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Teacher workbook on Factors, Multiples, and Primes

This workbook is designed to help you understand how the topic “Factors, Multiples, and
Primes” is covered in the Cuemath curriculum.

Table of Contents

Serial Number Section Page Number

1 Introduction 2

3 Cuemath’s Learning System 3

4 The Concepts

- Visualising Factors and multiples (Grade 4) 4

- Visualising LCM & HCF (Grade 4) 8

- Understanding Primes & Composite Numbers (Grade 4) 12

- Understanding Prime Factorisation (Grade 5)

- Finding LCM & HCF using Prime Factorisation (Grade 5)

- Solving Word Problems (Grade 6)

5 Miscellaneous Exercise 25

6 Common Misconceptions related to Factors, Multiples & Primes 26


“Factors, Multiples, & Primes” is covered across grades 4, 5, & 6. Students encounter
certain concepts in each grade, that builds on their previous knowledge.
Aligned with these curriculum mandates, all these learning objectives have been
covered in this teacher module in the following order:

Visualising factors and multiples (4th Grade)

Visualising LCM and HCF (4th Grade)

Prime numbers and their properties (4th Grade)

Understanding prime factorization through various methods (5th Grade)

Finding HCF & LCM using prime factorisation (5th Grade)

Applying HCF & LCM to solve word problems (6th Grade)

Solving complex word problems (Grade 6)

Cuemath Learning System

The ‘Cuemath Learning System’ is based on the active learning philosophy, which ensures that
students learn math by actively engaging with the learning resources. They build their own
understanding of concepts and learn to see them through different points of view.
This is in sharp contrast to the traditional and more passive method of teaching math, where
formal definitions are introduced in the beginning and students are asked to memorize how
problems can be solved without realizing why they exist or how they work in the first place.
While the blackboard method of teaching can work with most subjects, it fails with mathematics
because math needs to be experienced and reasoned by each child individually. Ultimately all
the answers and conclusions must come from the child, not the teacher.
Active Learning:

Math Box learning aids are an important part of our learning system. These learning aids are
used to explain several concepts and ideas through activities. They allow students to connect
the concepts to their surroundings and experience them physically. You will notice activity
sheets that are placed in most workbooks. These contain instructions that help you facilitate
learning through concrete objects.
An extensive use of pictures of visual models like FRB (Flats, Rods & Bricks), abacus, number
line, and dot array for representing numbers are integral to our worksheets. These help students
frame mental images to refer to and aids in the building of strong conceptual understanding.
Once the student can grasp the concept through pictorial learning, our workbooks move on to
abstract representations where the statements use ‘number symbols & names’, much like in
conventional math classrooms. For example, ‘2 + 3 = 5’ is a mathematical statement in the
abstract form since it consists of number symbols.
Finally, the students are exposed to definitions and standard algorithms, through which they
can formalize their learning. For instance, a student first understands a fraction as a part of a
whole and is then introduced to the terms ‘numerator’ and ‘denominator’ to associate the ideas
to the formal names.

Workbook’s Scope:
In the following pages, you would find a grade-wise progression of questions, which would aid
in achieving the learning objectives as mentioned in the flowchart. Through our worksheets,
we build connections between familiar concepts like “multiplication and division” with new
concepts that are being introduced, which would strengthen conceptual connections.
Hence, the uptake of this book will provide you with a good insight into “Cuemath’s approach
to math education”, while simultaneously deepening your understanding of the topic.
Please solve all the questions in the worksheets and make notes of the important points you
can talk about to parents, to help them understand the ‘Cuemath Learning System’ better.

Grade 4 Factors, Multiples, & Primes

Multiplication and Division are the two arithmetic operations that form the backbone
to understanding Factors and Multiples. Students in grade 4 are expected to have
mastered these in lower grades.
Relying on the concept of multiplication, we build on further (like in Q.1) by
introducing the term “Multiples”.
Once this idea is clearly established, the same is reinforced through a block model
(shown in Q.2), where “a fixed unit of several blocks” is arranged repeatedly to form
rectangular grids of the required dimensions.


2) Using (three blocks) as a unit, draw rectangular girds of blocs of 12, 9 & 15 blocs.
(unit blocs can be arranged either horizontally or vertically).

12 blocks 9 blocks 15 blocks

Note: The number of blocks is a multiple of both - number of rows & number of columns. This
activity is hence an effective way to help students visualize multiples of a number.

Grade 4 Factors, Multiples, & Primes

Similar approach is taken to introduce the term “Factors”. Students have already learnt to
show division on the number line. Hence, introduction to factors is built from there.
Consider the example below: here, the objective is to determine “what sized jumps will take
us to 10 if we start from zero.
The length of these jumps gives one factor of the number 10. Notably, in the example given
below, 10 is being reached in jumps of 2 and hence, “2 is a factor of 10”.
Further, the same is repeated to find in there are any other factors for 10.
A factor of any number is one that can perfectly divide that number (leaving zero as


Note: All numbers have an infinite number of multiples, but the number of factors is always
limited and finite. For example, try finding as many multiples of 10 as possible. Also, try finding
as many factors of 10.

Grade 4 Factors, Multiples, & Primes

Once the concept of “multiples of a given number” is made familiar, the sheets move on to
working with a set of two numbers.
As show in the example below, tasks like finding the multiples of both the numbers
separately, and then identifying the smallest multiple that is common to both (LCM)
starts appearing. Here, it is to be noted that establishing the idea called LCM precedes
the procedure for finding LCM.
In contrast, traditionally students are told the definition of LCM and then asked to
‘practice’ the LCM method instead of knowing why and how the method works.
Least Common Multiple (LCM)

Please note that only the first two common multiples of 8 & 12 have been written down here. For
any two given numbers, there are infinite number of common multiples.

Grade 4 Factors, Multiples, and Primes

Similarly, when Highest Common Factor (HCF) is introduced, the worksheets build on by
finding the factors of the two numbers separately and then identifying the largest factor
that is common to both.
As you would have noticed in Q1 on the previous and the current page, the use of a grid
of numbers helps in visualising the process of finding LCM and HCF better.
It also helps in making sure that the focus is on understanding the concept by
sidestepping calculations for finding and writing down the multiples of each number.

Highest Common Factor (HCF)

Grade 4 Factors, Multiples, and Primes

Once the concepts of LCM and HCF are introduced, we help children visualise these using
learning aids.
Cuemath workbooks have activity sheets, where new concepts are often introduced using
the Math box activities.
Further, the use of the Math Box is not necessarily limited to the activity sheets alone, and
the same can be used as and when there is a need to understand a specific concept better.
The following activity sheets helps to visualize LCM and HCF using fraction rods.

To Visualise LCM

Grade 4 Factors, Multiples, and Primes

Now, we follow up these with further activity-based question for students in our worksheets. For
example, the question below will be a follow-up to the above activity. Students would be able to
work with these using math-box tools (which will be provided to every centre).

Grade 4 Factors, Multiples, and Primes

This Math Box activity uses fraction rods to show how the concept of HCF can be
visualised and understood in an interactive way.

Now, in our workbooks, this is followed up with questions like the ones below for the students to

Evolving an algorithm for LCM & HCF

o While it is now clear on what LCM & HCF is and how they are calculated,
the current method of finding them is tedious and time consuming.
o Further, if we want to find the LCM & HCF of bigger numbers like say “724
and 900”, it won’t be feasible to write down their factors/multiples and then
identify common ones.
o Hence, there is a need for an algorithm that makes it easy to find LCM &
HCF. This brings us to the concept of primes, prime factorisation and
common division.

o Prime numbers along with divisibility rules will form the basis of our LCM &
HCF algorithms.
o The subsequent pages in this book deals with these concepts.

Grade 4 Factors, Multiples, and Primes

Prime numbers form an important building block in the understanding of numbers as every
number can either be broken down into a product of primes or is already a prime number.

At Cuemath, prime numbers are introduced through simple examples (like in Q.1) and by
pointing out specific properties of primes. Here, mastery in “multiplication facts (tables),
factors, and multiples” is a pre-requisite.

Here, please note that the formal definitions of both prime and composite numbers are only
stated once the concept has been understood.

Prime and Composite Numbers

Grade 4 Factors, Multiples, and Primes

The following question takes you through some more examples of prime and
composite numbers in order to further understanding.
Exceptions to these rules are then introduced indirectly by encouraging mental
models that have been built for prime and composite numbers.

Prime and Composite Numbers

This is because, 1 has only one factor, whereas a prime number should have two factors
(one & the number itself).

Grade 5 Factors, Multiples, and Primes

Breaking a given number into prime factors is the first step in the LCM & HCF algorithm (which will
be introduced in a while). For this, one needs to be aware of divisibility, which is usually introduced
in tandem with “factors and multiples”.

While divisibility as a concept is beyond the scope of this book, it is to be noted that divisibility is
only an extension that integrates the concepts of “regular division, factors and multiples”.

In order to facilitate the chapter’s flow, a table that merely states “divisibility facts” has been given

An understanding of statements like “30 is divisible by 6” and “93 is not divisible by 7” is a pre-
requisite to comprehend the table. Here are a few examples to recap the same:
Positive - “40 is divisible by 8” means, when 40 is divided by 8, it leaves the remainder zero. “Alternately, if the
remainder of “60 divided by 3” is zero, then 60 is divisible by 3.

Negative - “91 is not divisible by 3” means, the remainder of “91 divided by 3” is not zero. “Alternately, if the
remainder of “50 divided by 7” is not zero, then 50 is not divisible by 7.

Divisibility Table:
Divisor The Conditions for Divisibility

10 If a number ends with “0” it is divisible by 10.

Ex: 50, 700, 1,200 etc…

5 If the number ends with either “0 or 5”, it is divisible by 5.

Ex: 45, 620, 900 etc…

2 All numbers that have an even digit in the unit’s place {0, 2, 4, 6, 8} are divisible by 2.
Ex: 72, 196, 1024 etc…

3 If the sum of digits of a given number is divisible by 3, then the number is divisible by 3.
Ex: 321 – Divisible by 3 as “Sum of digits = 3+2+1 = 6” – is divisible by 3.

9 If the sum of digits of a number is divisible by 9, then the number is divisible by 9.

Ex: 729 – Divisible by 9 as “sum of digits = 7+2+9 = 18” – is divisible by 9.

6 If a number is divisible by both 2 & 3, it is also divisible by 6.

Ex: 78 – Divisible by “2” as unit’s digit is 8 and divisible by “3” as “7+8=15”

4 A number is divisible by 4, if the last two digits are divisible by 4.

Ex: 1924 – Divisible by 4 as last two digits is “24” – which is divisible by 4.

8 A number is divisible by 8, if the last three digits are divisible by 8.

Ex: 7320 – Divisible by 8 as the last three digits “320” - is divisible by 8.

Grade 5 Factors, Multiples, and Primes

At this point, with all the required learning in place, the focus shifts to introducing
various methods for prime factorising a composite number (breaking it down to primes).
Here, the worksheets try to facilitate learners to construct a factor tree through nudging
questions for every step. For any given number, the order of primes in a factor tree
might vary, but you’ll always get a unique combination of prime factors (like in Q.2).
Constructing a Factor Tree
(You shall employ divisibility concepts to identify factors that will divide the given number)

Grade 5 Factors, Multiples, and Primes

Here are a few more examples for prime factorisation. It is to be noted that the resultant
prime factors can be shortened by writing them in exponential form.
Further, as shown in the second question, the exercises are built to facilitate a smoother
transition between factor tree method and step division method.
An Introduction to Exponential Notation

Transitioning from factor tree to division method

Grade 5 Factors, Multiples, and Primes

As you’ll see, the notation for representing a number as a product of primes proves useful
in multiple ways. In the example below, prime factors of a given number are classified into
several columns depending on their numeric value.

Now, by multiplying more primes (of any value) to the “product of primes”, you can
generate multiples of the given number.

The new number(s) that were multiplied to the “product of primes” can also be placed in
the given columns to facilitate better understanding of the breakup of the multiple
Using boxes to bucket multiples:

Grade 5 Factors, Multiples, and Primes

For finding the LCM of two numbers, their prime factors are classified in separate columns
in accordance to their numeric value, as shown below.
From the previous worksheet, you know that adding more primes to these columns will
generate multiples of the respective numbers.

To generate a common multiple, both boxes need to be balanced and for that multiple to
be the least possible one (LCM), you need to balance them with minimum number of

This can be done by merely filling the vacancies as shown in the example below. As you’ll
be multiplying more primes to the product of primes, please note that LCM can never be
smaller than the number itself, as all non-zero multiples of a number are greater than or
equal to it.
Find the LCM of two numbers by prime factorisation

Grade 5 Factors, Multiples, and Primes

Now, extending the same column model you shall find the HCF. Here too, like for LCM,
we place all the prime factors of the respective numbers in columns.
It would be apt to recall that removing some number(s) from the product of primes will
generate a factor of the given number. For example: “18 = 2 x 3 x 3”, suppose, we
remove, one of the “3s”, then the number left will be “2 x 3 = 6”, which is a factor of 18.

Hence, to obtain a common factor that is of the largest value, we need to balance the
columns by removing the least number of primes. This can be done by merely striking
out the primes that doesn’t have an equivalent pair in the other number’s column.

Alternately, the product of the paired common factors (taking only one factor from each
pair) gives the HCF of the two number. As some primes are being removed, please note
that HCF can never be greater than any of the concerned numbers.
Finding the HCF of two numbers

Grade 5 Factors, Multiples, and Primes

From the previous sheets, you would’ve internalised the concept of HCF & LCM and the
methodology of obtaining them through prime factors.

Now, you shall move to understanding “Common Division Method”, which is another way
to obtain HCF in a faster and less cumbersome way.

In this method, rather than obtaining the common factor after factorising the number
entirely, you can directly find just the common prime factors and then multiply them to
obtain the “Highest Common Factor” (HCF).
Find the HCF using common division method

Note: Highest Common Factor (HCF), Greatest Common Divisor (GCD), Greatest Common Factor
(GCF), Highest Common Divisor (HCD), are all the same.

Grade 5 Factors, Multiples, and Primes

On similar lines, students also find LCM using common division method.

Here, the only difference is that, instead of stopping when all common factors of the both
numbers are exhausted, the division is continued till both numbers undergoing division
are reduced to 1 (like shown below).

This way, it is ensured that the “product of primes” that is obtained as a result of the
division, is a multiple of both the given numbers.

Find the LCM using common division method

What the reasons for the differences in the procedures for finding LCM & HCF?

Grade 6 Factors, Multiples, and Primes

Finally, after the concept of LCM & HCF and the procedure to obtain them has been
mastered, you can start applying those learnings to solve the word problems that involve
real-life contexts.
A common challenge in word problems is to understand when to use LCM and when to
use HCF and the following questions will help in providing more clarity on the same.
Answer the following questions.

1. Sonu and Abhi were arranging books at a public library, Sonu arranged 8 books at a time
whereas Abhi arranged 6 books at a time. If they ended up arranging the same number of
books, what is the minimum number of books that each one could’ve arranged?

2. Pencils come in packs of six. Erasers come in packs of eight. Aron wants to purchase
pencils and erasers such that he has exactly one eraser per pencil.
i. What is the minimum number of pencils or erasers he can buy? ________
ii. What is the smallest number of packages of pencils and erasers Aron should buy?
Pencil packs = _______
Eraser Packs = _______

3. If Priya had 150 stones and Tina had 120 stones, who among them can form heaps of 15,
20 and 30 by using all the stones they have?

Year 6 Factors, Multiples, and Primes

Furthering learning through exploring challenging word problems that are puzzle like is
the next domain.

Such problems will encourage out-of-the-box thinking and pushes ahead to test the extent
of conceptual clarity that one has obtained in this domain.

Approach: To solve questions like this one, it is very important for the student to assess the
given information. We have been given four major points, out of which one must be our
starting point.

Let’s use the second point (Multiple of 53) and the third point (Multiple of 5 and 7) as they are
more specific than the other two.

If the number is a multiple of 5 and 7, then let’s first find the least common multiple of 5
and 7. Please note that as X is a multiple of 5 and 7, it will also be a multiple of the LCM of 5
and 7. The LCM of 5 and 7 is ______.

So, X is a multiple of both 35 and 53 (the second point of information). Now, the LCM of (35
& 53) is ______.

Please notice that, __________ (the LCM) is an odd number and it lies between ________ and ________ as
specified in the question. It thus meets all the conditions specified.

Hence, our answer will hence be some multiple of _________.

Year 6 Factors, Multiples, and Primes

Approach: To solve this puzzle, the student will need to use his/her knowledge of the concept of LCM.
However, before the application of LCM, he/she will need to infer the correct information from the

The question provides him/her with the vital information that the capacity of the bucket when divided
by 3, 4, or 5 leaves a remainder of 1 in form of the context.

Once your student infers this, all he/she would need to find is a number, which satisfies the following
1. When reduced by 1 is divisible by 3, 4, and 5
2. Lies between ________ and ________.

First let’s find a number that is divisible by 3, 4, and 5. We can easily do so by finding the __________ of
the three numbers. The LCM of the three numbers is ________.

Now since _____ (the LCM) doesn’t like between 100 and 150, let’s try and see if any other common
multiple fit our criterion.

Please note that finding the multiples of the LCM gives us the other common multiples of the numbers.
120 is a multiple of 60, and therefore is also a common multiple of 3, 4 & 5. Further, it also lies between
_________ and _________ as specified in the question.

Our required answer should be such that, when reduced by 1, it should be perfectly divisible by the
numbers 3, 4 & 5. Hence, our answer should be 120 + _____ = _________.

Note that students often make a mistake in the last step and forget to add 1. This can be avoided if they
keep the objective of the question in mind.

Factors, Multiples, & Primes

Miscellaneous Exercise:

# All prime numbers (except 2) are odd numbers. The converse is not true though. That is, not
all odd numbers are prime.

How can one test if a given number is prime?

Check if the number is divisible by any of the prime numbers smaller than it. If none of
them can divide it, then the given number is prime. Let’s check if the following numbers
are prime:

 51 –
The smallest prime number is 2. By rules of divisibility, we know that 51 is not divisible
by2. The next smallest prime number is 3. Here, we see that 51 is divisible by 3. Hence,
51 is not prime.

 43 –
This is number is not divisible by 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, & 23 (prime numbers less
than 43). Now, any number greater than 23, can’t be a factor of 43 as all those numbers
would be more than half of 43. Hence, we can say that 43 is a prime number.

1) By using this logic, among the list of numbers given below, circle out the prime

37 49 93 67 79 87 91 38

# All even numbers (except 2), can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers. For example,
the number 4 = 2 + 2; 8 = 5 + 3; 20 = 13 + 7; etc… Try to find more such prime number pairs.

2) Express the following as a sum of two prime numbers:

34 = ……. + ……..

56 = ….…. + ……...

Hint: Make a list of all prime numbers less than the given numbers and try various

# If there are two numbers that have “1” as the only common factor, then those numbers are
said to be co-primes (with respect to each other). For example, “21 & 34”. Note that neither 21
nor 34 are prime numbers. But as only 1 is the common factor between them, these numbers
are said to be co-prime to each other.

3) Among the following pairs of numbers, circle the pairs that are co-prime:

37, 38 42, 47 39, 52 61, 57 98, 92 1000, 1001

Hint: Prime factorize both the given numbers and see if there are any common factors
other than 1.

Common Misconceptions regarding Factors Multiples & Primes

1. Student confuses a factor with a multiple and vice versa.

Tip: Use counters to demonstrate the concept of multiples to the student. Stress on
how the word itself is short form for “multiplication” which is repeated addition (for
positive integers). This will help the student understand that a multiple of 2 for
example will always be a number formed by taking many 2s together.
Use fraction rods to show how factors are units using which a number can be
divided into equal parts. Hence, factors of a number will always be smaller than or
equal to the number itself. You can also show how 1 is a factor of every number.

2. Student mixes up the processes to find LCM and HCF.

Tip: Reiterate the concept of LCM and HCF with the help of activities that use
fractions rods to help students visualise LCM and HCF. You can repeat these
activities with different numbers and correct students as and when they make a

3. Student thinks that the HCF of a set of two numbers should be bigger than
both the numbers in the set.
Tip: Notice how students tend to focus on the word “Highest” instead of the word
“Factor” here. Use fraction rods to help him visualise the concept of HCF and stress
on the fact that a factor of a number can never be bigger than the number. Also,
show that, in some cases, the highest factor for a number can be the number itself.

4. Student thinks that the LCM of a set of two numbers should be smaller than
both the numbers in the set.
Tip: Use the same approach suggested to counter the third misconception. Once
the student understands that a multiple of a number will always be greater than
the number itself and so even the least common multiple will be greater than the
two numbers by the same logic, the student will not make the same mistake.
Note: In both 3 & 4, the LCM /HCF is one of the two numbers. In all such cases,
HCF is the smaller of the two while LCM is the larger of the two.

5. Student is unable to understand why 1 is neither a prime number nor a

composite number.
Tip: First talk about how prime numbers are numbers that have only two distinct
factors, 1 and the number itself. In case of 1, there are no such two distinct
factors available. Talk about how composite numbers are numbers that have
more than two distinct factors. Give them simple example of composite numbers
like 10 which has 1, 2, 5 and 10 as factors.

6. Student doesn’t comprehend what a non-zero multiple is:
Tip: A non-zero multiple of a number is “any multiple that is not equal to
zero”. Here, it is to be noted that some students tend to think that “30 is a
zero multiple of 6”, just because it has “zero” as one of its digits.

7. Students often interchangeably use prime factorization and finding prime

factors. Ex: When students are asked to find the prime factors of 36 - the
answer is often expressed as 22 x 32.
Note: Here, the answer should be 2, 3 and not 22 x 32. You may think of
adding this as well. The difference between prime factorization and prime
factors needs to be reiterated at appropriate places.

8. Students tend to think that product of prime numbers are also prime.
Tip: This misconception can be overcome by asking the kid to factorize the
number that has been obtained by multiplying any two prime numbers. The
kid can then be asked to count the number of factors. Here, you can stress
the fact that prime numbers should have only two factors.


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