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social media (and mobile technology) should connect people.

I mean, otherwise what's with all the

"Facebook Friends" and followers on Twitter, Instagram, and others, right? But then when
you think about it a bit more, you see that it's not always the case. Internet is an incredible tool
sustaining new trends and technological advancements with each passing day. And
here, the highest point, undoubtedly and widely accepted, seems to be the social
networking sites which are to stay for eternity. The name suggests; it is a place that
associates diverse communities irrespective of any discrimination. The tremendous
range of societal addicts conceives this arena as a platform to stay connected
anytime and every time.

Advantages: Worldwide connectivity. Social sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

etc are the fastest and the most convenient ways to be connected to our loved ones no
matter how far they are from us. These connections can help one with a variety of
things like seeking a new job, locating assistance, making or receiving advice etc.
Free advertising. Whether you are non-profit organization who needs to get the word
out about your upcoming fundraiser or a business owner marketing a new product or
service, there’s no better way to get your message in front of millions of people by
posting it online.
Social media does allow people to make stronger connections with people overseas, right next to you and in general.

Social media allows introverts to open up easier, it strengthens their interactions with others and allows
them to gain confidence. It changes their body to be more powerful and helps others to see them as
more confident and powerful, but as well allows them to feel more powerful and confident. Social media
is a simpler and easier way to ensure that bonds remain strong over distance. It is a told that shouldn't
replace other ways but it should enhance it. Social media should give a reason to people to connect in
ways that they can where as some can't do face-to-face

It can also be a great way to share tips and ideas. Sites like Pinterest have been
very successful due to the ease in which a person can learn - and share -
information about hobbies, crafts, cooking, gardening and other do-it-yourself
activities. By pinning and sharing, you can attract like-minded individuals into
your circle. But, just as these virtual groups can help hobbyists exchange ideas
and techniques, other social network groups offer solutions for more vexing, real-
world problems. For example, social media groups can be lifelines for individuals
suffering from a rare disease. Churches, synagogues and temples also use social
media to reach out to members who may be unable to attend services. Many
social networking sites incorporate an instant messaging feature, which lets
people exchange information in real-time via a chat. This is a great feature for
teachers to use to facilitate classroom discussions because it lets them utilize the
vast store of information available on the Web. This can be a great time saver for
the teacher - since students no longer need to visit a library to conduct research-
and it can be a great way to engage distracted learnersSchool is not the only setting
where this type of real-time information sharing can be beneficial. Social networking
can provide a tool for managers to utilize in team meetings, for conference organizers to
use to update attendees and for business people to use as a means of interacting with
clients or prospects. Some leaders are going so far as to include Tweets or other social
media updates during presentations. This approach can make events more interactive
and help the presenter reach a larger audience.

4. Targeted Advertising
Whether you are non-profit organization that needs to get the word out about an
upcoming fundraiser or a business owner marketing a new product or service, there's no
better way than social media to get your message in front of millions of people 24/7.

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