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An overview for users

First Screen
Initial screen is guest access.
Instructions for logging in are given just below the welcome screen for those who have never logged in.
The login button is at the top right corner
Loggin in- initial userid and passwords
• The Login button is given on top right side of the screen
• If you are logging-in for the first time, you may use the following
– Userid= sailplno (in small) eg. z000009
– Password= {first letter of SAIL PlNo in Capital)} {DoB (as per EPMS) in
– Eg: if SAIL PlNo is Z000009 and DoB is 01/02/1978 then password
shall be Z010278sail*
• In case you face any difficulties in logging in please send an email
to or send SMS at 89868 80632

• If you want to access material without logging in- log in as a guest.

Most courses are guest enabled, but you wont be able to type
anything without a user id, however browsing will be possible. Do
log in for a better customized experience
Changing password and personal profile
From the username at the top right of the screen, pick up preferences from the menu to get a screen where you
can make changes in your profile
Changing preferences
You may change your password,
Update other details also, especially your email.
The system will send emails to the email id provided in your profile.
First Screen on logging in
You are directed to your dashboard, which you can customize
It shows you courses you are subscribed to and also anything that is pending in them or new developments.
You can keep private files also on the portal- for your own use.
The Navigation block on the right side can be used for exploring the different pages.
For cleaner page, you can even hide the blocks and they will be docked on the left side as narrow buttons
The navigation block gives many options for exploring the site
The site pages can e further expanded to see more options like blogs,tags etc.
You can click on site blogs to read existing blogs and give your comments or add a new blog of your own.
The site badges are created by the administrators to provide badges for certain achievements- not implemented
Tags- when any element like a blog is tagged with keywords it can be searched using that keyword.
Calendar- is a calender of events which are marked for different events- not implemented yet
You can create your own blogs- and attach files and links to other sites through them. Similar features are
available in forums where threads can be used for discussions on topics
Blogs in e-abhigyan are for people to share their points of view on any topic you want. It is open space for
people to explore their own agenda l and show off their crreativity
• Tags are a very convenient way of searching for resources (provided the tags have been added by the
• so if you want a resource like a blog, or even a quiz or a course to be located, on the basis of a keywork,
provide the relevant tag
The home page is where you get an overview of the site
The different top level categories are visible directly on this page and you can click directly on the category to
get the list of courses within that category.
You can even search for courses in the search box by typing a word. If the word is part of the title or in the
description of the course, it will get searched by it. (Tags don’t work in the course search. So if you want a course
to be searched by some words use them in some way in the course description)
Categories and Courses in e-abhigyan
• Categories are a top level breakup up of the courses in
the site and a navigation tool
• There can be subcategories within categories but in e-
abhigyan, categories have been kept in only one level
with courses within each category
• The site administrator can move courses between
• The search box can be used to locate courses directly
rather than searching through categories
• If a description is given for each course, it can be
located based on words within that description also, or
else courses are searchable on the words in their title
Categories in e-abhigyan
• The main categories as of now in e-abhjigyan are
– Quiz world- contains quizzes on various topics- for fun and generating interest. These quizzes
can be used in programs also
– Communities of Practice – these are essentially forums to support knowledge management.
Within these different communities are expected to have their forums , which in this case are
also courses in “social format”
– Forums – These are different forums created as brands with special identity- Open-think,
Expert interactions, women of steel, Our SAIL our pride- are essentially forums for threads
on different topics to be perpetuated.
– Technical Competency Development – we hope to add all technical programs in this sections.
Plants/units have a great role in developing modules. Also we can get modules form
technology providers
– Managerial Competency Development – MDPs are added as courses here. The leadership role
here is of the MTI faculty
– Learning from Each Other (LEO) and Other Special Workshops – All LEO workshops
participants are expected to share learning in the courses here. Subsequently they should
ideally be merged with the Communities of Practice
– Open Learning – is more of a curating job with links to external sources like MOOCS ,ejournals
, and some sites with rich resources
– Video Channel- relies more on youtube channels with rich resources
– Knowledge Repositories – provides links to repositories within SAIL
– Miscellaneous – other courses that don’t get fitted anywhere else, many experimental
courses and also courses on using moodle that we got from
Quiz World
This category has many quizzes, in the form of courses.
You have to enrol yourself to participate.
Self enrolment has been enabled in all the quizzes.
Quizzes are elements which can be part of courses- here there is nothing more than the quiz in the course
To enrol all you need is to press the enroll me button.
No checks or constraints have been put on self enrolment, though this feature is decided by the course creator.
Some courses may not allow self enrolment.( the course creator decides that)
Quizzes have also not been enabled for guest access
Course creators can also manually enrol participants to programs
Quiz Features
Questions can be of many types
• Multiple choice
• Match the columns, ( with extra options also if you want to add more confusion, 4 questions and 6 options to
choose from is possible)
• Text based (it is possible to give marks for nearly correct words which could be because of misspelling or part of the
word only written.
• No. of questions that come in one screen can be designed by the creator.
• Features for review, and grading. Multiple attempts are normally allowed, and highest scores
Quiz Review
The quiz maker may provide detailed explanations in the quiz review which means quizzes can be used to
educate users also in addition to testing their knowledge.
Quizzes and quiz questions can be reused in different programs wherever course creators find them relevant,
and can also be used for tracking of completion of courses.
Section of a course
• Module summary
– A small summary of a few lines which informs about the content of the
program. The text of the summary is used for getting information about the
module before entering it, and also used during search. Just write a few lines
that capture the keywords in the program
• Keyword
– Just write some keywords on which the module may be searched.
• Module Topics
– Each module topic is essentially equivalent to a session in the physical
– However some additional session at the top has been added which are not
actually sessions but needed for overview and feedback
– Program Overview
• Gives aim and objectives of the program
– Session
• Each session is a topic with its resources added
Section of a course
• Module Topics (contd.)
– Participants Forum
• This section is for the participants to share their views, give their feedback and
also respond to the views shared by others. This forum is a means of
continuing the dialog on the issues relevant to the program.
• The initial threads for this forum will be started with an opening blog in each
thread- coordinators have to encourage participants to fill up the threads.
– Case studies and experiences- live examples for sessions
– Sharing of experiences- application of learning
– Key insights and lessons learnt from the program
– Program Coordinators Page
• This page is for program coordinators to share the highlights of the program,
including a summary of deliberations, participants profile and actual schedule.
The participants list and program schedule can be attached as documents.
• Coordinators report and learning points for future
• The coordinator of each program can upload a write-up on the program
he/she coordinated, and even attach the participant list and group
photographs for future reference
Navigating within a course
Within a course there are many different types of resources
An additional menu item appears on top (This course) which on clicking shows different types of resources
available within a course which include- forums, videos, quizzes, resources like web pages, ebooks, SCORM
Thank you

Hope you found it useful

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