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Section A (10 marks)

Multiple Choice Questions: Identify the choice that best completes the
statement or answers the question (use the multiple choice Answer
Sheet provided).

1. Organisational consumers include all except:

a. government agencies.
b. households.
c. non-profit businesses.
d. for-profit businesses.

2. _______ is developing a distinct image for the product in the mind of the consumer.
a. Targeting
b. Positioning
c. Placement
d. Promotion

3. Which of the following is a way in which marketers obtain information about the
sufficiency of people in their proposed market segments?
a. Secondary data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics website.
b. Undertake a probability survey from which the findings can be projected on to the
entire market.
c. Both answers (a) and (b) are true.
d. Only answer (a) is true.

4. An office worker is hungry and goes to his local café to buy a sandwich to eat. This
person’s action was driven by a(n):
a. product-specific need.
b. acquired need.
c. secondary need.
d. innate need.

5. Psychologists concerned with the construction of personality tests (or inventories) try
to pinpoint individual differences in terms of specific:
a. motives.
b. drives.
c. attitudes.
d. traits.

6. Which of the following statements about perception is false?

a. The study of perception is largely the study of what we add to, or subtract from, raw
sensory inputs to produce our own private picture of the world.
b. Perception can be described as ‘how we see the world around us’.
c. Every consumer will perceive stimulus similarly.
d. Perception is defined as the process by which an individual receives, selects and
interprets stimuli to form a meaningful and coherent picture of the world.

7. A reason that two people perceive an event or advertisement differently is due to

a. predispositions.
b. learning.
c. motives.
d. all of the above.

8. Stimulus-response theories are another word for ______ theories.

a. stimulus
b. behavioural learning
c. instrumental
d. observational

9. When a learning schedule is spread out over a period of time, a firm would be
a. classical learning.
b. massed learning.
c. distributed learning.
d. conditioned learning.

10. Benjamin strongly prefers German Cars over Japanese cars and it is thus expected that
when buying a car he will purchase a German car. However, due to financial constraints he is
not able to afford a German car and thus purchases a Japanese car despite his attitudes. This
is because:
a. the object plays a role in a consumer’s decision.
b. there is a change in learned predispositions.
c. there is a consistency in attitudes.
d. a situation affects a person’s attitude.

11. Which of the following is not a factor which may affect an advertisement’s
a. The spokesperson who appears in person or in a commercial or advertisement.
b. The reputation of a celebrity endorser.
c. The time at which a consumer sees the advertisement.
d. The synergy between the celebrity endorser and the product they are endorsing.

12. Which of the following is not a factor that affects reference group influence?
a. Consumer information and experience with the product.
b. Credibility, attractiveness and power of the reference group.
c. Conspicuousness of the product.
d. Quality of the product.

13. A consumer’s upbringing, experience and personal goals are examples of the family
function of:
a. economic well-being.
b. family lifestyles.
c. emotional support.
d. family-member socialisation.

14. The ability to move up in one’s social class standing from the class position held by
their parents is popularly termed:
a. upward mobility.
b. reward movement.
c. positive relocation.
d. incentive activity.

15. _____ is when adults and older siblings teach a young family member ‘how to
a. Formal learning
b. Technical learning
c. Peer learning
d. Informal learning

16. Which of the following is not a subcultural category?

a. First-language background.
b. Age.
c. Sexual Preference.
d. All of the above are subcultural categories.

17. Which of the following traits is not considered a feminine trait?

a. Tactfulness.
b. Neatness.
c. Talkativeness.
d. Competitiveness.

18. A global strategy with a uniform product and a uniform message would be made up of
which product and communications strategy?
a. Localised product with standardised communication strategy.
b. Standardised product with standardised communication strategy.
c. Localised communication strategy with localised product.
d. Localised communication strategy with standardised product.

19. Which of the four models is often rejected because it is too idealistic and simplistic?
a. The economic model of decision making.
b. The passive model of decision making.
c. The cognitive model of decision making.
d. The emotional model of decision making.

20. The degree to which a consumer feels a new product is consistent with their present
needs, values and practices, is a measure of its _____, which is a contributing factor in
accepting or rejecting it faster.
a. relative advantage
b. compatibility
c. observability
d. complexity

Section B (40 marks)

Short-Answer Questions: Answer any 4 out of the 5 questions (write your

answers in the Answer Booklet provided).

Question 1 (10 marks)

What is the difference between a one-sided message and a two-sided message? When are
they used? Give examples.

Question 2 (10 marks)

Why are children an important part of the household when it comes to family decision-
making? From your own experience, provide an example of where a child had a significant
bearing in the parents’ purchase decision.

Question 3 (10 marks)

What are the three forms of cultural learning? How can marketers employ these principles in
their work? Give examples.

Question 4 (10 marks)

What is cross-cultural consumer analysis? What are some of the main objectives of cross-
culture consumer analysis and why should marketers invest in it?

Question 5 (10 marks)

Which age cohort is characterised as ‘generation Y’ and what are their most prominent
characteristics and personality traits? Describe their consumer behaviour in terms of attitudes
toward brands and price-quality attitudes. Give examples.


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