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Higher 1 Geography Essay Questions: Theme 1

Descriptive Essay

1. Explain the factors influencing rainfall distribution in the humid tropics.

2. Explain the variations in the drainage basin water balance within the
3. With the aid of well-labelled diagrams, account for the variation in channel
morphology in the tropics.
4. Using relevant diagrams, explain how wind erosion affects landforms in
the hot and arid tropics.
5. Explain how hydrographs can help in the study of flows in the humid
tropics of Asia.
6. Account for the variation of mass movement processes in the tropics.
7. Describe and explain how materials are eroded by wind and water in the
arid tropics.
8. Explain how channel morphology varies with discharge across the humid
9. Explain why tropical climates vary spatially.
10.Explain the nature of flows and stores occurring in the humid and arid

Evaluative Essay

1. ‘The interplay of climate and geology explains the variation in the karst
landscapes in the humid tropics.’ Discuss this statement with support from
relevant diagram(s).
2. ‘Channel patterns constantly evolve as a result of different physical
conditions’. Discuss this statement with support from relevant diagram(s).
3. "Discharge is the most important factor influencing channel patterns in the
tropics." Discuss.
4. Assess the role played by climate in affecting the formation of landscapes
in the humid tropics.
5. ‘Seasonal variation in wind direction have strong influence on rainfall
patterns in the tropics.’ How far do you agree with this statement?
6. The effects of deforestation are more devastating to the physical than the
human environment. Discuss.
7. Discuss the relative importance of geology in influencing the types and
rates of erosion in the arid tropics.
8. ‘The 2011 flooding in Thailand was triggered by the landfall of tropical
storms.’ Evaluate the validity of the statement with reference to examples
that you have studied.
9. To what extent can the successful management of the impacts of a flood
result from the immediate response to such an event?
10.Discuss the factors that contribute to the formation and development of
meandering and braided channels.

Higher 2 Geography Essay Questions: 2.1

Descriptive Essay
1. Explain how the core-periphery model and dependency theory help in
understanding development in low income countries.
2. Account for the emergence of the New International Division of Labour
3. Explain the characteristics of extractive industries with reference to
countries at different levels of development.
4. Describe and explain how development can bring about changes in a
country's economy.
5. Explain ways by which Global Production Networks (GPNs) are able to
remain competitive in rapidly industrialising countries.

Evaluative Essay

1. ‘The state is no longer important with the presence of other actors in the
global economy’. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
2. “Besides being a prime cause of poor economic growth, poor governance
breeds corruption, which cripples investment, wastes resources, and
diminishes confidence.” (Ahmed Zewail). To what extent do you agree
that a country’s development is largely in the hands of the state?
3. Assess the extent to which labour characteristics influence the ways in
which states bring about economic development.
4. “The only way for countries to achieve successful economic growth is to
be part of a supranational body.” How far do you agree with this

Higher 2 Geography Essay Questions: 2.2

Descriptive Essay

1. Explain how Thomas Malthus and Ester Boserup view the relationship
between population and resources.
2. Explain the impact of privatisation of water resources in lower income
3. Critically examine the role of natural resources in influencing the
development of countries.
4. Describe and explain how the views on the relationship between
population and resources have varied over time.
5. Explain the challenges faced by countries at varying levels of development
in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals 2000 – 2015.

Evaluative Essay

1. Assess the success of strategies used to manage transboundary sources of

water supply and associated conflicts.
2. “As I travel around the world, people think the only place where there is
potential conflict over water is the Middle East, but they are completely
wrong. We have the problem all over the world.” (Kofi Anan). To what
extent do you agree that water conflicts are not only experienced by many
countries but are becoming more difficult to solve.
3. ‘International agreements are ineffective in managing transboundary
water resources.’ To what extent do you agree with the statement?
4. 'An abundance of natural resources can be both a blessing and a curse for
countries at low levels of development.' Discuss.
5. Examine the relevance of the Limits to Growth theory in understanding
population growth and resource utilisation.

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