Mastering Odoo 11.0 Development: Mohamed Magdy

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Mastering Odoo 11.0 Development

Mohamed Magdy
OpenObject Concepts
● OOP Class is Object.
● OOP Instance is Resource.
● There is an object for every type of resource,
and not an object per resource.
● MVC:
○ Model: PostgreSQL tables.
○ View: Defined in XML files.
○ Controller: Odoo Objects.
Module Structure
● views/
● security/
● demo/
● wizard/
● report/
● i18n/
● static/
● In Odoo, Objects are Classes define new
● Models
○ Add new Tables, Fields in Database.
○ Add SQL Constraints.
● Controllers
○ Methods to compute Values.
○ Onchange Methods.
○ Methods (Logic) behind Buttons.
Fields Types (
● Boolean: is_new_field = fields.Boolean(string="", )
● Char: new_field = fields.Char(string="", required=False, )
● Text: new_field = fields.Text(string="", required=False, )
● Integer: new_field = fields.Integer(string="", required=False, )
● Float: new_field = fields.Float(string="", required=False, )
● Date: new_field = fields.Date(string="", required=False, )
● Datetime: new_field = fields.Datetime(string="", required=False, )
● Selection: new_field = fields.Selection(string="", selection=[('', ''), ('', ''), ], required=False, )
● Many2many: new_field_ids = fields.Many2many(comodel_name="", relation="", column1="", column2="", string="", )
● One2many: new_field_ids = fields.One2many(comodel_name="", inverse_name="", string="", required=False, )
● Many2one: new_field_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="", string="", required=False, )
● Binary: new_field = fields.Binary(string="", )
Common Attributes (
Some attributes are common:
● string: The label of the field seen by users.
● help: The tooltip of the field seen by users.
● readonly: Determines if the field is read-only or editable (boolean).
● required: Determines if the field is required or optional (boolean).
● index: Determines if the field is indexed inDB (boolean).
● default: The default value of the field, it can be static or computed value.
● states: A dictionary mapping state values to lists of UI attribute-value.
● groups: Comma-separated lists of group XML ids.
● copy: Whether to copy the field value when the record is duplicated or not.
● old_name: The old name of this field, so that ORM rename at migration.
● compute: The name of the method that computes the field’s value.
Common Attributes (
Some attributes are common:
● inverse: The name of a method that inverses the field.
● search: The name of a method that implement search on the field.
● store: Determines if the field is stored in DB (boolean).
● compute_sudo: Determines if the field should be recomputed as superuser
to bypass access rights (boolean).
● related: To get the field’s value automatically from the source field.
● company_dependant: If the field is company-dependant (boolean).
Specific Attributes (
Some attributes are for specific fields:
● size: The maximum size of the values stored for that field.
● translate: Enables the translation of the field’s value.
● translate: Enables the translation of the field’s value.
● digits: A pair (total, decimal), or a function taking a database cursor and
returning a pair (total, decimal)
Specific Attributes (
Some attributes are for specific fields:
● selection: Specifies the possible values for this field.
● add_selection: Provides an extension of the selection in the case of an
overridden field.
● currency_field: Name of the field holding the currency this monetary field
is expressed in.
Specific Attributes (
Some attributes are for specific fields:
● comodel_name: Name of the target model (string).
● domain: An optional domain to set on candidate values on the client side.
● context: An optional context to use on the client side when handling that
field (dictionary).
● ondelete: Determines what to do when the referred record is deleted.
Possible values: set null, restrict or cascade.
● auto_join: Determines if JOINS are generated upon search through that
field (boolean).
● delegate: Set it to ‘True’ to make fields of the target model accessible from
the current model.
Specific Attributes (
Some attributes are for specific fields:
● comodel_name: Name of the target model (string).
● domain: An optional domain to set on candidate values on the client side.
● context: An optional context to use on the client side when handling that
field (dictionary).
● inverse_name: Name of the inverse ‘Many2one’ field in ‘comodel_name’.
● auto_join: Determines if JOINS are generated upon search through that
field (boolean).
● limit: Optional limit to use upon read (integer).
Specific Attributes (
Some attributes are for specific fields:
● comodel_name: Name of the target model (string).
● relation: Optional limit to use upon read (integer).
● domain: An optional domain to set on candidate values on the client side.
● context: An optional context to use on the client side when handling that
field (dictionary).
● column1: An optional name of the column referring to ‘these’ records in
the table ‘relation’.
● column2: An optional name of the column referring to ‘those’ records in
the table ‘relation’.
● limit: Optional limit to use upon read (integer).
Mastering Odoo 11.0 Development

Mohamed Magdy

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