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6 Cables: Uniform Loads

6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 1, page 1 of 4
1. Each cable of the center span of the suspension
bridge supports a uniform load of 10 kip/ft along
the horizontal. If the span is 3,800 ft and the sag
400 ft, determine the maximum and minimum
tensions in the cable.

3800 ft

400 ft
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 1, page 2 of 4

1 The maximum tension occurs where the slope is

greatest points A and B.
3800 ft

400 ft

2 The minimum tension occurs where the slope is least the

low point of the cable.
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 1, page 3 of 4
3800 ft

400 ft

3 Free-body diagram of CB
7 Resultant load
(10 kip/ft)(1900 ft)
5 Tension components at B
= 19,000 kip
400 ft 8 (1900 ft)/2 950 ft (Resultant acts through middle of
C 1900 ft span)
4 Tension at low point 6 (3800 ft)/2 = 1900 ft
(minimum tension) (Because of symmetry, we know
that the low point occurs at the
middle of the 3800-ft span.)
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 1, page 4 of 4

9 Equilibrium equation
+ Fx = 0: T + TBx = 0

Fy = 0: TBy 19,000 kip = 0


MB = 0: (19,000 kip)(950 ft) T (400 ft) = 0


Solving gives

T = 45,125 kip (minimum tension in cable) Ans.

TBx = 45,125 kip

TBy = 19,000 kip

The maximum tension is the resultant of TBx and TBy:

TBy 19,000 kip Tmax

B TBx = 45,125 kip

Tmax = (45,125 kip)2 + (19,000 kip)2

= 49,000 kip Ans.

6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 2, page 1 of 4
2. A length of oil pipeline weighing 3200 lb is supported by a system
of cables as shown. Determine a) the distance h to the lowest point C
on the cable and b) the maximum tension in the cable.

A 8 ft


30 ft 50 ft
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 2, page 2 of 4

1 The maximum tension occurs at B, where the 3 Equilibrium equation

slope is largest, so let's draw a free-body
diagram of the entire system, including the MA = 0: By(40 ft + 40 ft)

tension components at B: Bx(8 ft) (3,200 lb)(40 ft) = 0 (1)

4 We could write two additional equilibrium

(80 ft)/2 40 ft equation, but they would introduce two
40 ft additional unknowns, Ax and Ay, so nothing
would be gained. An additional free-body
By diagram involving Bx and By is needed.

8 ft B Bx
Ax A

2 3200 lb (Weight of pipeline acts through

midpoint of 30 ft + 50 ft 80-ft span,
not through low point, C)
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 2, page 3 of 4
5 Pass a vertical section through the low point, C, and 7 Free-body diagram of BC
draw a free-body diagram of the portion of the
system to the right of C.
By 50 ft (50 ft)/2
25 ft
Ay Bx
A 8 ft By
C Bx
h + 8 ft
(To is horizontal
because C is
the minimum 8 Weight distributed load length of pipe
point on the
curve.) 40 lb/ft 50 ft

2000 lb
50 ft

80 ft 9 Equilibrium equation for free-body BC

6 The 3200-lb weight spread over an 80-ft length Fx = 0: T + Bx = 0 (2)
of pipe is equivalent to a uniformly distributed
Fy = 0: By 2000 lb = 0 (3)
load of 3200 lb/80 ft = 40 lb/ft.

MB = 0: (2000 lb)(25 ft) T (h + 8 ft) = 0 (4)

6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 2, page 4 of 4
10 Eq. 4 is nonlinear, but Eqs. 1-3 are linear and can be easily
solved to give

Bx = 4000 lb

By = 2000 lb

T = 4000 lb

Using the value of T = 4000 lb in Eq. 4 gives

(2000 lb)(25 ft) T (h + 8 ft) = 0 (Eq. 4 repeated)

Solving gives

h = 4.5 ft Ans.

11 The maximum tension is the resultant of Bx and By:

By 2000 lb Tmax

Bx 4000 lb
Tmax = (4000 lb)2 + (2000 lb)2

= 4470 lb Ans.
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 3, page 1 of 2
3. An 18-lb washer load of wet beach-towels is hung on a clothesline
to dry. Each beach towel is 72-in. long, and the clothesline is tied to
supports located 75 in. above the ground. If the breaking strength of
the clothesline is 280 lb, determine if the clothesline can be tightened
enough to keep the middle towel from touching the ground.

28 ft


75 in 75 in

1 The towel near the middle of the clothesline span will touch the
ground if the sag is 75 in. 72 in. = 3 in. We can now work the
problem either of two ways: 1) assume the sag = 3 in., compute
the corresponding maximum tension, and compare it to the
280-lb breaking strength; or 2) assume the maximum tension is
280 lb, compute the corresponding sag, and compare it to the
maximum permissible sag of 3 in.
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 3, page 2 of 2
2 Let's arbitrarily choose the first approach assume a sag
4 Solving Eq. 1-3 gives
= 3 in. Then a free-body diagram of the right half of the
clothesline and hanging towels would appear like this:
Bx = 252 lb

(28 ft)/4 7 ft By = 9 lb
(28 ft)/4 7 ft (18 lb)/2
9 lb T = 252 lb
The maximum tension occurs where the slope is
greatest at B (or A):
3 in B By 9 lb Tmax = (252 lb)2 + (9 lb)2 = 252.2 lb

B Bx 252 lb
Since the maximum tension, 252.2 lb, is less than
the breaking strength, 280 lb, the clothesline can
be tightened enough to keep the towel from
3 Equilibrium equations touching the ground. Note, however, that the
poles supporting the clothesline must be
Fx = 0: T + Bx = 0 (1) well-anchored in the ground since they must
resist a horizontal force of Bx = 252 lb acting at
Fy = 0: 9 lb + By = 0 (2)

the point where the clothesline is attached.

MB = 0: 9 lb(7 ft)

T (3 in. 1 ft/ 12 in.) = 0 (3)

6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 4, page 1 of 4
4. Chains AB and BC are attached to a roller support at B
as shown. The chains support beams that have mass per
length of 0.5 kg/m. Determine the maximum tension in
each chain and the sag s in chain BC.

80 m 60 m

3m s

0.5 kg/m 0.5 kg/m

1 The maximum tension in chain AB occurs where the

slope is greatest, points A and B.
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 4, page 2 of 4

2 We know the location of the low point of chain AB, so 5 Equilibrium equation
let's choose a free-body diagram of the right half of
the chain because then we will know the distances + Fx = 0: T + Bx = 0 (1)
appearing in the moment equation.
Fy = 0: By 196.2 N = 0 (2)

4 By symmetry, we know the low point occurs at mid span: MB = 0: T (3 m)

+ (196.2 N)(20 m) = 0 (3)
(80 m)/2 40 m
(40 m)/2 20 m

6 Solving Eqs. 1-3 gives

T = 1308 N

By Bx = 1308 N
3 Sag distance is given: 3 m
By = 196.2 N
To B

Resultant force

(0.5 kg/m)(9.81 m/s2)(40 m)

196.2 N
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 4, page 3 of 4

7 Maximum tension in AB

By 196.2 N Tmax = (1308 N)2 + (196.2 N)2 = 1323 N Ans.

B Bx 1308 N

8 Next consider a free-body diagram of the 9 Equilibrium equation

left half of chain BC:
+ Fx = 0: Bx + T = 0 (4)
(60 m)/2 30 m
Fy = 0: By 147.15 N = 0 (5)

(30 m)/2 15 m

MB = 0: T (s) (147.15 N)(15 m) = 0 (6)


B T'o
Resultant weight

(0.5 kg/m)(9.81 m/s2)(30 m)

147.15 N
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 4, page 4 of 4
10 Eqs. 4-6 are three equations in four unknowns, Bx ,
By , T and s. An additional free-body is needed.

11 The free-body diagram below shows that no

horizontal force acts on the base of the roller
support at B.
To 1308 N T'o

196.2 N 147.15 N
FB, vertical force
acting on roller support
12 Equilibrium equation

+ Fx = 0: 1308 N + T = 0 (7)
13 Maximum tension in BC
Solving Eqs. 4-7 simultaneously gives
Tmax B'y 147.15 N
T = 1308 N
B'x 1308 N
s = 1.688 m Ans.

Bx = 1308 N
Tmax = (1308 N)2 + (147.15 N)2
By = 147.15 N
= 1316 N Ans.
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 5, page 1 of 5
5. Cable AB supports a uniformly distributed mass of
0.2 kg/m. The slope of the cable at B is known to be
40°. Determine the maximum tension in the cable and
the length of the cable.



0.2 kg/m


1 The maximum tension occurs at B, where the slope of

the cable is the greatest.
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 5, page 2 of 5
2 Free-body diagram

3m (3 m)/2 1.5 m

Tmax sin 40° Tmax

B Tmax cos 40°


A Weight = (0.2 kg/m)(9.81 m/s2)(3 m)

= 5.886 N

3 Equilibrium equation

MA = 0: (Tmax sin 40°)(3 m)


(Tmax cos 40°)(2 m)

(5.886 N)(1.5 m) = 0 (1) 4 To compute the length of the cable, we need
to use the equation of the cable curve,
Solving gives wx2
y= (2)
Tmax = 22.28 N Ans.
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 5, page 3 of 5
5 Here, w is the distributed load per horizontal meter,

w = (0.2 kg/m)(9.81 m/s2)

= 1.962 N/m (3)

The quantity T is the horizontal component of the cable tension.

Since T is the same at all points, we can evaluate it at support B:

T = Tmax cos 40°

= (22.28 N) cos 40° (4)

Substituting Eqs. 3 and 4 in Eq. 2 gives

1.962 N/m by Eq. 3

y = (Eq. 2 repeated)
(22.28 N) cos 40° by Eq. 4

y = 0.057478x2 (5)

We will also need the slope,

= 2(0.057478x)
= 0.114956x (6)
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 5, page 4 of 5
6 The length of the cable is (Change the variable of
integration from s to x)
sAB = A ds ds dy

B dx
= A (dx)2 + (dy)2
= x B 1 + ( dy )2 dx
A dx
0.114956x by Eq. 6
B(xB, yB)
Thus the length of the cable can be expressed as
sAB = xA 1 + (0.114956x)2 dx (7)
y 0.05784 x2
To evaluate this integral, we have to find the values of xA
and xB. From the figure, we see that A(xA, yA)
xA = xB 3m (8)

40° dy
7 Also at B, the slope is known:
= tan 40° (9)
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 5, page 5 of 5
8 Using Eq. 6 to evaluate the left-hand side of Eq. 9 gives

( ) = tan 40° (Eq. 9 repeated)
dx B

0.114956xB, by Eq. 6

Solving for xB gives

xB = (tan 40°)/0.114956

= 7.299311 m

and using this result in Eq. 8 gives

xA = xB 3m

= 7.299311 3

= 4.299311 m

By Eq. 7, then, the length of the cable is 9 This integral is best evaluated numerically with the
integral function of a calculator.
sAB = 1+ (0.114956x)2 dx The result is

sAB = 3.61 m Ans.

6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 6, page 1 of 5
6. Determine the largest uniform load, w lb/ft, that the cable
can support if it will fail at a tension of 3,000 lb. Also
determine the location of the low point C of the cable.

B 4 ft

6 ft

w lb/ft

48 ft
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 6, page 2 of 5
1 The maximum tension in the cable occurs where the
slope is greatest, point A. The cable will fail if the
tension there exceeds 3,000 lb. A free-body diagram of
the entire system, with a maximum tension of 3,000 lb at
A, would appear as below:
The line of action of the weight of the cable does
not pass through the low point C, because the ends
of the cable are at different elevations.

48 ft

(48 ft)/2 24 ft 24 ft

(3000 lb) sin

(3000 lb) cos
4 ft
As part of our solution B
to the problem, we will Bx
6 ft
calculate .
Resultant load C

w lb/ft 48 ft
2 Moment equilibrium equation
(48w) lb
MB = 0: (48w)(24 ft) (3000 lb)(sin )(48 ft)

+ (3000 lb)(cos )(4 ft) = 0 (1)

6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 6, page 3 of 5
3 We could write two additional equilibrium equation, but they
would introduce two additional unknowns, Bx and By, so there
would be no advantage gained. Instead, we need another
free-body diagram. To get it, consider a free body of the entire
cable, and pass a vertical section through the low point C.

(3000 lb) sin

(3000 lb) cos 4 ft
6 ft

(Unknown distance)
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 6, page 4 of 5
4 Free-body diagram of portion to left of section 6 Eqs. 1-3 are three nonlinear equations in three unknowns,
(3000 lb) sin , w, and d. These equations are best solved with a
calculator capable of solving simultaneous nonlinear
equations. Alternatively, proceed as follows. First note
A that Eq. 2,
(3000 lb) cos
4 ft + 6 ft 10 ft 3000 sin wd = 0 (Eq. 2 repeated)
C can be solved for d:
Resultant To
w d d = (3000 sin )/w (4)

d/2 d/2 This equation can be used to eliminate d from Eq. 3:

3000 cos (10) (3000 sin )d

+ wd2/2 = 0 (Eq. 3 repeated)
5 Equation of equilibrium
Fy = 0: (3000 lb)(sin ) wd = 0 (2) (3000 sin )/w (3000 sin )/w

MC = 0: (3000 lb)(cos )(10 ft)


(3000 lb)(sin )d Multiplying through by w and combining terms gives

+ (wd)(d/2) = 0 (3)
(30,000 cos )w (3,000 sin )2/2 = 0 (5)
We could write a third equilibrium equation, but it
would introduce an additional unknown, T so no
advantage would be gained.
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 6, page 5 of 5
7 Next note that Eq.1, 8 Using this value for in Eq. 6 then gives w:

(48)(24)w (3,000 sin )(48) w = 125 sin 10.4167 cos (Eq. 6 repeated)
+ (3,000 cos )(4) = 0 (Eq. 1 repeated)
= 125 sin 36.48° 10.4167 cos 36.48°
can be solved for w:
= 65.94 lb/ft Ans.
w = 125 sin 10.4167 cos (6)
Eq. 4 then gives distance d:
and this equation can be used to eliminate w from Eq. 5:
3000 sin
d= w (Eq. 4 repeated)
(30,000 cos ) w (3,000 sin )2/2 = 0 (Eq. 5 repeated)
3000 sin 36.48°
125 sin 10.4167 cos
= 27.0 ft Ans.
Carrying out the multiplication gives

(3.75 106) cos sin (0.312501 106) cos2

6 2
(4.5 10 ) sin = 0 (7)

Dividing both sides by 106 gives

(3.75) cos sin (0.312501) cos2

(4.5) sin2 = 0 (8)

Solving this equation by trial and error gives

= 36.48°
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 7, page 1 of 4
7. The cable system shown supports a uniformly
distributed mass of 5 kg/m along the horizontal.
Determine the tension at B and the length of portion AB
of the cable. Assume that the pulleys are frictionless.

100 kg B

5 kg/m

20 m

1 The 100-kg mass produces a cable

tension of 100 kg 9.81 m/s2 = 981 N
at point A.
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 7, page 2 of 4
2 Free-body diagram
20 m
10 m
981 N
(981 N) sin

A By
(981 N) cos

B Bx

Resultant weight of cable between A and B

(20 m)(9.81 m/s2)(5 kg/m)
981 N 4 Eqs. 1-3 are best solved with a calculator that solves
3 Equilibrium equation simultaneous nonlinear equations. Alternatively, Eq. 3
involves only one unknown, , and can be solved by
+ Fx = 0: (981 N) cos + Bx = 0 (1) trial-and-error to yield

Fy = 0: (981 N) sin + By 981 N = 0 (2) = 40.67° (4)


MB = 0: (981 N) cos (4 m) Using this value in Eq. 1 and 2 then leads to


(981 N) sin (20 m)

+ (981 N)(10 m) = 0 (3) Bx = 744.1 N (5)

By = 341.7 N (6)
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 7, page 3 of 4
5 The tension at B is then 7 Substituting Eqs. 8 and 9 in Eq. 7 gives,
49.05 N/m
2 2 2 2 wx2
Bx + By = (744.1 N) + (341.7 N) y= (Eq. 7 repeated)
744.1 N
= 818.8 N Ans. or,

6 To compute the length of the cable, we need to use the y = 0.03296 x2 (10)
equation of the cable curve,
We will need the equation for the slope:
y= (7) dy
dx = 2(0.3296 x) = 0.06592 x (11)

Here, w is the distributed load per horizontal meter, (Change the

8 The length of the cable is variable of
w = (5 kg/m)(9.81 m/s ) 2 integration
B from s to x)
sAB = ds
= 49.05 N/m (8) B
= 2
(dx) + (dy) 2 dy
A dx
The quantity T is the horizontal component of the cable
tension. Since T is the same at all points, we can evaluate it or
at support B: xA dy 2
sAB = 1+( ) dx (12)
xB dx
T = Bx
744.1 N by Eq. 5 (9) (0.06592 x)2, by Eq. 11
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 7, page 4 of 4
9 To evaluate the integral for sAB, we have to find the values 11 Solving for xA gives
of xA and xB.
xA = 13.03436 m (14)
y 0.03296x2
Using this result in Eq. 13 gives
A(xA, yA) y
40.67° xB = xA + 20 m (Eq. 13 repeated)

= 13.03436 m + 20 m
B(xB, yB)
x = 6.96564 m (15)

20 m By Eq. 12, then, the length of cable is

10 From the figure, we see that 6.96564

sAB = 1 + (0.06592 x)2 dx
xB = xA + 20 m (13)

Also at A, the slope is known, so dx This integral is best evaluated numerically with the
40.67° integral function of a calculator. The result is
= tan 40.67° dy
dx sAB = 21.7 m Ans.

Using Eq. 11 to evaluate the left hand-side of this equation gives

( ) = tan 40.67°
dx A
0.06592xA, by Eq. 11
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 8, page 1 of 6
8. The chain AB supports a horizontal, uniform beam of
mass per length 22 kg/m. If the maximum allowable
tension in the chain is 7 kN, determine distances dA and
dB of the supports above the low point C of the chain.
Also determine the length of the chain.

30 m 16 m

1 The maximum tension occurs at support A,

where the slope of the chain is greatest.




22 kg/m
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 8, page 2 of 6
2 Free-body diagram of entire system.

30 m + 16 m 46 m
(46 m)/2 23 m

Ax A

dA dB

B Bx

4 Equation of equilibrium
MB = 0: Ax(dA dB) Ay(46 m)

3 Resultant weight + (9.928 kN)(23 m) = 0 (1)

(22 kg/m)(9.81 m/s2)(46 m) We could write two additional equations of

equilibrium, but they would contain two additional
9928 N unknowns, Bx and By, so nothing would be gained.
9.928 kN
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 8, page 3 of 6
5 To obtain an additional free-body diagram, pass a 6 Free-body diagram of portion of chain to left of section.
vertical section through the low point of the chain.

30 m (30 m)/2 15 m

Ay Ay

Ax A Ax A

dA dA


C Resultant weight C

(22 kg/m)(9.81 m/s2)(30 m)

6475 N

22 kg/m 6.475 kN
30 m
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 8, page 4 of 6
7 Equation of equilibrium 8 Ax dA Ay(30) + (6.475)(15) = 0 (Eq. 4 repeated)
+ Fx = 0: Ax + T = 0 (2) 2.660 kN 6.475 kN

Fy = 0: Ay 6.475 kN = 0 (3)

Solving gives

MC = 0: Ax(dA) Ay(30 m)

T = 2.660 kN (7)
+ 6.475 kN)(15 m) = 0 (4)
dA = 36.52 m (8) Ans.
Equation 3 gives
Distance dB can now be found by substitution in Eq. 1:
Ay = 6.475 kN (5)
Ax (dA dB) Ay(46) + (9.928)(23) = 0
Since we know that the maximum tension of 7 kN occurs
at A and is the resultant of Ax and Ay, we have 2.660 kN 36.52 m 6.475 kN
by Eq. 6 by Eq. 8 by Eq. 5
Ax2 + Ay2 = 7 kN
Solving gives
Substituting Ay = 6.475 kN and solving for Ax gives
dB = 10.4 m Ans.
Ax = 2.660 kN (6)

Substituting for Ax and Ay in Eqs. 2 and 4 gives

Ax + T = 0 (Eq. 2 repeated)

2.660 kN
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 8, page 5 of 6
9 To compute the length of the chain, we need to use the 10 We will need the equation for the slope,
equation of the chain curve: dy
2 = 2(0.040564 x) = 0.08113 x (12)
wx dx
y= (9)
The length of the chain is (Change the variable of
Here, w is the distributed load per horizontal meter, integration from s to x)
w = (22 kg/m)(9.81 m/s2) sAB = ds ds
A dy
= 215.8 N/m B
= (dx)2 + (dy)2
= 0.2158 kN/m (10)

The quantity T has been given in Eq. 7 or

dy 2
sAB = 1+( ) dx (13)
T = 2.660 kN (Eq. 7 repeated) dx
Substituting into Eq. 9 gives

0.2158 kN/m by Eq. 10

y= (Eq. 9 repeated)

2.660 kN by Eq. 7

y = 0.040564 x2 (11)
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 8, page 6 of 6
11 Since the location of the low point of the chain is 12 The integral for the cable length, Eq. 13, can now be
known, xA and xB are known: written as

y 0.040564 x2 16
A(xA 30 m) dy 2
sAB = 1+( ) dx (Eq. 13 repeated)
y -30 dx

(0.08113x)2, by Eq. 12

This integral is best evaluated numerically with the integral

function of a calculator. The result is

sAB = 69.2 m Ans.

B(xB 16 m)

30 m 16 m
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 9, page 1 of 4
9. A 40-m length of rope has a uniformly distributed
mass of 0.1 kg/m and has one end fixed and the other
end attached to a cart as shown. Determine the distance
d and the sag h when the cable and cart are in
equilibrium under the force supplied by the 10-kg load.


10 kg

1 The total weight of the rope is 40 m 0.1 kg/m 9.81 m/s2 =

39.24 N, and the force of the cart acting horizontally on the
rope is 10 kg 9.81 m/s2 = 98.1 N, or more than twice as much.
Thus it seems reasonable to assume that the sag, h, is small
compared to the span d, h d, and the weight of the rope is
well-approximated as a uniformly distributed load along the
horizontal of

w = (0.1 kg/m) (9.81 m/s2) = 0.981 N/m (1)

At the end of the problem, we can check the reasonableness of

these assumptions.
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 9, page 2 of 4
2 The equation describing the shape of the rope is
y= (2) 5 Free-body diagram of rope
T is the horizontal component of tension in the rope By Cy
and can be found by considering free bodies of the
cart and rope.
Bx To Cx
3 Free-body diagram of cart (Horizontal
of tension)
(10 kg) (9.81 m/s2) Bx
98.1 N 6 The equation of the rope is now
0.981 N/m by Eq. 1
Vertical force from wx2
y= (Eq. 2 repeated)
ground acting on cart 2T
+ 98.1 N by Eq. 3
4 Fx = 0: 98.1 N + Bx = 0
Solving gives
y = 0.005 x2 (4)
Bx = 98.1 N = T (3)
We will also need the equation for the slope,
= 2(0.005 x) = 0.01x (5)
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 9, page 3 of 4
7 The equation for the length of the slope is
sBC = ds ds
B dy
= (dx)2 + (dy)2

dy 2
= 1+( ) dx (6)
xB dx
8 The best way to solve for d in Eq. 7 is to use the solver on a
xC and xB can be expressed in terms of the unknown, d:
y calculator and to use the calculator integral function to input
Eq. 7 in the solver. Alternatively, use a table of integrals to
d/2 d/2 evaluate the integral in Eq. 7 to get

B C d
40 = 1 + (0.005d)2
xC d/2 2
xB d/2 h
x 0.005d + 1 + (0.005d)2
+ (50) ln
Thus Eq. 6 can be written 0.005d + 1 + (0.005d)2
dy 2
sBC = 1+( ) dx (Eq. 6 repeated) Solving this equation by trial-and-error gives
-d/2 dx
Rope length = 40 m (0.01 x) by Eq. 5 d = 39.74 m Ans. (8)

40 = 1 + (0.01x)2 dx (7)
6.6 Cables: Uniform Loads Example 9, page 4 of 4
9 The sag, h, can now be found from Eq. 4:

y = 0.005x2 (Eq. 4 repeated)

d 39.74
h = by Eq. 8
2 2

B C h

The result is

h = 1.974 m Ans.

Note that the sag is much smaller than the span,

h = 1.974 m << 39.74 m = d, as we assumed in
the beginning of the problem.

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