Environmental Analysis: Physical Environment

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A country's territorial size, geographical

Environmental analysis is a strategic
location, natural resources, climate, rivers, lakes
tool. It is a process to identify all the external
and forests constitute its physical environment.
and internal elements, which can affect the
organization’s performance. When planning international
An environmental analysis includes a
marketing activities, the possible impact of
thorough study of: the physical environment should consider.
For example:
 Economic Forces
 Physical Environment  Topography
 Political Factors  Certain climatic conditions
 Cultures and Lifestyles  Climate
 Competition  Abnormal weather conditions
Political Factors
Economic Forces The political factors affecting business
are often given a lot of importance. Several
Are the factors that help to determine
aspects of government policy can affect
the competitiveness of the environment in
business. All firms must follow the law.
which the firm operates.
Political factors that tend to have an important
Factors includes:
impact on economic development include:
 Unemployment
 Regime type
Unemployment occurs when a
person who is actively searching  Political stability or instability
for employment is unable to find Cultures and Lifestyles
work. Unemployment is often
used as a measure of the health Culture is the lifeblood of a vibrant
of the economy. society, expressed in the many ways we tell our
 Inflation stories, celebrate, remember the past, entertain
Is a term used to describe a ourselves, and imagine the future. It is
general rise in the price of goods important to study cultural practices such as:
and services in an economy over
 Fiesta
a given period of time.
 Christmas season
 Fiscal Policy
 Trends
Fiscal policy refers to the use of
government spending and tax Competition
policies to influence
The degree of competition in the market
macroeconomic conditions,
and the extent and strength of competition are
including aggregate demand,
all very vital in determining the success or failure
employment, inflation and
of the business.
economic growth.

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