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MULTITUDE WAR AND DEMOCRACY IN THE AGE OF EMPIRE MICHAEL HARDT ANTONIO NEGRI ih © Mita Ht an An eg 04 ‘ieee Mende mn ene he gf ge ltd ge ‘Shae mera tn" a casa et Sen Pally Mei Cag We in he el eS pr he enn bred nd ee em ‘rnc ano orev al tyne tenon ‘Repro se pce ty atcetnahes dopo hep SUSEIN pect neat atoms nets posite nt cpr ma ope ster pr pc CONTENTS Price Life in Common 1. WAR 1.1 Simplicissimus Exceptions Golem ‘The Global State of War Biopower and Security Legitimate Violence Samuel Huntington, Gebeimrst 1.2 Counterinsurgencies Birch ofthe New War Revolution in Miliary Altes The Mercenary and the Patriot ‘Asymmery and Full-Spectum Dominance 1.3 Resistance The Primacy of Ressance From the People's Army to Guerilla Waite Taventing Network Struggles Swerm Intelligence From Biopower to Biopoitical Production - MULTITUDE 2.1 Dangerous Classes The Becoming Common of Labor The Twiligh of the Peasant Work Tow lealians in India ‘The Wealth ofthe Poor (or, We Are the Poot!) Demonic Muliodes: Dosayeriky ‘Reads the Bible ‘Buna I: Meth: Mare Fee Death ofthe Dial Sens? 8 2.2 De Corpore Global Apartheid ATalp 0 Davos Big Government Ie Back Life on the Marker 2.3 Traces ofthe Multitude The Monseosty of the Flesh Invasion of the Monsters Production of the Common Beyond Private and Public Carnival and Movement Mobilisation of the Common sewn 2: Organization Maldon the Lf 3. DEMOCRACY 8.1 The Long March of Democracy Cass of Democracy inthe Era of [Armed Globalization The Unfinished Democratic Projet of Modsenicy Debror Rebellion “The Unrealized Democracy of Socialism Revolt Berlin 1953, From Democratic Representation to Global Public Opinion White Over {3.2 Global Demands for Democracy Cahiers de doléances Convergence i Settle Experiments in Global Refoctn Back co the Eightcenth Century! acura 3: Sra: Geplic ondNew Alia 3.3 Democracy ofthe Multitude Sovercignry and Democracy May the Force Be with You “The New Science of Democracy: Madison and Lenin Ides PREFACE: LIFE IN COMMON The posiility of democracy ona global sae is emerging today For he ‘vty fist cme, This book i about chat posi, about wht we cll he project of the multitude. The projec of the mulétude not ony express the dese fora weed of equaly and freedom, no only demands 2n open and incusve democratic gba society, but aso provides the meas for 2chicrng it. Thais how our book will end, baie cannr begin thee. ‘Today the posibiliy of democracy isobutane threatened by the seemingly permanent sate of confi aro the world, Our book must bein wih chis sate of war. Democracy, i ue, emined an incom= pete projecs throughout rhe modern eri ales natonal and local forms, and certainly the proceses of globalization in recent decades have added new challenges, bu the primary obstacle 1 democracy is the global tate ‘of war, In our ea of atmed globalization, the mode dre of democ- racy may sem 0 have Been definively las. War has ahays bee incot- pusile with democracy. Teadtonally, democracy has been suspended uring wartime and power encrsed tempor 1 3 song cetal au thority to conftont the crs. Beesuse the cutene sate of war i both ‘ba in scale and long lasting with no end in ight, the suspension of PREFACE: LIFE IN COMMON democracy too becomes indice or even pemanen. Wa akesonagen- eralized character, sanging al social Ie and posing its own peal ‘onde. Democrary thus appears to be evel ieteabl, buried deep be- neath the weapons and security regimes of er constane sat of confi. Yer never has demecraey been mre neces No ah path wil po vide way out of dhe fear, ieacariy, and domination that permeates out world at war; no oer pach will ead ws oa peel if in common, “This bok isthe Sequel to our book Empire, which focused on the new faba form of sverige. That bok atempeed einer the deny of global poll order inthe courte of ifm, that co ecgnize how fiom a vary of contemporary process there is emerging & new foxm of global order that we eal Empire. Our pine of departure was the recogition that comtemporary global onder ca no longer be understood xlquael in erms of imperialism at wat pacts by the modern pow «rs based primatiy on the sovereignty ofthe nation nate extended oer forcgntetitry Instead “neework power.” anew orm of sovrigy,e now emerging andi includes ast primary cements, a nodes the dom inant nation-states slong wih supranational insions, major capitalist corporations. and other powers. This nerwork power we cam is “impe- fal" no “imperais.” Natal dhe powers in Empire's network, of couse, are equal—on the contr, some nation-states ave enocas power and Sone almost none 2 all and the smi te fr the various othe corpo ‘ations ad insuions that make up the nerwork-—but despite inequal- tics they must cooperate to create and maintain the euren global onde, vith all often divisions and hierarchies, (Our ocon of Empite cus cate diagonally actos the debates hat pose waters and multe or pro-Amerianism and anti-Americanism 2 the onl global poll akernatives On the one hand we argued that fo nation-state, not even the most power ane, not even the United Sas can “go i lane" and maintain global onder withou elaborating wth theater major powers in the neswork of mpi. On the ater hand. ‘ve chimed thatthe contemporary glbal order is noe characterized and PREFACE: LIFE IN COMMON

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