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RA 9344 o If the above isn’t available, from the child himself or

Who are minors and how are they classified as to criminal testimonies of other persons
responsibility? o Physical appearance
 Definitions of children:  Person contesting the age of the CICL has the burden of proving it
o Sec 2 (c) of RA 9344 – persons under 18 years of age o If challenge is before filing of information: summary
o RA 7610 (Anti-Child Abuse) – those over 18 years of age proceeding for determination of age
who are unable to protect themselves from abuse in view of o If during proceeding: motion to determine age in the same
physical or mental defect court (proceedings will be suspended)
o RA 9775 (Anti-Child Pornography) – a person regardless Treatment of child below age of criminal responsibility
of age who is presented, depicted or portrayed as a child,  Authority who had contact with child 15 or below must immediately
and computer-generated, digitally or manually crafted release the child to his parents or guardian, or the nearest relative
images or graphics of a person who is represented or who and notify the local (SWDO)
is made to appear to be a child  Parents/guardians/nearest relative cannot be located or refuse to
 Under 9344, child is offender. Under 7610 and 9775, they are take custody – childmay be released to registered NGO or religious
victim. org, barangay official or member of the Barangay Council for the
 Child in Conflict with the Law (CICL) – those who are alleged as, Protection of Children, a local SWDO, DSWD
accused of, or adjudged as having committed an offense under  Involuntary commitment – child is abandoned, neglected or abused
Philippine laws. by his parents, OR parents will not comply with the program
 Child cannot be labeled as ‘young criminal’ or other derogatory System of Diversion instead of prosecution and/or penalty
names in any manner  for children 16 and 17 who acted with discernment
Age of criminal responsibility  penalty not more than 6 yrs, diversion shall be:
 15 or under is absolutely exempt o if there is a victim – before law enforcement officer or
o Subject to an intervention program Punong Barangay; form of mediation/family conferencing
 Qualified exemption: over 15 but under 18 who did not act with and conciliation
discernment o no victim – conducted by the local SWDO
o If with discernment  diversion program  Penalty more than 6 yrs – diversion only by courts
 Minors are exempted from status offenses and certain other offenses o if not more than 12 years (Regardless of fine) and before
(like mendicancy, sniffing of rugby, prostitution) arraignment – court shall determine if diversion is
 Exemption does not include civil liability appropriate
Determination of the age of the child  Period of prescription – suspended during diversion program but
 CICL enjoys presumption of minority. May be determined by: not exceeding 2 years
o Birth, baptismal, certificates or other documents
 Offense does not fall under any of the above or child or his  Child may still appeal his decision even after application and grant
parents/guardian do not consent to a diversion – case will be of sentence (I thought automatic?) – not the same as application for
forwarded to prosecutor or court within 3 days from determination bail which is waiver of their right to appeal
of absence of jurisdiction and it will be filed  Child shall be credited in full for the time spent in actual
Detention of the child pending trial commitment and detention
 Only for last resort and in shortest possible time  Upon application at any time, court shall place the child on
 May be replaced by alternative measures (close supervision, probation in lieu of service of sentence
intensive care, etc.) Status offenses and offenses not applicable to minors
Automatic suspension of sentence and probation  Status offense – conduct not considered an offense when committed
 Requirement: child is under 18 at the time of the commission of the by an adult, shall not longer be an offense and punished if by child.
crime and found guilty (Curfew ordinances drinking liquor)
 Will apply even if the child is already 18 or more at the time of the o Minors can commit status offense without criminal liability
decision; no need for application o Also cannot be convicted of:
o If child reached 18 while under suspended sentence, court  Vagrancy, prostitution, mendicancy, sniffing rugby
determines Preliminary investigation and filing of information
 To discharge the child  Prelim Investigation when:
 Order execution of sentence o Child does not qualify for diversion
 Extent the suspension for a certain period OR until o Child/parents/guardian does not agree to diversion
he reaches 21 o Prosec determns that diversion is not appropriate for the
 Will not apply if: CICL considering recommendation of social worker
o if punishment is punishable by death, life imprisonment, or  Information shall be filed with family court within 45 days from
reclusion perpetua, or if convicted of drug trafficking (not start of PI
drug-users – they are qualified, drug users are punished Minor not qualified for diversion
with 6 months with rehab)  No diversion and instead regular proceedings when:
o minor once enjoyed suspension of sentence under its o Penalty is above 6 yrs imprisonment  prosec for PI
provisions o Child/parent/guardian does not consent to diversion 
o military tribunals prosec for PI
 Disqualification is not the actual penalty imposed but the possible o Contract of diversion already instated by offender violates
one (if punishment for crime is RP but court only gave RT, still terms
disqualified) Retroactive effect of RA 9344

Children – persons under 18 years of age

Children at risk – those who are vulnerable to and at the risk of committing
criminal offenses because of personal, family, and social circusmtances

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