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AF-3067 BEN 1C1


First Semester



(CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Section A (10 × 2 = 20)

Answer all the following questions in a sentence or two.

1. Who, according to Bacon, can lead a single life ?

2. Where, according to Bacon, does love enter ?

3. How does Sir Roger maintain good relationship with

his Chaplain ?

1 AF-3067
4. How did Sir Roger come to theatre ?

5. What did the man in black purchase from the sailor ?

How much did he pay for that ?

6. What smelt differently to Bo-bo after the fire

accident ?

7. Why does Ruskin say that duty is first ?

8. When did Ruskin give Lecture II of “ Sesame and

Lilies ” ?

9. What, according to Chesterton is the common way of

flattering important people ?

10. How did people bury Beit ?

2 AF-3067
Section B (5 × 5 = 25)

Answer all the following questions.

11. (a) Why does Bacon prefer married life to a single

life ?


(b) What are the comments that Sir Roger made about

the play ?

12. (a) What did the man in black do when he saw a

woman in rags ?


(b) Why is ‘New year’ very important to the people

all over the world ?

3 AF-3067
13. (a) Why, according to Ruskin, are friends necessary
to every one ?


(b) Why does Ruskin comment that ‘Shakespeare has

no heroes ’ ?

14. (a) What, according to Bacon is beauty ?


(b) How does Sir Roger behave in the Church during

the congregation ?

15. (a) How do people flatter their kings ?


(b) Why is Lynd interested in pointing out

mistakes ?

4 AF-3067
Section C (3 × 10 = 30)

Answer any three of the following in about

350 words each.

16. Discuss Bacon as an essayist.

17. How does Addison portray Sir Roger’s experiences at

the theatre ?

18. How does Charles Lamb artistically describe man’s

discovery of art of cooking in his essay “Dissertation

upon Roast Pig” ?

19. Comment on Ruskin‘s style by giving special reference

to “ Sesame and Lilies”

20. How does Chesterton satirise the attitudes of men in

his essay “ The worship of the wealthy” ?


5 AF-3067
AF-3068 BEN 1C2


First Semester



(CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Section A (10 × 2 = 20)

Answer all questions.

1. What was the painter painting when Hughie visited

him ?

2. How much money did the Colonel demand from Hughie

to marry Laura ?

3. Why does Holmes have a fit when Watson touches the

ivory box ?

1 AF-3068
4. Who helped Mrs. Packletide during the hunting ?

5. Who is Monks ?

6. What does Oliver’s father‘s will state ?

7. Why does Melbury try to procure divorce for his

daughter ?

8. How does Giles die ?

9. Name the trio mentioned in “Lord of the flies”

10. Why do the children split into two groups ?

2 AF-3068
Section B (5 × 5 = 25)

Answer all the questions in about 150 words each.

11. (a) How does Jimmy save Agatha from the safe of the

bank ?


(b) Is Jimmy a bad fellow at heart ?

12. (a) How does Holmes catch Smith for the murder of
his nephew ?


(b) What are the preparations that Mrs. Packletide

does for hunting the tiger ?

3 AF-3068
13. (a) How does Oliver become one of Fagin’s boy ?


(b) Why does Oliver run away to London ?

14. (a) Do Fitzpiers and Grace lead a happy married

life ?


(b) Sketch the character of Mr. Melbury.

15. (a) How does Simon realize that the beast is created
by the boy’s imaginations ?


(b) How are the boys rescued from the Island ?

4 AF-3068
Section C (3 × 10 = 30)

Answer any three of the following in about 300 words

each :

16. Comment on the surprise end of “The Model

Millionaire ”

17. Write a note on the ironic effect of Mrs. Packletide’s


18. How does Dicken portray the theme, ‘ Survival’ in

“Oliver Twist” ?

19. How does fate once again bring back Grace to

Fitzpiers ?

20. Is “Lord of the flies” an allegorical novel ? Give your



5 AF-3068
AF-3069 BEN 2C1


Second Semester



(CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10 × 2 = 20)

Answer all the questions in a sentence or two.

1. What happened to the name written on the strand ?

2. What is the central idea of the poem, “ One day I wrote

her name” ?

3. Whom does the poet refer to as the happiest man ?

1 AF-3069
4. How does a farmer sleep in the night ?

5. Name three specific social types emblematic figures

mentioned in the poem “London” ?

6. What does the word “knell” refer to ?

7. Who sings the song when Wordsworth listens

motionless ?

8. List out few rhyming words from the poem “Kubla

Khan” by S.T. Coleridge.

9. Who is Kubla Khan ?

10. What is special about “Skylark” ?

2 AF-3069
Part B (5 × 5 = 25)

Write paragraphs on all the following :

11. (a) Write the summary of sonnet 3 ?


(b) Write the summary of sonnet 4 ?

12. (a) What kind of life does the farmer lead in

Alexander Pope’s “Ode on solitude” ?


(b) How does Blake portray the life of Chimney

sweepers in “London” ?

3 AF-3069
13. (a) What idea is expressed in this line : The paths of
glory lead but to the grave.


(b) Discuss Gray’s use of animal and insect imagery

in “Elegy written in a Country Churhyard”.

14. (a) What is the role of the “solitary reaper” ?


(b) Discuss about the Palace built by “Kubla Khan” ?

15. (a) Discuss the images used in “ To a skylark” ?


(b) What does the poet share with the readers by

describing the “ skylark ” ?

4 AF-3069
Part C (3 × 10 = 30)

Answer any three questions in Essay form.

16. What aethetic message does Edmund spenser convey

in “ One day I wrote her name” ?

17. Write an essay on “Death, Be not Proud”.

18. What is the theme of “ The Village Preacher ” ?

19. Discuss Wordsworth as a nature poet with reference to

any one of the poem prescribed ?

20. Evolution of thought in the “Ode to a Nightingale” ?


5 AF-3069
AF-3070 BEN 2C2


Second Semester



(CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10 × 2 = 20)

Answer each of the following questions in a sentence or

two :

1. Why is Dr. Faustus interested in Black magic ?

2. What are the seven deadly sins ?

3. Why does Loveivet flee from London ?

1 AF-3070
4. How does the Widow captivate both Face and Subtle ?

5. Who is Paulo Giardana Orsini ?

6. Why is Vittoria imprisoned ?

7. What type of man is Tony Lumpkin ?

8. Why does Hastings behave rudely with

Mrs. Hardcastle ?

9. Why does Raina feel elated ?

10. When did the play ‘Arms and the Man” take place ?

2 AF-3070
Part B (5 × 5 = 25)

Write paragraphs on all the following questions.

11. (a) How does Dr. Faustus make agreement with

Satan ?


(b) Has Dr. Faustus really happy after making an

agreement with Satan ?

12. (a) Comment on the argument between Subtle and



(b) What is the part played by the Spanish

Nobleman ?

3 AF-3070
13. (a) How is Isabella murdered ?


(b) Trace the relationship between Duke of Brachiano

and Vittoria ?

14. (a) Sketch the character of Marlowe ?


(b) How does Tony fool his mother and sister ?

15. (a) Why does Raina prefer her poor “Chocolate-cream

soldier” to the wealthy business man ?


(b) Comment on the character Bluntschli.

4 AF-3070
Part C (3 × 10 = 30)

Write essays on any three of the following.

16. How does Ben Johnson satirize the vanities and vices
of mankind in the play “ The Alchemist” ?

17. What is the end of Dr. Faustus ?

18. Write an essay on Webster’s treatment of women and

their status in society as presented in ‘The White Devil”.

19. How far is the theme appearances and reality viewed

in the play “She Stoops to Conquer” ?

20. Justify the title “Arms and the Man”.


5 AF-3070
AF-3071 BEN 3C1


Third Semester



(CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10 × 2 = 20)

Answer each of the following questions in

a sentence or two.

1. Which angel does Satan trick by disguising himself as

a Cherub ?

2. According to Satan, what is ‘ hell ’ ?

3. Where was Lady of Shalott imprisoned ?

1 AF-3071
4. What does Lady of Shalott weave ?

5. What words did Arnold use to establish his mood in the

poem, “Dover Beach ” ?

6. Name the Greek writer mentioned in the poem , “ The

Blessed Damozel”.

7. What does W.B. Yeats say about a woman ?

8. To whom does the poet offer the prayer ?

9. Name the bird mentioned in the poem of G.M. Hopkins.

10. Where does the poet walk out one evening ?

2 AF-3071
Part B (5 × 5 = 25)

Answer all the following questions in about 150 words.

11. (a) Discuss the role of Satan.


(b) Discuss the character of Eve.

12. (a) Point out the metaphors used by Arnold in “Dover



(b) Describe the seashore as portrayed in the poem.

3 AF-3071
13. (a) Describe the love of Damozel.


(b) Discuss the final stanza of the poem “Blessed


14. (a) How does the poet describe his daughter ?


(b) In what all contents the poet relate the word

‘ beauty ’ ?

15. (a) Discuss the conflict of love by W. H. Auden.


(b) Discuss the conflict of time by W. H. Auden.

4 AF-3071
Part C (3 × 10 = 30)

Write essays on any three of the following

16. Interpret “ The Lady of Shalott” as art and life of Alfred


17. Write the summary of “Dover Beach”.

18. Write the theme of “ Wind Hover”.

19. Describe the sincere prayer of W.B. Yeats.

20. Write an essay on the “Journey of the Magi”.


5 AF-3071
AF-3072 BEN 3C2


Third Semester



(CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10 × 2 = 20)

Answer all the following questions.

1. Why do the younger sons of Lady Monchensay never

come to the birthday party ?

2. Who is Agatha ?

3. Who is Wheeler ? What advice does he give to Mrs.

Jones to correct the habit of Jack ?

1 AF-3072
4. What type of man is Mr. John Barthwick ?

5. Where do Jimmy and Alison live ?

6. How is Jimmy’s relationship with his friend, Cliff ?

7. How does Stanley treat Meg, in the beginning ?

8. What game do the invitees of Stanley’s birthday play

during the celebration ?

9. What is the end of Kattrin ?

10. Why does the cart roll lighter at the end of the play
“The Mother Courage” ?

2 AF-3072
Part B (5 × 5 = 25)

Answer all the following questions.

11. (a) Why does Harry leave Wishwood in the end ?


(b) Comment on the role played by the family doctor

in “ Family Reunion”

12. (a) How does Mr. Barthwick enquire Mrs. Jones about
the theft ?


(b) Why is Young Barthwick not punished ?

3 AF-3072
13. (a) Are Alison and Helena good friends ?


(b) Sketch the character of Cliff Lewis.

14. (a) What is the role played by Lu Lu ?


(b) What is the end of Stanley ?

15. (a) How does mother courage make her livelihood from
the War ?


(b) How does mother courage lose her son, Eilif ?

4 AF-3072
Part C (3 × 10 = 30)

Answer any three of the following questions.

16. ‘Stephen Spender commented that the whole play

“Family Reunion” was about the hero’s discovery of his

religious vocation as a result of his sense of guilt’–


17. How does John Galsworthy portray the difference

between the rich and the poor in the play “The Silver

Box” ?

18. Can Jimmy’s anger be justified ?

19. Comment on the basic theme of the play, “ The Birthday


20. Trace the elements epic theatre by giving special

reference to Brecht’s “ Mother Courage”.


5 AF-3072
AF-3073 BEN4C1


Fourth Semester



(CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10 × 2 = 20)

Answer all the questions.

1. Where did the ‘‘groundlings’’ gather to watch

Shakespeare’s plays ?

2. Name some Shakespearean fools.

3. How is Shylock defeated ?

4. What is the judgement given to Shylock ?

1 AF-3073
5. Who is Falstaff ?

6. Why is king Henry IV very much worried ?

7. Why does Macbeth invite Duncan to his palace ?

8. What is the tragic relief in ‘‘Macbeth’’ ?

9. Why does Imogen marry Posthumus ?

10. What is the bet that Posthumus and Lachimo made ?

Part B (5 × 5 = 25)
Answer all the questions.

11. (a) Why do Shakespearean women in comedies

surpass men ?


2 AF-3073
(b) What is the significance of fools in Shakespeare’s

plays ?

12. (a) Why does Portia go to the court of the Duke of

Venice ?


(b) Comment on the part played by Nerissa.

13. (a) How does Hal lead his happy life ?


(b) How does Hal show his talent in the Battle of

Shrewsbury ?

3 AF-3073
14. (a) Compare Macbeth and Banquo.


(b) How does Macduff show his loyalty to the King of

Scotland ?

15. (a) How does Lachimo execute his plan ?


(b) Why does Posthumus doubt his wife’s Chastity ?

Part C (3 × 10 = 30)
Answer any three of the following questions.

16. Write an essay on theatre and audiences of Elizabethen


4 AF-3073
17. How tactfully does Portia deal with the case of Shylock

and Antanio in the court ?

18. Comment on the part played by Falstaff.

19. What is dramatic irony ? How effectively does

Shakespeare use this device in ‘‘Macbeth’’ ?

20. Comment on the happy end of the play ‘‘Cymbeline’’.


5 AF-3073
AF-3074 BEN4C2


Fourth Semester



(CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Section A (10 × 2 = 20)

Answer all the questions in a sentence or two.

1. When, according to Aurobindo did the epiphany take

place ?

2. What are the special qualities of Lily as presented in

‘Lotus’ ?

3. What common needs did the enterprisers miss badly ?

4. What suggests that Ramanujam really cares for his

father ?

1 AF-3074
5. Did Gandhi pay more attention for his character when
he was at school ?

6. What was the punishment ?

7. What is the central issue of Sharana movement ?

8. Why does king Bijala have good opinion on Sharana

movement ?

9. Where does Bakha live ? What is he ?

10. Why does Lakha drive Bakha out of the house ?

2 AF-3074
Section B (5 × 5 = 25)

Answer all the questions choosing either (a) or (b)

from each.

11. (a) How does Flora satisfy love ?


(b) How did God create this universe ?

12. (a) Wow did the leader enthuse the enterprisers ?


(b) Is A.K. Ramanujam really angry at his father ?

13. (a) What was Gandhi’s performance in his subjects

when he was at school ?


3 AF-3074
(b) What, according to Radhakrishnan is world’s
community ?

14. (a) Describe the attitude of Sovideva towards



(b) What attitude of Sharanas does make it to face

its end ?

15. (a) Why do people not recognise Bakha’s work ?


(b) What happened to Sohini ?

4 AF-3074
Section C (3 × 10 = 30)
Answer any three of the following in about
350 words each.

16. How does Aurobindo realize the immortality of Kali ?

17. Write a critical appreciation of the poem ‘‘The King

speaks to the Scribe’’.

18. Comment on the style of R.K. Narayan by giving a

special reference to ‘‘Crime and Punishment’’.

19. Justify the title ‘‘Tale Danda’’.

20. Is ‘‘Untouchable’’ a novel on social realism ? Give your



5 AF-3074
AF-3075 BEN5C1


Fifth Semester



(CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10 × 2 = 20)

Answer all the questions.

1. What does the ‘ship’ represent to ?

2. Which road does Robert Frost choose to travel along ?

3. What according to Emerson is a foolish consistency ?

4. What are the two major issues that are discussed in

‘‘Civil Disobedience’’ ?

1 AF-3075
5. Why does Willy decide to commit suicide ?

6. How does Willy treat his wife, Linda ?

7. What are the things that the giant carried away with

him ?

8. Name the five heroic day dream episodes that Walter

Mitty dreamt.

9. What is the central theme of ‘A Farewell to Arms’’ ?

10. Who is Frederic Henry ?

Part B (5 × 5 = 25)
Answer all the questions.

11. (a) Why could the captain not answer ?

2 AF-3075
(b) How does Emily travel along with ‘He’ ?

12. (a) Why does Emerson guide the individual to go

according to his instinct ?


(b) Why does Thoreau want better Government ?

13. (a) Sketch the character of Biff.


(b) What are the things that Willy imagines when his
sons decide to start a business ?

3 AF-3075
14. (a) How did the ghost terrify the author ?


(b) How does Mitty imagine himself facing a firing

squad ?

15. (a) How does love develop between Henry and

Catherine ?


(b) Why does Henry walk back to the hotel at the

end of the novel ?

Part C (3 × 10 = 30)
Answer any three of the following.

16. Why does Emerson say that Brahma is both a creator

and destroyer ?

4 AF-3075
17. Does Emerson call for staunch individualism through

his essay ‘‘self reliance’’ ?

18. Comment on the social conditions in Miller’s America

as reflected in the play ‘‘Death of a Salesman’’ ?

19. How, interestingly does the author portray the fantasies

of Mitty in ‘‘The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’’ ?

20. How does Hemingway juxtapose fertility against death

in ‘‘A Farewell to Arms’’ ?


5 AF-3075
AF-3076 BEN5C2


Fifth Semester



(CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10 × 2 = 20)

Answer all the questions.

1. Which is the colour that often Slyvia Plath mentions ?

What does it stand for ?

2. What sorts of clothes do the weavers weave ?

3. How does Walter lose the rest of the money ?

4. Why are the Youngers optimistic ?

5. Why does Ainsley go to the restaurant where Marian

is with Peter and Len ?

1 AF-3076
6. Who is Duncan ?

7. Why did Ila Das lose her job ?

8. What does Ila Das do in Kasauli ?

9. Who is the Champion of feminist criticism ?

10. How far does existentialism root into feminism ?

Part B (5 × 5 = 25)

Answer all the questions.

11. (a) How truthful is the mirror ?


(b) How is the world of birds as depicted by Sarojini

Naidu ?

2 AF-3076
12. (a) Why are dreams more important to Mama than

material wealth ?


(b) How does Asayai help Benetha to know about her

African heritage ?

13. (a) Why does Marian’s stomach refuse food ?


(b) Compare the characters of Marian and Clara.

14. (a) What does happen to Nanda Kaul when she hears

the news of her friend’s murder ?


(b) Why did Nanda Kaul choose a solitary life ?

3 AF-3076
15. (a) What are the two modes of feminist criticism ?


(b) How far, does women’s culture affect women’s

writing ?

Part C (3 × 10 = 30)

Answer any three of the following.

16. How does Kamala Das contrast the love that she

receives now with that of the past one ?

17. Why do youngers learn that the dream for a house is

the most important dream ?

18. Are women edible ? Give your reasons by giving a

reference to Atwood’s “The Edible Woman”.

4 AF-3076
19. Comment on the use of imagery and symbols in “Fire

on the Mountain”.

20. What are the main elements in feminist criticism ?


5 AF-3076
AF-3077 BEN5C3


Fifth Semester



(CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10 × 2 = 20)

Answer all the questions.

1. Why does the Cowman say that ‘it is not home’ ?

2. What does the phrase “the chatter of cultured apes”

mean ?

3. Who are the speaker and the listener in “Women to Man” ?

4. Why does the compass fail to find the route ?

1 AF-3077
5. What pressed Nehru to write epilogue to “The Discovery

of India” ?

6. Why does Achebe want the novelist to teach ?

7. Who is Jero ?

8. What does “eggs to eggs” mean ?

9. Name the trade that is mentioned in “Natives of My


10. What is the realism that is mentioned in “Natives of

My Person” ?

Part B (5 × 5 = 25)

Answer all the questions.

11. (a) What are the images that suggest that Miss

Wilson is an old exile ?

2 AF-3077
(b) Why, according to A.D. Hope Australia is the last

land ?

12. (a) Does “Woman to Man” educate ?


(b) How does the poet describe the vast landscape in

“Journey to the Interior” ?

13. (a) How can, according to Ache be the Africans fight

against racism ?


(b) Why was Nehru interested in writing epilogue to

“The Discovery of India” ?

14. (a) Why is Chume able to take over the Congregation ?


3 AF-3077
(b) How does Jero appeal to the Member of Parliament ?

15. (a) What does the living condition of the slaves as

described by Lamming ?


(b) What was the significance of the voyage of

Reconnaissance ?

Part C (3 × 10 = 30)

Answer any three of the following.

16. Comment on the title “ My First White Hairs”.

17. Compare and contrast the themes of “Refugee Mother

and Child” and “Woman to Man”.

4 AF-3077
18. What is the central theme of “Epilogue to The Discovery

of India” ?

19. What suggest that Jero has mainly mercenary

attitudes towards his followers ?

20. What were the conditions of slavery that portrayed by

Lamming in “Natives of My Person” ?


5 AF-3077
AF-3078 BENE1A


Fifth Semester




(CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10 × 2 = 20)

Answer all the questions.

1. Explain SLT, TLT and RLT.

2. Explain literal translation.

3. What is called recoding of a text ?

4. Define Formal Equivalence.

1 AF-3078
5. Give two examples for culturally untranslatable words.

6. Explain Idiolects.

7. List any two problems that a translator faces while

translating a literary text.

8. How does the hair of Fateh Chand look like ?

9. Translate the following into English :–

(a) öŒ#²Ò.

(b) ¦Î¯©µ®.

(c) APv.

(d) |õn¯Â¯À.

2 AF-3078
10. Translate into Tamil :–

(a) Somnambulism.

(b) Replica .

(c) Lecture.

(d) Novels.

Part B (5 × 5 = 25)

Answer all the questions.

11. (a) How does Catford define translation ?


(b) Explain transliteration.

12. (a) What is called adaptation in translation ?


(b) Write a note on textual translation equivalence.

3 AF-3078
13. (a) Write any five translation of Thirukkural by

G.U. Pope.


(b) How does Bharathiyar Portray the Mother India ?

14. (a) What are the problems that a translator faces

while translating verses ?


(b) What are the problems that a translator faces

while translating prose ?

15. (a) Comment on the theme of “Chemmeen”.


(b) What kind of man is Fateh Chand ?

4 AF-3078
Part C (3 × 10 = 30)

Answer any three of the following questions.

16. Write an essay on Peter Newmark’s theory on


17. What are Eugene Nida’s views on equivalence ?

18. How does Valluvar state the excellence of rain in

“Thirukkural” ?

19. What is problem in translation ? Explain.

20. How does Fateh Chand teach a good lesson to the

English officer at the end ?


5 AF-3078
AF-3079 BENE1B


Fifth Semester



(CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10 × 2 = 20)

Answer all the questions.

1. Whose Portrait that F.R.Scott mentions in “The

Canadian Authors meet” ?

2. How does the northern hill look in a January morning ?

3. Is Canadian forest free from dangers ? Why ?

4. ‘Nature is red in tooth and Claw’ — Justify the

statement by giving reference to “Nature the Monster”.

1 AF-3079
5. Who is Joe ?

6. Does the protagonist of “Surfacing” really want to see

her father ?

7. How did Hagar’s brother, Daniel die ?

8. How old is Hagar Shipley ? With whom does she live ?

9. Why according to George Ryga does our brother kill

another brother ?

10. State the misfortune of Canadian Indian.

2 AF-3079
Part B (5 × 5 = 25)

Answer all the questions.

11. (a) Why does F.R. Scott feel sorry in the author’s meet ?


(b) How is the life of woodmen and horsemen as

portrayed in “A January Morning” ?

12. (a) What are the effects of global warming as depicted

by Atwood in “Nature the Monster” ?


(b) How does Atwood differentiate her ideas about

nature from Wordworthian’s ?

3 AF-3079
13. (a) Why does the protagonist of “Surfacing” compare

the human interaction with that of animals ?


(b) How is the relationship between the Protagonist

and Joe ?

14. (a) What is the present condition of Hagar ?


(b) Why does the minister visit Hagar ?

15. (a) What is the central theme of “Indian” ?


4 AF-3079
(b) Comment on Ryga’s style by giving references to


Part C (3 × 10 = 30)

Answer any three of the following questions.

16. Write a critical appreciation of “The Alphabet”.

17. What is the main theme of “Surfacing” ?

18. Write an essay on Atwood’s “Nature the Monster”.

19. Why does Hagar feel that she is physically and

emotionally isolated ?

20. How is the life of Canadian Indian in Canada as

portrayed by George Ryga ?


5 AF-3079
AF-3080 BEN 6C1


Sixth Semester



(CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10 × 2 = 20)

Answer all the questions.

1. Whom does Toru remember in “ Sita” ?

2. How does Parthasarathy describe Sundari ?

3. What does ‘ the tiger’ stand for ?

1 AF-3080
4. Why does it take much time to kill a tree ?

5. How, according to Masani can World Union be

formed ?

6. What are the two types of governments ?

7. Who is Vasantha ?

8. What happened to Chitra when she was on the bank of

Purna river ?

9. Why does Raju nickname Rosie’s husband as ‘Marco’ ?

10. Why does Raju forget his business ?

2 AF-3080
Part B (5 × 5 = 25)

Answer all the questions.

11. (a) How does Toru depict Valmiki’s hermitage in

“Sita” ?


(b) What is Parthasarathy’s reaction to English and

Tamil ?

12. (a) What is the reason for Vikram Seth’s envy ?


(b) How does Aurobindo describe the appearance of

the tiger ?

3 AF-3080
13. (a) What, according to Masani, is a good
government ?


(b) Are people intelligent in selecting a good


14. (a) Why does Chithra become sad after the Union ?


(b) Why cannot Vasanta keep in pace with Madana ?

15. (a) How is the relationship between Raju and the

villagers ?


(b) How does Raju manipulate Rosie’s money ?

4 AF-3080
Part C (3 × 10 = 30)

Answer any three of the following questions.

16. Write a critical appreciation of the poem “An Old


17. How does Gieve Patel show that nature can not be

destroyed ?

18. How, according to Rajaji can New India be educated ?

19. How does Tagore depict the evolution of human love

from physical to the spiritual in “ Chithra” ?

20. Sketch the character of Raju.


5 AF-3080
AF-3081 BEN 6C2


Sixth Semester



(CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10 × 2 = 20)

Answer all the questions.

1. How can one improve his comprehensive skill ?

2. What is called scanning of a text ?

3. Write any two sentence for the expression, ‘greeting’.

1 AF-3081
4. How do you introduce yourself to the manager of IOB,

at where your father is working as a clerk ?

5. “Absolutely no need to say sorry–I do understand ”—

Which expression does this indicate ?

6. “We’d be delighted if you could spare sometime for us

and address the students”— which expression does this

indicate ?

7. What is called ‘Subscription’ of a letter ?

8. What is a ‘minutes’ ?

9. Write any two advantages of sending telegram.

10. Define Brainstorming.

2 AF-3081
Part B (5 × 5 = 25)

Answer all the questions.

11. (a) How can one scan a text ?


(b) List some of the reasons for poor comprehension.

12. (a) Greet your classmates and friends on the first day

of your new course ?


(b) Introduce your friends to your brother

3 AF-3081
13. (a) Invite a reputed writer to preside over the

inauguration of reader’s forum of your college.


(b) Make an apology for coming late to class.

14. (a) Write an agenda for the Board of studies meeting

of department of English.


(b) Write a letter to your friend about your recent

tour to Ooty.

4 AF-3081
15. (a) Write a telegram to inform your friend in Delhi

that you need 2 days accommodation there in the

month of December.


(b) Why is curriculum vitae important ? How do you

prepare it ?

Part C (3 × 10 = 30)

Answer any three of the following.

16. How do reading and comprehension help to understand

and develop one’s skill in communication ?

17. You are attending your friend’s marriage Introduce

yourself to others there and also introduce others to the

persons you know in the function.

5 AF-3081
18. You apologise to your friend for your inability to go with

her for shopping.

19. Write a letter of complaint to the Mayor of your

corporation complaining about the very bad condition

of the roads in your locality.

20. Write a group discussion on ‘ The latest versus the old

fashion in women’s dresses ’.


6 AF-3081
AF-3083 BENE2B


Sixth Semester



(CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10 × 2 = 20)

Answer all the following in a sentence or two :

1. Name the work by Hawthorne which defines the nature

of Short Story.

2. What is the view of Harold Nicholson on Biography ?

3. Name a few famous Diaries which proved to be


4. What according to Wordsworth is poetry ?

1 AF-3083
5. What are the two kinds of epic ?

6. How does Joseph Addison term Ballad ?

7. What are the two kinds of Ode ? Give examples.

8. Define Tragedy.

9. Give examples of One-Act play.

10. What is meant by Tragi-Comedy ?

Part B (5 × 5 = 25)

Answer all the following in a page or two :

11. (a) What are the important aspects of Biography ?


2 AF-3083
(b) Discuss Autobiography as a literary genre.

12. (a) What are the various kinds of subjective poetry ?


(b) Analyse the views of critics on subjective poetry.

13. (a) Discuss the characteristics of an Ode.


(b) Trace the origin and growth of English Ballad.

14. (a) Analyse the features of Masque.


3 AF-3083
(b) What are the different kinds of Comedy in English

Literature ?

15. (a) What is meant by Picaresque novel ?


(b) Trace the origin and growth of Detective novel.

Part C (3 × 10 = 30)

Write Essay on any three of the following.

16. Discuss Biography as a literary form.

17. Critically compare and contrast the characteristics of

Subjective and Objective poetry.

4 AF-3083
18. What are the features and kinds of Epic ?

19. Discuss the genesis of One-Act play and its place in 20th


20. Discuss Stream-of-Consciousness Novel.


5 AF-3083
AF-3085 BENE3B


Sixth Semester



(CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A (10 × 2 = 20)

Answer all the following in a sentence or two.

1. Who introduced influential study in Comparative

Literature ?

2. What areas in National Literature of a country

confined to ?

3. What is the contribution of Paul Van Tiegham to

Comparative Literature ?

1 AF-3085
4. Who are the notable contributions of Influential

Studies ?

5. What is meant by ‘Literary Fortune’ ?

6. Who are the major theorists on ‘Oppilakkiam’ in

Tamil ?

7. What is the contribution of Goethe to ‘World

Literature ’?

8. What does Roman Jacobson say about ‘Adaptation’ ?

9. Define the term Stylization’.

10. Who coined the term ‘Comparative Literature’ for the

first time ?

2 AF-3085
Part B (5 × 5 = 25)

Answer all the following questions in a page or two.

11. (a) Define ‘Plagiarism’.


(b) What are the conventional methods of

periodization ?

12. (a) Distinguish between Comparative Literature and

World Literature.


(b) What is the major contribution of T.P.

Meenakshisundaram to Comparative Literature

(Oppilakkiam) ?

3 AF-3085
13. (a) What is the relationship between ‘ Motif ’ and

‘ Theme ’ ?


(b) Define ‘Parallelism’.

14. (a) Discuss the two kinds of Analogical studies.


(b) How does Northrop Fry classify ‘genres’ ?

15. (a) Discuss ‘Epoch’ and ‘Periods’.


(b) What relationship is there between marxism and

Literature ? Discuss.

4 AF-3085
Part C (3 × 10 = 30)

Write essays on any three of the following.

16. Discuss the importance of Reception Study in

Comparative Literature.

17. Discuss the meaning and scope of Comparative


18. What is the relevance of Thematology to Comparative

Literature ?

19. Analyse the five kinds of Thematic investigation ?

20. Critically analyse the interrelationship between

literature and other arts.


5 AF-3085

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