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Chapter IV


This chapter presents the data gathered, the results of the statistical

analysis done and interpretation of findings. Furthermore, the respondents have

also been given the assurance that all the data they will give will be used for the

purpose of the research and the identities of the respondents will be confidential.

The data and results are presented in tables following the sequence of the

specific research problem regarding the Assessment of External Factors

Influencing Impulsive Buying Behaviour towards Clothing Products among

Consumers in SM City Valenzuela.

SOP #1: What clothing product do consumers usually buy due to their


Clothing Products Frequency Percentage

Tops 74 69.81 %
Bottoms 8 7.55 %
Dresses 17 16.04 %
Jumpsuits/Rompers 1 0.94 %
Others 6 5.66 %
Table 1: Clothing products the Respondents Impulse Buy the Most

When the respondents were asked what they impulse buy the most,

majority of respondents (69.81%) chose Tops as the clothing products they buy

due to their impulsivity. The versatility of Tops became a reason why they buy it

impulsively because no matter what the weather it is, they can still wear it
(Minesotor, 2018). With a huge gap, Dresses came in second with 16.04%

responses. These respondents admitted that they tend to buy clothes impulsively

if it were Dresses. Third is Bottoms which garnered 7.55% responses from the

respondents who like to buy it even when it is not planned because it is worth the

investment (Andrews, 2014). While, few of the respondents (5.66%) found to be

buying other clothing products impulsively. Jumpsuits/Rompers got the least

fondness with a percentage of 0.94%, among all the clothing products mentioned

above, when consumers are buying impulsively. As shown in the results, it can

be confirmed that Tops are the most purchased clothing products due to the

impulsive buying behaviour of the consumers.

SOP #2: What clothing store in SM City Valenzuela the consumers mostly

engage in impulse buying?

Brands Frequency Percentage

Penshoppe 50 47.17 %
Bench 19 17.92 %
Oxygen 6 5.66 %
BNY 7 6.60 %
Artwork 9 8.49 %
Others ( Lee, Tribal, 15 14.15 %
Juana, ForMe)
Table 2: Brands that the Respondents usually Impulse Buy Clothes

To know more about the consumers and their buying behaviour, the

question about; what brand the respondents usually impulse buy clothes, was

asked. The results showed that respondents tend to buy impulsively in

Penshoppe because it got the highest percentage of 44.34%. It was followed by

other brands like Lee, Tribal, Juana, & ForMe with 24.53% of the respondents

admitted that they usually impulse buy clothes in these brands. About 16.04% of

the respondents buy impulsively at Bench confirming that it is really the top

fashion brand for Filipino (Brand Index, n.d.), then 6.60% of them preferred

Artwork because it handles most of its products from conceptualization to

manufacturing (Santos, 2016), and then BNY received a 4.72% response.

According to BNY (n.d.), they provide with the latest fashion trends to the

consumers to showcase their own style and confidence. The remaining

respondents, 3.77% picked Oxygen. It can be seen that Oxygen does not much

triggers the impulsive buying behaviour of the respondents.

The result shows that most of the impulsive buyers tend to be more

affective to the external factors involve in Penshoppe store than the other store

included. The external factors that had been exhibit by the store affect the

customer to be more impulsive buyer. Each store might have different degree on

how they exhibit each factor but in overall, Penshoppe is the store that shows the

most affective external factor to the consumer who buys impulsively.

SOP #3: What external factor provides great influence on the impulsive

buying behaviour of the consumers?

In order to determine the key factors, an average weighted mean of 2.51

and above was considered to influence the impulsive buying behaviour of the

1. I tend to enter a store when I am
attracted by an eye-catching window 3.34 Strongly Agree
2. I entice myself to enter the store when
3.42 Strongly Agree
the ambiance is good.
3. I tend to rely on store displays when I
2.96 Agree
make a decision to purchase clothing.
Average Mean 3.24 Agree
Table 3: Summary of Consumers’ Response to Store Atmosphere

The result for the first two statements, “I tend to enter a store when I am

attracted by an eye-catching window display” (3.34) and “I entice myself to enter

the store when the ambiance is good” (3.42) is strongly agree. This concludes

that an eye-catching window display creates a unique design and attractive

packaging that improve impulsive buying. While, some variables of ambiance or

store atmospherics (music, lighting, and odor) are important stimulants that can

produce the desire to buy impulsively (Graa et. al, 2014). For the last statement,

the respondents agreed that they tend to rely on store displays when they make

a decision to purchase clothing (2.96). This suggests that the look of the clothes

on display in the store influences the decision-making of the consumer to buy


All in all, in-store atmosphere positively affects consumers’ impulsivity

(3.24). This is due to the fact that store atmosphere enhances consumers`
positive feelings, under the assumption that this will lead to desired consumer

behaviors, such as a higher willingness to purchase or stay in the store for longer

(Xu, 2007). The findings shows that store atmosphere greatly influence the

consumers’ impulsive buying behaviour. This was supported by Mattila and Wirtz

(2008) as they showed that store environment has a positive effect on impulse

buying behavior especially when the store environment is perceived as over-


4. When the cloth is appealing to my eyes,
3.02 Agree
I buy it.
5. I tend to buy clothes which have good
1.52 Strongly Disagree
6. The “brand” of the clothing product
2.10 Disagree
affects my buying behavior.
Average Mean 2.21 Disagree
Table 4: Summary of Consumers’ Response to Product Characteristics

For the first statement, “When the cloth is appealing to my eyes, I buy it”

the result show that (3.02) of the average weighted mean of the consumers

agreed. While the result on the statement. “I tend to buy clothes which have good

quality” (1.52) is strongly disagree. And for the last statement, “The brand of the

clothing product affects my buying behavior” (2.10) the result is disagree.

According to Ramya (2016), the consumer tries to find what commodities he

would like to consume, then he selects only those commodities that promise

greater utility. However, results from the study conclude that product

characteristics do not affect the consumer impulsive buying behavior.

7. I tend to buy clothes the salesperson told
2.28 Disagree
me to buy.
8. Talking to the salesperson influences me
2.57 Agree
to buy the product he/she is selling.
9. The salesperson influences my decision
making when it comes to purchasing the 2.36 Disagree
Average Mean 2.40 Disagree
Table 5: Summary of Consumers’ Response to Salespersons

The result for the first and last statement “I tend to buy clothes the person

told me to buy” (2.28) and “The salesperson influences my decision making when

it comes to purchasing the product” (2.36) is disagree. Based on these variables,

salesperson does not influence the consumers’ decision making when it comes

to purchasing a product. Respondents agreed that tend to buy the clothes when

they are talking to the salesperson he/she is selling (2.57). In social interactions

with salespeople, consumers are likely to vary in their concern for the impression

they give to the salesperson (Lennox and Wolfe 1984). This means that the staff

should have extensive knowledge about the products sold in the store, to be able
to emphasize the advantages to the consumer in a way that makes it preferable

for the consumers.

The findings reveal that salesperson does not influence the consumers’

impulsive buying behavior. Datta and Sharma (2017) emphasized that the

motivation of salesperson towards impulsive buying behaviour only results to

2.89%. This result is in contrast with the findings of Bastin and Yu (2010),

prompting that the friendliness and dedicated service of staffs and salespersons

may have positive effect on consumers’ emotion.

10. Product discounts influences me to
3.16 Agree
make unplanned purchases.
11. I tend to buy if I see reduced price on
3.13 Agree
in-store signs.
12. Price promotions would trigger my
3.21 Agree
desire to buy.
Average Mean 3.17 Agree
Table 6: Summary of Consumers’ Response to Product Price

Based on the results of the survey, respondents agreed that they tend to

be impulsive whenever there are price discounts (3.16), reduced price on ins-

store signs (3.13), and price promotions (3.21). This indicates that price is an

important determinant of impulse buying. Price is a factor that affects impulse

purchases an item with unexpectedly low price can make shoppers feel that they
are spending less than they originally planned (Stern, 1962). More specifically,

consumers tend to be more impulsive when there are sales or product discounts,

low marginal need for the item, short product life, smaller size, and ease of


13. I always buy the things my families and
2.61 Disagree
friends have.
14. Opinions of others encourage me buy
2.06 Disagree
the product spontaneously.
15. I always buy the things or products
2.51 Agree
most of the people around me have.
Average Mean 2.39 Disagree
Table 7: Summary of Consumers’ Response to Social Influence

Based on the results of the first and second statement “I always buy the

things my families and friends have” (2.61) and “Opinions of others encourage

me buy the product spontaneously” (2.06) is disagree. This study means that

social influences does not affect in the consumers’ impulsive behavior. On the

other hand, the result for the statement “I always buy the things or products most

of the people around me have” (2.51) is agreed. Results indicate that the

cognitive facet of impulse buying, associated with a lack of planning in relation to

purchase decisions, is negatively associated with subjective wellbeing. According

to Silvera et. al (2013), the affective facet of impulse buying, associated with
feelings of excitement and an overpowering urge to buy, is linked to negative

affect and susceptibility to interpersonal influence.

16. I tend to buy the product if my favorite
2.56 Agree
artist is endorsing it.
17. When I see a special promotion sign, I
2.95 Agree
go to look at that clothing.
18. I tend to buy the product when I saw it
through different types of communication 2.80 Agree
Average Mean 2.77 Agree
Table 8: Summary of Consumers’ Response to Advertisement

Majority of the respondents agreed that they tend to purchase the product

when their favorite artist is endorsing it (2.56). According to a study conducted by

Chi, Yhe and Tsai (n.d.), consumers show greater recall of products that have

been endorsed by celebrities – regardless of whether they are actual fans or

not. In their study, the result shows that advertising endorser is significantly

affected to purchase intention. Icon acts as ideal for teenagers and they after

using the product which celebrity is advertising they will have same

characteristics like them. Advertising endorser can connect product value by

deepening consumers’ impression and transfer their feelings on a

product/service. Jawaid, Rajput and Naqvi (2013) found out that celebrity in a
promo increases the unplanned purchasing of the youth because it helps them to

remember the brand at the time of shopping.

Findings indicate that special promotional signs induced consumers to

impulsively purchase an item (2.95). Promotional activities have a direct impact

on consumers` impulse buying behavior. It serves as marketing stimulus and

assists retailers to stimulate consumers` impulse buying behavior (Duarte et al.,


The collected data showed that respondents agreed that they tend to buy

the product when they see it through different kind of communication media.

(2..80). Exposing the consumers to the product through the use of mass

advertising can give the people necessary information at the same time

knowledge in the product that the marketers are promoting which can trigger the

consumer to a reminded or planned impulse buying as Stern (1962) indicated in

his study.

Generally, advertisement is used for creating awareness and promoting

products. Today, nobody can escape from the wide influence of mass media

(newspapers, television, advertising, videos, films, billboards music, movies,

magazines, and the internet). Therefore, the findings showed that advertisement

positively influences the impulsive buying behaviour of the consumer. Kotler

(1997) pointed out that the appeal of advertising is the main idea of an

advertisement, and to get the attention of the audience

19. I buy clothes if it is on trend. 2.79 Agree
20. I buy clothes if it is featuring a new
3.00 Agree
21. I am aware of fashion trends and want
2.90 Agree
to be one of the first to try them.
Average Mean 2.90 Agree
Table 9: Summary of Consumers’ Response to Trend

The results for all the statements “I buy clothes if it is on trend” (2.79), “I

buy clothes if it is featuring a new design” (3.00) and “I am aware of fashion

trends and want to be one of the first to try them” (2.90) are all agree. The result

indicates that the ever changing trend particularly in the clothing products highly

affects the person's behaviour. The findings conclude that trend adds influence to

consumer’s behaviour as it plays a vital part of the level of impulsivity of the

consumer. Based on Forbes (2014), trends give us a clear sense of where

culture is heading and brands will have to work hard to meet consumers’

demands and expectations.

The tables above indicate the results of the survey conducted by the

researchers on the external factors that influence the impulsive buying behaviour

of the respondents. It is evident in the result that the store atmosphere (x̅ =3.24),

product price (x̅ =3.17), trend (x̅ =2.90), and advertisement (x̅ =2.77) influence

the impulse buying behaviour of the consumers while social influence (x̅ =2.39),

salesperson (x̅ =2.40), and product characteristics (x̅ =2.21) does not contribute

to stimulate the impulse buying behaviour.

This finding concludes that store atmosphere is the factor that provides

great influence to consumers to do impulse buying. Other factors such as product

price, trend, and advertisement merely contribute to the impulse buying of the

consumers. According to the responses of the respondents, most of them

disagreed that social influence, salesperson, and product characteristics have an

impact to buy impulsively.

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