by providing together buy and sell goods, trade market information and ran bback office information such as inventory control. This speeds up the flow of raw material and finished goods among the members of the business community. Auctions: Customer-to-Customer (C2C) E-commerce is direct selling of goods and services among customers. It also includes electronic auctions that involve bidding, Bidding is a special type of auction that allows prospective buyers to bid foran item, 5.5.2 Online Shopping Sites With people becoming busy with their work and commitments, they are left out with only alittle spare time. In addition, with wide availability and usage of smart devices, people find internet as the easiest medium to meet their requirements. This has given immense popularity to some popular online shopping websites in India, & these websites are flaunting best deals to lure buyers. Online shopping offers fast, easy, money Figure 5.29- Online Shopping saving and interesting shopping experience, ithas many advantages like 24 hours shopping, shopping with coupon to get discount, shopping from Home, rich product availability and specifications ete, ‘Top online shopping websites in India are given below: > (now also own Myntra): Founded in 2004 with only Rs, 400000 now in 2014 tuned over 6000 Crore company Youcan tony buy books olin trough ik, ako mobil phos & mobile asesr, PET AY OTH A con aio, computer accessories, eames, movies, music, televisions, refrigerators, JABONG E> AMAZON sirconsitionsrs, washing-mashines, —— Clothings, Footwears, Accessories, MP3 snapdeali players and products from a host of other categories. Flipkart is largest player of e- Figure 5.30. Online Shopping commerce of India. Chapter 5 Internet Applications v World leader in e-commerce market recently started operation in India, Now we can buy Books, CDS and Electronic at cheaper price from Amazon in. v Snapdcal offers everything from local daily deals on restaurants, spas, travel to online products deals. They offer you best price with free shipping. v Started with Mobile Recharge and Bill Payment website based on mobile e- wallet concept now Paytm is selling everything from Home Decor, Clothing, Laptop to Mobile at killer price, In very short time period Paytm has grown very fast and able to come under Top 10 Indian Online Shopping website list. v Jabong Fashion & Lifestyle Store offers you great discount on all listed product. They offer wide range of products from Apparel to Home needs. Sane Paytm platform has revolutionized e-wallet concept where you need not share your bank details directly for online transaction; itis a kind of virtual wallet which helps in instant and no hassle payments with added advantage of cashback schemes, (QUICK TA > Which is India's largest e-commerce website? > What are the various types of e-commerce? > Which are the major Online Shopping websites in India? 5.6 Cloud Storage Cloud storage is a service model in which data is maintained, managed and backed up remotely oY oli =} and made available to users over anetwork (typically the Internet) Cloud storage is a model of data storage in which the digital data is stored in logical pools, the physical storage spans multiple servers (and often locations), and the Ca physical environment is typically owned and managed by a hosting company. These cloud storage providers are responsible for Google Drive keeping the data available and accessible, and the physical environment protected Figure 5.31- Cloud Storage and running. People and organizations buy or lease storage capacity from the providers to store user, organization, or application data, Cloud storage services may be accessed through a co-located cloud computer service, a web @ Chapter 5 Internet Applications service application programming interface (API) or by applications that utilize the API, such as cloud desktop storage, a cloud storage gateway or Web-based content management systems. Major online cloud storage services are enlisted below:- > Google Drive: Google combines a complete set of office tools with cloud storage in Drive. ‘You get alittle bit of everything with this service, including a word processor, spreadsheet application, and presentation builder, plus 1SGB of free storage space. If you already have a Google account, you can already access Google Drive. You just have to head to drive. and enable the service, You get 15GB of storage for anything you upload to Drive, including photos, videos, documents, Photoshop files and more. > — Microsoft One Drive: OneDrive is Microsoft's storage solution. Those who use Windows 8 and 10 have OneDrive built into their operating system, where it shows up in the file explorer next toall ofthe files on your computer's had drive. However, anyone can use it onthe Web, by downloading a desktop app for latest Windows, or the OneDrive Android, iOS, Windows Phone and Xbox apps. Vv Drop Box: Dropbox isa favorite in the cloud storage world because it's reliable, easy to use, and a breeze to set up. Your files live in the cloud and you can get to them at any time from Dropbox's website, desktop applications for Mac, Windows and Linux or the iOS & Android. v Box: Anyone can sign up for a free individual account on Box , but the service's endless list of sharing and privacy features were built specifically for business and IT users. Beyond the basic cloud storage setup, where you can store just about any kind of file, Box lets you share files with colleagues, assign tasks, leave comments on someone's work, and get notifications, whena file changes. Sa TP Cloud Storage gives us the best flexibility for syncing our files/works across various devices. You can even create drafvedit/publish work files on the go irrespective of MS office suite availability as all the major Cloud storage platforms support inbuilt proprietary office application tools. {Quick TT - > Whatis Cloud Storage? > Which are the major Cloud Storage Platforms? Chapter 5 Internet Applications 5.7 Growthin Internet Usage ‘The number of Internet users in India is expected to reach 402 million by December 2015, a 49% jump over the last year, making India home to the largest online user base after China, according to ‘a report released by the Internet and Mobile Association of India ([AMAID and market research firm IMRB International. India, which has the third largest Internet user base in the world after China and the US, had about 380 million Internet users in October. By December 2015, this number is expected to overtake US 10375 million users, the report said. China currently leads with more than 600 million Internet Active Internet users in rural India are expected to reach 117 million by December 2015 and 147 million by June 2016 on the back of growing penetration of mobile phones in the country, ‘The contribution of mobile phones as the main Internet access point in rural India has grown to 60% in 2015 from 38% in 2014. The usage of common service centers to access Internet has reduced to 6% from 26% a year ago. IAMAL-KPMG estimates that there will be a total of $00 million Internet users (out of a total population of 1.25 [Cate Weiite xample | Ste sare billion) in India by [Literngte Wuse Ge 8200 2017, up fiom a [Deviled Your ibe Vike | YouTube eens cament amber ot [S=ISNS Waxes Tae Ayam Oa Boog Dale SL Trp OTN OT about 375 million. [Bask Mie Tale According to the [Bock Tan Take ‘ww borin coun report, the number [77 Ht st Trapstinr aterm Recharge wi Pep bal [Py T Tips pyc of mobile based ‘Diloe Feveston Kaan Aono Trane arbors Internet users in | Oiline kaos Wonste: India “woe menstorinfia rom two years will be [Eshop Fripkar ‘swe Tifearcom 314 million, Online Popery ‘Nagi Bushs sw. magick cor Table 5.1 Popular Internet Sites eS) re While doing Online Banking transaction, do take care of your Banking Id & Password as they are prone to eyber theft by hackers. You should always use an updated licensed Antivirus on { yourPC andideally not make your contact details public on web Quek | > Whatare various uses of Internet? | > Which website will you use for Rail Ticket booking? |» How can you send SMS using Internet? NS Chapter 5 Internet Applications Multiple Choice Questions Websites used for building network with friends and relatives is called as a.NetBanking b, Blogging ©. Social Networking, d.Commerce Websites used to sell and buy something are categorized under a. Entertainment Sites b. Social Networking Sites c. Search Engines ae Dommerce Website Google isanexample of a.SearchEngine _, Social Network c.Entertainment None ofthese Which of the following is an example of microblogging? a. Twitter b. Google + ©. Gmaild Instagram Online shopping is an example of which kind of transaction? a.B2B b.B2C ©. C2C 4d. None ofthe above 6. 10, Which of the following search engine is developed by Microsoft? a. Bing b. Yahoo ©. Google 4. Alta Vista Amazonian example of, site, a, E-Commerce b. Social Networking c. Entertainment 4. Blogging Which is an example of Network Connection Device? a.Hub b. Switch ©. Processor 4.Both A&B What isthe full form of B2B commerce-? a. Business to Business b.BlogtoBlog ©. Bank to Bank d, Bank to Business What is the cxample of a Cloud Storage Platform? a Google Drive b. Microsoft One Drive ©. Drop Box 4. Allofthem Chapter 5 Internet Applications CHAPTER 6 Operating System 6. Operating System 6.1 Introduction ‘An Operating System (OS) is a program that acts as an intermediary between the user of a computer and computer hardware. OS simplifies and manages the complexity of running. application programs efficiently. Operating system simplifies the execution of user programs and ‘makes solving user problems easier. Operating System is system software, which makes a ‘computer to actually work. Itis the software that enables all, the programs we use. The OS organizes and controls the hardware. Without an operating system computing device is, of no use, Operating system is required on many devices containing a computer like mobile devices and video game consoles to webservers and supercomputers. Examples of Oreo) Desktop Operating system include Microsoft Windows, ‘Mac OS, Linux, UNIX ete. and Mobile operating systems include Android, Windows, IOS, Symbian ete, Pe ‘The structure of computer system consists of layers: Figure 6.1: Structure of 1, Hardware: It consists of CPU, Main memory, 1/0 Computer system Devices, ete 2, System Software: Operating system is a component of System software and it includes process management routines, memory management routines, I/O control routines, file management routines 3. Application Software: These are the programs which are accessed by users through @ @ graphical user interface as per user needs and need operating system to function. Chapter 6 Operating System OPERATING SYSTEM _The Layers Of OVERVIEW A System Hardware Interface! Privileged Instructions Disk/Tape/Memory Figure 6.2: Operating System 6.1.1 Functions of an Operating System Main functions of an operating system are: > — Resource management: Operating systems coordinate all the resources required for computing which includes Memory Management, Processor Management, Device Management, File Management etc. An operating system performs basic tasks such as, controlling and allocating memory, prioritizing system requests, controlling input and output devices, facilitating networking and managing file systems, allows sharing of hardware and software resources; makes application software portable and versatile; provide isolation, security and protection among user programs; improve overall system reliability; error confinement, fault tolerance, reconfiguration. > Interface between Application and Users: OS acts san interface for endusers v Program Execution: OS acts as an interface between the application programs and the ‘machine hardware. w Chapter6 | Operating System 6.1.2 Typeof Operating Systems Embedded Operating System ‘These operating systems are for embedded computer systems like handheld computers or devices like PDAs and smartphones. These are also known as Real-time Operating Systems. Windows CE is onc of the popular examples of embedded OS. ‘Network Computer Operating System ‘The operating systems are used in a network of computers linked together and they allow shared file/printer access among multiple computers and enable sharing of data, users, applications and ‘other networking functions typically over a LAN or private network. Examples of these types of (OS are Netware, Windows XP Server, Dell Network OS etc. Desktop Operating System It works on single computing device. Mac OS, Windows 10 ete, are examples of Desktop ‘operating systems, Quick aE. > Whatare differenttypes of OS? > Whatare the functions ofan OS? > Difference between system & application software? 6.2 Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Command Line Interface (CLI) Graphical user interface is an interface that allows users of an electronic device to interact with it using graphical icons and visual indicators as opposed to text based or command based navigation in case of Command user interface. Examples of GUI include modem versions of Windows, Linux and Mac etc. (Windows 10 being the latest version) whereas old version MS DOS, UNIX etc, are examples of command line interfaces. With a graphical user interface modern windows OS versions provide the capability to carry out ‘many varied operations of benefit to the user like: > — WISYWIG: What You See Is What You Get ~ the image on the screen (text or otherwise) should bean exactimage of what you will se on paper > Image scanning: Instant visual representation of the scanned image on screen and so instant feedback from the user > Processable Graphics: Applications such as Photoshop and Fireworks as image manipulation packages. > Animations and support for multimedia: Now a very wide application arca ranging from visually oriented teaching resources to touch-sensitive information kiosks. > Provision for users with disabilities: Configuring desktop interfaces for visually impaired, ® Chapter 6 Operating System background colors to provide sharper contrast Windows interface also known as Graphical User Interfaces (GUI), Itis either mouse-driven or icon-based. Windows are allocated to the use ofa particular program or process and contain a title bar, menu bar, and widgets. MS-DOS/Windows UNIX/Linux Figure 6.3: GUI air Is List a directory of files or get information about files copy ” ‘Copy a file from one place to another move my ‘Move a file from one place to another del or erase rm. Delete (remove) file type cat ‘Type a file out to the sereen (or redirected toa printer) ‘mkdir mkdir Attach a new subdirectory to the tree at this tree juction rmdir rmdir Delete a subdirectory Figure OF Command Iie iefave of Lina 6.2.1 Advantages and disadvantages of GUI Advantages: In general GUI OS users can readily operate the computer and feel more in control and not intimidated by it. User learning time is short —does not ake long to open the box, assemble the kit and start to do productive work. With prompts and alerts and mouse movements and double-clicking on objects, ete. users get instant feedback on their actions. Mistakes can be more readily detected than with command line interfaces and they can be more easily corrected, Once you have leamed to use one WIMP (Windows, Icon, Menu, Pointer) based operating system then itis simpler to transfer those skills to usingaa different OS e.g, Mac OS. Disadvantages:Graphical user interfaces need large amounts of memory and fast processors to the im: .c¢ and manipulate them interactively. Skilled users fecl that they can accomplish tasks using fewer steps than with a GUI e.g. copying a file ~ CP , . Users with certain disabilities (vision/motor) can still have trouble using GUIs. Screens can easily become cluttered and difficult to navigate, 6.2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of CLI Advantages: CLLis more flexible and powerful [tis faster for experienced users and can combine commands, Its easy to implement. It required less hardware/software, Software is less complex andeeasy towrite, Disadvantages: It is more difficult to learn and use. It requires more training to understand. (a) BO Chapter 6 | Operating System ‘Command should be remembered to do work on CLI based system, Quick > Whatis the difference between GUIand CLI? > What are advantages and disadvantages of GUI & CLI? 6.3 Windows 10: Introduction ‘Windows 10 is the latest version of personal computer operating system developed by Microsoft Itisa partof the Windows NT family of operating systems and isa successor to Windows 7 and 8.1 versions. [twas offically released on July 29, 2015. Earlier popular versions of Microsoft Windows include Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 95 and MSDOs, 6.3.1 Understanding Windows 10 User Interface Booting a Computer: Starting or restarting a computing device is called booting. A cold boot is process in which a computer starts from a powerless state. Rebooting a computer through key ‘combinations or menu is known as Warm Booting, Desktop Area: The desktop is the area that appears right after logging in. It contains a background picture (wallpaper), icons and the taskbar. You can copy as many shortcuts as you want onto it, ‘change its background image, and do many other things, ‘Taskbar: Windows user interface is characterized by a barat the bottom of your screen (it may be ‘moved to another edge by left-mouse-clicking on it and dragging it to the desired edge while continuing to hold down the mouse button). This bar is called the "taskbar." It includes "Start ‘menu" (Which contains shortcuts to applications stored on yourhard drive) eons: Tiny picture that represents a program, folder, or program function. On the desktop are pictures with text labels under them, these pictures are called icons because they represent something else. Icons usually represent programs, but sometimes they represent collections of data, Double-clicking on one of these icons will open whatever it represents. System Tray: The system tray holds icons for programs currently running in background. Over ‘on one side of the task-bar is a clock; beside the clock are a bunch of icons that represent open ‘invisible’ programs. This area is called the system tray. On the main part of the task-bar there is sometimes a small group of icons, this is called the quick-launch bar. Clicking on one of these icons opens whatever itrepresents. ‘The quick-launch icons are also buttons. Some buttons are raised to look like real buttons and © Chapter 6 Operating System some only rise up when you put the cursor on top of them. The button on the other side ofthe start- bar from the clock and system tray is called the start-button. When you click the start-button it ‘opens the start-menu, The start-menu has icons for more programs and data collections, although itis usually programs, Shortcuts feons: that are only links to the things those icons. represent. The icons that are on the desktop, the quick- launch bar, and the start- menu are usually shortcuts. On the desktop shortcuts are often indicated by a small symbol on top of the icon. Icons represent all data collections and programs even if they are not shortcuts, however normally the ones on the desktop and in the start-menu are gure 6.5: Windows 10 Desktop shorteuts, aa TP There is a difference between icon and shortcut, An icon is any picture that is meant to convey what something is. The icon on the start-button represents the fact that it is a major part of Windows, which is why it is a Windows logo. Shorteuts are a link to a program or data collection; the icon on a shortcut represents whatever the shortcut opens, however the same icon would be on the real thing as well Start menu: Start menu was not available in Windows 8 and 8.1 is back in Windows 10, with some improvements, including a space you can personalize with your favorite apps, programs, people and websites. To get to the Start menu, select Start in the lower-left corner of the taskbar. Youcanalso open the Start menu by pressing the Start button located on yourkeyboard or device. > — Account options: By clicking on account name, you can change your account picture, lock your device orsign outof your account. > — Power: By clicking on this button you can put your device to Sleep mode or shutdown the device orrestartit, Quick links and frequently used apps: On the left side of the Start menu, you'll find quick > ~ Chapter 6 | Operating System links to PC settings, Documents and File Explorer at the top. The section just below that lists your most recently used apps and programs. If you see an arrow next toa program, you can move your mouse over itto see a list of your recently used files for that program, > All apps: By Clicking on All Apps you can see all your apps and programs listed alphabetically. Looking fora specific app? Justtype it in the search box. v Search: You can search across your device, your cloud storage on OneDrive, and across the Web at the same time. Simply open the Start menu and type in the search box. You can also 1; click Search and start typing. Search button can also ‘open search directly from the taskt be used to get any kind of help regarding Windows 10. You need to just type the keyword or question and relevant links will be displayed for you. Pin your favorite apps: Pin apps, programs and folders to the Start menu for fast access to the things you use the most. Apps with Live Tiles will show updates for the people and things that ‘matter. Click Start, select All Apps, right-click the app you want to pin, and then select Pin to Start ‘Once pinned, your app will show up as a tile on the right. Right-click the tile to change its size. Drag and drop to move it around. Don't worry about running out of space — the Start menu will automatically resize to hold everything, SAT ‘Windows Explorer/File Explorer ‘The window that appears when you opena folder is called windows exploreror file explorer. . "Figure 6.6: File Explorer Window ifyouhave a lot of apps and programs open, there is anew Task view button so youcan @ Chapter 6 Operating System quickly switch between them, Click Task view to see all of yourrunning apps and programs; select any item to openit, Figure 6.7: Task View Button, Jae} _____________ There is a difference between Multitasking and multiprocessing. Multitasking is @ method where multiple tasks/processes share common processing resources such as CPU whereas multiprocessing isa processing mode which simultancously processes two or more programs or { routines by use of multiple CPUs. J Multiple desktops: If you're working on a lot of different projects, using different apps and programs, try adding a desktop. It'll keep things neatly organized for you. Or, ereate a desktop for the things you do at work and one for the things you do at home. Select Task view from the taskbar, and then click Add a desktop. A thumbnail will show up at the bottom ofthe task view page. Click the blank thumbnail to open up a clean desktop. To switch between desktops, you can click Task view and then choose a desktop from the bottom of the page. Microsoft Edge: Internet Explorer has been replaced by Microsoft Edge Browser in Windows 10 as default browser. Microsoft Edge is the first browser that lets you take notes, write, doodle, and highlight directly on webpages. Use the reading list icon to save your favorite articles forlater, and then read them in reading view icon. Hover over open tabs to preview them, and bring your favorites and reading list with you when you use Microsoft Edge on another device Windows Store: You can download music, videos, games, and apps from Windows store, Icon is located on the taskbar. @) Chapter 6 | Operating System Cortana: Microsoft voice powered personal assistant has been launched with Windows 10 OS Cortana can be configured to take ‘over the search box. > What operations can you do sing Start Menu? > Whatis theuse of Taskbar? > Whatare the differenttypes offeons in Windows 10? 6.4 Windows 10: Control Panel & Software Installation User can modify many aspects of Windows and intermediate users will have access to all the ‘options they need to control their computer. Mastering the workings of the Control Panel can be considered as ne seasoned Windows 10 user. essary to becom: 6.4.1 Windows 10 Control Panel ‘The Control Panel can be opened either by right clicking Start Button or by typing Control Pane! in Search Box. eawod ty Figure 6.9: Control pane! in menu Chapters | Opering Sytem ‘The Control Panel contains an address bar and search box like many other folders. The different commands are categorized into eight groups: System and Security - This section deals with the overall operation and stability/security of ‘Windows 10, Here, you can open the Action Center, check system settings, manage Windows Update settings and power consumption options, and access other administrative tools like Action Center , Windows Firewall, System, Windows Update, Power Options, Backup and Restore, BitL ocker Drive Encryption, Administrative Tools esa ze ? Atyou computer stings alg ages Sypemana ecaty iscesia mist Pesce eee Serer a ii May om eee a roi Bes fees Finencil rrosrans b acol cess Figure6.10: Control Panel New button called Settings is also available in Windows 10 for faster and efficient personalization as per the user. You can get to Settings by selecting the Start MM button, and then selecting Settings. From there, browse the categories [> =e or use search to find what |°""™* oI you're looking for, including advanced options in Control | @ w Q Panel. eee heim eee ee etn 6.4.2 Software Installation & a Windows 10 comes| = equipped with some basic software that will satisfy the Figure 6.11: Settings Window Chapter}6 | Operating System. needs of most novice users. You can browse the Internet, listen to and watch digital media, produce word processing ADOBE READER’ documents, ete. However, there are many varieties of programs that aren't included with operating systems because the cost and size of the operating system would get, out of hand in a hurry. Installing your own programs might sound intimidating, but it really isnt. The programs designed to work with Windows are usually very easy and Figure 6.12: Software Installation methodical to install Asan example, let's install a program that is used to view PDF files (Portable Document Files). A ‘company called Adobe Systems created this file format, First click on exe file of adobe and it will be asked to allow this program to make changes to your computer. Click yes to proceed, Eventually you will see a window showing you the download and installation progress: ‘Once the installation is complet close the installation window. The program is now ready (o use. ‘You will sce an icon on your desktop and a new entry in the Start menu. Double-click the desktop icon orclick the Start Menu icon to open anduse the program, For most users, simply clicking the Next button will install the program with all of the default settings. Once you have completed all the setup requirements, click Install ot Finish to make the installation program go to work. Some products will require you to restart your computer in order to finalize the installation, This will clear any temporary files from memory and update any files, that were in use. Youare now ready to use the program. Driver: A device Driver (commonly referred as a driver) is a program that operates and controls the device that is attached to computer like printer, scanner, CD ROM drive ete, Installation of extemal devices will sometimes require installation of device specific drivers. Quick > How tochange date and timeon Windows 10? } How tochange Screensaver and Background? > How to change mouse properties? 6.5 Windows 10: Working with Fil s & Folders A ile, or document, is @ collection of data that has @ name and is stored in a computer. We can ‘organize files by storing them in folders. Disks contain folders that hold documents, or files in Floppy disks, Zip disks, Compact Discs (CDs), Hard Disks and these disks can be removed or @ Chapter 6 Operating System inserted ina drive. ‘bard din is housed in Som ‘ Windows organizes the folders and files in a hierarchy, or file Marcel, system, Windows stores folders and important files that it needs eaten) when you turn on the computer in the root directory. Folders stored ° within other folders are called a) subfolders, 0 The type of disk you use to store sypeee files determines how you organize Figure 6.13: Managing the files, those files. Storing files on removable media allows you to use simpler organization. The larger ‘the medium, the more levels of folders we can should use-My Documents folder or we can should have abackup, or duplicate copy, of important files. S Computer SS = Top ive! offle Ss ‘ster Had disk (C3) 3% Floppy (A) — bevel? Dp po B Documents and ter dats Levels o Main folder for your documents sD B o op Basie AccoumingConpuerConeens Migugment_— Prion Folders eeated for each course Level st et Memo Policy Propo Windows Program Files Repost Files forthe Professional Waiting course Figure 6.14 : Managing files in windows ‘Windows Explorer shows the files, folders, and drives on your computer-Panes: Explorer bar, Folders pane, Expand icon, Collapse icon, My Computer shows the drives on your computer. Chapter}6 | Operating System. GeO 9 fowler Figure 6.15; Working with folder Figure 6.16: Managing folder in windows ‘The file path is @ notation that indicates a fil’s location on your + computer ~ Jom 0-4 Parlors) oh ANFM\TutorialHoliday.bmp aces eR ane D> mrnoon PP Beaaw — E o 1 Atisthe drivename 5 bm 3 Tutorial isa subfolder inthe J wdiisuar 2 FMisthe top-level folder on | = 220554) | a drive tiem. FM folder Figure 6.17; My Documents folder in windows Chapter 6 | Operating System 4 Holiday.bmp is the full filename with the file extension 3 Steesoaie) © a oocmerts asa © Dror ties & B wacows QB coowew) @ Q cawometey SO comin gl —i ot Figure 6.18: Managing differen files in windows We can create Folders using Windows Explorer. Click File on the menu bar, point to New to display the submenu, and then click Folder. Fle Eot Ven Favortes Tools Heb SB sa Floppy (a) som Biceses Figure 6.19: Folder name in Windows 10 We can move and copy Files and Folders. Moving a file removes it from its current location and. places itin a new location you specify. Copying places the file in both locations Chapter6 | Operating System We can name and rename the files Filenames provide important information about the file, including its contents and HS Leeda # Boome purpose-Main part of & Boewiniete the filename, Dot, File extension, A filename extension identifies the file's Figure 6.20; Fxpand and col dows 10 aaa adnate igure 6.20: Expand and collapse ieons in windows program in which the file was created, Reeyele Bin: This folder provides temporary storage for files and folders that you delete, A user ‘cannot access the file/folderafter deleting it from recycle bin, ae Using “Shift+Delete” keyboard keys permanently deletes the file/folder and it is not even available in Recycle bin. (QUICK AE. > Whatis the difference between file and folder? > Whatis the path ofa file/folder saved on desktop? > Whatis the use of Scrollbar? 6.6 Windows 10: Basic Applications/U ies. Windows 10 has in-built basic applications/utilities. Utilities Programs manage, repair, and ‘optimize data on a computer. A basic set comes with every OS, Accessories can be accessed by typing its name in Search box available on Taskbar, Some are as follows: Calculator: You can use Calculator to perform simple calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, Calculator also offers the advanced capabilities of a programming, scientific, and statistical calculator. Chapter 6 Operating System D Preview sea ® Corecton baton D Hisory meas ® daser baton D Wiig wea Figure 6.21: Math tool in accessories in Windows 7 Math Input Panel: If you use your computer to solve math problems or to create documents or presentations that have typed mathematical expressions in them, Math Input Panel makes the process easier and more natural. Math Input Panel uses the math recognizer that's built into ‘Windows 10 to recognize handwritten math expressions. You can then insert the recognized math into a word-processing or computational program. Math Input Panel is designed to be used with a tablet pen on a Tablet PC, but you can use it with any input device, such as a touchscreen, external digitizer, or even a mouse. To open Math Input Panel, press on tab in accessories menu, Write a well-formed math expression in the writing area ‘The recognized math is shown in the preview area, Make any necessary corrections to the math recognition. Tap Insert to put the recognized math into your word-processing or computational rogram. Sniping Tool: Youcan use Snipping Tool to capture a screen shot, or snip, of any object on your sereen, and then annotate, save, or share the image, You can capture any ofthe following types of shi Free-form Snip. Draw a free-form shape around an object. vv Rectangular Snip. Drag the cursor around an objectto forma rectangle. v Window Snip. Select a window, such as a browser window or dialog box that you want to capture > — Bull-screen Snip. Capture the entire screen, ‘Windows Mobility Center Chapter}6 | Operating System. caine) | ge tim ies ao cs Tome aeoa “Sezai ena Ot Spe Conee © fee enone sign = Figure 6.22: Windows Mobility Center in Windows 10 If you use a laptop, you can quickly access settings (for example, speaker volume, wireless network connection status, and display brightness) in Windows Mobility Center. Because all these settings are in one location, you save time and don't need to remember where each setting is located, To open Windows Mobility Center, click on windows mobility Center in accessories menu. Mobility Center displays the most commonly used laptop settings, such as brightness, volume, battery status, and wireless network status. Different tiles are displayed depending on your system, andsome tiles are added by your laptop manufacturer. Here are some of the settings you might find in Mobility Center. Remember that notall settings are available on all laptops. > Brightness: Move the slider to temporatily adjust the brightness of your display. To adjust the display brightness settings for your powerplan, click the icon to open Power Options. > — Volume: Move the slider to adjust the speaker volume of your laptop, or select the Mute checkbox. v Battery Status: View how much charge remains on your battery or select power plan from Chapter 6 Operating System the lst > — Wireless Network: View the status of your wireless network connection or tum your wireless network adapter on or off. v Seren Rotation: Change the orientation of your Tablet PC screen from portrait to landscape, or vice versa, > External Display: Connect an additional monitor to your laptop, or customize the display settings. v Syne Center: View the status of in-progress file syne, start a new syne, set up a syne partnership, or change yoursettings in Syne Center. Paint: Paint is a drawing program you can use to create drawings or edit digital pictures. You can also use Paint to save picture files using different file formats System Tools: Through System tools, unnecessary files on hard disk can be deleted and disk can bbe defragmented to improve system performance significantly. Disk Defragmenter tool and Disk Clean-up tools can be used for this. QUICK ERIE > Which accessories are available in Windows 10? > Whatis the use of Disk Cleanup and Defragmenter? > Whatcan be done using Math Input Panel? Chapter6 | Operating System Multiple Choice Questions 1. Identify false statement: a. Youcan find deleted files inrecycle bin b. You can restore any files from recycle bin if youeverneed ¢. You can increase free space of disk by sending files in reeyele bin 4. You can right click and choose Empty Recycle Binto clean itatonce 2. Which of the following operating system is not an example of Graphical User Interface? a,Windows8.1 b. MacOS , Linux 4. Unix 3. Which snot application software? a.WindowsXP —_b. VLC Media Player c.AdobeReader — d. Photoshop 4, A small part of taskbar that has icons of background running applications and has date and time displayed on itis a. Start button b. Quick launch ©. Taskbar 4. System tray 5. Which of the following operating system does notimplement the multitasking ? a.Windows98 —_b, Windows NT c. WindowsXP d. MSDOS Chapter 6 Operating System 6 10, Which of the following Windows do not have Start button: a,Windows Vista —_b. Windows 10 c. Windows 8 d.Noneofabove Which of the following is not an operating system? a, DOS b. Linux , Windows .Oracle A is a named location on a disk where files are stored: a. Folder b.Pod ©. Version File Group In Windows, startbutton can be used for a. Launching applications b. Device settings ¢. Tuming offthe system 4. Allofabove Whenever you move a directory from one location to another: a, All files inside the directory are moved b, All the subdirectory inside that directory are moved ¢. The directory is moved the source file is not moved .Bothaandb [Jcuarter7 MS — Word Basics MS-Word Basics 7.1 Introduction to Word Processing and MS-Word Word processing is the composition, editing, formatting, and sometimes printing of any sort of written material, Word processing can also refer to advanced shorthand techniques, sometimes used in specialized contexts with a specially modified typewriter or computerthese days. Microsoft Word is “word processing” software which comes under the category of Application Software and developed by Microsoft. The basic purpose of MS word is for typing letters, reports and various other documents. It enables you to use your home computersidesktop computers, laptops or hand held devices for desktop publishing, 7.2. Starting MS Word 2010 Application Click on the Start button, click on All Programs, click Microsoft Office, and then click Microsoft Office Word 2010, A New Blank document will open, Figure 7.1; Working in Word Environment Chapter7 | MS — Word Basics ‘Component Description Name Quick ecess Displays buttons to perform frequently used commands with a single Toolbar click Frequently used commands in Word include Save, Undo, Redo, (gat) and PrintFor commands that you use frequently, you can add additional buttons tothe Quick Access Toolbar Ribbon Organizes commands on tabs, and then groups the commands by topic forperforming related document tasks. Tabs Display across the top of the Ribbon, and each tab relates to a type of activity; for example, laying out a page, Group name Indicate the name of the groups of related commands on the displayed tab. Dialog box ‘A small icon that displays to the right of some group names on the launcher Ribbon;it launches a dialog box. ‘Status bar Displays, on the left side, the page and line number, word count, and theProof button, On the right side, displays buttons to control the look of thewindow. View plions Contains buttons for viewing the document in Print Layout, Full ScreenReading, Web Layout, Outline, or Draft views, and also displays controls toZoom Out and Zoom In. Zoom lider The Zoom Slider increases or decreases the viewing area. Vertical Enables you to move up and down in a document to display text that is seroll bar notvisible Title bar Displays the name of the document and the name of the program, 7.2.1 Quick Access Toolbar This toolbars next to the File Tab. This toolbar has the following options: a5-oaF Figure 7.2: Quick Access Toolbar % Save {Ctrl +S}: to savethe file in by default mode F Undo {Ctrl +Z}; toundo the lastactivity v Redo {Ctrl+Y}:toredo the last activity ‘One can customize (add or remove menu options) this “Quick Access Toolbar” and can add or remove the options available. Chapter 7 MS ~ Word Basics > Can youadda command in Quick Access toolbar? | D> How would youmove the quick access toolbar below the Ribbon? 7.2.2 FileTab This button allows you to save, save as, open, opening recent document, and many other options. ‘Toaccess these options press File button. mar ae ne eee ee eee fed “spe sna oro | oe muceun aOfficé = Se ie eee Figure 7.3: File Tab > Save: Save option allows you to save an unsaved document, on that you are currently working % — Save As: Save As allows you to save document in different formats such as, Word Document, Word 97-2003, Word Template, PDF, and inmany other formats, > — Open: Openbutton provides the access to previously saved documents F — Close: Close button allows you to exit from the current document. > Info: The info button provides the information about the current document you are working on. Italso allows you to cdit that information, and also provides an option to protect your document by setting passwords. > — Recent: The recent option allows you to reopen the recent opened files. And it has also option to pin the files which are frequently opened. > New: The New button allows you to create new document. It has also option to create document from the templates online which office provides > — Print: The print option allows you to print the document you are currently working on. The print button also provides the print preview on the side of the page and also allows you to printing settings. D> Save & Send: Save & Send option allows you to save and send the current document you are currently working on in the different ways such as, Send as attachment, Send as PDF, Send a link, Send as XPS, Send as Internet Fax, Send Using Fmail, Save to Web, Save to MS ~ Word Basics Chapter 7 SharePoint, and with many other options. > Help: The Help option allows you to get help with the Microsoft Office, such as getting started with Office, online help and soon. > Options: The Options button allows youto make changes the inthe Microsoft Word, > Exit: The Exit button exits from the Microsoft Word. 7.3 Creating & Saving a New File in MS Word 2010 ‘When you start Word 2010 without opening an existing document, a new blank document is displayed, ready for you to enter your content, You can also create a new document while Word 2010 is running, The cursor, a blinking vertical line in the upper-left corner of the page, shows ‘where the next character you type will appear. When the cursor reaches the right margin, the word ‘youre typing automatically moves to the next line. Pressing the Enter key starts anew paragraph, Tocreate anew document: 1, Click the Fie tab, and then click New. The New page of the Backstage view displays thumbnails of the available templates and template categories (see Figure 7.2.1). 2. Under Available Templates, click Blank document. 3. Click the Create button. A new blank document opens ina new window. TIP: Youcanalso press Ctrl+N to create anew document, siw-aie HE ret mre ax Ste cont Ge pet eg : iat Sr Figure 7.4 ~ New Page of the Backstage View Saving Documents Bach document you create is temporary unless you save itas a file with a unique name or location, You can use Word 2010 to save a document in the Word 97-2003 Document format to make it © Chapter 7 MS ~ Word Basics compatible with earlier versions of Word. Tosavea document forthe firsttime: 1. Onthe Quick Access toolbar, click the Save button Or press CtrI+S, The Save As dialog box opens (see Figure 7.2.2), 2. Inthelet wvigation pane, select a location to save the file or leave the default location. 3. Inthe Filename box, type aname forthe document, 4, Click the Savebutton TIP File names can have up to 250 characters and can include any combination of alphanumeric characters, spaces, and special characters, with the exception ofthe forward slash (), backslash (\), greater than sign (>), less than sign (<), asterisk (*), question mark (?), quotation mark (*), pipe symbol (), and colon (:) /(quck/ a > Can you include aspace characterin file name while saving in Word 2010? | > Whatis the difference between Save and Saveas options under File Tab? a Using Save As GG eset mene _-af roms ___p] The Save As command =" _Meliie 8 can be used to save a | “Syn sion te document in a different 0, [| tn oe 7 location, with a different filename, orina different “7 sos file format. To use the? 2 Mes Save Ascommand: B vies “ 7 : 1. Click the File tb, sseuyyu lms a : and then click Save Aa et Toe i As. The Save As dialog box opens (see Figure 7.2.2), Figure 7.3 — Save As Dialog Box 2. To save the document in a different location, select the desired location in the left Navigation pane, 3. Tosave the document with adifferent file name, type the desired name in the File name box. 8) &) Chapter 7 | MS ~ Word Basics 4, Tosave the document in a different file format, select the desired file format from the Save as type list. Click the Savebutton, Closing Documents When you finish working on a document, you should close the file. Ifthe document contains any unsaved changes, you will be prompted to save the changes before closing the file. Tocloseadocument: 1 Click the File tab, and then click Close. 7.4 Opening MS Word file using GUI and Shortcuts Opening Documents ‘When you save a document, its saved as a file. You can open the document at a later time to view it, modify it, orprintit. To open a document: 1, Click the File tab, and then click Open, The Open dialog box opens (see Figure 7.6). 2. Locate and select the file that you want to open. ame Nevin er oe. NOTE: If the file you ‘want to open is not in the siti memanen (Documents library Downe és default folder, use the left ae nme Navigation pane in the Open dialog box to select the appropriate drive or folder. 3. Click the Open button, Figure 7.6 Open Dialog Box 7.5. Typing in MS-Word 2010 ‘Most documents require some editing, After creating a document, you may want to add or remove text, ormove text from one place to another. This section covers how to perform basic tasks suchas selecting, deleting, copying, and moving text; and undoing and redoing changes. Selecting Text Chapter 7 MS ~ Word Basics In order to perform certain tasks, you must first select the text. You can use the mouse, the keyboard, or the selection area (an invisible area in the document's left margin) to make a selection. Selected text appears highlighted on the Screen.Do the following to select the text: 1. Toselecta word, double-click anywhere inthe word. 2. Toselecta sentence, hold down the Ctrl key and click anywhere in the sentence, 3. Toselecta line, click inthe selection area to the leftof the line 4, To select a paragraph, triple-click anywhere in the paragraph, Or, double-click in the selection areato the left ofthe paragraph, 5. Toselectthe entire document, triple-click in the selection area. Or, press Ctrl+A. 6 Tosi atthe beginning of the text, and then hold down the Shift key and click at the end ofthe text. \djacent words, lines, or paragraphs, drag the mouse pointer over the text. Or, click 7. To select non-adjacent words, lines, or paragraphs, make the first selection, and then hold down the Ctrl key and make the second selection. (Quick Fay > Can youmoveto start ofa line by justpressing one key? > How many space characters inserted when you press a TAB Key? > Whatis difference between deleting atext through DEL key and Backspace Deleting Text ‘You can use the Backspace or Delete key to delete text one character at a time. The Backspace key removes the character to the left of the cursor; the Delete key removes the character to the right of the cursor. You can also select and delete a word, sentence, paragraph, or block of text, To delete text: 1, Selectthe textthat you want to delete, and then press the Delete key. Copying and Moving Text When editing a document, you may want to move or copy text, If you want to duplicate text in another location, you can copy the text rather than retype it. When you move text, the text is deleted from ts original location and placed in the new location, Sarr Cat or copied text is stored on the Clipboard, a temporary storage area, You can access it by clicking the dialog box launcher in the Clipboard group on the Home tab ofthe Ribbon. (108) @ Chapter 7 | MS ~ Word Basics To copy text: =X cu Paste 2, On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the + F Format Painter Copy button orpress Ctrl¥e Clipboard 3. Clickinthe document where youwanttopastethetext__ Fue 7.7 Clipboard command group liicers REVIEW § > Whatis difference between pressing Ctrl+x and Ctrl+c buttons? Tomovetext: 1, Select the text that you want to move. 2. Onthe Home tab, in he Clipboard group, click the Cut button or press Ctr+x 3. Clickin the document where you want to paste the text, 4, Onthe Home tab, inthe Clipboard group, click the Paste button or press Ctrl+y Undoing and Redoing Changes ‘The Undo command allows you to reverse the results of the previous action, Once the Undo ‘command is used, the Redo command becomes available, The Redo command allows you to restore the results of the action you reversed with the Undo command, ‘Toundo an action: 1, Onthe Quick Access toolbar, click the Undo button Or press Ctrl+z Toredoanaction: Onthe Quick Access toolbar, click the Redo button Or press Ctrlty (quick Fo > How many times you can press undo command in a word document? 7.6 Introduction to Font, Style, Color and Other Options Ribbon Tabs may oa Figure 7.8: Ribbons Chapter? | MSWord Bases Ribbon term was introduced with Microsoft Office suite 2007. This ribbon/ribbon tab/tab contains Home, Insert, Page Layout, References, Mailings, Review and View as various options which are explained individually in this chapter. 7.6.1 Home Tabs Home contains several groups as Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles and Editing. Each group has specific purpose toserve, Figure 7.9: Home Tab Clipboard Group contains basic buttons for various options as mentioned below: ‘Shoricutilcons | Description a Paste- MS Word option offer several options to duplicate a textobject from one ~ place to another. one ect Gut (Cuiv X]- Gu i wed to remove selected [to sslet all press Cllr + A] texvimage Ba copy CCopy- in onder to duplicate a texVimage we need to copy the text and then Paste it at destination Grwmararss | Format Painter (Ca > Shift> C)- Format painter copies the Format ofa specific text which alter can be applied oa different section of the document, Table 7.2 Clipboard Group Options Font Group contains various attributes of the font such as: Shorteut/Ieons Description Cation @oay) ~ fontstyle wor font size AK Growishrink font ‘Aa ‘hanging the case (upper to Tower and vice-versa) = lear formatting BZ U~ __ bold italic, underine abe strike text x x ‘text with sub script, text with superscript eo Apply a shadow, glow reflection effect to selected text wy highlighting the text with desired color Ae Text color “Table 7.3 Fort Group Options Chapter7 | MS — Word Basics Formatting Documents ‘Word 2010 includes a number of features that can be used to easily format a document. Formatting enhanees the appearance ofa document and makes itlook professional. Live Preview ‘The Live Preview feature allows you to see how different formatting options will look before you apply them. As you move the mouse pointer over the list items or thumbnail images in the galleries, the formatting of the selected text or object in the document temporarily changes. You ‘can apply the previewed formatting by clicking the selected option. You can also cancel live previewing without making any changes by pressing the Esc key. ‘Mini Toolbar ‘The Mini toolbar contsins frequently used “Cgypri e+ 41 + AT a’ ZB ER formatting. commands and appears in 2 semi- transparent mode whenever text is selected B ZU BW~- A~ gf Moving the mouse pointer over the toolbar Figure 7.10 ~ Mini Toolbar activates it and makes the options available for Formatting Characters wiieoay Can you copy the format attributes ofa text and apply itto other? | > How wouldyou change the Alphabet in capital in whole document? Applying Font Styles and Effects ‘You can apply one or more font styles and effects to text. Font styles are attributes such as bold and italic; effects are special enhancements such as strikethrough and shadow. Name Description Bold ‘Makes the selected text bold (example). Italie Italicizes the selected text (example). Underline Draws a line under the selected text (example). Click the arrow on the button to select the type of underline. Strikethrough | Draws a line through the middle of the selected text (example). Subscript ‘Creates small letiers below the text baseline (example). Superscript Creates small letters above the line of text (example). Text Effects | Applies a visual effect (such as a shadow, glow, or reflection) to the selected text Change Case | Changes all the selected text to uppercase, lowercase, or other common capitalizations. Table 7.4 Font Properties Toapply a font style or effect: 1. Selectthe text that you want to format (On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the button for the desired font style or effect. If the butfon has an arrow, click the arrow to see more options. Chapter 7 | MS ~ Word Basics a Tie ‘The Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Subscript, and Superscript buttons are toggles. If you select text to which one of these formats has been applied, and then click the corresponding button, that formatis removed, Changing the Font Color and Highlighting Text ‘Youcan emphasize important textby changing the font color orapplying highlighting, Tochange the font color: 1, Selectthetextthat you wantto format. 2, Onthe Home tab, in the Font group, click the Font Color button to apply the most recently used color, orclick the Font Color arrow and select a different color from the colorpalette Tohighlighttext: 1, Selectthetextthat you wantto highlight. ‘On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Text Highlight Color button to apply the most recently used color, or click the Text Highlight Color arrow and select a different color from the color palette aa You can remove a highlight by clicking the Text Highlight Color arrow, and then clicking No | Color. HE Automatic ‘Theme Colors @ SSeeeee aac mt BeBe a Seen8 < More Colors. to Cotor BD Sradient > ahlight Figure 7.12—Font Color Palette Figure 7.13 ~ Text Highlight Color Palette Chapter? | MSWord Bases Clearing Formats You can use the Clear Formatting command o remove all formatting and styles from selected text, leaving only the plain text. Toclear formats: 1, Select the text that has the formatting you want to clear. 2. Onthe Home tab, inthe Font group, click the Clear Formatting button Copying Formats The Format Painter command allows you to copy the formatting of specific text and apply it to other text in the document. This feature can save you time and effort when multiple formats have been applied to text and you want to format additional text with all the same formats. To copy formats: 1, Selectthe textthathas the formatting you wantto copy. 2. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the Format Painter button. 1 pointer changes to an I-beam with a paintbrush. 1e mouse Select the text to which you want to apply the copied formatting. TIP If you want to apply the copied formatting to more than one area, double-click the Format Painter button instead of single-clicking it. This keeps the Format Painter active until you pressthe Esckey. 7.7 Introduction to Paragraphs, Alignment, Bullets and Numbering Paragraph Group contains options foradding bulleted text. This bulleting can be of ordered type or unordered type, Indentation, alignment, line spacing, shading and border are the options available under paragraph, Formatting Paragraphs Paragraph formatting refers to the layout of a paragraph on the page. You can change the look of a paragraph by changing its indentation, alignment, and line spacing, as well asthe space before and after it, You can use the commands in the Paragraph group on the Home tab of the Ribbon to quickly apply paragraph formatting NOTE: You can display or hide formatting marks such as spaces, tabs, and paragraph marks by Chapter 7 | MS ~ Word Basics clicking the Show/Hide button in the Paragraph group onthe Home tab ofthe Ribbon, Aligning Paragraphs ShereaTeas | Roma line of textin a paragraph between the left and right halbews'ts margins. The Paragraph group on the Home tab of | pop enna the Ribbon contains four alignment buttons that [yy oa ‘can be used to quickly change the alignment of a Tow prema paragraph. = pele i = Ft Cow 20gn Text Ege Tualy ‘Table 7.5 Paragraph Group Options Paragraph i 'graph Group Opt Figure 7,14 — Paragraph Group on the Home Tab ‘To change the alignment ofa paragraph: 1, Select the paragraph that youwantto align. 2. Onthe Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the desired alignment button, NOTE: You can also change the alignment of a paragraph by clicking the dialog box launcher in the Paragraph group to open the Paragraph dialog box, and then s Alignment option in the General section on the Indents and Spacing tab. ing the desired [Name Description ‘Align Text Left | Aligns each line of the poragraph at the left margin, producing a sagged right edge. This i the default aligament, Center Aligns the center of each line in the paregeaph between the left and right margins, producing ragged left and right edges ‘Align Text Right | Aligns cach line of the paragraph at the right margin, producing a ragged left edge, Justify Aligns each fine of the parsgraph between the left and right mangit proghucing even leftand rigit edges ‘Table 7.6 Paragraph Alignment Options Chapter 7 MS ~ Word Basics General Alignment: — [Left > Quiline level: | Body Text = Figure 7.15 ~General Section in the Paragraph Dialog Box liters REVIEW | > Whatis purpose or Paragraph Shading Command under Paragraph Command Group? > How would you show/Hide the Paragraph marks ina document? Changing Line and Paragraph Spacing Line spacing determines the amount of sp: between the lines of text in a paragraph. Paragraph spacing determines the amount of space above or below a paragraph, In Word 2010, the default spacing is 1.15 line spacing and 10 points after each paragraph. t To change the line spacing within a paragraph: 1 wv) 145 1, Seleetthe paragraph that you want to format 1s 2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Line and Paragraph Spacing button and 2 select the desired line spacing option 25 NOTE: For additional options, click the dialog box 39. launcher in the Paragraph group to open the Line Spacing Options Paragraph cialog box. On the Indemts and Spacing, ys space pafore Paragiaph ‘ab, in the Spacing section, select the desired option = from the Line spacing list, and then click the OK _> _RéMeve Space After Paragraph button. Ifyou sclectthe Atleast, Exactly, orMultiple Figure 7.16 ~ Line and Paragraph option, youcan enter the desired value in the At box. Spacing Menu Spadng Before: [Opt Une spacing: ae After: iopt 5 ‘Multi =] us Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style Figure 7.17 ~ Spacing Section in the Paragraph Dialog Box To change the spacing before or after a paragraph: 1, Selectthe paragraph that you wantto format. Chapter 7 | MS ~ Word Basics 2. Onthe Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Line and Paragraph Spacing button, and then click Add Space Before Paragraph or Remove Space After Paragraph. The options available on the menu depend on the Before and After settings of the selected paragraph. Indenting Paragraphs Indenting a paragraph refers to moving it away from the left, the right, or both margins. You can indent an entire paragraph on one side or the other to make it stand out from the surrounding text. ‘You can also indent only the first line of a paragraph (which is called a first line indent), or indent all lines except the first line (which is called a hanging indent). Paragraphs can be indented using the Ribbon, the horizontal ruler, or the Paragraph dialog box. ‘Toindent a paragraph using the Ribbon: 1, Select the paragraph that you want to indent. 2. Onthe Hometab, inthe Paragraph group, do one of the following: 4, To increase the left indent of the paragraph in half-inch increments, click the Increase Indentbutton b. To decrease the left indent of the paragraph in half-inch increments, click the Decrease Indent button, To indent a paragraph using the horizontal ruler: 1, If the horizontal ruler is not visible, click the View Ruler button at the top of the vertical seroll bar. 2, Selectthe paragraph that you want to indent, 3. Onthe horizontal ruler, do the following: a. To change the left indent of the entire paragraph, drag the Left Indent marker to the position where you want the texto start b, Tochange the right indent of the entire paragraph, drag the Right Indent marker to the position where you want the text to end. ©. Tocreatea fitstline indent, drag the First Line Indent marker to the position where you want the first line to start 4. Tocreatea hanging indent, drag the Hanging Indent marker to the position where you ‘wantall lines exceptthe first line to start. Chapter 7 MS ~ Word Basics Figst Line Indent marker | [Hanging Indent marker | Delt Tadent marker [Right Indent marker Figure 7.18 Horizontal Ruler with Indent Markers NOTE: If you want to set precise indent settings, click the dialog box launcher in the Paragraph group to open the Paragraph dialog box. On the Indents and Spacing tab, in the Indentation section, enter the desired values, and then click the OK button, Indentation Left: Special: By: Right: fe {hone} =] | ies | Mror indents Figure 7.19 ~ Indents and Spacing Creating Bulleted and Numbered Lists Bulleted and numbered lists make documents easier to read and understand. When you want to emphasize items in a list in no particular order, create a bulleted li ‘When you want to present a sequence of information or list items by order of importance, create a numbered list. You can add bullets or numbers to existing lines of ext, or Word can automatically create bulleted or numbered listsas youtype. You can also cteate a list that has multiple levels, To create a bulleted lst: 1. Click in the document where you want to add the list 2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Bullets button. 3. Type the text for the first list item. 4. Press the Enter key to add the nextlist tem, 5. Tocend the list, press the Enter Figure 720 Bullets Gallery key twice, Define New Bullet NOTE: You can change the bullet symbol by clicking the Bullets arrow and selecting the desired option from the gallery. @ Chapter7 | MS — Word Basics ‘To create anumbered list: 1, Clickin the document where you want to add the lst 2. Onthe Home:ab, in the Paragraph group, click the Numbering button. 3. Typethetext forthe frst listitem. 4, Pressthe Enterkey to add thenext listitem, 5. Tocndthe list, press the Enter key twice. Ifyou move an item within a numbered list, Word will renumber the list to keep the items in the correct order. You can change the number style by clicking the Numbering arrow and selecting the desired option from the gallery. i) 2 (2) 2B 3) | ——] |. | a). iL——— | |B. o i————| ©. | Figure 7.21 ~ Numbering Gallery ‘To createa multilevel list: 1, Clickin the document where you want to add the lis. 2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Multilevel List button and select the desired style from the gallery. Chapter 7 MS ~ Word Basics ‘Type the text forthe first list item, Press the Enter key to add the next list item. Continue creating the listofitems that are all at the same level, ‘Tochange the list level, do one of the following a. Pressthe Tab key to demote thelist level b. Press Shift+Tab to promote the list level. 7. Toend thelist, position the insertion point at the end of the last list item, press the Enter key, ‘and then press the Delete key. Detine New htutiiere Ut. Define New List Ste Figure 7.22 Multilevel List Gallery ‘Toadd bullets or numbers to text: 1. Select the text that you want to add bullets ormumbersto. 2. Onthe Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Bullets or Numbering button. Chapter7 | MS — Word Basics Le) 8 If the numbering sequence is incorreet, right-click the list item, and then click Restart at 1 or Continue Numbering onthe shorteut menu, Toremove bullets or mumbers froma lst: 1, Selectthe list from which you want to remove bullets or numbers. 2, Onthe Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Bullets or Numbering button. 7.8 Title Bar Title is the vertical bar present on top of the word document. This bar contains the title of the document. By defaultit contains Document X where X denotes the number ofthe document. Document Title Figure 7.23: Title Bar 7.9 Status Bar ‘The bottom most horizontal bar is known as “Status Bar”. It contains several options such as: Page ‘Number, Word Count, Spellingand Grammar check (Proof Check), Language ete. Customizing Status Bar:The user can add or remove the content of the Status Bar, just like in case of Quick Access Toolbar” or any other bars Following options are available while customizing the status bar: Proof Check Page: 3 of 7 Words: 741 Gi). English (India) Figure 7.24: Status Bar Chapter 7 MS ~ Word Basics ‘customize status Gar omatted Page Humber 1 Seaion 1 [¥| Base Number tet Vet! Page Postion v tine Humber 1 Shinn 1 Were Cunt a Speling ane Granner check. Neerars Lergutge on Information Management Polley on Exrmissions om “rack changes on caps Loa: on Queriype Insert Seteaion Moge Macro Recoreing Not Reearding [A] vewsronants fg) oem 8 Lv]. zoom ser Figure 7.25: Customizing Status Bar Tile Bar Quek (ET — [> Canyou change the information being displayed atstatus bar? i 7.10 Page Layout Page Layout group menu option contains various groups such as “Themes”, “Page Setup”, “Page Background”, “Paragraph” ete Se Bf Gea cae. 8 BOs Berane But om anes OE” agate se cokers eae are ese ete rene Bee “hes reese 4 pottotaare Figure7 26: Page Layout Chapter7 | MS — Word Basics In Themes Group the available options are: Shorteutiicons | Deseriotion A] ‘Changs the ov ell sign of the dacument Thenes Bicciors~ Change the color oF the eurent heme [Alromts « ‘Change tle Port of the cuwent theme [Blereas~ ‘Change the effect af the evevent theme Table 7.7 Themes Group Option In Page Setup Group the available options are:~ ‘ShorieutfTeoms Description Soler the Margin size of fhe online dosunerl oF crt he ‘Swiweh the page belween portnal and lenessape layout = BG Choose the paper size of tke current secion Sie a Splil est to 19 or more column Adal Page, Sestion or column bret ‘Add line qumber in the margin alongside of vach Tine of the Turn oa Typhonation, which allows the Word te break lin be" Hypnenation ~ encen the syllables oF words Table 7.8 Page Setup Group Options ‘To change the default margins, click Margins after you select a new margin, and then click Custom. ‘Margins. In the Page Setup dialog box, click the Default button, and then click yes. The new default settings are saved in the template on which the document is based. Each new document based on that template automatically uses the new margin settings, To change the margins for part of a document, select the text, and then set the margins that you ‘want by entering the new margins in the Page Setup dialog box. In the Apply to box, click selected text, Microsoft Word automatically inserts section breaks before and after the text that has the new Chapter 7 MS ~ Word Basics margin settings. If your document is already divided into sections, you can click in a section or select multiple sections and then change the margins In Page Background Group the available options are: Shorteutileons Deseriotion Insert ghosted text behind th content of the page a Chow # calor for the backygroan! of the page Add or change the border around the page Table 7.9 Page Background Control Options InParagraph Sroup the available options are: ‘Shorteutiteons Deserintion Move in the lefttright side of ae pacagraph by a sertain emourt Right: 0.02 Spacing Change the spscing bebween the parssrenhs by adding spaces below the sel Table 7.10 Paragraph Group Options Chapter 7 MS ~ Word Basics In Arrange Group the available options are: Shorteut/Icons Deserintion Position ihe selected abject en the pase Change the way lst wrups arvund an imagese object Bring the seleated objest Ronwad Serd theseivered abject Rack ward E Show the selection pane to belp see? individual onjests and to change “heir order ane visibility Selection Pane . Align the edges of mulipt selseted ob Group objects together Rote or flip the selected object Table 7.11 Arrange Group Options Chapter 7 MS ~ Word Basics 6. Multiple Choice Questions Which of the following is not the font-style in MS Word? a. Subscript b.Bold c. Regular Italics Which key enables you to delete the character(s) to the right of the cursor? a.End c. Delete Page orientation option is available under whichtab? a.PageLayout —_b,Referene ©. View 4. Mailings Times New Roman isa: a.Font b.Page Layout ¢. Printing 4 None ofthe above To enter a new paragraph into a document, press the key a.CTRL b.ALT ¢. ENTER ESC ‘You can select a paragraph by using the key(). a.CTRL+END b. SHIFT+HOME c. CTRL+SHIFT=DOWN ARROW 4.CTRL+SHIFT+END 1 8 With which view can you see how text and ‘graphics will appear on the printed page? a. Normal b, Print Layout c. Outline d. Web Layout Portraitand Landscape are:~ a. Page Orientation b.PaperSize c. Page Layout 4. Allofabove Which feature helps you to remove the formatting of selected text? a. Clear Formatting >, Format Painter c. Page Setup dsiyles Using which of the following, you can switch between portrait and landscape modes ina document? a. header and footer toolbar . print layout view ©. page setup dialog box d.noneoftheabove Chapter 7 MS ~ Word Basics

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