Terminology CHN

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1. Abortion
2. Advices to mother when she is taking iron tablets
3. Amount of protein present in one egg
4. Anemia control programme
5. Anemia prophylaxis
6. Anganwadi workers
7. Antenatal advices
8. Antenatal care
9. Antenatal visit
10. Applied nutrition programme
11. ARI management
12. ASHA
13. Assessment of Dehydration
14. Assessment of malnutrition
16. Balanced diet
17. Balwadi programme
18. Benedict’s test
19. Bhagya lakshmi yojana
20. Bio medical waste management
21. BMI
22. Case fatality rate
23. Causative organism for Malaria, Dengue, Leprosy, Filaria, Tuberculosis
24. Chemical methods of family planning
25. Community
26. Community health
27. Community health nursing
28. Community mental health services
29. Complications of Diarrhoea
30. Constituents of ORS
31. Couple protection rate
32. Crisis interventions
33. Crude birth rate
34. crude death rate
35. Current Eve year plan
36. Current sex ratio
37. Daily protein, fat and other nutrients for the pregnant mother
38. Daily requirement of CHO
39. Daily requirement of CHO, protein, fat and other nutrients for the Lactating mother
40. Daily requirement of CHO, protein, fat and other nutrients for the geriatric
41. Dais training
42. Diabetic diet
43. Difference between chicken pox and small pox
44. Domestic water purification
45. Dose, route, when DPT vaccine will be administered
46. Dose, route, when MMR vaccine will be administered
47. DOTS
48. Effects of industrialization
49. Effects of over population
50. Effects of urbanization
51. Eligible couple
52. Emergency drugs available in PHC
53. Emergency newborn care
54. Emergency obstetric care
55. Epidemic, Endemic, Sporadic, Pandemic
56. ESI act
57. Essential new born care
58. Essential obstetric care
59. Exclusive breast feeding
60. Expanded programme of immunization
61. expectancy, Perinatal mortality rate
62. Fomite borne diseases
63. Food fortification
64. Formula for calculating degree of malnutrition
65. Formulas for calculating BMI
66. Functions of PHC
67. Functions of Sub centre
68. GOBI
69. Growth chart.
70. Growth monitoring
71. Head circumference
72. Health promotion measures
73. High risk pregnancy
74. Home management of AR]
75. Home management of Diarrhoea
76. Hormonal contraceptives
77. Hypertensive diet (DASH Diet)
78. Immunization schedule
79. Importance of Folic acid tablets during antenatal period
80. Importance of iron tablets during antenatal period
81. IMR
82. Incidence
83. Iron rich diet
84. IUD
85. Janani suraksha yojana
86. killer vaccine preventable diseases
87. Levels of prevention
88. Methods of waste disposal
89. Mid arm circumference
90. Mid day meal programme
91. MMR
92. Modified plan of action
93. MTP
94. Name occupational diseases
95. Needs of adolescents
96. Needs of infant
97. Needs of newborn
98. Needs of old age
99. Needs of toddler
100. Net reproductive rate
101. Newborn care
102. No scalpel vasectomy
103. Nutritional rich diet
104. Nutritional status assessment
105. Personal Protective devices
106. Physical methods of family planning
107. Physical quality of life index
108. Post natal care
109. Prevalence
110. Prevention Anemia
111. Primary immunization
112. Principles of health education
113. Principles of primary health care
114. Problems of old age
115. Programmes for welfare of children
116. Programmes for welfare of geriatric
117. Programmes for welfare of mother
118. Protein rich diet
119. Public health nursing
120. Public private partnership
121. Pulse polio programme
122. RDA of calcium, Iron, Iodine
123. Referral services
124. Reproductive tract infection and sexually tract infections
125. Sandhya suraksha yoj ana
126. Schick test
127. Secondary immunization
128. Significance of administering BCG vaccine to the left
129. Small family norm
130. Sources of carbohydrate, Protein and Fat
131. Staffing pattern of community health centre
132. Staffing pattern of PHC
133. Staffing pattern of Sub centre
134. Standing orders
135. Sterilization
136. Still birth
137. Target couple
138. Target tree approach
139. TT immunization during pregnancy
140. Universal programme of immunization
141. Vaccine vial monitor
142. Vande matharam scheme
143. Various records maintained in CHC
144. Various records maintained in PHC
145. Vector borne diseases
146. Vehicle borne diseases
147. Vital statistics
148. Vital statistics
149. Vitamin A deficiency
150. Vitamin A prophylaxis
151. Vitamin A sources
152. Vitamin C deficiency
153. Vitamin C sources
154. Vitamin D deficiency
155. Vitamin D sources
156. Warning signs of pregnancy
157. Water borne diseases
158. Various records maintained in sub-center

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