Flattened Design: The Member Behavior Should Be

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Flattened Design

1. Thoroughly explain the diagram.

 According to Klenke 2007 a flat organizational structure will show few or no levels of
management between the executives and all other employees. This type of structure
empowers self-management and greater decision making ability for every employee.

2. Give atleast 3 possible organizational goals of this type of structural model.

 It encourages autonomy and self direction.

 Be able to solve problems through collaboration.
 Expected response to a costumer feedback becomes more rapid.

3. What would be the leadership style, member behavior’s and organizational culture that can be
applied in this type of structural model.

 Leadership style can be vertical whose commands typically run down while information
flows up. (note: Some flat diagram don’t have a specific leadership style it depends on the
organization on what will they impose.)
 The only direct links in a hierarchy are to a persons immediate superior or subordinates.
 According to Nayar 2016 leaders should inspire self propelling teams to forge ahead with
real time collaboration letting the team to make their own decisions.

Note: According to Morgan 2015, everyone is seen as equal and teams are often the
fundamental building blocks in these designs. It empowers the employees however if one team
member emerges for a leadership role, this process of leader emergence can create a
competitive environment with potentially negative consequences.

The member behavior should be:

 Independent
 Should be open for criticisms
 Be able to adapt

NOTE: In a flat organization with no properly laid out structure or hierarchy, it is even more
important to enforce the desired culture before it all goes haywire. But for a flat organization
with employees working in an open desk with plenty of freedom, it is more likely to see a clash
in culture. Naturally the struggle for culture dominance in a certain business function or
department will cause uneasiness amongst the employees.

 Understanding the purpose

- be able to understand goals and objectives in an organization. Employees should be
empowered to question the managements decision if it does not conform to the
purpose of the company.

 An Environment of trust
-trust is the single most important element in a flat organization. Trust between groups on
tactics without previewing or approving each one is the element for the groups to move
fast and constantly innovate.

 Model the behavior you seek

-nothing says more than showing and doing it in action. If a corporation or an organization
seeks to shape a culture they sought for, it is best to have the top management demonstrate
what is acceptable and at the same time point out the limits and boundaries.

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