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Apprentice Logbook

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Apprentice Logbook

Apprentice Name: abdul Kadir Wahid

Group No: 18 – I1
Instructor Name: Irwan

Module Name: Instrument Installation and Design

Task Title: Cable tray – 100 mm light duty reducer

Apprentice Signature: Date:

Instructor Signature: Date:

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Table of Contents
Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................... 2
Task Report................................................................................................................................... 3
Work Plan...................................................................................................................................... 7
Risk Assessment.......................................................................................................................... 9
Supporting Documentation............................................................................................................ 10

Task Report
Task/Job No.: Task 01

Task/Job Title: Identify the pipeline

Write a report on the task stating how you did the task, identifying any problems encountered and how
you overcame them.
The report should be a full description about how you carried out the task including the drawings,
sketches, photographs taken during the exercise.

1. In doing the task, before we start to do the job we have to make TRA and Toolbox Talk. The Risk
Assessment has prepared before so, we just discussed about Toolbox Talk and make sure all personnel
understand with the hazards, their roles and responsibilities.

2. The instructor explains how to do the job correctly. After the instructor explained about that, then we
continued to carry out the task.

3.In carrying out the task, we should prepare the tools, materials and equipment that we need to do the
practical.the tools are :
 Hacksaw

 Files

 Scriber

 Engineer try-square

 Measuring tape

 Combination set

 Flat screwdriver

And the materials that we need are :

 200 mm cable tray

 Bolts and nuts.

And the equipment that we use :

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Task Report
Task/Job No.: Task 01

Task/Job Title: Identify the pipeline

Write a report on the task stating how you did the task, identifying any problems encountered and how
you overcame them.
The report should be a full description about how you carried out the task including the drawings,
sketches, photographs taken during the exercise.

4.Perform housekeeping before we leave the E/I worksite.

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Task Report
Task/Job No.: Task 01

Task/Job Title: Identify the pipeline

Write a report on the task stating how you did the task, identifying any problems encountered and how
you overcame them.
The report should be a full description about how you carried out the task including the drawings,
sketches, photographs taken during the exercise.

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Use this page to paste any photographic evidence to support your report

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Work Plan
Task/Job Title: Task/ Job Title Identify the pipeline

Task/Job No: Task 01

Module Name: Working at height

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Risk Assessment
Task/Job Title: Identify the pipeline

Task/Job No: Task 01

Insert copies of risk assessment in this section and add any additional information to support your risk
assessment below including for example more details on hazards identified.

Supporting Documentation
(For example toolbox talk, hazard report form, manufacturer data sheets, etc.)

No. Description

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Supporting Documentation
(For example toolbox talk, hazard report form, manufacturer data sheets, etc.)

1. Task Risk Assessment

2. Toolbox Talk

3. Job Card 01

4. Pictures for documentation







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