Chapter - 2 Review of Literature

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2.1 Market Share-"Market share is the percentage of a market accounted for by a
specific entity."

Increasing market share is one of the most important objectives of business. The main
advantage of using market share as a measure of business performance is that it is less
dependent upon macro environmental variables such as the state of the economy or changes
in tax policy. However, increasing market share may be dangerous for makers of fungible
hazardous products, particularly products sold into the United States market, where they may
be subject to market share liability.

Market share is a key indicator of market competitiveness—that is, how well a firm is doing
against its competitors. "This metric, supplemented by changes in sales revenue, helps
managers evaluate both primary and selective demand in their market. That is, it enables
them to judge not only total market growth or decline but also trends in customers‘ selections
among competitors. Generally, sales growth resulting from primary demand (total market
growth) is less costly and more profitable than that achieved by capturing share from
competitors. Conversely, losses in market share can signal serious long-term problems that
require strategic adjustments. Firms with market shares below a certain level may not be
viable. Similarly, within a firm‘s product line, market share trends for individual products are
considered early indicators of future opportunities or problems."

Research has also shown that market share is a desired asset among competing firms.
Experts, however, discourage making market share an objective and criterion upon which to
base economic policies. The aforementioned usage of market share as a basis for gauging the
performance of competing firms has fostered a system in which firms make decisions with
regard to their operation with careful consideration of the impact of each decision on the
market share of their competitors.
It is generally necessary to commission market research (generally desk/secondary research)
to determine. Sometimes, though, one can use primary research to estimate the total market
size and a company's market share.

"Market share: The percentage of a market accounted for by a specific entity."

"Unit market share: The units sold by a particular company as a percentage of total market
sales, measured in the same units."

Unit market share (%) = 100 * Unit sales (#) / Total Market Unit Sales (#)

Unit sales (#) = Unit market share (%) * Total Market Unit Sales (#) / 100

Total Market Unit Sales (#) = 100 * Unit sales (#) / Unit market share (%)

"Revenue market share: Revenue market share differs from unit market share in that it
reflects the prices at which goods are sold. In fact, a relatively simple way to calculate
relative price is to divide revenue market share by unit market share."

Revenue market share (%) = 100 * Sales Revenue ($) / Total Market Sales Revenue($)

"Although market share is likely the single most important marketing metric, there is no
generally acknowledged best method for calculating it. This is unfortunate, as different
methods may yield not only different computations of market share at a given moment, but
also widely divergent trends over time. The reasons for these disparities include variations in
the lenses through which share is viewed, where in the channel the measurements are taken,
market definition, and measurement error."



The conversion of production-provider markets in customer-demand markets brings a

change of power and influence in the distribution channel from producers to retailers as the
direct contact to the final consumer. In this article there will be analyzed the influence of
power and satisfaction on the success and the behavior of the members of the distribution
channel. The first analyzed problem is whether a shift of power from producers to retailer has
taken place. The second important thing is the satisfaction of the retailers with their
producers, factors which influence this satisfaction and the impact of the retailer‘s
satisfaction on the success of producers. As a conclusion it will be analyzed, if there is
connection between power and satisfaction and if there are any effects on the members of the
distribution channel and their success.

The second element analyzed in this article is the satisfaction of the retailers with their
producers and the effect of an increased satisfaction over the financial success of the
producers. On one hand some studies show that actually the power of the retailers increases
their satisfaction. On the other hand the satisfaction of the retailers have a positive influence
on the cooperation willingness of the partners, which will allow the producers to negotiate
good conditions and terms despite the power of the retailers. So the question which has to be
asked is whether satisfaction diminishes the exercise of power of the retailers? Moreover
better conditions and terms represent a better result for the producers.
Consequently after an analysis of all factors it can be stated that between power and
satisfaction there is a mutual relation. On one hand the increasing power of the retailers
create a dependence of their producers, which give retailers a certain security, which
increases their satisfaction with the retailers. On the other hand producers aim by the increase
of satisfaction, the creation of a certain loyalty from the retailers – characterized by trust,
moral, no switch – which allows them to negotiate better conditions. So somehow it can be
stated that by satisfaction retailers get softer in the exercise of their power.

4.1 Overview of the Project

The study conducted is reflects the market position of HAVELL’S INDIA LIMITED .It
gives us the details of Marketing Strategies opted by HAVELL’S .The study enables the
company to prepare marketing strategy and plan accordingly, so as to capture a greater
market share& the services provided by the company .It foresight the future requirement of
the market and thus helps the manufacturer to face the future completion in a fully prepared

Thus it helps the company to have a good brand image and stepping toward success.

4.2 Research Design & Collection of data

Data collection for marketing research is a detailed process where a planned search for all
relevant data is made by a researcher. The success of marketing research is contingent on the
integrity and relevance of the data. And to a high degree, the quality of the data depends on
the methods of data collection used. The selection and use of methods for conducting
marketing research requires a great deal of experience and expertise in order to correctly
gage suitability.

These methods fall into two types of research categories, which are Qualitative Research and
Quantitative Research. Qualitative Research is generally used to develop an initial
understanding of the problem. It is non statistical in nature and the answers are derived from
the data itself. It is used in exploratory and descriptive research designs. Qualitative data can
be procured through a variety of forms like interview transcripts; documents, diaries and
notes made while observing. Quantitative Research on the other hand, quantifies the data and
generalizes the results from the sample to the population.
There are two types of data:

• Primary Data – Data that is collected first hand by the researcher. This data is
specifically collected for the purpose of the study and addresses the current problem.
This is original data that is collected by the researcher first hand.

• Secondary Data – Data from other sources that has been already collected and is
readily available. This data is less expensive and more quickly attainable from
various published sources. Secondary data is extremely useful when primary data
cannot be obtained at all.

The challenge lies in the case of method selection for collecting primary data. The method
has to be relevant and appropriate. This will be the most important decision prior to
beginning market research.

The market research process consists of 6 distinct steps:

• Step 1 - Determine the research problem and objectives

• Step 2 - Cultivate the overall research plan

• Step 3 – Collect the data

• Step 4 – Analyze the data

• Step 5 – Present or publish the findings

• Step 6 – Use the findings to make an informed decision

To further explore Step 3, here a few effective methods of data collection:

1. Telephone Interviews:

The biggest advantage of telephone interviews is that is saves cost and time. Today,
accessing people via telephone is so much easier because almost everyone has one. Another
advantage is fewer interviewers are required in order to conduct telephone interviews than
face-to-face interviews.

2. Online Surveys:

Given the current myriad of technological developments, the use of online surveys has
rapidly increased. It may well be the least expensive way to reach the greatest amount of
people – all over the world. Once an online survey has been designed, it can be stored easily,
revised and reused as needed from time to time. The key is in the design and layout of the
survey so that respondents don’t overlook a survey in their crowded inboxes. The response
time is quick so online surveys have become the preferred method of data collection for
many consumer satisfaction surveys and product and service feedback. It is easy to track
respondents, non-respondents and results through the data collection process. Electronic
reminders can be sent easily at a very low cost. Respondents have the option to begin the
survey, stop, save the responses at a later more convenient time. Research shows that
respondents tend to answer questions more truthfully than when engaged through other

3. Face to Face Interviews:

This method is one of the most flexible ways to gather data and gain trust and cooperation
from the respondents. Besides that, interviewing respondents in person means their non-
verbal language can be observed as well. It is especially useful to detect discomfort when
respondents are discussing sensitive issues. Respondents have more time to consider their
answers and the interviewer can gain a deeper understanding of the validity of a response. It
is also easier to maintain their interest and focus for a longer period. Focus Group
Interviews entail more respondents at one time.Face to face interviews can also take place
via Intercept Interviews as well. These interviews can take place on the spot at shopping
malls, street corners or even at the threshold of people’s homes. It is understandable why
these types of interviews must be brief, to the point and free of from distasteful questions as
there is a strong risk of the potential respondent leaving. These face to face interactions can
be time consuming.

4.3 Objective of Studies

• To study how toCreate a Clear Market Position

Real estate companies can operate across the property spectrum, dealing with general
residential and commercial clients, or they can offer a specialist service in niche markets.
Companies may specialize in period properties, luxury homes, offices or agricultural
properties, for example. By positioning themselves clearly in the market, companies can
attract clients who are looking for a specific type of property. They can also fine-tune their
marketing to focus on the right media and messages for their target market.

• To study how to Build a Strong Propert y List

Property buyers and sellers are looking for real estate companies active in the market and
with a good track record of successful transactions. Building a strong property list is
essential. A good list offers buyers choice and helps to build trust in the company. By
offering potential sellers the benefits of marketing campaigns, effective presentations through
property videos and brochures, and high levels of personal service, real estate companies can
persuade owners to place their properties on their lists.

• To study how to Attract Bu yers

Real estate companies must encourage prospective buyers to make their firm the first point of
contact when they are looking for a property. By placing advertisements in local newspapers
or specialist property publications, companies can attract potential buyers. Maintaining
contact by phone or email with buyers helps to build relationships and increases the
opportunity for a sale.

• To study how to Build Professional Referrals

In addition to building a client base through their own marketing activities, real estate
companies can win business by encouraging referrals from other professionals involved in
the property business, such as mortgage companies, surveyors, banks and law firms. A
mutually beneficial relationship is essential. Real estate companies can refer their clients to
firms providing mortgage finance, conveyancing or professional property services. A referral
program can make it easier to establish relationships with new prospects, because they trust
the opinion of the referrer.

• To stud y how to Deve lop All -Inclusive Services

Buying or selling property represents a major inconvenience for residential and business
clients. Real estate companies can differentiate themselves by developing a portfolio of
services that minimize inconvenience for clients. As well as providing the basic valuation,
sales and marketing services, they can recommend other professionals, such as law firms and
surveyors, arrange mortgages through third-party providers and source other essential
services, such as storage or removal firms. Clients benefit from a single point of contact,
saving time and reducing inconvenience

4.5 Data Sources

• Research Design:-

Research design is the guideline, which help the researcher to get the required information
from the respondents within the specific time limit.
• Type of Research:-

The type of research was descriptive

• Nature of Research:-

The nature of research was quantitative.

• Type of questions:-

Standard and limited Probing

• Type of analysis:-


• Sources of Data:-

There are two types of Data:-

1) Primary data:-

Primary data was collected with help of Questionnaire, which was specifically framed.

2) Secondary data:-

Company Manual, Yearly Magazines.

• Research technique :-

Survey method technique was used

Contact method

Interviews with the respondents

• Sampling plan:
a) Sample size : - The over all sample size was one hundred

b) Sample element : - Potential Buyers of residential property.

c) Sample extent : - Delhi

e) Sampling Procedure: Random Sampling.

• Research Instrument:-

The research instrument used was Questionnaire (close-ended and open-ended).

Sample size

Sample size determination is the act of choosing the number of observations or replicates to
include in a statistical sample. The sample size is an important feature of any empirical study
in which the goal is to make inferences about a population from a sample. In practice, the
sample size used in a study is determined based on the expense of data collection, and the
need to have sufficient statistical power. In complicated studies there may be several
different sample sizes involved in the study

The sample size I have taken for this research is 50 from which only 100 people responding
to be questionnaire .

I offer my sincere thanks and humble regards Vivekananda school of business studies to for
imparting us very valuable professional training in BBA.I pay my gratitude and sincere
regards to Tanu Sachdeva . My project Guide for giving me the cream of her knowledge. I
am thankful to her as she has been a constant source of advice, motivation and inspiration. I
am also thankful to her for giving her suggestions and encouragement throughout the project
work. I take the opportunity to express my gratitude and thanks to our computer Lab staff
and library staff for providing me opportunity to utilize their resources for the completion of
the project. I am also thankful to my family and friends for constantly motivating me to
complete the project and providing me an environment, which enhanced my knowledge.


Enrollment No.: 076I17701716

BBA V Semester

(Signature of the Student)

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