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Reflection paper on Banaue: Stairway to the Sky

The story of Banaue: stairway to the sky is about the Ifugao tribe’s quest for the
promised land that is paved with good intention. A young girl named Banaue falls in love
with Sadek, a young Ifugao warrior. Ifugao tribe started working on their new found land
but another tribe called Kalinga tries to take over and claim it as their own which results to
a war. Many Ifugao warriors was killed and beheaded including Banaue’s father. She
embarks in a mission to get her father’s head from the leader of Kalinga tribe but ended up
unexpectedly falls for the man who killed her father. Eventually, Aruk give her back her
father’s head and let her go back to their place but with an agreement that she will come
back in full moon.

As a student of College of Education, I should be determined and eager to

accomplish my mission, just like how Banaue is determined and eager to get her father’s
head back for her grieving mother. I should dedicate all my hard work and perseverance to
my parents who are behind of who I am now. Banaue was willing to do everything and even
risk her life knowing that she will be killed if she goes to Kalinga’s place. I should not be
afraid to take a step and take risk because that way I can discover and learn new things that
can develop my character.

In the end, Sadek and Aruk fought against each other. If Sadek won, the land will
belong to the Ifugao but if he failed and Aruk won, all of them will be slave of Kalingas.
Sadek was brave despite of having disabled leg, he wanted to represent his tribe and fight
for their rights. He’s very selfless and willing to sacrifice his own life for the sake of his
tribe. As a future teacher, Sadek inspires me to be selfless and fight for the rights of my
future students. A teacher is responsible for imparting knowledge towards the students, not
only academically but also in values integration. Most of the time teachers are sacrificing
their own personal time or most of their time in fulfilling their duties as a teacher. I am
willing to do so because I know it’s part of my chosen profession. I am more than willing to
be selfless and fight for the rights of my students which is to attain quality education.

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