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Distance Learning Program on the Rules of Conduct and Ethical

Behavior in the Civil Service

Donna Jane G. Simeon-PDO 1

Case Study 1

If I am the official during this time, I would definitely isolate the

whole island for its recovery. The findings of the chemist when it
conducted the test in the island are a manifestation that the area is
under a critical level already. The bacteria that are brought by the
hotels, restaurants, bars, human wastes and others through its
waste disposals contaminated the whole area. Therefore,
contamination is its result.

Drinking waters are affected, the sea water is affected and the
sea organisms and the school of fish also are affected. As an official
my main concern is the safety of the people in the area and the
tourists. Because it is a tourist spot so it brings development and
progress to the economy of the locals and also of the whole country
in general. So, the recovery of the beaches and its crystal clear
waters must be preserved and must be given priority. If this will be
affected then a lot of locals in the area will become unemployed and
no more tourist will visit the island and it will bring bad impression
not only to the place where it is located but as well as to the country.

Commitment to public interest will be shown through the

delivery of the right service towards the locals and to the tourists.
That the place will be preserved and its beautiful scenery will be
maintained. Rules and regulations will be strictly implemented and
environmental fee must be imposed. This is in order to maintain the
beauty of the island. Locals will be encouraged to follow the rules
and regulations and if caught violating the prohibited acts they will
be penalized. As said, safety of the locals and of the tourists is the
priority and second to that is the preservation of the beautiful island
that brings employment to the locals in the area.
Case Study 2

If I am in Rick’s shoes, I would respond calmly and courteously

to the situation. I will not allow Alonzo to pass through even if he is an
Army Colonel.

As an Army Colonel, Alonzo knows what is illegal and what is

not. As a member of the Armed Forces of the Government he has the
duty and responsibility to follow government rules, regulations and
laws of the Philippines. He is a well-informed individual of the
prohibited and illegal acts in the country. So in his shown actions,
showing to the team of Rick his supremacy as an Army Colonel he
abused his authority and violated the directive of the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources that cutting of narra flitches is

As a person task to implement the directives of the DENR I

would follow the task given to me to prohibit those who are violators.
I know that Alonzo is more powerful than I am as he has his own
armed men but as we are both knowledgeable of our actions, and I
know I am right then I will not let it pass through. I will inform Alonzo
courteously of the consequences of his actions and of what directive
of the DENR he has violated. No one is above the law and I am just
following the right action to be done.
Case Study 3

I would agree to Glenda on the part of relaying the concern to

the Senator who is the Chairperson of the Committee on
Environment and Natural Resources and not to the press because it
is just proper to make the concern of Glenda a concern of the
senator who is in charge of the matter at hand. To open a business
especially an open pit mining is not only a concern of a certain
agency. It is a concern of all especially of those residents who are
near to the area where the proposed location is located and of the
Barangay, Municipality, Province and National. It needs undergone a
proper deliberation whether or not it is safe for the people and for
the environment.

If Glenda will just follow what her superior told her to do so

without even conducting the proper procedure of the matter then it
is a violation as to the process of what is the right thing to do.
Therefore, Glenda’s employment will be affected if she will not raise
the concern as soon as possible and a lot of individual will be
affected too. So the right thing to do is to correct the wrong as early
as possible.

Whistleblowing to the media is not acceptable as whistle

blowing to an elected national official. Although the media is helpful
as to the cases like this but the first resort is not to the media.
Case Study 4

If I am Ronnie I will not accept the token of gratitude given.

As a public servant, being an employee of the government,

accepting of gifts, tokens and tips are prohibited under the Civil
Service Commission Rules and Regulations.

In this case, the right thing to do here, if I am Ronnie, is to get

the envelope containing money and bring it back to Ms. Santos. It is
an honor already that I am acknowledged of my work and that it is my
duty and responsibility to fulfil my clients satisfaction. Hence, the
token money is not anymore needed.
Case Study 5

I would take side to Cynthia.

Cynthia is correct in her value that to bring government

supplies is stealing and it is prohibited in the code of conducts of
employees. Government supplies are intended for government
transactions and not for individual interest. It is also indicated in the
local government code of 1991 that the employees are prohibited to
bring home for individual benefit or interest the supplies that are
purchased by the government funds.

In this case, Cynthia is correct and must report this case to the
proper department in order for the problem to be regulated and
stopped by the Chief Executive. This is a rampant problem based on
the conversation; hence this problem must be regulated.
Case Study 6

In the situation presented, there is nothing wrong when the act

is lawful. When the law allows such activities and programs by the
PAGCOR then there’s no wrong about it. It helps Filipinos and it is an
additional income for the government to sustain its projects and

But, on the question if it is automatically moral, then it is not.

Morality in the eyes of the people is what for everyone accepts as
right, lawful and religiously right. Every individual has its own
definition of morality but those things that are moral in the public are
those that do not violate a person’s dignity, ethnicity, race, religion,
sex etc., so in this matter, if someone calls it immoral due to the fact
the it destroys families then it is the opinion of such individual.

In this case, PAGCOR’s program and projects as long as it does

not violate the law then it is legal and moral to the eyes of the public
because it undergone deliberation and approved by the legislatures.
Case Study 7

I will not agree to her opinion regarding the CSC’s implemented

proper dress code.

Civil Service Commission is an agency of the government that

is assigned to regulate the government employees’ conducts. They
are task to maintain the modesty and proper decorum to all
government employees, so they have the authority to punish
employees who are violators.

In this case, if I am the employee I will obediently follow the

rules and regulations of the CSC with regards to the proper dress
code because it is my duty to follow what are those things that I am
obliged to do as a government employee.
Case Study 8

Josie is right in this case.

Josie just applied the law that is significant to the discussion

between her and Adora that under RA 6713, gift giving is allowed as
long as it is nominal.

In this case, Adora as the assigned personnel and front liner as

to the task of personnel administration are receiving gifts freely
without any limitations so the gifts that she is receiving are not
anymore nominal which turns out to be now of a violation under the
law that will possibly lead to an administrative case against Adora.

Hence, Josie is right for not taking the side of Adora in

receiving gifts excessively to her clients.
Case Study 9

I would first verify if the transaction of the official is an official

transaction or not before I am going to proceed to the next thing to
be done which is to report such official if the transaction he made is
not for the government but for his own benefit only.

If the committed violation of the official is illegal and prohibited

by their rules and regulations as an official then the right thing to do
is to report to the Ombudsman as the proper authority. Also, this will
regulate the unnecessary transactions of all officials and so that
immediate action will be undertaken by the government authority
assigned to regulate this matter.
Case Study 10

Both contentions have points for me and both have also wrong
application of their reasons.

Roy is an employee who is given less privilege because of his

work position. As an employee before he was hired, he already know
his work and the rules and regulations of his work as an employee.
Therefore, he cannot differentiate that part to the department heads
or to the directors because they’re given more privileges because of
their work loads. Roy must become more obedient and patient as to
his work because he is in the government where a fixed rate and
fixed work hours is given. But, his contention as to the tardiness of
the directors is correct. Being the head of the department, Mr.
Sanchez must show his punctuality to his subordinates in order for
him to inspire his co-employees.

As to Mr. Sanchez, he must not say such thing “he should wait
until he becomes a boss,” because it is not the issue of the matter.
He must inspire his colleague and he himself must do the right thing
of what is allowed by the rules and regulations. So that, like Roy
being her subordinate will not make him a comparison as to their
work ethics.

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