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Lean Manufacturing

Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

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The Popular Definition of
Lean Manufacturing

• It is a comprehensive set of techniques that, when

combined and matured, will allow you to reduce and the
eliminate the seven wastes. This system not only will
make your company Leaner, but subsequently flexible
and more responsive by reducing waste.

• What Wikipedia says?

What is Lean?
• It is called Lean because, in the end, the process can run:

• Using less material

• Requiring less investment

• Using less inventory

• Consuming less space and

• Using less people

The TPS and Lean
Manufacturing Defined
• Ohno makes three key statements in the book “The Toyota
Production System, Beyond Large-Scale Production”, which
when taken together define his TPS:

• “The basis of the Toyota Production system is the

absolute elimination of waste” (p.4)

• “Cost reduction is the goal” (p.8)

• “After World War II, our main concern was how to produce
high-quality goods. After 1955, however, the question
became how to make the exact quantity needed” (p.33).
The TPS and Lean
Manufacturing Defined
• The TPS is a manufacturing system that:

• Has a focus on quantity control to reduce costo by eliminating


• Is built on a strong foundation of process and product quality.

• Is fully integrated.

• Is continually evolving

• Is perpetuated by a strong healthy culture that is managed

consciously, continuously and consistently.
The Two Pillas of the TPS

• Just In Time

• This technique of supplying exactly the right quantity,

at exactly the right time, and at exactly the correct
location. It is quantity control.
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The Two Pillas of the TPS

• Jidoka

• Series of cultural and technical issues regarding the

use of machines and manpower together, utilizing
people for the unique tasks they are able to perform
and allowing the machines to self-regulated the

• Video: Lean vs Kaizen (Sistema Productivo Total y Mejora

Salvation Quiz

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• Questions:

• 1) What is the purpose of Inventory? (0, 1, 2)

• 2) What is causing the need for Inventory? (3,4)

• 3) What creates the need for work in process (WIP)

Inventory? (5,6,7)

• 4) Which are the three types of inventory? (8, 9)

Classwork politics

• Citar y referencias con normas APA o IEEE.

• Mínimo 3 referencias.

• Solo se acepta cita parafraseo combinando las

afirmaciones de las tres referencias.

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