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Data Structure


– Introduction – Linear Queue & its Operations

– Array – Circular Queue & its Operation
– Pointer – Linked List (Single ,Double ,Circular,
– Function Header)
– Structure – Tree
– Pointer, Structure with Function – Graph
– Stack – Hashing & Searching
– Applications of Stack – Sorting


Introduction: – Single & 2-dimensional array in function

– Concept Data Structure argument.
– Example
– Need of Data structure Pointer:
– Advantages of using DS
– Pointer Basics
– Pointer with functions
Algorithm & Pseudocode: – Call by reference
– Algorithm Definition – Array of pointers & pointer to array &
– Characteristics of algorithm Programs
– Elements of algorithm
– Pseudocode example
– Understanding about Structure
– Difference of Algorithm & Pseudocode
– Pointer structure variable
Function: – Structure as function argument
– What is function – using call by member value
– Types of function – hole structure and call by
– How function works – passing reference of structure.
– Function recursion and how it works.
Array: – Operations on Stack
– Concept of Array – Array & Linked Representation
– Types of array – Programs on stack
– Basic Programs – Push & Pop operations
– Array with Functions – Traversing.
Applications of Stack : – Binary search tree
– Arithmetic Expression Evaluation – Tree Traversals
– Notations, Infix – Creation of Binary Tree from traversal
– Postfix, Prefix

Expression Tree & expression
– Conversion infix to post fix
– Conversion postfix to infix
– Binary Search Tree
– Evaluation of Postfix and Pre fix using
– Insertion & deletion in BST(Program)
– AVL Tree, M-way Search Tree
Queue: – B+ tree, Insertion & deletion.
– Operations on Queue
– Array & Linked Representation Graph:
– Graph terminology
– Programs on stack – Representation of graphs
– Insert & Delete operations – Path matrix
– Circular queue – Graph Traversal
– Rrepresentation – BFS (breadth first search)
– Deque – DFS (depth first search)
– Priority Queue – Minimum spanning Tree
– Application of queue. – Kruskal's Algorithm & Prim's Algorithm
LinkedList: – Warshall's algorithm (shortest path
– Concept of linked list algorithm).
– Difference of linklist & array Hashing & Searching:
– Single linked list – Linear and binary search methods
– Representation – Hash functions
– Operations – Hashing techniques & Chaining.
– Traversing
– Insertion(first node, last node, at a Sorting:
position, after a node value) – Bubble sort
– Deletion(first node, last node, at a position, – Selection sort
after a node value) – Insertion sort
– Double linked list – Quick sort
– Representation – Merge sort
– Operations, traversing – Heap sort
– Insertion (first node, last node, at a – Radix sort
position, after a node value)
– Deletion (first node, last node, at a
position, after a node value)
– Circular link list & header link list example

– Tree terminology
– Binary tree
– Complete Binary Tree

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