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Social Institutions Religion and Education


- is about the certain beliefs and opinions of people about existence, nature, supernatural forces and
worship of certain deity or deities, and divine intercessions in the universe and human life.

- is also regarded as sacred engagement or relationship with what is believed to be a spiritual reality.

General and Structural features of Religion

 Dogmas
 Doctrines
 Beliefs
 Rituals
 Ceremonies
 Symbols
 Theologies
 Creed

Animism – It is a belief in spiritual beings and refer to the view that the human mind is nonmaterial entity
that nevertheless interacts with the body through the brain and nervous system (according to the
Biologists and Psychologists).

Mana – is a sacred and impersonalized power in Melanesian and Polynesian religions. And it is a kind of
force that is found in inanimate objects, overflowing and an electrifying force that flows from one thing to
another. It is also obtained by a prayer. Indigenous groups in the Philippines believe in mana or locally
called kalaki (Engkantos who have mana or kalaki may grant this to human).
Four significant functions according to Dukheim

 Cohesive function
 Revitalizing function
 Euphoric function
 Disciplinary and Preparatory function

Religious Titles (Leaders) – undergo formal and rigid training. Under special programs or seminary
training programs, they acquire knowledge in various spiritual disciplines like theology, history,
hermeneutics, dogmas, liturgy and many more related seminary disciplines.

 Priests

 Ministers

 Pastors

 Imam
Church and State Relations

The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines provides that “the separation of church and State shall be
inviolable.” Despite this provision, there are still questions raised about it. If it indeed, there is separation
why has the church in many instances been involved in politics like making political statements,
participating in political rallies and the like. What then is meant by separation?

The Catholic church being the predominant religion was at the forefront in opposing vehemently the
dictatorial regime of the deposed President, Ferdinand E. Marcos (EDSA 1986 People Power

Another sensitive political issue related to church and state relations is in the are of promotion and
violation of human rights.

Educational Institution
- is important and necessary being a major role tool in the socialization of the youths. It is necessary
because as anthropologists would say, human culture is not biologically inherited but learned. Thus, the
youth develop social personalities through and adult care and teaching.

Functions of Educational Institution

 Transmission of the cultural heritage – schools are the social organizations of the educational
institution. Socialization of the youth takes place and this is part of the perpetuation and
preservation of society’s life and status quo.
 Recruits and trains the youth for specific special social goals – the school provides not only new
insights to learn but also offer alternatives for wider choice of social and occupational roles.
 Integration into society’s cultural mainstream – the function of educational institution is to socially
integrate these groups into the mainstream.
 Source of social and cultural innovation – the school provides the avenues for further learning. It
should be interactive in developing interest and growth. Greater value of free expression and
academic freedom should have ample room in educational institution.
Formal and Non-Formal Education

Formal Education – refers to learning by way of interaction with others within the group. Ideas and facts
can be acquired through various sources like observation, suggestions, examples, imitations and the like.
Learning can also be acquired by reading, listening to then radio, watching television, watching movies
and other similar instruments. It is synonymous to “school”.

Non-Formal Education – refers to more flexible curriculum, not so rigid admission procedures and more
participative in its teaching methods. It is not covered by the traditional school system. It is very common
that the duration is quite short and teaches only a specific skill to the students.

Therese Jane F. Timbalopez


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