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2000 words only

A small business

Research question to be in a question form

Should be an existing organisation not a superficial one

Recent issues not older than 3 years

Research question should be future oriented


Title page


Contents page

Executive summary (abstract)


Research question

Procedure or method

Main results and findings

Analysis and discussions (quantitative and qualitative)





“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

• The HL students of BM need to choose an organisation with a areal business

decision or issue.

• Recommendations must be made to the organisation to help address the title

question being investigated this should be done through research and application
of BM tools, theories and concepts.

• Before formulating a title question students should contact the organisation to see
if it can help to provide necessary support and information.

• Example- interviews, staff surveys or access to financial documentation. It is

internally marked by the teacher but externally moderated by the examiner. IB
recommends 30 hours for internal assessments and the weightage is 25%.


• Ensure the title question is forward looking and addressed a real business problem
or issue.

• Keep the title question simple and specific.

• The best internal assessment title tends to have the word ‘should’.

• Before starting the internal assessment ensure that the information that you need is
available to you.

• The research proposal (RP) and action plan (AP) should be 500 words.

• The successful internal assessment requires careful planning.

• Outline why you are interested in researching the chosen organisation.

• Focus on the collection and application of primary research and data.

• Secondary research can be used only if it supports the investigation.

• State the sample size. And sampling method to be used with the brief outline of the

• Identify the appropriate theory to be used to investigate the decision.

• Consider antiquated difficulties in conducting the research and possible solutions.

Should the Antiquariat decrease its prices of products for local customers to maintain
profits during off season.

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