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Ten (10) Principles of CBT 

1) The training is based on curriculum developed from the 

competency standards. 

The  Competency  Standard  (CS)  is  the  written  specification  of  the 
knowledge,  skills and attitudes and values required  for the  performance of 
a  job,  occupation  or  trade  and  the corresponding standard of performance 
required for these in the workplace. 
The  industry  workers  identify  these  standards  and  are  promulgated 
by  the  Technical  Education  and  Skills  Development  Authority  in  the 
Training Regulations (TR). 
The  Competency  Based  Curriculum  (CBC)  is  derived  from  the 
Competency  Standards.  It  is  a  plan  for  structured  series  of  learning 

experiences  toward  achieving  of  competencies  identified by the  industry;  it 

details  training  methodologies,  resources,  facilities,  infrastructure  and 
other materials required both for training and assessment strategies. 

2) Learning is competency-based or modular in structure. 

Unit of Competency 

•  Module 


Generally  one  competency  is  one  module  but  some  competencies 
maybe divided into training modules. A qualification is composed of a set of 
competencies  a  worker  should  have.  When  planning  your  training,  your 
trainees  should  learn  one  competency  after  another  until  they  attain  all 
competencies of the qualification. 
3) Training delivery is individualized and self-paced. 

',earning is uone oy tne learner at own pace 

As  trainers, you should provide activities  that  will  allow  each  trainee 
to advance on  his own without waiting for the other trainees in his class to 
finish. Facilities, resources  and materials should also be structured so that 
trainees could learn competencies at their own pace. 

4) Training is based on work that must be performed. 

Learning is based on the actual industry practice 

5) Training materials are directly related to 

the competency standards and the curriculum. 


Competency  Standards  are  updated  specifications  of  the 

qualification.  Oftentimes,  learning  materials  that  are  directly  related  to 
these  standards  are  not  available  in  bookstores.  You  should  put  your 
resources  together  to  produce  learning  materials  and  learning  activities 
appropriate to attain the performance criteria in the CS. 
The  Competency-Based  Curriculum  will  be  your  guide  to  plan  for 
both  training  and  assessment  of  your  trainees.  Your  learning  materials 
should be developed to attain the assessment criteria in the CBC. 
The  CBC  will  be  further  discussed  in  the  succeeding  information 

4​ '"' ' ​•I'mrvETIssued  Date Developed:  Document No. 

Mt  CBLMs on Trainers  July 2010  by:   Page 9 of 251 
.NT,Ta​l Methodology Level I  Date Revised: 
jrcnANAriop., March 2012  NTTA 
Planning Training   Developed by: 
Sessions  Redilyn C. Agub  Revision # 01 
)​,(1/1​ AI-RAINER
​ ​

6) Assessment of learners is based in the collection of evidences of 
work performance based on industry or organizational required 
7) Training is based on and off the job components and off the job 


Better learning with industry and school partnership 

8) The system allows Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). 

Workers and Students can have prior skills recognized 
CBT  focuses  on  the  competencies  that  are  not  yet  acquired  by  the 
trainee  in  any  learning  situation.  Competencies  acquired  as  a  result  of 
previous training, employment and life experiences should be recognized so 
that  trainees  will  not  waste  time  doing  the  learning  activities  of  the 
competencies that they already have. It is one of your task to identify these 
prior  learning  of  your  trainees  and  plan  for  the  training  of  each  trainee 
based on this data. 

9) The  system  allows  for  learner  to  enter  and  exit  programs  at 
different  times  and  levels  and  to  receive  an  award  for 
competencies attained at any point. 
There is flexibility for entry and exit from programs 

10) Approved training programs are nationally accredited. 

Training programs are registered within UTPRAS 

Date Developed:  Document No. 
Mt  July 2010  by:   Page 10 of 251 
.NT,Ta​l Date Revised: 
jrcnANAriop., 4​ '"' ' ​•I'mrvETIssued  March 2012  NTTA 
)​,(1/1​ AI-RAINER CBLMs on Trainers  Developed by: 
Methodology Level I  Redilyn C. Agub 
​ ​

ACADEM  Planning Training   Revision # 01 

Any  program  offered  in  TVET  should  be  registered  with  the  Unified 
TVET  Program  Registration  and  Accreditation  System  (UTPRAS).  This 
covers the following: 
1. Program  Registration  is  a  compulsory compliance with  minimum 
requirement  prescribed  in  the  Training  Regulations(TRs)  and 
anchored  on  competency-based  system.  Program  registration 
prescribes  full  compliance  with  prevailing  training  standards, 
correction  of  sub-standard  ones  and  denial  of  registration  of 
registration  for  those  who  fail  to  comply.  An  integral  part  of 
program  registration  is  the monitoring  of  registered programs for 
continuous compliance to standards. 
2. Program  Accreditation  is  a  voluntary  process  of  demonstrating 
quality  assurance  to  programs  and  institutional  processes  that 
shall  lead  to  the  recognition  and  conferment  of  awards  various 
levels of exemplary performance. 
Compliance  to  UTPRAS  would  include  training  approaches, 
curriculum,  learning  materials,  facilities,  resources  and  other  training 
materials.  You  should  therefore  learn  how  to  plan  and  implement 
Competency-Based Training to comply with UTPRAS. 

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