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Smoke Detector
Prepared By: Group “L”
Asif Ali BPHF13ME07
Muhammad Junaid BPHF13ME12
M. Farhan Akram MPHF15ME05
Session: (BS) 2013-2017
(MSc) 2015-2017
Submitted To: Sir Umar Dad
Department Of Physics
A project report submitted to the Department of Physics
in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of
BS Physics and Msc Physics of the University of
Sargodha Sub Campus Mianwali




1) I understand what plagiarism is and I am aware of the University

policy on this regard.

2) I declare that this final year project is our original work and has not
been submitted elsewhere for examination, award of degree or
publication. Where other people‟s work or our own work has been
used, this has properly been acknowledged and referenced in
accordance with University of Sargodha requirements.
3) I have not sought or used the services of any professional agencies
to produce this work.

4) I have not allowed and shall not allow anyone to copy my

work with the intention of passing it off as his/her own work.

I understand that any false claim in respect of this work shall result in
disciplinary action, in accordance with University anti-plagiarism

This is my original work and has not been presented for any degree
award in this or any other university. Information from other sources
has been duly acknowledged.


This report has been submitted to the Department of Physics University

of Sargodha Sub Campus Mianwali with my approval as supervisor:


Sir Umar Dad

Date: ………………………….

This project is dedicated to our parents for their unwavering

financial and emotional support as well as undying love and
encouragement throughout our academic journey.


First, we would like to thank the Almighty ALLAH for granting

us life and good health as well as supreme protection and
guidance throughout our studies.

We thankful to our supervisor, Sir Umar Dad for his informative

and useful guidance and suggestions throughout the journey for
project design.

We are very grateful to the Department of Physics and our

lecturers for instilling in us the knowledge that has brought us
this far.

We are thankful to our friends and classmates who have

contributed to the success of our studies through their wise counsel
and support.

Needless to mention, this project would not have been complete

without reference to and inspiration from the work of others whose
details are included in the reference section of this document.

Project Title: Smoke Detector

Smoke Detector:

A Smoke Detector is a
smoke sensing device that indicates fire. Smoke Detectors are very
common in homes, offices, schools and industries. Smoke Detectors
are very useful devices as the damage caused by fire accidents is

Now a days, smoke detectors and smoke alarms are very cheap as
its usage is increasing and cost of manufacturing is decreasing. In
this project, we are implementing a simple Smoke Detector Circuit
using simple hardware.

We used a Gas/Smoke sensor for detecting smoke. The article is

divided into information about Smoke sensor, circuit diagram and

A Brief Introduction to Smoke Sensor

There are two types of smoke detectors. Optical or photoelectric

smoke detectors and Ionization smoke detectors.
Optical smoke detectors consist of a light source like LED and a
light detector like photocell.

The photocell conducts as long as the light falls on it. When there is
smoke, the light from the source is interrupted and the photocell

doesn’t conduct.

Project Title: Smoke Detector

Ionization smoke detectors consists of two electrodes and an
ionization chamber filled with ions. When there is no smoke, the
ions move freely and the electrodes conduct normally.

In the presence of smoke, the chamber is filled with smoke and

interrupts the movement of ions. The electrodes do not conduct
anymore. Depending on the type of sensor and manufacturer, the
conductivity conditions may change but the idea remains the same.

Based on the output of the smoke detector, an alarm system can be


The sensor used in this project is MQ-2 Gas/Smoke sensor. It is

sensitive to LPG, Hydrogen, Smoke, Methane, Propane, Alcohol,
Butane and other industrial combustible gases.

It has two electrodes made of Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) and a

heating element made of Tin dioxide (SnO¬2) which acts as the
main sensing layer.

Project Title: Smoke Detector

Circuit Diagram:

Project Title: Smoke Detector

4. Components Required
 MQ-2 Sensor

Project Title: Smoke Detector

 LM358

 10KΩ

Project Title: Smoke Detector

 330Ω


Project Title: Smoke Detector

 0.1µF

Project Title: Smoke Detector

 10KΩ POT

 Buzzer

Project Title: Smoke Detector

5 .Working:

Smoke Detectors are amazing devices as

they are small, cheap yet very useful. In this project, we
implemented a simple Smoke Detector Circuit with adjustable

We used a Smoke Sensor MQ-2 as the main sensory device. The

working of the circuit is simple and is explained below.

LM358 acts as a comparator in this circuit. The inverting

terminal of LM358 is connected to POT so that the sensitivity of
the circuit can be adjusted.

The output of LM358 is given to an LED as an indicator although

a buzzer can be used as an alarm. The non-inverting terminal of
LM358 is connected with output of smoke sensor.

Initially, when the air is clean, the conductivity between the

electrodes is less, as the resistance is in the order of 50KΩ. The
inverting terminal input of comparator is higher than the
non-inverting terminal input. The indicator LED is OFF.

In the event of fire, when the sensor is filled with smoke, the
resistance of the sensor falls to 5KΩ and the conductivity between

the electrodes increases.

Project Title: Smoke Detector

This provides a higher input at the non-inverting terminal of
comparator than the inverting terminal and the output of
comparator is high. The alarming LED is turned ON as an
indication of presence of smoke.

 The heating element in the Smoke Sensor must be preheated
before it can sense any smoke or gas.
 The sensor gets hot because of the heating coil and it is
advised not to touch the sensor while it is switched on.
 The sensitivity of the circuit to different concentrations of
smoke can be adjusted by using the POT.
 The output LED can be replaced with a loud buzzer for
effective alarm.

Project Title: Smoke Detector

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