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) A program for Cub Scouts, Scouts and Explorers Boy Scouts of America ‘Southwest Florida Council 1815 Boy Scout Drive Fort Myers, Florida $3597 ‘Teloptono; (613) 956-8072 June 20, 1989 Dalivered by hand Delivered by hand to Mr. Bi11 Sheehan Doar B41] Sheahan: After careful review, we have dectded that your registration with the Boy Scouts of Anceica should be suspended, We are therefore compelled to Foquest thst you saver any relations that you may have with the Boy Scouts of Anerica. You should understand that the BSA leadership registration is a privilege and is not automatically granted to everyone who epplies. We reserve the right to suspend registration vhenever there {e/a concern that an Individual may not measure up to the high standards of loadership which the BSA seeks to provide for Anerican youth. Please also understand that this decision and the reasons for it will be maintained as confidential, IE you wich to have this decision revieved, pleare urite to mi your version of the facts supporting your lai as a BSA leador should be granted or reinstated. oxplatsing, that your registration eerely yours, steve Shimp Gouneti Pres:

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