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My Reflection

During our experiments in and out of the classroom, we learned a lot of things regarding
the subject itself and some values, which we can carry throughout our lives. In the first experiment,
my groupmates and I were tasked to record the time our groupmates spent in walking backwards
and forwards. In the second one,
Certain objects are used inside the laboratory for conducting different experiments. These
apparatuses have long been used by scientists in doing various trials just to prove if their
hypotheses are right or not.
Experiments won’t be possible without these apparatuses to measure the exact temperature,
volume, height, weight and even density of the objects used in the experiment, to hold certain
things, to support other equipment and to heat specific items in the experiment. The incorrect use
of these equipment will not yield exact results thereby, making experiments a total failure.
Sometimes, these improper use of apparatus may even cause danger to the welfare of the scientist
or person conducting the experiment.

This manual aims to inform other people about the different lab apparatuses, their functions, how
to safely manipulate them and the different safety rules inside the laboratory.

Safety rules:
In places like the laboratory, there are rules that are implemented in order to avoid accidents
from happening and to ensure the well-being of the people working inside it. Here are the different
safety rules that everyone must follow in order to work safely in the laboratory.

Firstly; when going into the lab make sure to walk. Running in the laboratory is prohibited
as materials and equipment that are brought out can break if you accidentally knock into them.
Secondly; you must wear the proper attire: closed toed shoes, safety goggles, lab coats and if you
have long hair, tie it back so that it won’t catch fire and chemicals. Thirdly; you must handle
chemicals carefully. Wear gloves whenever pouring chemicals or handling them. If there is a spill
be sure to let the teacher know. If you have to dispose of chemicals, always use the waste
containers provided on your lab tables. Never pour the chemicals back into the container you got
it from. If you do, whatever was in your container could cause a chemical reaction with the
chemical in the original container. Never smell a chemical directly. You can waft or fan the fumes
toward yourself. You can do this by waving your hand over the flask or beaker. Fourthly; handle
lab equipment with care. Certain lab equipment like microscopes should be held with both hands,
one underneath and one on the arm. When handling glassware be sure to hold it with both hands
when can. If something is hot, then make sure to use tongs. Never use your hands. Fifthly; If you
break a piece of glassware do not touch it. Tell the teacher or someone in charge immediately when
it breaks. They will then come over and properly dispose of it. Next; when chemicals or particles
get in your eyes, walk to the eye station and rinse out your eyes for 15 minutes. Make sure to keep
your eyes open when you do this. When chemicals get onto your skin, go into the shower station
and pull on the red handle. Stay under the shower and rinse for 15 minutes. Incidents like this
should always be reported to the one in charge. Then; when a fire happens in the laboratory,
immediately tell the one in charge like your teacher. Walk over to the fire extinguisher and put out
the fire with it. Eighthly, drinking and eating in the laboratory is not allowed as chemicals might
contaminate your food or your drink which can either kill you or make you sick. Ninthly, after
every experiment, you must clean your area because there might be some materials that can harm
you. Lastly, before leaving the lab, you must always wash your hands because some of the
materials that you might have used are harmful.

These are the rules that everybody must follow in order to be safe in the laboratory so that
lab time will turn into a fun activity instead of a catastrophe.
(The Parable of the Rainbow Colors)
Dramatis Personae:
Red- Angelina Ruiz Green- RD Zinampan Purple- Misxielle Galvelo
Orange- Roan Belen Blue- Renz Malana Rain- Tyrone Pangilinan
Yellow- Nicole Baldoviso Indigo- Elijah Obcena Narrator- Shildez Tabbu

Narrator: It all started as innocent statements by each of the colors. No attempt was made by
anyone to denigrate the others. But as time went by, the colors’ declarations became stronger and
haughty with an overtone which tended to put down the other colors. Their claim became very
explicit as to who was the best color. It reached to the point when the colors were actually

Red: I am the brightest, for Red is the most striking. Why, life-sustaining blood is colored red. I
represent courage and bravery. Even love symbols like the heart and the roses presented are red
in color.

Yellow: You must be forgetting that red also represents danger, anger war and bloodshed,
making the color a very undesirable choice for making ceasefires in the battlefield.

Red: How about yours then? Tell me what’s so special about you and then we’ll see who’s the
better one.

Yellow: Well for starters, my color is exemplified by the sun which provides heat and light. I am
the color of gaiety and warmth. Without me, only the eye-glaring ones remain.

Orange: What outlandish claims! Have you forgotten that Yellow also symbolizes deceit and
cowardice? Besides sunrise is orange, not yellow. I am more important because I signify health
and strength. Look at the ripened fruits and vegetables, they’re predominantly orange.

Green: Well if you’re talking about vegetables and leaves, then you must be referring to me. I am
the symbol of life. All that thrives in the fields and the forests is the greenery I provide. I am the
most important color.
Blue: And quite possibly the most arrogant of all colors. Not only that but you seem to neglect a
few details about you like how green signifies greed and jealousy.

Green: Watch what you say, Blue. I am fully aware of all the things I symbolize, good or bad.
What about you who is obviously not aware of all the things he represents. What do you have
that makes you the best color out of all of us?

Blue: The farthest skies and the deepest seas are blue. They are more expansive than your green
forests. I represent patriotism. I stand for the depth of feelings and extensive spaces.

Indigo: You talk about wide areas. I hope you realize that the largest area in the world is silence
and I represent that dimension with my color. It means thoughtfulness. It is prayer expressed in
the deepest of feelings.

Violet: Aha! Must you forget that the pomp of royalty and power is Violet? I am wisdom and
authority itself. What can be more overwhelming?

Narrator: Suddenly, the rain interrupted the contentious exchange of arguments.

Rain: You are probably all wrong and all right. Yes, you all have your unique features. But all of
you have a special role. And more importantly, you need each other to give the mix of colors for
beauty. Because of your endless quarreling, God has asked me to inform you of a decision. From
now on, you will not be seen separately. When it rains, a strip of colors will appear in the sky.
You will all appear together. You will be called a rainbow. You will then represent cooperation
and hope. The rainbow in the sky.

Narrator: With that, the rain disappeared.

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