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mnm​Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction
1.1 What is Flexible Dieting
2.0 Rigid Diet vs Flexible Diet
2.1 Reasons not to drive yourself from losing weight ……………….
2.2 The Impatient Dieter vs The Patient Dieter
3.0 The Importance of Macros
3.1 Guide to track your daily Macros and Calorie intake …………..
3.2 Instruments to measure and track your calorie intake ………..
3.3 Macros Cheat Sheet for Protein, Carbs and Fats
3.4 Tracking your Macros when eating outside
​4.0 Understanding The Potential of Your Body
4.1 10 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight
4.2 Understanding Energy Balance
4.3 Supplementation Guidance

4.4 Client’s transformation


I can still remember when I was still a high school Taekwondo athlete in Floridablanca,
Pampanga, I used to compete and represent my hometown. Most of the time, I am bringing
pride to my school and hometown but ​As time goes by, I set my goals higher. I told myself that
before I end my year in Highschool, I should be able to win or atleast reach national
competition. Unfortunately, I failed​.
I was depressed because I almost give-up everything and the fact that sports became my
life. During training, I always give my best to the point that I am sacrificing the time for my
family, studies and social life just to outdo my past performances.
Now, the question is, how did I overcome it and how did I accept defeat?

It was all thanks to the wise words and guidance of my father. When he noticed my
actions after the competition, this is what he told me, "Son, what you're going through is just a
trial in your life. Would you let that failure drag you down or you're going to help yourself up
and be better the next time?". Those wise words from him are on repeat in my mind everytime
things don't go my way.

I am a fitness enthusiast. I was a former instructor of Calisthenics in Ninja Academy and

Sparta Calisthenics Academy.
I like situations where it challenges my mental capacity, strength, and strategy. The why
last year, I decided to join a bodybuilding competition which is Australia National Bodybuilding
and World Natural Bodybuilding Federation. In both competition, I was able to acquire all the
Gold Medals in every division that I joined (ANB Fitness model under 25 and WNBF PH Physique
Small). All the Gold Medals won't be possible without the help of Coach Ken Hanaoka and God,
of course.
The feeling is unexplainable when you are able to help your clients be disciplined on
their diet and to help them set achievements on their lifestyle. As their coach, I always give
them wise words that would help them keep their focus on their goals and to keep them
motivated not only in fitness, but also in life. With the simple bonding and moments with them,
I already considered them as my family.


The moment of truth,

Flexible Dieting is a kind of diet where you can eat the food that you love as long as it
fits your macros (also known as Macronutrients).
Most Filipinos believe that carbohydrates are the ones that makes a person fat which is
actually wrong. ​As a result, they won't eat rice, bread, or any kind of food that is rich in
carbohydrates in order for them to lose weight. ​Carbohydrates is one of the most important
food intake in our daily lives as this is where we get our main source of energy.
Meanwhile, there are also people who are afraid to consume fat because their instinct
used to believe that eating fat makes you fat. But the truth is, fats are very essential to survive,
fats are building blocks of our brain, hormones and nervous tissue.
Let the misconception end here. Excess calories or food intake is the reason for your
weight gain. Carbohydrates and fats intake are not the enemy. They are your partners in
achieving your fitness goals as long as you don't exceed the designed Macronutrients for you.

Rigid diet vs Flexible diet

Rigid Dieting is a kind of diet where you have to restrict yourself from having a bad
in order to achieve your fitness goal.

Some of us probably went into a situation where we have to prepare for an event and
what we do is to continuously eat the same food that has low fat and low carbohydrate or with
no cheat meal at all. That is considered as Rigid Dieting.

Advantages Disadvantages

1. You are consistent to your goal. 1. You have to limit yourself from eating
delicious food that are not in your plan.

2. You are sure of the nutrients of what 2. There is a big chance that you will give
you are eating. up because of eating the same food

3. As long you are consistent to your 3. Stress and anxiety will come up because of
intake there is an assurance that you the same food intake that you are eating.
will achieve your goal.

4. You have to prepare your meals ahead of

time to continue achieving your goal.

Flexible Dieting​ is a kind of diet where you can eat the food that you love as long as it
fits your macros (Also known as Macronutrients).

A diet that promotes the notion that there are no “bad foods” and allows you to choose
any food, as long as it fits within your macronutrient needs. Yes, this is what we want! We want
to eat delicious food while maintaining and achieving our goal body.

Advantages Disadvantages

1. It saves a lot of your time. 1.Some of the food that you will eat does not
have accurate Macronutrients

2. You don’t need to prepare your meal 2. You have to overestimate food that does
ahead of time. not have accurate Macronutrients.

3. Sustainable because you are enjoying food 3. You will always be conscious with the
and you will not have to restrict yourself from calories and nutrients of the food.
eating delicious food.

4. You can eat any food that you want as long 4. You have to bring your Weighing Scale all
as it fits your Macronutrients the time.

The photo below shows how Rigid Diet and Flexible Diet works. Both have the same
effect on our body as long as we follow our designed macros.


The Impatient dieter vs The Patient Dieter

The ​Impatient Dieter is the person who is expecting to lose weight in a short period of
time which results in the opposite. They will deprive themselves to reach their goal in a short
period of time and in the end, they will just give up.

The ​Patient Dieter is the person who has knowledge that losing weight takes time. It will
take hard work and perseverance. They will achieve their goal because they do not have to
deprive themselves from eating.
Do not be fooled by commercials such as a dietary supplement where they will tell you
that you will lose 10lbs in a week or a band that will burn your fat from your belly. Those are all
fake and a waste of money.
A lack of Patience is the main reason why we are not achieving our dream body. As I
guide you to your journey in achieving your goal, let me remind you that diet will take guidance,
effort and time.

Sample picture of a ​patient dieter:


​ 3 month preparation to WNBF Cebu 2019 3 months preparation to

Golds Gym BodyCon 4.0

The Importance of Macros

The term “​Macros​” is short for ​Macronutrients in the context of nutrition.
Macronutrients are the energy-giving components of food that fuels our body. It includes
carbohydrates​, ​protein​, and ​fat​; this is where your dietary calories come from.
I will assign you a Macronutrients that is designed depending on your body type, weight
and goal. We all have different Macros depending on our goal and performance. You cannot
just imitate the Macros of other people or share your Macros with them because it might affect
the performance of the person who will use it.

Fact: In every gram of ​PROTEIN​ and ​CARBS​ it is equal to ​4 calories​, and for every
gram of ​FATS ​it is equal to ​9 calories​.

How will track your daily ​Macros and Calorie intake​?

The most used app for bodybuilders and other fitness enthusiasts is the ​MyFitnessPal​. You can
download it on Google Play Store and Apps store.

How to setup the ​MyFitnessPal​ application?

Step #1 ​Click the goal section to edit our macros to reach our goal.

Step #2​ Fill up this section.

Step #3 ​Your macros will depend on me. I will give you your macros and daily calorie intake. Disregard
the given Macros in the app, because the app does not know your performance, goal, body fat, body
type and et al.

Here is my sample ​macros and calorie intake​ when I am on deficit. 12 weeks out from competition and
low carb during the preparation for competition.

Here’s my sample food intake on a normal basis. Just click “Add food” and search for the food
that you’re going to consume. If you’re not sure on the nutrition facts, just message me so that
I can help you with it! Some inputs in the app is not accurate.

Where can you check the nutrients or macros on your inputs? Click the pie chart button on the upper
right side.

As you can see below, I did not exactly meet my daily PROTEIN. I exceed 4g, but my carbs and fats are
insufficient. There are days that you will also encounter this, but make sure that when you experience
this, your caloric intake will not exceed on my said goal. ​As much as possible make sure your MACROS
and CALORIC INTAKE are always correct!

Instruments to measure and track your calorie intake

Food scale Weighing scale

● Food scale – ​to measure and track the food that we are eating. We need
this in order to list the food intake measurement every single day.

● Weighing scale – ​to monitor our weight daily.


● REMINDER​: ​When you choose your food, make sure that it contains
nutrition facts or is identifiable. If you are not sure of the macros on
MyFitnessPal, you can search for it on Google. If it did not appear online,
you are not allowed to eat it at all.


@Jaymie Moran
As a Flexible dieter it is our advantage to eat outside. For us to track the Macronutrients
of the food we consume, we should use the application Myfitnesspal. Myfitnesspal will help us
manage our assigned Calorie intake and amount of Macronutrients

When we are checking our food from Myfitnesspal, we should double check it from
google and look from the nearest Macronutrients. When we are not sure about the
Macronutrients of the food, we should overestimate it or not eat the food at all.

Eating should not be stressful when we are tracking our Calorie intake and
Macronutrients. We just need to that we are inserting the right Macronutrients and Calories.

There are a lot of articles that you will see online where they will tell you the reasons
why you don't lose weight. It is either, you eat too much carbohydrates, you always consume
fatty food, or your metabolism is too slow. In the end, you will just deprive yourself from eating
because of the fear to gain weight.
The ​main reason on why you are not losing weight is because “You are eating too
many calories”. ​Carbohydrates and fats are made for us because our body needs it. Yes, we
have different body types, that is why we are creating a unique Macronutrients that will fit your
metabolism, goal and on how your body will react to the food that you consume.
We need to understand the difference between fat loss and weight loss. There will be
essence of having a 25% body fat with a weight of 69kg compared to 13% body fat with a
of 75kg. In the end, it is not the weight that will determine the appearance of our body. It is our
body fat and body muscle percentage.

Water Retention ​is the excess fluids build up inside your body. It is also one of the
reason why we believe we are gaining weight. In order to remove the excess fluid from your
body, we need to increase our water intake because the primary reason for water retention is
salt or sodium rich food. Increasing your water intake will help you to flush the sodium from
your body that causes water retention.

When we are not well informed, we tend to compute our weight loss inaccurately.

A common example is when people compare their weight from one day to the next and
constantly, rather than weighing themselves daily, taking the weekly average, and then only
comparing the weekly averages over a span of at least 2-4 weeks. The reason why
computing your daily loss weekly because there is no caloric deficit present. There are a lot of
factors that might affect your weight within a day or in the other day.

The reason why we need to track our weight daily is because you might reach your peak
of losing weight based on your assigned Macronutrients which is called Plateau. ​The
importance of your coach comes in, he will recalculate your Macronutrients based on your
current condition, body type, muscle mass, body fat percentage and a lot of factors that affects
your body from losing and gaining weight.


In understanding how our bodies lose and gain weight, we should know the importance
of Calorie Intake and Calorie Expenditure because these two will determine how we will lose,
maintain and gain weight.

C​alorie intake is the amount of food you should take in order to have the energy in your
body. It determines the energy of our body possessed in order to do physical activities.

Calorie Expenditure is the amount of energy you spend in order to do physical function.
It determines the consumed energy that the body used.
Weight loss is when your calorie expenditure is higher than your calorie intake. This will
result as a calorie deficit
Weight Maintenance is when your calorie intake is equal to your calorie expenditure.
This will result as calorie balance
Weight Gain is when your calorie intake is higher than your calorie expenditure. This will
result as calorie surplus.
A calorie deficit or a calorie surplus without consistency will not make sense. It should
be sustained and monitored in order to control results and changes. It is your discipline and
effort that will control your results.


Why do I use these supplements?
● In order for us to stay healthy and be in a good condition while doing our
diet, we have to take supplements to support our micronutrient needs as
we can’t get enough of it on foods that we intake.

● Ascorbic Acid -​ ​is one of the safest and most effective ​nutrients​, experts say. It
may not be the cure for the ​common cold​ (though it's thought to help prevent
more serious complications). But the benefits of vitamin C may include
protection against immune system deficiencies, ​cardiovascular disease​,
prenatal health problems, ​eye​ disease, and even ​skin​ wrinkling.
Ascorbic - we take Ascorbic Acid to support our needs in vitamin C as eating fruits
won’t be enough to fully support it.
● TIP: I usually take 1g of Ascorbic Acid per day. Aside from helping me to support my needs in Vit
C, it also helps me flush unwanted toxins in my body.
● B-complex - play a vital role in maintaining good health and well-being. As the
building blocks of a healthy body, B vitamins have a direct impact on your
energy levels, brain function, and cell metabolism.
Benefits of B-complex
● It can reduce stress and Boost mood
● Reduce symptoms of Anxiety and Depression
● B1 - Thiamine​ plays an essential role in metabolism by helping convert
nutrients into energy.
● B2 - Riboflavin​ helps convert food into energy and also acts as an
● B3 - Niacin​ plays a role in cellular signaling, metabolism and DNA
production and repair.
● B5 (pantothenic acid)​ Like other B vitamins, pantothenic acid helps your
body obtain energy from food and is also involved in hormone and
cholesterol production.
● B6 - Pyridoxine​ is involved in amino acid metabolism, red blood cell
production and the creation of neurotransmitters.
● B7 - Biotin​ is essential for carbohydrate and fat metabolism and
regulates gene expression.

● B9 - ​Folate​ is needed for cell growth, amino acid metabolism, the
formation of red and white blood cells and proper cell division.
● B12 (cobalamin):​ Perhaps the most well-known of all the B vitamins,
B12 is vital for neurological function, DNA production and red blood cell
● I take 1 capsule per day
● Multivitamins and Minerals - are used to provide substances that are not
taken in through the diet. It is also used to treat vitamin or mineral deficiencies
caused by illness, pregnancy, poor nutrition, digestive disorders, certain
medications, and many other conditions.
● I take 1 capsule per day

● Calcium and Vitamin D -​ ​Your body needs calcium to build and maintain strong
bones. Your heart, muscles and nerves also need calcium to function properly.
Some studies suggest that calcium, along with vitamin D, may have benefits
beyond bone health: perhaps protecting against cancer, diabetes and high
blood pressure.
● I take 1 capsule per day

● Fish oil ​– this is rich in Omega – 3 fatty acids.

Benefits of Fish oil
● May support heart health
● Help treat certain mental disorder
● Aid for weight loss
● Support eye health
● Reduce inflammation
● Support healthy skin
● Support pregnancy and early life
● Reduce liver fat
● Improve symptoms of depression
● Improve bone health
● Can reduce asthma symptoms and allergy risk

● I take 1 capsule per day

1. Whey Protein (Isolate)​ – a support for your protein needs and can help you
prevent catabolic reaction once your body needs protein ASAP.
● TIP: I usually take my whey protein every morning because my body
is on fasted state and our body needs fast acting protein.
● Can also be taken after workout for recovery and for fast acting

Is it required?​ No, this is only a protein option in order to meet your macros.

2. BCAA with EAA (HYDROBCAA)​ – helps muscle growth and enhanced

exercise program. Also good for recovery.
● TIP: I usually take it during fasted cardio and during workout.
● NOTE: some whey proteins also contain BCAA

3. Creatine​ – helps our muscles produce energy during heavy lifting and
high-intensity workout. Creatine also helps also helps to ​enhance strength​,
improve performance​, and ​help our muscle to look full.
● TIP: I usually take this only when needed and during my almost peak
week or when there is a competition
4. Lipocide IR​ –​ ​also known as fat burner. This contains thermogenesis
wherein it will heat up your body that can help you burn fat. It can also help
you perform well on your workouts as it contains caffeine.
● TIP: I usually take this during cutting season or prep season.
5. EVP Extreme​ –helps you improve your training by making your drive go up.
- it has the same effect with Lipocide. The only difference is EVP Extreme
doesn’t have thermogenesis that helps you burn fat.
● TIP: I usually take this when I’m exhausted. I don’t recommend using
this everyday as your system will be immune with it.
6. Carnigen​ – also a fat burner the only difference with lipocide is it has no
content of caffeine.

How I use these supplements:
Fasted cardio​: ½ scoop Lipocide IR / Carnigen 1 scoop / 1 scoop BCAA

Before or after Breakfast​: *​(FOR HEALTH PURPOSES ONLY)

Ascorbic Acid / B-complex / Calcium and Vitamin D / Multivitamins and minerals /
Fish oil

Pre-workout in the afternoon gym session​: ½ scoop Lipocide IR

Intra workout or during workout​: 1 scoop BCAA

Post workout​: 1 scoop of whey and when I feel flat, I add 1 scoop of creatine.

* NOTE: All these supplements are not required. I’m just giving you ideas on how you can
improve your health and performance during deficit. JUST ALWAYS REMEMBER


Toni​ ​with her 13 weeks progress. Currently working as a Flight Attendant in Riyadh.

Lee East​ with his 5 months progress. Currently working as an Engineer in Japan.

Kristine​ with her 3 month progress. Currently an RMT with different work schedules.

Jonathan​ with his 3 month progress, a Virtual Assistant.

Bea Santos​ with her 3 month progress. Currently an Accountant working in Makati.

Pan Doy​ with her 3 month progress. Married with 1 baby boy, and currently an Air Force

John​ with his 3 month progress. Currently a college student and on Competition Prep Program.

Maurois, A. (2019). ​Why You Need to Eat Fat to Burn Fat​. [online] FatForWeightLoss. Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2019].

Verywell Fit. (2019). ​Why Carbohydrates Are Important for Exercise.​ [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2019].

Bodyrecomposition. (2019). ​Rigid and Flexible Dieting​. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2019].

Cold, F., Health, E., Disease, H., Disease, L., Management, P., Conditions, S., Problems, S., Disorders,
S., Checker, S., Blogs, W., Boards, M., Answers, Q., Guide, I., Doctor, F., A-Z, C., A-Z, S., Medications,
M., Identifier, P., Interactions, C., Drugs, C., Pregnant, T., Management, D., Obesity, W., Recipes, F.,
Exercise, F., Beauty, H., Balance, H., Relationships, S., Care, O., Health, W., Health, M., Well, A., Sleep,
H., Teens, H., Pregnant, G., Trimester, F., Trimester, S., Trimester, T., Baby, N., Health, C., Vaccines, C.,
Kids, R., Cats, H., Dogs, H., Know, T., Meds?, H., Dead, L., Treatment, B., Cancer?, S., Boards, M.,
Blogs, W., Center, N., Management, D. and Stories, F. (2019). ​The Benefits of Vitamin C.​ [online]
WebMD. Available at: [Accessed 13
Aug. 2019].

Healthline. (2019). ​Vitamin B Complex: Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage, Foods, and More.​ [online]
Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2019].

eMedicineHealth. (2019). ​No Brand Name (multivitamins and minerals) Side Effects, Interactions, Uses
& Drug Imprint.​ [online] Available at: [Accessed 13
Aug. 2019].

Healthline. (2019). ​13 Important Benefits of Fish Oil, Based on Science.​ [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2019].

Mayo Clinic. (2019). ​Are you getting enough calcium?.​ [online] Available at:
20047097 [Accessed 13 Aug. 2019].

Healthline. (2019). ​6 Simple Ways to Reduce Water Retention.​ [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2019].

Photos only
Instagram. (2019). R ​ YAN & MEESH on Instagram: “BOOKMARK FOR LATER↗ 🔰
CALCULATOR THROUGH THE LINK IN OUR BIO ⚠ - First off, let’s define the 80/20 rule: it refers
to…”​. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 13 Aug. 2019]

Instagram. (2019). R ​ YAN & MEESH on Instagram: “BOOKMARK FOR LATER↗ 🔰 - PERFECT post by
@thefitnesschef_ : - “According to the oxford dictionary, sustainability (noun) is: The ability to…”.​ [online]
Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug.

Instagram. (2019). R​ YAN & MEESH on Instagram: “BOOKMARK FOR LATER↗ 🔰

@fitnessreloaded : - “The 99% mentality is that more deprivation equals more weight loss. They…”​.
[online] Available at: [Accessed 13
Aug. 2019].

​Anon, (2019). [online] Available at:

[Accessed 13 Aug. 2019].

Instagram. (2019). R

TOMORROW!! DM us for more info ⚠ - AWESOME post by @realjaredhamilton: - " Macros Cheat
Sheet - In…”.​ [online] Available at:
📌 [Accessed 13 Aug. 2019].

​Instagram. (2019). ​RYAN & MEESH on Instagram: “BOOKMARK FOR LATER↗ 🔰

- Just a fundamentally
SOUND post by @aworkoutroutine: - "Wondering why you're not losing weight? Let's clear it up…”.​
[online] Available at: [Accessed 13
Aug. 2019].

Anon, (2019). [online] Available at:

[Accessed 13 Aug. 2019]. (2019). ​Fitness & Nutrition | Simon (@simonchang3) • Instagram photos and videos.​
[online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2019].

​Instagram. (2019). ​ Graeme Tomlinson on Instagram: “According to the oxford dictionary,
sustainability (noun) is: The ability to maintain a certain rate or level. When applying this concept…”​.
[online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2019].


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