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Hindu Sikh Brotherhood?

A Myth – The real truth

Sikhs and Hindus have been living together in India and Punjab ever since Sikhi was founded by Guru
Nanak Dev Ji over 500 years ago. Many Sikhs these days under the brainwashing influence of Hindu
propaganda have started to believe that “Sikhs and Hindus are brothers” just on the basis that both
communities have been living together for over five centuries. Although, Hindus are our brothers just
as are Christians, Jews, Muslims and other communities but this brotherhood is not based on religion
but on humanism. In other words, Hindus are our brothers not because they are Hindus but because
they are humans. But today’s relationship between Hindus and Sikhs is being looked upon as “nail and
flesh”. In other words, this ‘brotherhood’ is considered inseparable. This is all due to the lack of
knowledge about Sikh history. In 1955 & 1984 there were attacks on Darbar Sahib and awareness of
their separate identity. Although after the attack the fabric of this ‘brotherhood’ has been ripped apart
but some people prefer to live in the past. According to such people “Everything had been going great
until Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale showed up and demand for Khalistan rose to the top on the
notion that they were not being treated equally in India.” A closer look at history would make
everything crystal clear that the attack of 1984 by the Hindu government was not out of the blue but
a continuation of their hostility against the Sikhs. The bitter truth is that majority of the Hindus have
always opposed not only the spread of the Sikh religion but the young Sikhs taking Amrit and following
the principles of their true Guru. Mr. D. Patrie has explained this very well by saying:

Hinduism has always been hostile to Sikhism whose Gurus powerfully and successfully attacked the
principles of caste which is the foundation on which the whole fabric of Brahaminism has been reared.
The activities of Hindus have, therefore, been constantly directed to the undermining of Sikhism both
by preventing the children of Sikh fathers from taking amrit and by reducing professed Sikhs from their
allegiance to their faith. Hinduism has strangled Buddhism, once formidable rival to it and it has
already made serious inroads in to domains of Sikhism. (D. Patrie, Asstt. Director, Criminal Intelligence,
Govt. of India, 1911)

Opposition during Mughal Empire

Hindu Brahmins became hostile to Sikhi when Guru Nanak Dev Ji refused to wear ‘Janeau’ (a Hindu
sacred thread) at the age of 9 and spoke against many of the blind rituals of Hinduism such as idol
worship and caste system. According to Dr. Cynthia Mahmood:

Not only did Guru Nanak reject what he saw as the empty ritualism of the Hindu tradition, but he also
famously renounced its most characteristic social organization, the caste system. (Fighting for Faith
and Nation, P. 27)

Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s true message was an awakening to the people who had been physically and
mentally enslaved by Brahmins and the teachings of Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas and Smritis. Although
Mughals were the rulers of India but Hindu Brahmins were the real thugs who in the name of religion
and God looted the public. Guru Sahib’s message to people started a wave of freedom from mental
slavery of the Brahmins and physical slavery of the Mughals. This, of course, was intolerable to the
Brahmins as well as the Mughal rulers which resulted in the arrest of Guru Sahib. Brahmins were
determined to uproot the new freedom movement started by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. They went as far as
to kill Guru Sahib on His wedding day by demolishing a wall onto him.

The message of Guru Nanak Dev Ji was further preached by His successors. Guru Angad Dev Ji opened
a wrestling school to make people physically stronger and Guru Amardas Ji strongly mandated Sikhs
to sit together and eat in the community kitchen before joining the congregation. This was a direct
attack on the foundations of Brahminical principles that held the fort of the caste system. Seeing that
the Sikhs were not only becoming physically stronger but renouncing every principle and belief system
of the Hindu religion, the Brahmins chose the way of lying to the government officials and convincing
them to attack the Sikhs and crush the freedom movement before it could become any stronger.
Brahmins went to Emperor Akbar in Lahore and complained that Guru Sahib was turning the public
against the Mughal government and preaching hatred about Islam. Akbar quickly requested Guru
Sahib to come to Lahore and clarify everything. Guru Sahib sent Bhai Jetha Ji who explained the Sikhi
principles in a manner that Akbar was not only impressed but wished to meet Guru Sahib. Akbar was
so much impressed by Guru Sahib’s teachings that he humbly sat down in the community kitchen with
others to eat. Even after so many failed attempts to harm Sikhi, Brahmins failed to realize that there
was nothing they could do to stop the freedom movement from flourishing.

When the fifth Guru, Guru Arjan Dev Ji, became the successor of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s mission, Hindus
not only instigated Prithi Chand against Guru Sahib but also convinced Sulhi Khan and Sulbhi Khan to
attack the Sikhs. Hindus like Bhagwan Das and Chandu, whose daughter’s hand was refused by Guru
Sahib for His son, accused Guru Sahib of preaching against Hinduism and Islam and turned Emperor
Jahangir against Guru Sahib. Guru Arjan Dev Ji was arrested and handed to Chandu for punishment.
He poured hot sand over Guru Ji’s head, boiled Him alive and used various tortures for five days after
which Guru Ji departed from this world and became the first Shaheed (martyr) of the Sikh nation.
Hindus tried to suppress Guru Hargobind Ji but they could not withstand the fierce power of His sword
and always lost in the battlefield. Hindus kept on filing complaints against the Sikhs regularly until their
religion (Hinduism) was about to be eradicated by the Muslims during the reign of Aurangzeb.

The emperor Aurangzeb ordered all of his chiefs to bring all Hindus in the fold of Islam. Thousands of
Hindus were being given the choice of either death or Islam. Majority of the Hindus chose the latter.
The remaining had no choice but to come to Sikhs for help. The ninth Guru, Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji
spoke against this oppression and advocated free choice to practice any religion. Aurangzeb failed to
force Guru Ji to adopt Islam which led to martyrdom of Guru Ji along with other three Sikhs who were
boiled, burnt and sawn alive. This was the sacrifice of the ninth Guru, Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji. Guru Ji
helped them by sacrificing his life for the sake of freedom and the right to worship. Guru Ji gave his
life to and saved the Hindu religion but Hindus today completely oppose this by saying that Guru Ji
was martyred because of His personal problems with the government. Sikhs saved their religion from
extinction but Hindus are paying their dues back by twisting our history.

The tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji established Khalsa Panth and gave the title name of ‘Singh’ to
every male and ‘Kaur’ to every female. Furthermore, all Sikhs were given the same set of principles to
follow, same way of lifestyle to live and same attire to wear. Thus, the mission started by Guru Nanak
Dev Ji was completed. This was the final blow to the Hindu beliefs. Hindus had no choice but to attack
Anandpur Sahib. The same Hindu kings whose forefathers were freed by the sixth Guru Ji from the
prison of Emperor Jahangir, declared their war against Guru Sahib which is known as the battle of
Bhanghani. Even though Sikhs were greatly outnumbered they fought so fearlessly that the Hindu
armies retreated soon after the battle had begun. Afterwards Guru Ji fought numerous battles (in
defense) with Hindu kings and Mughals who had been misled by the Hindus into thinking that Guru
Sahib was preaching anti-Islamic message.

In the last battle, the Hindu and Mughal armies surrounded the fort of Anandpur Sahib. They swore
on Quran and in the name of a cow (Hindu’s holy animal) that if Sikhs were to leave the fort they will
not be attacked by the army. Guru Sahib refused to believe them but when Sikhs requested Guru Ji to
leave the fort, Guru Ji agreed. As soon as the Sikh army that had been starving for more than nine
months came out, they were attacked by the Hindu and Mughal armies. Hundreds of Sikhs became
martyr and Guru Ji’s entire family was separated. During this fierce battle, a Hindu named Gangu, who
had been a servant at the house of Guru Ji for over 20 years, found Mata Gujjar Kaur Ji, mother of
Guru Sahib, along with two youngest sons of Guru Ji and requested to take them to his house nearby.
Upon reaching the house he stole their money and had them arrested. After the arrest the young
children, age of seven and nine years, were called in the court. The governor asked his ministers about
what the fate of the two young children should be. A Muslim priest reminded the minister that Islam
prohibits execution of innocent children but it was a Hindu, Sucha Nand, who openly requested the
governor to kill them. The two young sons were bricked alive. A Hindu was responsible for their arrest
and a Hindu was responsible for their death.

After a while, Guru Gobind Singh Ji baptized a recluse in the south, named him Banda Singh and sent
him to Punjab to punish the criminals and fight injustice. Baba Banda Singh Ji quickly took command
of the Sikh army and established Sikh rule in Punjab. He started a separate Sikh calendar and minted
coins in the names of Guru Sahib. Hindu Brahmins soon realized that with the end of the Mughal
Empire their belief system would be doomed as well. They sent a Hindu, nephew of Sucha Nand, to
Baba Banda Singh who requested to be enlisted in the Sikh army. Baba Banda Singh enlisted him but
did not trust him at all. He appointed Bhai Baaj Singh to keep an eye on him. When the battle of
Sarhind began, the same Hindu showed his true face and attacked the Sikhs. Bhai Baaj Singh quickly
retaliated and killed him before he could do any damage. After numerous battles, Baba Banda Singh
was arrested from Gurdas Nangal and sent to jail with his family where he was tortured every day. A
Hindu counselor Ratan Chand would visit Baba Banda Singh and his family on daily basis and try to
convince them to adopt Islam or face death. It was not ironic that where Sikhs were being killed in
large numbers every day for keeping their faith, Hindus were being awarded and given high ranking
jobs in the government.

Then the time came when Sikhs were being hunted down from house to house and prices were put
on their heads. Anyone who told the whereabouts of any Sikh was awarded. Most of the spies were
Hindus who served as informants to the government and collect the award. Just a mere thought of
helping a Sikh was considered a punishment. Hindus had Sikh women and children arrested who were
later killed by the Muslims and cut into pieces limb by limb. Lakhpat Rai, a Hindu, took thousands of
Muslim troops under his command and attacked Sikhs unexpectedly which is remembered as the First
Sikh Holocaust. More than 10,000 Sikhs became martyr in this holocaust. Another holocaust
remembered as the Great Holocaust occurred when Ahmad Shah Abdali attacked Sikhs unexpectedly
in which Hindu kings once again helped the Afghans. About fifty thousand (number varies) Sikhs in this
holocaust were killed and most of them were women and children. This holocaust resulted in
elimination of more than half of the Sikh population. This was the betrayal of Hindus who had our
women and children killed at the hands of foreign rulers. Their opposition and betrayal clearly proved
that they were no brothers to the Sikhs during Mughal Empire.

Opposition during British Empire

After decades of struggle, Sikhs established their rule in Punjab under the leadership of Maharaja
Ranjit Singh. Hindus adopted the Sikh faith just for a show and to gain higher positions in the Sikh
army. Some unforgettable names are Pandit Dina Naath, Dheyan Chand (Sinh), Ghulab Rai (Sinh),
Heera Chand (Sinh), Laal Chand (Sinh) and Tej Mall (Teja Sinh). Sardar Hari Singh Nalua, the most
feared Sikh by Afghans, was shot dead by Hindu Dogras. After the death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh for
which Hindu Dogras were responsible all the royal family members one by one were murdered. Hindu
Dogras sided with the British and helped annex Punjab. They cut off the food and weapon supplies
during the wars of Mudki and Firozshah and turned the British defeat into victory. Dogras again
betrayed in the last battle of Sabhravan which lead to the death of a great warrior Sardar Sham Singh
Attariwala. The British took over Punjab, turning the Kings of Punjab, Sikhs, into slaves and all the
credits go to Hindus. For being loyal to the British they were awarded Kashmir.

After annexation of the Sikh kingdom, Sikh religion was being attacked from all four sides. On one side
Arya Samaj of Hindus was attacking Sikh religion claiming it to be a sect of Hinduism and on the other
side Hindu Brahmins were given the control over Darbar Sahib and other Gurdwaras who placed
statues of Hindu gods inside the complex. According to A.R. Darshi:

When the British conquered and annexed Punjab in 1849 they were aware of the power and glory of
the Sikhs. They also knew that Sikh power emerges from the Gurdwaras. Therefore, they conceived a
sinister plan to scuttle Sikhism by taking control of these institutions of religious power through their
agents. In pursuit of their aim they installed Hindu Mahants as managers of important Gurdwaras. For
instance, Mahant Narain Das and Mahant Sadhu Ram both anti-Sikh elements, were respectively
made in charge of Gurdwara Nankana Sahib and Harimandir Sahib. The fanatic and corrupt Hindu
Mahants installed idols in the Gurdwaras and introduced Hindu rites and rituals which were
denounced and renounced by the Sikh Gurus. In this way the Mahants brought Sikh religion under the
evil influence of Hinduism and muddled it greatly. (Gallant Defender, Page 25)

Sikh Gurdwaras were turned into Hindu temples and some Hindus carried out lecherous activities.
When Sikhs heard of such immoral activities being carried out in their holy places, they brought up
this matter in the British Parliament and demanded the Gurdwaras to be handed over to the Sikhs but
Hindus like Narayan Datt opposed it with everything they had. Seeing that they had no choice, they
started a peaceful movement to gain the control over Gurdwaras and to restore the principles of Sikhi,
in which Hindus took no part. Such was their brotherly love.

Sikhs started the first war of independence during British Empire. Bhai Maharaj Singh Ji, and Baba
Raam Singh Ji were some of many Sikhs who started the freedom movement to drive the British out
of India. Babbar Akalis, Gadar movement and even Indian Liberation Army were movements started
by the Sikhs. It is unfortunate that none of the Sikhs were ever honored by the Indian government
after independence. True fighters like Bhai Randhir Singh Ji spent almost 16 years in jails and survived
only by eating fruits for months but name of this hero is not even mentioned in the history books let
alone honoring him with the title of “True Patriot”. Three government officials who tortured Bhai
Sahib the most were also Hindus. Udham Singh avenged the Jalianwala Bagh massacre in 1919 by
killing General Michael Francis O'Dwyer in London. A ruthless murderer had been brought to justice
but shockingly Gandhi opposed it and called Udham Singh “insane”. Sikhs fought the British so bravely
that many of the leaders could not resist praising Sikhs of their bravery.

Sikh quam has come into existence to fight for freedom. I say it with confidence that because of them
India will become a free country soon. (Dada Bhai Narojee, President of Congress)

A country which has martial race like Sikhs cannot be ruled by foreign powers for long. (Bhai Seeta

I have found the way to independence. Gurdwaras are free at last. India will become free because of
your struggle. (M. K. Gandhi)

I salute to Sikhs who are fighting for independence and are sacrificing for freedom. (Moti Laal Nehru)
Movement of freedom has risen from Guru Ka Bagh which will play a major role to free the country.
(Madan Mohan Malveya)

Freedom is everyone’s right. Sikhs are true sons of the country who are fighting for it. (Lala Laajpat

Sikhs are the toughest of all communities. I believe that the British are devils and God resides in Sikhs.
(Dr. Khan Chand Dev)

Sikhs have shown us the way to freedom. Now no one can keep us as slaves for long. We shall be free
soon. (Dr. Saifudeen Kichloo)

Hindu leaders made promises to Sikhs according to which they would be entitled to a separate Sikh
state where they could rule freely and enjoy the freedom.

“…in future, the Congress shall accept no constitution which does not meet with the satisfaction of
the Sikhs” (The Lahore session of the Congress Party. December 31, 1929)

“…the brave Sikhs of Punjab are entitled to special considerations. I see nothing wrong in an area set
up in the North of India wherein, the Sikhs can also experience the glow of freedom.” (Jawahar Lal
Nehru, Lahore Bulletin, January 9, 1930)

“I ask you to accept my word and the Resolution of the Congress that it will not betray a single
individual much less a community. Let God be the witness of the bond that binds me and the Congress
with you (the Sikhs). When pressed further Gandhi said that Sikhs would be justified in drawing their
swords out of the scabbards as Guru Gobind Singh had asked them to, if Congress would renege on
its commitment.” (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Young India, March 19, 1931)

Behind these promises the Hindu leaders had only one aim which was to win the trust of the Sikh
nation which would grant them control over more land. Unfortunately, Sikhs failed to recognize the
true faces of the Hindu leaders and refused to create their own separate State. This caused the Sikhs
to face another era of opposition and fight a war with the cruelest government of all times.

Opposition in Hindu India

After the independence, all promises were thrown out of the window. Nehru ignored his promises by
saying “time has changed”.

The Hindu leaders promised the Sikh leaders that after attaining freedom the Sikhs would be assigned
a specific area in the North West India where they could feel a glow of freedom and advocate their
religion and culture. When the deceptive Hindus got freedom in 1947 and consolidated their power
they conveniently forgot the promises made to the Sikhs. (The Gallant Defender, Page 22)

Gandhi, Nehru, Patel and Seeta Raam started to speak ill of Guru Sahib and Sikh principles. Gandhi’s
speeches against Sikhs were not anything new since he used to make similar speeches before the
independence. In one of his speeches he called Guru Gobind Singh Ji “a misguided patriot” (Sachi
Sakhi, Sardar Kapoor Singh, 74-76). According to him, Guru Ji’s teaching of fighting oppression with
sword was wrong yet he favored Krishna’s acts of leading the Pandavs into the battle field against their
own brothers. Does this leave any doubt that his thinking was totally foolish and biased? He had
forgotten that it was Sikhs who raised their swords against the British which resulted in the
independence of the entire subcontinent. Hindu leaders started to convince the Sikh community to
abandon their religious practices and join the fold of Hinduism. Gandhi appealed to Sikhs to “give up
Gurmukhi and adopt Devnagri” (Sikhs in History, Sangat Singh, Pg. 196) and asked them to leave Sikhi
by saying “Cut your hair, give up an obsolete weapon (Kirpan) and merge yourself in the Hindu
religion”. (Ibid, 250)

It was not ironic that the Hindus chose the same person to be the “father of nation”. The hatred of
Hindus towards the Sikhs started to show its true face.

“I hate the very physique of a Sikh because of the turban and beard.” (Vallabh Bhai Patel, late Indian
top politician)

It is better for Sikhs to forget about their distinctiveness and merge themselves into Hindu laws.
(Kaatjoo, Greh Mantree)

The only way for minorities to survive is to be faithful to majority (Hindus) and they should always be
at their best to win the majority trust. (A Hindu leader)

We do not believe in kicking the minority groups out of the country. Instead, our desire is to change
their religion and convert them all to Hinduism. (Mahaveer Tyagi cited in Sikhs in History, Sangat Singh,
Pg. 249)

I do not like the word “minority” (Aeengar)

When Pakistan was created at the time of partition it became crystal clear that there remained only
one community (Hindus) in India. (Vallabh Bhai Patel)

Furthermore, the Hindu government passed strict laws against the Sikhs, which prevented them from
getting higher positions in the government. Under Article 25 of the constitution (unapproved by the
Sikh nation), Sikhs were considered part of Hindus. Sikhs were called “lawless people” and “menace
to the society”. The first person to give Sikhs such title was Chandi Laal Tarwedi who was also a Hindu.
The army enlistment was decreased from 40% to 1.2%.

“The Sikhs are a lawless people and a menace to the law- abiding Hindus ... The [Government] should
take strict measures against them." (Pandit Nehru, Indian Prime Minister)

Is this the way brothers love each other? Are these honorable titles? If not, then why shout the
nonsensical slogans of Hindu Sikh brotherhood? The above quotes also make it crystal clear that it has
always been the Hindus who spewed hatred against the Sikhs not the other way around.

After independence, Seeta Raam, Patel and Nehru passed a resolution that Punjab will not become a
state with its own language, which is exactly what happened. Punjabi Hindus who had been living in
Punjab and had been speaking Punjabi for centuries chose Hindi as their mother tongue instead of
Punjabi. Such was their love for their language. When Sikhs started a peaceful protest to create a
Punjabi State they were opposed by the majority of the Hindus. To control the situation, Indian army
attacked Darbar Sahib in 1955, arrested many Sikh leaders and killed many Sikhs. Prime Minister
Jawahar Laal Nehru threatened the safety of Sikhs living outside of Punjab. His statement showed its
effect when a 10 years old Sikh boy, Inderjit Singh, was beaten and thrown in the well by the police in
Karnaal. It took thousands of arrests and a war with Pakistan in 1965 to convince the Hindu
government that Sikhs were loyal to the country and they deserved the State of Punjab. But when that
time came the most important parts including the capital were taken away. The water and electricity
were given to other states for free.
The Indian government had seen the bravery of the Sikhs in 1965 and 1971 wars. The government also
knew that as long as Sikhs were united, they posed a grave threat to the Hindu Empire. To weaken the
Sikh community by creating divisions, the government started supporting anti-Sikhi groups such as
Naamdharis and Narakdharis. Anti-Sikhi procession was held by Narakdharis in Sikh holy city of
Amritsar and on Sikh holy day of Vaisakhi. Thirteen innocent Sikhs were fired upon and killed. All
criminals were safely escorted to Delhi in the government vehicles and later acquitted of all the
charges. Fake encounters of Sikhs under National Security Act started taking place and hundreds of
Sikhs were killed. Harbans Laal Khana (leader of Shiv Sena), Bhajan Laal (Chief Minister of Haryana)
and Lala Jagat Narayan (Editor of Hind Samachaar) started attacking Sikhs and started insulting the
Sikh Gurus. Sikhs, who passed through Haryana by trains and roads, were humiliated, killed and
women were dishonored. In 1983, everyone with name of “Singh” was stopped from going to the
Asian Games in the Indian capital of Delhi. In the early 80s, Sikhs demanded Amritsar to be given the
same status of Holy City that had been given to Hindu cities such as Banaras and Hardwar. Hindus not
only opposed it but caused a huge uproar in the government. Hindus demonstrated their hatred by
raising anti-Sikhi and pro-smoking slogans in the streets of Amritsar. How was the demand of the Sikhs
unconstitutional or anti-Hindu? Making Amritsar a holy city would not have harmed the Hindus or the
country in any way but the messages was clear that regardless of the state of affairs, Hindu community
had nothing but opposition for Sikhs in India.

The major attack on the Sikhs happened in 1984 when the Indian army attacked Darbar Sahib under
the name of Operation Blue Star. Electricity and telephone lines were cut off and all the reporters
were forced to leave. More than 50 Gurdwaras were attacked. Thousands of Indian troops attacked
Darbar Sahib just to flush out some 250 Sikhs or so called “terrorists”. In the operation the army used
heavy weaponry such as tanks that are only used against another country in time of war. Thousands
of Sikhs were killed. The Akal Takhat Sahib was destroyed and all of the property and priceless
scriptures were burnt by the army. Saroops of Guru Granth Sahib Ji were burnt. The army walked in
the Gurdwara with their shoes on and smoked inside. They were there to destroy the Sikh religion.
According to Pettigrew ''The army went into Darbar Sahib not to eliminate a political figure or a
political movement but to suppress the culture of a people, to attack their heart, to strike a blow at
their spirit and self-confidence." (Joyce Pettigrew: The Sikhs of the Punjab: Unheard Voices of State
and Guerrilla Violence, Zed Books Ltd., London, U.K. 1995, page 35)

Hindu leaders openly supported the attack.

"I don't give a damn if the Golden Temple and whole of Amritsar are destroyed, I want Bhindranwale
dead." (Indira Gandhi, Indian Prime Minister, communicating with Gen. Vaidya during "Operation Blue

"We have broken the back of the Sikhs and we will get them elsewhere." (M. M. K. Wali, Indian Foreign
Secretary, June 7, 1984, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Radio 740, As It Happens)

Hindu civilians distributed sweets to the army men and danced around in the streets celebrating their
victory over the “enemy”. After all this has happened how can we look upon Hindus as our brothers?
Has any Sikh ever attacked a Hindu temple, raped a Hindu woman or burnt Hindu holy books in the
name of religion or national unity?

The oppression and hostility did not stop here. The army started Operation Woodrose under which all
Amritdharis were considered terrorists and were to be killed.
Some of our innocent countrymen were administered oath in the name of religion to support
extremists and actively participate in the act of terrorism. These people wear a miniature kirpan round
their neck and are called Amritdhari …. Any knowledge of the 'Amritdharis', who are dangerous people
and pledged to commit murders, arson and acts of terrorism, should immediately be brought to the
notice of the authorities. These people may appear harmless from outside but they are basically
committed to terrorism. In the interest of all of us their identity and whereabouts must always be
disclosed" (Baat Cheet, A publication of the Department of Defense, Government of India, Serial
Number 153, July 1984; reproduced in Surya Monthly, October 1984, page 6).

Women were dishonored and young children were killed. Sikhs in the Indian military were arrested,
thousands of which still remain in Indian jails without any charge or trial. For these misdeeds two Sikhs
assassinated the Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The two Sikhs were her bodyguards and were
enraged at her evil actions on the holiest of Sikh shrines. Hindus looked at this as a very inhuman act.
Rajiv Gandhi, son of Indira and new Prime Minister of India ordered Hindus to kill Sikhs in large

"Let us teach these bastards (the Sikhs) a lesson." (Rajiv Gandhi, October 31, 1984)

Hindu leaders organized the mobs and their goons for another Sikh massacre. Hindus were paid in
money and liquor to kill Sikhs. Lists of properties owned by the Sikhs were distributed to the mobs.
The mobs burnt all the property owned by the Sikhs. Sikhs were burnt alive and women were
dishonored including girls as young as 12. Sikhs were killed in a similar way in other states of India.
More than 5000 Sikhs were killed in 3 days in Delhi alone and more than 20,000 Sikhs became

The government passed “The Terrorist Affected Areas Act” in 1985 under which the army and the
police could arrest any Sikh without any reason and keep him in jail for as long as they could. Freedom
of speech, religion, press and all other rights were thrown out the window under this act. The
government could take any action including killing of children and raping women to fight terrorism.
The government put prices on capturing or killing freedom fighters. The greedy police started killing
every young Sikh and started collecting the money. Sikhs were killed in fake encounters; thousands
were picked up, killed and then thrown in the rivers. In last twenty years anywhere from 1 million to
1.2 million Sikhs have been killed. All the awards and money paid to the police is considered debt on
Punjab by the Hindu government.

...the Indian Government has been the major cause of bloodshed in the state (Punjab)..." (New York
Times, Sept.16, 1985)

"Indian Government is accused of inhuman barbarities against the people of Punjab." (Justice V.M.
Tarkunde, Bombay High Court)

A member of the Indian government's "Red Brigade" confessed to State-sponsored terrorism against
the Sikhs. (The Ottawa Citizen, Feb. 12, 1989)

The current situation of Punjab is getting worse and worse everyday. Currently, Hindu organizations
like RSS, Shiv Sena and Bajrang Dal are attacking Sikhi and distributing false literature on Sikhi. They
are distorting the Sikh history. Sikhi is being mixed with Hinduism and shown as a sect of Hinduism.
Many of the Sikh martyrs are being classified as Hindu warriors. Guru Gobind Singh Ji is being equated
with worthless Hindu kings who oppressed their own people. All of this has been incorporated in the
books that have become part of the education system. This is a direct attack on the future generation
of the Sikhs.

Punjab is being flooded with liquor and bars have been opened on every corner of the streets. Many
young Sikhs including girls are into drugs. 23% of Punjab’s revenue comes from selling liquors and
drugs. AIDS and abortion are out of control in Punjab. Sikh youth is being diverted away from Sikhi.
Sikhs are being mocked in Indian movies. Sikhs are being called “terrorists” and being misrepresented
by the Indian government. One example is worth mentioning here: When a Christian missionary with
his two sons came to India to preach, he was burnt alive by the Hindus. The criminal who was arrested
was a hindu but his name was changed to Dara Singh and his file was given to the Australian
government to show that this was done by a Sikh. Thus giving a bad name to the Sikhs.


Hindu are willing to do anything to destroy Sikhi and Punjabi. This has become their mission. They
want Hindu, Hindi and Hindustan. There is no place for Sikhs in India. Many Hindus do not have an iota
of love for Sikhs. The above examples clearly prove that Hindus have always been hostile to Sikhi. They
have forgotten the times when Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji saved their religion from going extinct, and their
women were saved from the Mughals and Pathans by Baba Ajit Singh Ji, Bhai Jassa Singh Ji, and Bhai
Hari Singh Ji Nalua. Sikhs freed them from the Mughals, British and many foreign invaders like Ahmad
Shah and Nadir Shah. In return they have given us nothing but their opposition, hostility and betrayal.
Their opposition in Mughal Empire resulted in the Sikh massacres and first holocaust. Their opposition
during the Sikh kingdom resulted in annexation of Punjab by the British. Their opposition during the
British Empire resulted in disrespect to many of our Gurdwaras including Darbar Sahib. Their current
opposition is apparent from their constitution, attacks on our Gurdwaras and Sikh genocide in the last
25 years. By betraying the Sikh community that has always been at forefront in fighting foreign
invaders and rulers, the Hindus have become the real traitors of India. They sided with the foreign
rulers and helped them fight the only nation that was fighting for freedom.

Hindus have opposed us in the last 500 years and helped the foreign rulers take over our land. They
are attacking our religion, culture, history, language, Gurdwaras, women, future generations, pride,
dignity and our conscious. Their mission is to eradicate Sikhi, to assimilate our religion, and to keep us
as slaves in India. It is time the Sikhs wake up and realize their responsibility. Our future depends on
us. This is no time for us to sleep carelessly. Without our own country the chances of survival of Sikhi
are getting less and less.

We all should consider the history of how other communities became separated and developed. No
quam (community) without achieving independent existence can progress. As long as a quam remains
a branch or sect of another, it remains in a state of slavery and suffers. As long as the Christians did
not separate from Jews they were not in a very good situation. In fact, Christianity was once reduced
to almost nothing. After great reflection the Christians separated themselves from the Jews so much
so they changed their sacred day from Saturday to Sunday. The premier counsel of the Guru to us is
about unity and mutual love and respect; we can never forget that. We love all our neighbours, any
harm to them, we consider that as our own harm but we cannot be one with Hindus on account of
religion and social principles. We have learned from experience that the Sikhs have suffered a lot on
account of their mixing with the Hindu quam and that is still happening. We are a separate nation. We
deserve our own country where we can live as Sikhs with dignity and pride and where our future
generations can flourish and learn the values of Sikh principles.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


1) Singh, Ajmer. Sikh Politics in 20th Century. Amritsar: Singh Brothers, 2003.

2) Singh, Sangat. The History of Sikhs.

3) Udhokay, Sukhpreet Singh. Tabay Roas Jageyo.

4) Mahmood, Cynthia. Fighting for Faith and Nation.

5) Narang, Saroop Singh. How the Brave Sikhs Became Slaves.

6) Darshi, A.R. The Gallant Defender.

7) Nabha, Kahan Singh. Hum Hindu Nahin.

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