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Giant Verb List Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay Giant Verb List

With Verb Spelling Rules, Irregular Verbs List, Helping Verbs

List, Linking Verbs List, and Innovative Learning Models!

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Giant Verb List Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay Giant Verb List

Table of Contents
Overview and Spelling Rules .......................................................................... 3

Giant Verb List: 3,250 Verbs .......................................................................... 6

Irregular Verbs and Regular Verbs: Understanding Columns ...................... 33

Giant Irregular Verb List: 207 Irregular Verbs .............................................. 38

Helping Verbs and Linking Verbs: Little Verb Lists ....................................... 44

COPYRIGHT PROTECTED: This entire verb list and this entire model is copyright
protected. I used a variety of techniques and software to generate this list from
scratch. Everything about this list is unique, edited, and selective.

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Giant Verb List Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay Giant Verb List

Overview and Spelling Rules

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Giant Verb List Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay Giant Verb List

Overview: 3, 250 Verbs with Spelling Rules and Irregular Verbs

This Giant Verb List contains 3,250 action verbs, linking verbs, and stative verbs. Most are action verbs. This list
does not contain helping verbs (see the helping verb section). Additionally, this list addresses irregular verbs
and all the strange spelling changes that occur when we add –s, –ed, and –ing to the base verbs.

As you will see, 1,984 out of the 3,250 verbs (61%) have a mark or number next to them. In fact, some verbs
have several marks or numbers. The marks and numbers indicate which spelling rules etc. applies to the verb.

I omitted a number of dicey, offensive, and violent verbs. That being said, I left in a few that are so ubiquitous
they are sure to appear in a student dictionary. In short, if a verb has at least one formal, legitimate, or artistic
use, I’ve likely included it.

I’ve tried to mark all the common spelling changes, exceptions, and irregularities. However, some verbs are so
fickle that it’s likely I’ve missed a couple. Teachers and students must sometimes do further research and
confirmation to fully understand the peculiarities of a verb. Most certainly, everyone still needs to have a
complete list of irregular verbs (marked +).

How to Use This List

I would love to hear how you use the list and your success stories. Are you a teacher, a student, a reader, a
writer? If you have any ideas, strategies, or requests let me know. And if you have any questions, if you find an
error, or if you find a verb that you think I should add to the list or remove from the list, let me know.

Personally, having just printed out and read the entire list, I feel a change in my vocabulary. I’m familiar with all
of the verbs, but reading the list just once seems to have brought many new verbs into my working vocabulary.
I hope it does the same for you!

Shortly, I will be posting similar lists for several other parts of speech. I started this list project a few years ago,
but put it aside when faced with the sheer number of words and rules. At the time I was going to call the lists
Magic Word Lists, as simply browsing through the giant lists made me feel like my vocabulary and word sense
was growing extremely fast—much faster than if I had been working with a vocabulary program.

This list will challenge the ways you think about words. At first glance, you might think some words are a
mistake; however, upon closer inspection and reflection you will see the truth of the word. For example, when
I read the list and came across hammer, for a second, I wondered what it was doing on the list. And then I
thought about all the different ways to use the word hammer. Hammer is obviously both a noun and a verb.
For a variety of other verbs, I needed to confirm their validity through research. And each time I looked up a
word, it broadened my understanding of language.

By the way, if you teach elementary school or middle school writing, be sure to check out Pattern
Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay on the homepage. It’s the fastest, most effective way to teach
organized multi-paragraph essay writing to students! Guaranteed!

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Giant Verb List Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay Giant Verb List

The Key: Understanding the Marks and Numbers Next to the Verbs

Read over and make sure you understand the spelling rules and marks. Also, take a quick look at the Totals.
They will give you an idea of how common or uncommon a rule is.

Regular Verbs, Irregular Verbs, and Linking Verbs

( ) Regular Verbs: Regular verbs don’t have a mark next to them. However, many of these regular verbs
still have a spelling change mark. If there is no spelling change mark next to the verb, just add –s, –ed, or –
ing to the end of the verb. It’s that simple! Total: 3,045

(+) Irregular Verbs: Irregular verbs have a “+” mark next to them. Some irregular verbs also have a spelling
change mark. However, you must still consult a complete list of irregular verbs. Total: 205

(LV) Linking Verbs: Some linking verbs can also be used as action verbs. Also, 9 linking verbs are regular
verbs and 5 are irregular. The eight forms of BE equal just one verb on this list. Total: 14

Regular Verbs with a Spelling Change: Adding –s, –ed, or –ing to the End of a Verb

(1) Rule 1 Drop the Final –E: If a regular verb ends with –e, drop the –e and add –ed or –ing. Note: When
adding –ed, we could say just add a –d. It brings about the same result. Exception: If the verb ends in –ee,
don’t drop the final –e; just add –d or –ing. Total: 1,245

(2) Rule 2a Double the Final Consonant: If a regular verb is one syllable, has one vowel, and ends with a
single consonant (except x), double the final consonant and then add –ed or –ing. The vowel sounds in
these words are short; hence, I call this rule SHORT ONE (1 syllable; 1 vowel; 1 ending consonant; and 1
short vowel sound). Total: 235 (2a and 2b)

(2) Rule 2b Double the Final Consonant: If a regular verb has two or more syllables, ends with a single
vowel then consonant, and the last syllable of the root word is stressed, then double the final consonant
and add –ed or –ing. If the final consonant is –l, American English usually does not double the consonant,
but British English does. (I’ve added RB for Rule Breaker to some of these British English words.)

(3) Rule 3 Change the Y to I: If the verb ends in –y, change the y to i and add –es (not –s) or –ed. Exception:
If a vowel immediately precedes the final y, just add –s or –ed. (Note: Don’t change the y to i when adding
–ing. Just add the –ing.) Total: 91

(4) Rule 4 Add –ES: When adding –s to the end of the verb, if the verb ends in –sh (63), –s (1), –ss (55), –x
(15), –ch (72), –z (2), or –o (10), add –es (not –s). The () indicate how many instances of each. Total: 218.

(RB) Rule Breakers: I’ve marked RB for words that break a spelling rule or are a strange exception in one
way or another. For example, the rule may work when adding –ed but not when adding –ing. Or perhaps,
American English spells it one way and British English spells it another way. Finally, some words just have
an uncommon spelling change when adding certain suffixes. You may need to do a little research yourself
if you wish to find out what makes the word a Rule Breaker. Total: 23

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Giant Verb List Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay Giant Verb List

Giant Verb List: 3,250 Verbs

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Giant Verb List Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay Giant Verb List

1. abandon 43. acknowledge 1 85. agonize 1

2. abate 1 44. acquaint 86. agree 1 RB
3. abbreviate 1 45. acquiesce 1 87. aid
4. abdicate 1 46. acquire 1 88. ail
5. abduct 47. acquit 2 89. aim
6. abhor 2 48. act 90. airbrush 4
7. abide 1 49. activate 1 91. airdrop 2
8. abolish 4 50. actualize 1 92. airlift
9. abort 51. adapt 93. airmail
10. abound 52. add 94. alarm
11. abridge 1 53. address 4 95. alert
12. abscond 54. adhere 1 96. alienate 1
13. absolve 1 55. adjoin 97. align
14. absorb 56. adjourn 98. allege 1
15. abstain 57. adjudicate 1 99. alleviate 1
16. abstract 58. adjust 100. allocate 1
17. abuse 1 59. administer 101. allot 2
18. accelerate 1 60. administrate 1 102. allow
19. accent 61. admire 1 103. allude 1
20. accentuate 1 62. admit 2 104. allure 1
21. accept 63. admonish 4 105. ally 3
22. access 4 64. adopt 106. alphabetize 1
23. accessorize 1 65. adore 1 107. alter
24. acclaim 66. adorn 108. alternate 1
25. acclimate 1 67. adsorb 109. amalgamate 1
26. acclimatize 1 68. adulate 1 110. amass 4
27. accommodate 1 69. advance 1 111. amaze 1
28. accompany 3 70. advertise 1 112. ambush 4
29. accomplish 4 71. advise 1 113. amend
30. accord 72. advocate 1 114. amount
31. accost 73. affect 115. amplify 3
32. account 74. affiliate 1 116. amputate 1
33. accredit 75. affirm 117. amuse 1
34. accrue 1 76. affix 4 118. analogize 1
35. acculturate 1 77. afflict 119. analyze 1
36. accumulate 1 78. afford 120. anchor
37. accuse 1 79. affront 121. anesthetize 1
38. accustom 80. age 1 122. anger
39. acerbate 1 81. aggravate 1 123. anguish 4
40. ache 1 82. aggregate 1 124. animate 1
41. achieve 1 83. aggrieve 1 125. annex 4
42. acidify 3 84. agitate 1 126. annihilate 1

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Giant Verb List Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay Giant Verb List

127. annotate 1 169. articulate 1 211. avail

128. announce 1 170. ascend 212. avalanche 1
129. annoy 171. ascertain 213. avenge 1
130. annualize 1 172. ascribe 1 214. average 1
131. annul 2 173. ask 215. avert
132. annunciate 1 174. aspirate 1 216. aviate 1
133. anoint 175. aspire 1 217. avoid
134. answer 176. assail 218. avow
135. antagonize 1 177. assassinate 1 219. await
136. anticipate 1 178. assault 220. awake 1 +
137. antiquate 1 179. assay 221. awaken
138. apologize 1 180. assemble 1 222. award
139. appall 181. assent 223. ax 4
140. appeal 182. assert 224. babble 1
141. appear LV 183. assess 4 225. baby 3
142. appease 1 184. assign 226. back
143. appertain 185. assimilate 1 227. backdate 1
144. applaud 186. assist 228. backfire 1
145. apply 3 187. associate 1 229. backhand
146. appoint 188. assort 230. backpack
147. appraise 1 189. assume 1 231. backpedal
148. appreciate 1 190. assure 1 232. backspace 1
149. apprehend 191. astonish 4 233. backtrack
150. apprentice 1 192. astound 234. backwash 4
151. apprise 1 193. atone 1 235. badger
152. approach 4 194. attach 4 236. badmouth
153. appropriate 1 195. attack 237. baffle 1
154. approve 1 196. attain 238. bag 2
155. approximate 1 197. attempt 239. bail
156. arbitrage 1 198. attend 240. bait
157. arbitrate 1 199. attest 241. bake 1
158. archive 1 200. attract 242. balance 1
159. argue 1 201. attribute 1 243. bale 1
160. arise 1 + 202. auction 244. balk
161. arm 203. audit 245. balloon
162. armor 204. audition 246. ballyhoo 4
163. aromatize 1 205. augment 247. bamboozle 1
164. arouse 1 206. authenticate 1 248. ban 2
165. arraign 207. author 249. band
166. arrange 1 208. authorize 1 250. bandage 1
167. arrest 209. autograph 251. bang
168. arrive 1 210. automate 1 252. banish 4

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253. bank 295. behave 1 337. blind

254. bankroll 296. behold + 338. blindfold
255. bankrupt 297. behoove 1 339. blink
256. banter 298. belabor 340. blister
257. baptize 1 299. belch 4 341. bloat
258. bar 2 300. beleaguer 342. block
259. barbarize 1 301. believe 1 343. bloody 3
260. barbecue 1 302. belittle 1 344. bloom
261. bare 1 303. bellow 345. blossom
262. bargain 304. belong 346. blot 2
263. barge 1 305. belt 347. blow +
264. bark 306. bemoan 348. blunder
265. barnstorm 307. bemuse 1 349. blur 2
266. barrage 1 308. bend + 350. blurt
267. barricade 1 309. benefit 351. blush 4
268. barter 310. bequeath 352. board
269. base 1 311. berate 1 353. boast
270. bash 4 312. bereave 1 354. bob 2
271. bask 313. beset 2 + 355. boil
272. baste 1 314. besiege 1 356. bolster
273. bat 2 315. bestow 357. bolt
274. batch 4 316. bet 2 + 358. bomb
275. bath 317. betray 359. bombard
276. batter 318. better 360. bond
277. battle 1 319. bewilder 361. book
278. bawl 320. bewitch 4 362. boom
279. be + LV 321. bid + 363. boost
280. beach 4 322. bide 364. boot
281. beam 323. bill 365. border
282. bear + 324. billow 366. bore 1
283. beat + 325. bind + 367. borrow
284. beautify 3 326. bite 1 + 368. bother
285. beckon 327. blab 2 369. bottle 1
286. become 1 + LV 328. blacken 370. bounce 1
287. bedazzle 1 329. blacklist 371. bound
288. beep 330. blame 1 372. bow
289. befriend 331. blast 373. bowl
290. befuddle 1 332. blaze 1 374. box 4
291. beg 2 333. bleach 4 375. boycott
292. begin 2 + 334. bleed + 376. brace 1
293. begrudge 1 335. blend 377. brag 2
294. beguile 1 336. bless 4 378. braid

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379. brake 1 421. bus 4 RB 463. catalog RB

380. branch 4 422. bust 464. catapult
381. brand 423. bustle 1 465. catch 4 +
382. brave 1 424. busy 3 466. categorize 1
383. breach 4 425. butcher 467. cater
384. break + 426. butter 468. cause 1
385. breakfast 427. button 469. caution
386. breath 428. buttress 4 470. cave 1
387. breed + 429. buy + 471. cease 1
388. brew 430. buzz 4 472. celebrate 1
389. bribe 1 431. bypass 4 473. cement
390. bridge 1 432. cackle 1 474. censor
391. brief 433. cage 1 475. censure 1
392. brighten 434. cajole 1 476. center
393. bring + 435. cake 1 477. centralize 1
394. bristle 1 436. calculate 1 478. certify 3
395. broach 4 437. calibrate 1 479. chain
396. broadcast + 438. call 480. chair
397. broaden 439. calm 481. challenge 1
398. bronze 1 440. camouflage 1 482. champion
399. brood 441. camp 483. chance 1
400. bruise 1 442. campaign 484. change 1
401. brush 4 443. can 2 485. channel
402. bubble 1 444. cancel RB 486. chant
403. buck 445. canvass 4 487. char 2
404. buckle 1 446. cap 2 488. characterize 1
405. budget 447. capitalize 1 489. charge 1
406. buffer 448. capitulate 1 490. charm
407. bug 2 449. capsize 1 491. chart
408. build + 450. captain 492. charter
409. bulge 1 451. captivate 1 493. chase 1
410. bully 3 452. capture 1 494. chasten
411. bump 453. care 1 495. chat 2
412. bunch 4 454. caress 4 496. chatter
413. bundle 1 455. carpet 497. cheat
414. burden 456. carry 3 498. check
415. burgle 1 457. cart 499. cheer
416. burn + 458. carve 1 500. cherish 4
417. burp 459. cascade 1 501. chew
418. burrow 460. cash 4 502. chide 1
419. burst + 461. cast + 503. chill
420. bury 3 462. castigate 1 504. chime 1

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Giant Verb List Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay Giant Verb List

505. chip 2 547. cloud 589. compile 1

506. chirp 548. club 2 590. complain
507. choke 1 549. cluster 591. complement
508. choose 1 + 550. clutch 4 592. complete 1
509. chop 2 551. clutter 593. complicate 1
510. choreograph 552. coach 4 594. compliment
511. christen 553. coat 595. comply 3
512. chronicle 1 554. coax 4 596. compose 1
513. chuck 555. cobble 1 597. compound
514. chuckle 1 556. cock 598. comprehend
515. churn 557. code 1 599. compress 4
516. circle 1 558. codify 3 600. comprise 1
517. circulate 1 559. coerce 1 601. compromise 1
518. circumscribe 1 560. coil 602. compute 1
519. circumvent 561. coin 603. computerize 1
520. cite 1 562. coincide 1 604. con 2
521. civilize 1 563. collaborate 1 605. conceal
522. claim 564. collapse 1 606. concede 1
523. clamber 565. collate 1 607. conceive 1
524. clamp 566. collect 608. concentrate 1
525. clap 2 567. collide 1 609. conceptualize 1
526. clarify 3 568. colonize 1 610. concern
527. clash 4 569. color 611. concert
528. clasp 570. comb 612. conclude 1
529. classify 3 571. combine 1 613. concoct
530. clatter 572. come 1 + 614. concur 2
531. claw 573. comfort 615. condemn
532. clean 574. command 616. condense 1
533. cleanse 1 575. commandeer 617. condition
534. clear 576. commemorate 1 618. condone 1
535. clench 4 577. commence 1 619. conduct
536. click 578. commend 620. confer 2
537. climb 579. comment 621. confess 4
538. clinch 4 580. commission 622. confide 1
539. cling + 581. commit 2 623. configure 1
540. clip 2 582. communicate 1 624. confine 1
541. cloak 583. commute 1 625. confirm
542. clock 584. compact 626. confiscate 1
543. clog 2 585. compare 1 627. conflict
544. clone 1 586. compel 2 628. conform
545. close 1 587. compensate 1 629. confound
546. cloth 588. compete 1 630. confront

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Giant Verb List Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay Giant Verb List

631. confuse 1 673. convey 715. crest

632. congratulate 1 674. convict 716. cringe 1
633. congregate 1 675. convince 1 717. cripple 1
634. conjure 1 676. cook 718. criticize 1
635. connect 677. cool 719. critique 1
636. conquer 678. cooperate 1 720. croak
637. consecrate 1 679. coordinate 1 721. crop 2
638. consent 680. cope 1 722. cross 4
639. conserve 1 681. copy 3 723. cross-examine 1
640. consider 682. copyright 724. crouch 4
641. consign 683. corner 725. crow
642. consist 684. correct 726. crowd
643. console 1 685. correlate 1 727. crown
644. consolidate 1 686. correspond 728. cruise 1
645. conspire 1 687. corroborate 1 729. crumble 1
646. constitute 1 688. corrupt 730. crumple 1
647. constrain 689. cost + 731. crunch 4
648. constrict 690. couch 4 732. crush 4
649. construct 691. cough 733. cry 3
650. construe 1 692. counsel 734. crystallize 1
651. consult 693. count 735. cuddle 1
652. consume 1 694. counter 736. cull
653. contact 695. counterbalance 1 737. culminate 1
654. contain 696. court 738. cultivate 1
655. contaminate 1 697. cover 739. cup 2
656. contemplate 1 698. covet 740. curb
657. contend 699. crack 741. cure 1
658. content 700. crackle 1 742. curl
659. contest 701. cradle 1 743. curse 1
660. continue 1 702. craft 744. curtail
661. contort 703. cram 2 745. curve 1
662. contract 704. cramp 746. cushion
663. contradict 705. crane 1 747. customize 1
664. contrast 706. crash 4 748. cut 2 +
665. contravene 1 707. crave 1 749. cycle 1
666. contribute 1 708. crawl 750. dab 2
667. contrive 1 709. creak 751. dabble 1
668. control 2 710. crease 1 752. damage 1
669. convene 1 711. create 1 753. dampen
670. converge 1 712. credit 754. dance 1
671. converse 1 713. creep + 755. dangle 1
672. convert 714. cremate 1 756. dare 1

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Giant Verb List Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay Giant Verb List

757. darken 799. defy 3 841. despair

758. dart 800. degenerate 1 842. despise 1
759. dash 4 801. degrade 1 843. destroy
760. date 1 802. dehydrate 1 844. detach 4
761. dawn 803. delay 845. detail
762. daze 1 804. delegate 1 846. detain
763. dazzle 1 805. delete 1 847. detect
764. deadlock 806. delight 848. deter 2
765. deal + 807. delineate 1 849. deteriorate 1
766. debate 1 808. deliver 850. determine 1
767. debit 809. delude 1 851. detest
768. decay 810. delve 1 852. detonate 1
769. deceive 1 811. demand 853. devalue 1
770. decentralize 1 812. demolish 4 854. devastate 1
771. decide 1 813. demonstrate 1 855. develop
772. decimate 1 814. demote 1 856. deviate 1
773. decipher 815. denominate 1 857. devise 1
774. deck 816. denote 1 858. devolve 1
775. declare 1 817. denounce 1 859. devote 1
776. decline 1 818. dent 860. devour
777. decompose 1 819. deny 3 861. diagnose 1
778. decorate 1 820. depart 862. dial
779. decrease 1 821. depend 863. dice 1
780. decree 1 RB 822. depict 864. dictate 1
781. dedicate 1 823. deplete 1 865. die 1 RB
782. deduce 1 824. deplore 1 866. differ
783. deduct 825. deploy 867. differentiate 1
784. deed 826. deport 868. diffuse 1
785. deem 827. depose 1 869. dig 2 +
786. deepen 828. deposit 870. digest
787. deface 1 829. deprecate 1 871. dignify 3
788. default 830. depress 4 872. dilapidate 1
789. defeat 831. deprive 1 873. dilate 1
790. defect 832. deride 1 874. dilute 1
791. defend 833. derive 1 875. dim 2
792. defer 2 834. descend 876. diminish 4
793. define 1 835. describe 1 877. dine 1
794. deflate 1 836. desert 878. dip 2
795. deflect 837. deserve 1 879. direct
796. deform 838. design 880. disable 1
797. defray 839. designate 1 881. disadvantage 1
798. defuse 1 840. desire 1 882. disagree 1 RB

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883. disallow 925. dispel 2 967. dodge 1

884. disappear 926. dispense 1 968. dog 2
885. disappoint 927. disperse 1 969. domesticate 1
886. disapprove 1 928. displace 1 970. dominate 1
887. disarm 929. display 971. don 2
888. disband 930. displease 1 972. donate 1
889. discard 931. dispose 1 973. doom
890. discern 932. dispossess 4 974. dot 2
891. discharge 1 933. disprove 1 975. dote 1
892. discipline 1 934. dispute 1 976. double 1
893. disclose 1 935. disqualify 3 977. doubt
894. disconcert 936. disregard 978. douse 1
895. disconnect 937. disrespect 979. down
896. discontinue 1 938. disrupt 980. downgrade 1
897. discount 939. dissatisfy 3 981. download
898. discourage 1 940. dissect 982. doze 1
899. discover 941. disseminate 1 983. draft
900. discredit 942. dissipate 1 984. drag 2
901. discriminate 1 943. dissolve 1 985. drain
902. discuss 4 944. dissuade 1 986. dramatize 1
903. disembark 945. distain 987. drape 1
904. disfigure 1 946. distance 1 988. draw +
905. disgrace 1 947. distill 989. drawl
906. disgruntle 1 948. distinguish 4 990. dread
907. disguise 1 949. distort 991. dream +
908. disgust 950. distract 992. dredge 1
909. dishevel 951. distress 4 993. drench 4
910. dishonor 952. distribute 1 994. dress 4
911. disillusion 953. distrust 995. dribble 1
912. disintegrate 1 954. disturb 996. drift
913. disinterest 955. ditch 4 997. drill
914. dislike 1 956. dive 1 + 998. drink +
915. dislocate 1 957. diverge 1 999. drip 2
916. dislodge 1 958. diversify 3 1000. drive 1 +
917. dismantle 1 959. divert 1001. drone 1
918. dismay 960. divest 1002. droop
919. dismiss 4 961. divide 1 1003. drop 2
920. dismount 962. divorce 1 1004. drown
921. disorder 963. divulge 1 1005. drum 2
922. disorientate 1 964. do 4 + 1006. dry 3
923. disown 965. dock 1007. dub 2
924. dispatch 4 966. document 1008. duck

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1009. dull 1051. embroider 1093. enquire 1

1010. dump 1052. emend 1094. enrage 1
1011. dupe 1 1053. emerge 1 1095. enrich 4
1012. duplicate 1 1054. emigrate 1 1096. enroll
1013. dust 1055. emit 2 1097. enshrine 1
1014. dwarf 1056. emphasize 1 1098. ensnare 1
1015. dwell 1057. employ 1099. ensue 1
1016. dwindle 1 1058. empower 1100. ensure 1
1017. dye 1 1059. empty 3 1101. entail
1018. earn 1060. emulate 1 1102. entangle 1
1019. ease 1 1061. enable 1 1103. enter
1020. eat + 1062. enact 1104. entertain
1021. ebb 1063. encapsulate 1 1105. entice 1
1022. echo 4 1064. encase 1 1106. entitle 1
1023. eclipse 1 1065. enchant 1107. entrench 4
1024. edge 1 1066. enclose 1 1108. entrust
1025. edit 1067. encode 1 1109. enumerate 1
1026. educate 1 1068. encompass 4 1110. enunciate 1
1027. efface 1 1069. encounter 1111. envelop
1028. effect 1070. encourage 1 1112. envy 3
1029. eject 1071. encroach 4 1113. epitomize 1
1030. elaborate 1 1072. end 1114. equal
1031. elapse 1 1073. endanger 1115. equalize 1
1032. elate 1 1074. endear 1116. equate 1
1033. elbow 1075. endeavor 1117. equip 2
1034. elect 1076. endorse 1 1118. eradicate 1
1035. electrify 3 1077. endow 1119. erase 1
1036. elevate 1 1078. endure 1 1120. erect
1037. elicit 1079. enforce 1 1121. erode 1
1038. eliminate 1 1080. engage 1 1122. err
1039. elongate 1 1081. engender 1123. erupt
1040. elude 1 1082. engineer 1124. escalate 1
1041. emaciate 1 1083. engrave 1 1125. escape 1
1042. emanate 1 1084. engross 4 1126. eschew
1043. embark 1085. engulf 1127. escort
1044. embarrass 4 1086. enhance 1 1128. espouse 1
1045. embed 2 1087. enjoy 1129. establish 4
1046. embellish 4 1088. enlarge 1 1130. esteem
1047. embody 3 1089. enlighten 1131. estimate 1
1048. embolden 1090. enlist 1132. estrange 1
1049. emboss 4 1091. enliven 1133. etch 4
1050. embrace 1 1092. enmesh 4 1134. evacuate 1

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1135. evade 1 1177. experience 1 1219. federate 1

1136. evaluate 1 1178. experiment 1220. feed +
1137. evaporate 1 1179. expire 1 1221. feel + LV
1138. evict 1180. explain 1222. feign
1139. evidence 1 1181. explode 1 1223. fell
1140. evince 1 1182. exploit 1224. fence 1
1141. evoke 1 1183. explore 1 1225. ferment
1142. evolve 1 1184. export 1226. ferry 3
1143. exacerbate 1 1185. expose 1 1227. fertilize 1
1144. exact 1186. expound 1228. fetch 4
1145. exaggerate 1 1187. express 4 1229. fiddle 1
1146. exalt 1188. extend 1230. fidget
1147. examine 1 1189. extinguish 4 1231. field
1148. exasperate 1 1190. extract 1232. fight +
1149. excavate 1 1191. extradite 1 1233. figure 1
1150. exceed 1192. eye 1 1234. file 1
1151. excel 2 1193. fabricate 1 1235. fill
1152. exchange 1 1194. face 1 1236. film
1153. excise 1 1195. facilitate 1 1237. filter
1154. excite 1 1196. factor 1238. finalize 1
1155. exclaim 1197. fade 1 1239. finance 1
1156. exclude 1 1198. fail 1240. find +
1157. excrete 1 1199. faint 1241. fine 1
1158. excuse 1 1200. fake 1 1242. finger
1159. execute 1 1201. fall + 1243. finish 4
1160. exemplify 3 1202. falsify 3 1244. fire 1
1161. exempt 1203. falter 1245. firm
1162. exercise 1 1204. fan 2 1246. fish 4
1163. exert 1205. fancy 3 1247. fit 2 +
1164. exhale 1 1206. fare 1 1248. fix 4
1165. exhaust 1207. farm 1249. flag 2
1166. exhibit 1208. fascinate 1 1250. flame
1167. exhilarate 1 1209. fashion 1251. flank
1168. exhort 1210. fasten 1252. flap 2
1169. exile 1 1211. fathom 1253. flare 1
1170. exist 1212. fatigue 1 1254. flash 4
1171. exit 1213. fault 1255. flatten
1172. expand 1214. favor 1256. flatter
1173. expect 1215. fax 4 1257. flaunt
1174. expedite 1 1216. fear 1258. flavor
1175. expel 2 1217. feather 1259. flaw
1176. expend 1218. feature 1 1260. flee 1 RB +

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1261. flex 4 1303. form 1345. gauge 1

1262. flick 1304. formalize 1 1346. gaze 1
1263. flicker 1305. format 2 1347. gear
1264. flinch 4 1306. formulate 1 1348. generalize 1
1265. fling + 1307. forsake 1 + 1349. generate 1
1266. flip 2 1308. fortify 3 1350. gesture 1
1267. flirt 1309. forward 1351. get 2 +
1268. flit 2 1310. foster 1352. gift
1269. float 1311. foul 1353. giggle 1
1270. flock 1312. found 1354. gild
1271. flog 2 1313. fracture 1 1355. give 1 +
1272. flood 1314. fragment 1356. glance 1
1273. floor 1315. frame 1 1357. glare 1
1274. flop 2 1316. free 1 RB 1358. glaze 1
1275. flounder 1317. freeze 1 + 1359. gleam
1276. flourish 4 1318. frequent 1360. glean
1277. flout 1319. fret 2 1361. glide 1
1278. flow 1320. frighten 1362. glimpse 1
1279. flower 1321. front 1363. glisten
1280. fluctuate 1 1322. frost 1364. glitter
1281. flush 4 1323. frown 1365. glorify 3
1282. fluster 1324. frustrate 1 1366. gloss 4
1283. flutter 1325. fry 3 1367. glow
1284. fly + 1326. fuel RB 1368. glue 1
1285. focus 1327. fulfill 1369. gnaw
1286. foil 1328. fumble 1 1370. go 4 +
1287. fold 1329. fume 1 1371. goad
1288. follow 1330. function 1372. gobble 1
1289. fool 1331. fund 1373. gossip
1290. forbid 2 + 1332. furnish 4 1374. gouge 1
1291. force 1 1333. furrow 1375. govern
1292. ford 1334. further 1376. grab 2
1293. forecast 1335. fuss 4 1377. grace 1
1294. forgo 4 + RB 1336. gag 2 1378. grade 1
1295. foresee + RB 1337. gain 1379. graduate 1
1296. foreshadow 1338. gallop 1380. graft
1297. foretell + 1339. galvanize 1 1381. grant
1298. forfeit 1340. gamble 1 1382. grapple 1
1299. forge 1 1341. garner 1383. grasp
1300. forget 2 + 1342. garnish 4 1384. grate 1
1301. forgive 1 + 1343. gasp 1385. gratify 3
1302. fork 1344. gather 1386. graze 1

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1387. grease 1 1429. harm 1471. hoot

1388. greet 1430. harness 4 1472. hop 2
1389. grieve 1 1431. harvest 1473. hope 1
1390. grill 1432. hasten 1474. horrify 3
1391. grimace 1 1433. hatch 4 1475. hospitalize 1
1392. grin 2 1434. hate 1 1476. host
1393. grind + 1435. haul 1477. hound
1394. grip 2 1436. haunt 1478. house 1
1395. gripe 1 1437. head 1479. hover
1396. grit 2 1438. headline 1 1480. howl
1397. groan 1439. heal 1481. huddle 1
1398. groom 1440. heap 1482. hug 2
1399. grope 1 1441. hear + 1483. hum 2
1400. ground 1442. heat 1484. humble 1
1401. group 1443. heave 1 1485. humiliate 1
1402. grow + LV 1444. heckle 1 1486. hunch 4
1403. growl 1445. hedge 1 1487. hunt
1404. grumble 1 1446. heed 1488. hurl
1405. grunt 1447. heighten 1489. hurry 3
1406. guarantee 1 RB 1448. help 1490. hurt +
1407. guard 1449. hem 2 1491. hurtle 1
1408. guess 4 1450. herald 1492. hush 4
1409. guide 1 1451. herd 1493. hustle 1
1410. gulp 1452. hesitate 1 1494. hypnotize 1
1411. gush 4 1453. hide 1 + 1495. hypothesize 1
1412. gut 2 1454. highlight 1496. ice 1
1413. hack 1455. hijack 1497. idealize 1
1414. hail 1456. hinder 1498. identify 3
1415. halt 1457. hinge 1 1499. ignite 1
1416. halve 1 1458. hint 1500. ignore 1
1417. hammer 1459. hire 1 1501. illuminate 1
1418. hamper 1460. hiss 4 1502. illustrate 1
1419. hand 1461. hit 2 + 1503. imagine 1
1420. handcuff 1462. hitch 4 1504. imitate 1
1421. handicap 2 1463. hobble 1 1505. immerse 1
1422. handle 1 1464. hoist 1506. immortalize 1
1423. handwrite 1 + 1465. hold + 1507. impair
1424. hang + 1466. hole 1 1508. impale 1
1425. happen 1467. hollow 1509. impart
1426. harass 4 1468. hone 1 1510. impeach 4
1427. harbor 1469. honor 1511. impede 1
1428. harden 1470. hook 1512. impel 2

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1513. impinge 1 1555. inflict 1597. interlace 1

1514. implant 1556. influence 1 1598. intern
1515. implement 1557. inform 1599. internalize 1
1516. implicate 1 1558. infringe 1 1600. interpret
1517. implore 1 1559. infuriate 1 1601. interrelate 1
1518. imply 3 1560. infuse 1 1602. interrogate 1
1519. import 1561. ingest 1603. interrupt
1520. impose 1 1562. ingrain 1604. intersperse 1
1521. impound 1563. inhabit 1605. intertwine 1
1522. impoverish 4 1564. inhale 1 1606. intervene 1
1523. impress 4 1565. inherit 1607. interview
1524. imprint 1566. inhibit 1608. intimidate 1
1525. imprison 1567. initial 1609. intoxicate 1
1526. improve 1 1568. initiate 1 1610. intrigue 1
1527. improvise 1 1569. inject 1611. introduce 1
1528. impute 1 1570. injure 1 1612. intrude 1
1529. inaugurate 1 1571. inlay 1613. inundate 1
1530. incapacitate 1 1572. innovate 1 1614. invade 1
1531. incarcerate 1 1573. inquire 1 1615. invalidate 1
1532. incense 1 1574. inscribe 1 1616. invent
1533. inch 4 1575. insert 1617. inventory 3
1534. incline 1 1576. insinuate 1 1618. invert
1535. include 1 1577. insist 1619. invest
1536. incorporate 1 1578. inspect 1620. investigate 1
1537. increase 1 1579. inspire 1 1621. invite 1
1538. incubate 1 1580. install 1622. invoke 1
1539. incur 2 1581. instigate 1 1623. involve 1
1540. indebt 1582. instill 1624. irk
1541. indent 1583. institute 1 1625. iron
1542. index 4 1584. institutionalize 1 1626. irradiate 1
1543. indicate 1 1585. instruct 1627. irritate 1
1544. indict 1586. insulate 1 1628. isolate 1
1545. individualize 1 1587. insult 1629. issue 1
1546. induce 1 1588. insure 1 1630. itch 4
1547. indulge 1 1589. integrate 1 1631. itemize 1
1548. industrialize 1 1590. intend 1632. jab 2
1549. infect 1591. intensify 3 1633. jail
1550. infer 2 1592. intercept 1634. jam 2
1551. infest 1593. interchange 1 1635. jar 2
1552. infiltrate 1 1594. interest 1636. jeer
1553. inflame 1 1595. interfere 1 1637. jeopardize 1
1554. inflate 1 1596. interject 1638. jerk

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1639. jettison 1681. lavish 4 1723. load

1640. jog 2 1682. lay + 1724. loan
1641. join 1683. layer 1725. loath
1642. joke 1 1684. leach 4 1726. lob 2
1643. jolt 1685. lead + 1727. lobby 3
1644. jostle 1 1686. leak 1728. localize 1
1645. journey 1687. lean 1729. locate 1
1646. judge 1 1688. leap + 1730. lock
1647. juggle 1 1689. learn 1731. lodge 1
1648. jumble 1 1690. lease 1 1732. log 2
1649. jump 1691. leave 1 + 1733. long
1650. justify 3 1692. lecture 1 1734. look LV
1651. juxtapose 1 1693. leer 1735. loom
1652. keep + 1694. legalize 1 1736. loop
1653. kick 1695. legislate 1 1737. loosen
1654. kid 2 1696. lend + 1738. loot
1655. kill 1697. lengthen 1739. lose 1 +
1656. kiss 4 1698. lessen 1740. lounge 1
1657. kneel + 1699. let 2 + 1741. love 1
1658. knight 1700. level 1742. lower
1659. knit 2 + 1701. leverage 1 1743. lull
1660. knock 1702. levy 3 1744. lumber
1661. knot 2 1703. liberate 1 1745. lump
1662. know + 1704. license 1 1746. lunch 4
1663. label 1705. lick 1747. lunge 1
1664. labor 1706. lie 1 + RB 1748. lurch 4
1665. lace 1 1707. lift 1749. lurk
1666. lack 1708. light 1750. magnify 3
1667. lag 2 1709. lighten 1751. mail
1668. lament 1710. like 1 1752. maim
1669. laminate 1 1711. liken 1753. maintain
1670. land 1712. limit 1754. make 1 +
1671. landscape 1 1713. limp 1755. man 2
1672. lap 2 1714. line 1 1756. manage 1
1673. lapse 1 1715. linger 1757. maneuver
1674. lash 4 1716. link 1758. mangle 1
1675. last 1717. liquidate 1 1759. manicure 1
1676. latch 4 1718. list 1760. manifest
1677. laud 1719. listen 1761. manipulate 1
1678. laugh 1720. litigate 1 1762. manufacture 1
1679. launch 4 1721. litter 1763. map 2
1680. launder 1722. live 1 1764. march 4

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1765. marginalize 1 1807. mine 1 1849. muddle 1

1766. mark 1808. mingle 1 1850. muffle 1
1767. market 1809. minimize 1 1851. mug 2
1768. maroon 1810. mint 1852. multiply 3
1769. marry 3 1811. mirror 1853. mumble 1
1770. marshal 1812. misinterpret 1854. murder
1771. marvel 1813. misjudge 1 1855. murmur
1772. mash 4 1814. mislay + 1856. muscle 1
1773. mask 1815. mislead + 1857. muse 1
1774. mass 4 1816. misplace 1 1858. muster
1775. massacre 1 1817. misrepresent 1859. mutate 1
1776. massage 1 1818. miss 4 1860. mute 1
1777. master 1819. misspeak + 1861. mutilate 1
1778. mastermind 1820. misspell + 1862. mutter
1779. match 4 1821. mistake 1 + 1863. mystify 3
1780. materialize 1 1822. misuse 1 1864. nab 2
1781. matter 1823. mitigate 1 1865. nag 2
1782. mature 1 1824. mix 4 1866. nail
1783. maul 1825. moan 1867. name 1
1784. maximize 1 1826. mob 2 1868. narrate 1
1785. mean + 1827. mobilize 1 1869. narrow
1786. meander 1828. mock 1870. nationalize 1
1787. measure 1 1829. model 1871. navigate 1
1788. meddle 1 1830. moderate 1 1872. near
1789. mediate 1 1831. modernize 1 1873. necessitate 1
1790. meet + 1832. modify 3 1874. need
1791. mellow 1833. modulate 1 1875. needle 1
1792. melt 1834. moisten 1876. negate 1
1793. memorize 1 1835. mold 1877. neglect
1794. mend 1836. monitor 1878. negotiate 1
1795. mention 1837. moor 1879. nest
1796. mentor 1838. mop 2 1880. nestle 1
1797. merge 1 1839. mope 1 1881. net 2
1798. merit 1840. mortify 3 1882. network
1799. mesmerize 1 1841. motion 1883. neutralize 1
1800. mess 4 1842. motivate 1 1884. nibble 1
1801. migrate 1 1843. motorize 1 1885. nick
1802. milk 1844. mount 1886. nickname 1
1803. mill 1845. mourn 1887. nip 2
1804. mimic RB 1846. mouth 1888. nod 2
1805. mince 1 1847. move 1 1889. nominate 1
1806. mind 1848. mow + 1890. normalize 1

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1891. nose 1 1933. outclass 4 1975. pan 2

1892. note 1 1934. outlaw 1976. panel
1893. notice 1 1935. outline 1 1977. panic RB
1894. notify 3 1936. outlive 1 1978. pant
1895. nudge 1 1937. outnumber 1979. parachute 1
1896. nullify 3 1938. outrage 1 1980. parade 1
1897. numb 1939. outrun 2 + 1981. paralyze 1
1898. number 1940. outstretch 4 1982. pardon
1899. nurse 1 1941. outweigh 1983. pare 1
1900. nurture 1 1942. overcome 1 + 1984. park
1901. nuzzle 1 1943. overcrowd 1985. parley
1902. obey 1944. overdo 4 + 1986. parody
1903. object 1945. overeat + 1987. parrot
1904. oblige 1 1946. overestimate 1 1988. part
1905. obliterate 1 1947. overflow 1989. participate 1
1906. obscure 1 1948. overhaul 1990. partition
1907. observe 1 1949. overhear + 1991. partner
1908. obsess 4 1950. overheat 1992. pass 4
1909. obstruct 1951. overlap 2 1993. paste 1
1910. obtain 1952. overload 1994. pat 2
1911. occasion 1953. overlook 1995. patch 4
1912. occupy 3 1954. overpower 1996. patent
1913. occur 2 1955. overrule 1 1997. patrol 2
1914. offend 1956. oversee + RB 1998. patronize 1
1915. offer 1957. overshadow 1999. pattern
1916. officiate 1 1958. oversleep + 2000. pause 1
1917. oil 1959. overstate 1 2001. pave 1
1918. omit 2 1960. overtake 1 + 2002. paw
1919. ooze 1 1961. overthrow + 2003. pay +
1920. open 1962. overturn 2004. peak
1921. operate 1 1963. overwhelm 2005. peck
1922. oppose 1 1964. owe 1 2006. pedal
1923. oppress 4 1965. own 2007. peel
1924. opt 1966. pace 1 2008. peep
1925. optimize 1 1967. pack 2009. peer
1926. orchestrate 1 1968. package 1 2010. peg 2
1927. ordain 1969. pad 2 2011. pelt
1928. order 1970. paddle 1 2012. penalize 1
1929. organize 1 1971. page 1 2013. pencil
1930. orientate 1 1972. paint 2014. penetrate 1
1931. originate 1 1973. pair 2015. pepper
1932. oust 1974. pamper 2016. perceive 1

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2017. perch 4 2059. place 1 2101. pounce 1

2018. perfect 2060. plague 1 2102. pound
2019. perform 2061. plan 2 2103. pour
2020. perfume 1 2062. plant 2104. pout
2021. perish 4 2063. plaster 2105. powder
2022. permeate 1 2064. play 2106. power
2023. permit 2 2065. plead + 2107. practice 1
2024. perpetrate 1 2066. please 1 2108. praise 1
2025. perpetuate 1 2067. pledge 1 2109. pray
2026. perplex 4 2068. plod 2 2110. preach 4
2027. persecute 1 2069. plot 2 2111. precede 1
2028. persevere 1 2070. plow 2112. precipitate 1
2029. persist 2071. pluck 2113. preclude 1
2030. personalize 1 2072. plug 2 2114. predetermine 1
2031. personify 3 2073. plummet 2115. predicate 1
2032. persuade 1 2074. plump 2116. predict
2033. perturb 2075. plunder 2117. preen
2034. pervade 1 2076. plunge 1 2118. prefer 2
2035. pester 2077. ply 3 2119. prejudice 1
2036. petition 2078. poach 4 2120. preoccupy 3
2037. petrify 3 2079. pocket 2121. prepare 1
2038. phase 1 2080. point 2122. prescribe 1
2039. phone 1 2081. poise 1 2123. present
2040. photocopy 3 2082. poison 2124. preserve 1
2041. photograph 2083. poke 1 2125. preside 1
2042. phrase 1 2084. polarize 1 2126. press 4
2043. pick 2085. police 1 2127. pressure 1
2044. pickle 1 2086. polish 4 2128. pressurize 1
2045. picture 1 2087. poll 2129. presume 1
2046. pierce 1 2088. pollute 1 2130. presuppose 1
2047. pile 1 2089. ponder 2131. pretend
2048. pilot 2090. pool 2132. prevail
2049. pin 2 2091. pop 2 2133. prevent
2050. pinch 4 2092. populate 1 2134. preview
2051. pine 1 2093. portray 2135. price 1
2052. pinpoint 2094. pose 1 2136. prick
2053. pioneer 2095. position 2137. pride 1
2054. pipe 1 2096. possess 4 2138. prime 1
2055. pit 2 2097. post 2139. primp
2056. pitch 4 2098. postpone 1 2140. print
2057. pity 3 2099. postulate 1 2141. privatize 1
2058. placate 1 2100. pot 2 2142. prize 1

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2143. probe 1 2185. pull 2227. rally 3

2144. proceed 2186. pummel 2228. ram 2
2145. process 4 2187. pump 2229. range 1
2146. proclaim 2188. punch 4 2230. rank
2147. procure 1 2189. punctuate 1 2231. ransack
2148. prod 2 2190. puncture 1 2232. rant
2149. produce 1 2191. punish 4 2233. rat 2
2150. profess 4 2192. purchase 1 2234. rate 1
2151. profit 2193. purge 1 2235. ratify 3
2152. program 2 2194. purify 3 2236. ration
2153. progress 4 2195. purport 2237. rationalize 1
2154. prohibit 2196. purr 2238. rattle 1
2155. project 2197. purse 1 2239. ravage 1
2156. proliferate 1 2198. pursue 1 2240. rave 1
2157. prolong 2199. push 4 2241. raze 1
2158. promise 1 2200. put 2 + 2242. reach 4
2159. promote 1 2201. puzzle 1 2243. react
2160. prompt 2202. quadruple 1 2244. read +
2161. pronounce 1 2203. qualify 3 2245. readmit 2
2162. proofread + 2204. quantify 3 2246. reaffirm
2163. prop 2 2205. quarrel 2247. realign
2164. propagate 1 2206. quarter 2248. realize 1
2165. propel 2 2207. quash 4 2249. reap
2166. prophesize 1 RB 2208. quell 2250. reappear
2167. propose 1 2209. quench 4 2251. rear
2168. proscribe 1 2210. query 3 2252. rearrange 1
2169. prosecute 1 2211. question 2253. reason
2170. prosper 2212. queue 1 2254. reassemble 1
2171. protect 2213. quicken 2255. reassert
2172. protest 2214. quip 2 2256. reassess 4
2173. protract 2215. quit 2 + 2257. reassure 1
2174. protrude 1 2216. quiver 2258. rebel 2
2175. prove 1 + LV 2217. quiz 2 4 2259. rebound
2176. provide 1 2218. quote 1 2260. rebuff
2177. provoke 1 2219. race 1 2261. rebuke 1
2178. prowl 2220. rack 2262. recall
2179. prune 1 2221. radiate 1 2263. recapture 1
2180. pry 3 2222. rage 1 2264. recede 1
2181. publicize 1 2223. raid 2265. receive 1
2182. publish 4 2224. rain 2266. recess 4
2183. pucker 2225. raise 1 2267. recharge 1
2184. puff 2226. rake 1 2268. reciprocate 1

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2269. recite 1 2311. refurbish 4 2353. remit 2

2270. reckon 2312. refuse 1 2354. remove 1
2271. reclaim 2313. refute 1 2355. rename 1
2272. recline 1 2314. regain 2356. render
2273. recognize 1 2315. regard 2357. renege 1
2274. recoil 2316. register 2358. renegotiate 1
2275. recollect 2317. regret 2 2359. renew
2276. recommend 2318. regulate 1 2360. renounce 1
2277. reconcile 1 2319. rehabilitate 1 2361. renovate 1
2278. reconfigure 1 2320. rehearse 1 2362. rent
2279. reconsider 2321. reign 2363. reopen
2280. reconstitute 1 2322. reimburse 1 2364. reorganize 1
2281. reconstruct 2323. rein 2365. repair
2282. reconvene 1 2324. reinforce 1 2366. repay +
2283. record 2325. reinstate 1 2367. repeal
2284. recount 2326. reinterpret 2368. repeat
2285. recoup 2327. reintroduce 1 2369. repel 2
2286. recover 2328. reinvest 2370. replace 1
2287. recreate 1 2329. reissue 1 2371. replenish 4
2288. recruit 2330. reiterate 1 2372. replicate 1
2289. rectify 3 2331. reject 2373. reply 3
2290. recycle 1 2332. rejoice 1 2374. report
2291. redden 2333. rejoin 2375. repossess 4
2292. redeem 2334. rekindle 1 2376. represent
2293. redefine 1 2335. relapse 1 2377. repress 4
2294. redesign 2336. relate 1 2378. reprieve 1
2295. redevelop 2337. relax 4 2379. reprimand
2296. redirect 2338. relay 2380. reprint
2297. rediscover 2339. release 1 2381. reproach 4
2298. redistribute 1 2340. relegate 1 2382. reproduce 1
2299. reduce 1 2341. relent 2383. reprogram 2
2300. reel 2342. relieve 1 2384. repulse 1
2301. refer 2 2343. relinquish 4 2385. repute 1
2302. reference 1 2344. relish 4 2386. request
2303. refill 2345. relocate 1 2387. require 1
2304. refine 1 2346. rely 3 2388. requisition
2305. reflect 2347. remain LV 2389. reread +
2306. reform 2348. remand 2390. reschedule 1
2307. refrain 2349. remark 2391. rescind
2308. refresh 4 2350. remedy 3 2392. rescue 1
2309. refrigerate 1 2351. remember 2393. research 4
2310. refund 2352. remind 2394. resell +

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2395. resemble 1 2437. reverberate 1 2479. rotate 1

2396. resent 2438. revere 1 2480. round
2397. reserve 1 2439. reverse 1 2481. rouse 1
2398. reset 2 + 2440. revert 2482. route
2399. reshuffle 1 2441. review 2483. row
2400. reside 1 2442. revile 1 2484. rub 2
2401. resign 2443. revise 1 2485. ruffle 1
2402. resist 2444. revisit 2486. ruin
2403. resolve 1 2445. revive 1 2487. rule 1
2404. resort 2446. revoke 1 2488. rumble 1
2405. respect 2447. revolt 2489. rummage 1
2406. respond 2448. revolutionize 1 2490. rumple 1
2407. rest 2449. revolve 1 2491. run 2 +
2408. restart 2450. reward 2492. rupture 1
2409. restate 1 2451. rework 2493. rush 4
2410. restore 1 2452. rhyme 1 2494. rust
2411. restrain 2453. rib 2 2495. rustle 1
2412. restrict 2454. rid 2 + 2496. sabotage 1
2413. restructure 1 2455. riddle 1 2497. sack
2414. result 2456. ride 1 + 2498. sacrifice 1
2415. resume 1 2457. ridicule 1 2499. sadden
2416. resurface 1 2458. rig 2 2500. saddle 1
2417. resurrect 2459. right 2501. safeguard
2418. retake 1 + 2460. ring + 2502. sag 2
2419. retain 2461. rinse 1 2503. sail
2420. retaliate 1 2462. rip 2 2504. salt
2421. reteach 4 + 2463. ripple 1 2505. salute 1
2422. retell + 2464. rise + 2506. salvage 1
2423. rethink + 2465. risk 2507. sample 1
2424. retire 1 2466. rival 2508. sanction
2425. retort 2467. rivet 2509. sandwich 4
2426. retrace 1 2468. roam 2510. sap 2
2427. retract 2469. roar 2511. sass 4
2428. retreat 2470. roast 2512. satisfy 3
2429. retrieve 1 2471. rob 2 2513. saturate 1
2430. return 2472. rock 2514. saunter
2431. reunite 1 2473. rocket 2515. save 1
2432. reuse 1 2474. roll 2516. savor
2433. rev 2 2475. romp 2517. saw +
2434. revamp 2476. root 2518. say +
2435. reveal 2477. rope 1 2519. scald
2436. revel 2478. rot 2 2520. scale 1

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2521. scamper 2563. seed 2605. shiver

2522. scan 2 2564. seek + 2606. shock
2523. scar 2 2565. seem LV 2607. shoot +
2524. scare 1 2566. seep 2608. shop 2
2525. scatter 2567. seethe 1 2609. shorten
2526. scavenge 1 2568. segment 2610. shoulder
2527. scent 2569. segregate 1 2611. shout
2528. schedule 1 2570. seize 1 2612. shove 1
2529. school 2571. select 2613. show +
2530. scoff 2572. sell + 2614. shower
2531. scold 2573. send + 2615. shred 2
2532. scoop 2574. sense 1 2616. shriek
2533. scorch 4 2575. sentence 1 2617. shrink +
2534. score 1 2576. separate 1 2618. shrivel
2535. scorn 2577. sequence 1 2619. shroud
2536. scour 2578. serve 1 2620. shrug 2
2537. scowl 2579. service 1 2621. shudder
2538. scramble 1 2580. set 2 + 2622. shuffle 1
2539. scrap 2 2581. settle 1 2623. shun 2
2540. scrape 1 2582. sever 2624. shunt
2541. scratch 4 2583. sew + 2625. shut 2 +
2542. scrawl 2584. shade 1 2626. shutter
2543. scream 2585. shadow 2627. sicken
2544. screech 4 2586. shake 1 + 2628. side 1
2545. screen 2587. shame 2629. sideline 1
2546. screw 2588. shape 1 2630. sidle 1
2547. scribble 1 2589. share 1 2631. sift
2548. scroll 2590. sharpen 2632. sigh
2549. scrub 2 2591. shatter 2633. sight
2550. scrutinize 1 2592. shave 1 + 2634. sign
2551. sculpt 2593. shear + 2635. signal
2552. scurry 3 2594. sheath 2636. signify 3
2553. scuttle 1 2595. shed 2 + 2637. silence 1
2554. seal 2596. shell 2638. silhouette 1
2555. search 4 2597. shelter 2639. simplify 3
2556. season 2598. shelve 1 2640. simulate 1
2557. seat 2599. shepherd 2641. sing +
2558. seclude 1 2600. shield 2642. singe 1
2559. secrete 1 2601. shift 2643. single 1
2560. secure 1 2602. shimmer 2644. sink +
2561. seduce 1 2603. shine 1 + 2645. sip 2
2562. see 1 + RB 2604. ship 2 2646. sire 1

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2647. sit 2 + 2689. smudge 1 2731. specialize 1

2648. situate 1 2690. smuggle 1 2732. specify 3
2649. size 1 2691. snake 1 2733. speckle 1
2650. sketch 4 2692. snap 2 2734. speculate 1
2651. skew 2693. snare 1 2735. speed +
2652. ski 2694. snarl 2736. spell +
2653. skid 2 2695. snatch 4 2737. spend +
2654. skim 2 2696. sneak + 2738. spice 1
2655. skin 2 2697. sneer 2739. spike 1
2656. skip 2 2698. sneeze 1 2740. spill
2657. skirt 2699. snicker 2741. spin 2 +
2658. slacken 2700. sniff 2742. spiral
2659. slam 2 2701. snoop 2743. spirit
2660. slant 2702. snore 1 2744. spit +
2661. slap 2 2703. snort 2745. spite 1
2662. slash 4 2704. snow 2746. splash 4
2663. slate 1 2705. snub 2 2747. splatter
2664. slaughter 2706. snuff 2748. splice 1
2665. slay + 2707. snuggle 1 2749. splinter
2666. sleep + 2708. soak 2750. split 2 +
2667. slice 1 2709. soar 2751. splutter
2668. slide 1 + 2710. sob 2 2752. spoil
2669. sling + 2711. socialize 1 2753. sponsor
2670. slink 2712. soften 2754. spoon
2671. slip 2 2713. soil 2755. sport
2672. slit 2 + 2714. solicit 2756. spot 2
2673. slither 2715. solve 1 2757. sprawl
2674. slope 1 2716. sooth 2758. spray
2675. slouch 4 2717. sort 2759. spread +
2676. slow 2718. sound LV 2760. spring +
2677. slug 2 2719. sour 2761. sprinkle 1
2678. slump 2720. sow + 2762. sprint
2679. slur 2 2721. space 1 2763. sprout
2680. smack 2722. span 2 2764. spur 2
2681. smash 4 2723. spare 1 2765. spurn
2682. smear 2724. spark 2766. spurt
2683. smell LV 2725. sparkle 1 2767. spy 3
2684. smile 1 2726. spatter 2768. squander
2685. smirk 2727. spawn 2769. square 1
2686. smoke 1 2728. speak + 2770. squash 4
2687. smooth 2729. spear 2771. squat 2
2688. smother 2730. spearhead 2772. squeak

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2773. squeal 2815. stir 2 2857. style 1

2774. squeeze 1 2816. stitch 4 2858. stylize 1
2775. squint 2817. stock 2859. subdivide 1
2776. squirm 2818. stomp 2860. subdue 1
2777. squirt 2819. stone 1 2861. subject
2778. stab 2 2820. stoop 2862. sublet 2 +
2779. stabilize 1 2821. stop 2 2863. submerge 1
2780. stable 1 2822. store 1 2864. submit 2
2781. stack 2823. storm 2865. subordinate 1
2782. staff 2824. stow 2866. subscribe 1
2783. stage 1 2825. straddle 1 2867. subside 1
2784. stagger 2826. straighten 2868. subsidize 1
2785. stain 2827. strain 2869. substantiate 1
2786. stake 1 2828. strand 2870. substitute 1
2787. stalk 2829. strangle 1 2871. subsume 1
2788. stall 2830. strap 2 2872. subtract
2789. stammer 2831. strategize 1 2873. subvert
2790. stamp 2832. stratify 3 2874. succeed
2791. stand + 2833. stray 2875. succumb
2792. standardize 1 2834. streak 2876. suck
2793. stare 1 2835. stream 2877. sue 1
2794. start 2836. streamline 1 2878. suffer
2795. startle 1 2837. strengthen 2879. suffice 1
2796. starve 1 2838. stress 4 2880. suffocate 1
2797. stash 4 2839. stretch 4 2881. suggest
2798. state 1 2840. stride 1 + 2882. suit
2799. station 2841. strike 1 + 2883. summarize 1
2800. stay LV 2842. string + 2884. summon
2801. steady 3 2843. strip 2 2885. superimpose 1
2802. steal + 2844. strive 1 + 2886. supersede 1
2803. steam 2845. stroke 1 2887. supervise 1
2804. steer 2846. structure 1 2888. supplant
2805. stem 2 2847. struggle 1 2889. supplement
2806. step 2 2848. strut 2 2890. supply 3
2807. stereotype 1 2849. stub 2 2891. support
2808. stick + 2850. study 3 2892. suppose 1
2809. stiffen 2851. stuff 2893. suppress 4
2810. stifle 1 2852. stumble 1 2894. surface 1
2811. stimulate 1 2853. stump 2895. surge 1
2812. sting + 2854. stun 2 2896. surmise 1
2813. stink + 2855. stunt 2897. surmount
2814. stipulate 1 2856. stutter 2898. surpass 4

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2899. surprise 1 2941. tan 2 2983. throb 2

2900. surrender 2942. tangle 1 2984. throw +
2901. surround 2943. tap 2 2985. thrust +
2902. survey 2944. tape 1 2986. thud 2
2903. survive 1 2945. taper 2987. thumb
2904. suspect 2946. target 2988. thump
2905. suspend 2947. tarnish 4 2989. thunder
2906. sustain 2948. taste 1 LV 2990. thwart
2907. swagger 2949. tatter 2991. tick
2908. swallow 2950. taunt 2992. tickle 1
2909. swamp 2951. tax 4 2993. tie 1 RB
2910. swap 2 2952. teach 4 + 2994. tighten
2911. swarm 2953. team 2995. tile 1
2912. sway 2954. tear + 2996. till
2913. swear + 2955. tease 1 2997. tilt
2914. sweat + 2956. telephone 1 2998. time 1
2915. sweep + 2957. televise 1 2999. tinge 1 RB
2916. swell 2958. tell + 3000. tingle 1
2917. swerve 1 2959. tempt 3001. tint
2918. swim 2 + 2960. tend 3002. tip 2
2919. swing + 2961. tender 3003. tiptoe RB
2920. swirl 2962. tense 1 3004. tire 1
2921. switch 4 2963. term 3005. title 1
2922. swivel 2964. terminate 1 3006. toast
2923. swoop 2965. terrify 3 3007. toil
2924. symbolize 1 2966. terrorize 1 3008. tolerate 1
2925. sympathize 1 2967. test 3009. tone
2926. synthesize 1 2968. testify 3 3010. top 2
2927. systematize 1 2969. tether 3011. topple 1
2928. systemize 1 2970. texture 1 3012. torment
2929. table 1 2971. thank 3013. torture 1
2930. tabulate 1 2972. thatch 4 3014. toss 4
2931. tack 2973. thaw 3015. total
2932. tackle 1 2974. theorize 1 3016. totter
2933. tag 2 2975. thicken 3017. touch 4
2934. tail 2976. thin 2 3018. tour
2935. tailor 2977. think + 3019. tout
2936. taint 2978. thrash 4 3020. tow
2937. take 1 + 2979. thread 3021. tower
2938. talk 2980. threaten 3022. toy
2939. tame 2981. thrill 3023. trace 1
2940. tamper 2982. thrive 1 + 3024. track

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3025. trade 1 3067. tumble 1 3109. up 2

3026. trail 3068. tune 1 3110. update 1
3027. train 3069. turn LV 3111. upgrade 1
3028. tramp 3070. tutor 3112. uphold +
3029. trample 1 3071. twinkle 1 3113. upholster
3030. transact 3072. twirl 3114. uproot
3031. transcend 3073. twist 3115. upset 2 +
3032. transcribe 1 3074. twitch 4 3116. upstage 1
3033. transfer 2 3075. type 1 3117. urge 1
3034. transfix 4 3076. typify 3 3118. use 1
3035. transform 3077. unarm 3119. usher
3036. translate 1 3078. unbalance 1 3120. usurp
3037. transmit 2 3079. unbutton 3121. utilize 1
3038. transmute 1 3080. uncover 3122. utter
3039. transpire 1 3081. undercut 2 + 3123. vacate 1
3040. transplant 3082. underestimate 1 3124. vaccinate 1
3041. transport 3083. undergo 4 + 3125. validate 1
3042. transpose 1 3084. underline 1 3126. value 1
3043. trap 2 3085. undermine 1 3127. vandalize 1
3044. travel 3086. understand + 3128. vanish 4
3045. traverse 1 3087. understate 1 3129. varnish 4
3046. tread + 3088. undertake 1 + 3130. vary 3
3047. treasure 1 3089. undervalue 1 3131. vault
3048. treat 3090. undo 4 + 3132. veer
3049. tremble 1 3091. undress 4 3133. vegetate 1
3050. trick 3092. unearth 3134. venerate 1
3051. trickle 1 3093. unfasten 3135. vent
3052. trigger 3094. unfold 3136. ventilate 1
3053. trim 2 3095. unfurl 3137. venture 1
3054. trip 2 3096. unify 3 3138. verbalize 1
3055. triple 1 3097. unite 1 3139. verify 3
3056. triumph 3098. unleash 4 3140. vest
3057. trot 2 3099. unload 3141. vet 2
3058. trouble 1 3100. unlock 3142. veto 4
3059. troubleshoot + 3101. unpack 3143. vibrate 1
3060. trudge 1 3102. unravel 3144. victimize 1
3061. truncate 1 3103. unroll 3145. view
3062. truss 4 3104. untie 1 3146. vindicate 1
3063. trust 3105. unveil 3147. violate 1
3064. try 3 3106. unwind + 3148. visit
3065. tuck 3107. unwrap 2 3149. visualize 1
3066. tug 2 3108. unzip 2 3150. voice 1

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3151. void 3193. weld 3235. wriggle 1

3152. volunteer 3194. whack 3236. wring +
3153. vomit 3195. wheel 3237. wrinkle 1
3154. vote 1 3196. whimper 3238. write 1 +
3155. vow 3197. whine 1 3239. writhe 1
3156. wad 2 3198. whip 2 3240. x-ray
3157. waddle 1 3199. whirl 3241. yak 2
3158. wade 1 3200. whisk 3242. yank
3159. wag 2 3201. whisper 3243. yawn
3160. wage 1 3202. whistle 1 3244. yearn
3161. wail 3203. whiten 3245. yell
3162. wait 3204. whitewash 4 3246. yelp
3163. waive 1 3205. whittle 1 3247. yield
3164. wake 1 + 3206. widen 3248. zap 2
3165. waken 3207. wield 3249. zip 2
3166. walk 3208. wiggle 1 3250. zoom
3167. wall 3209. will
3168. wander 3210. win +
3169. wane 3211. wince 1
3170. want 3212. wind +
3171. warm 3213. wink
3172. warn 3214. wipe 1
3173. warp 3215. wire 1
3174. warrant 3216. wish 4
3175. wash 4 3217. withdraw +
3176. waste 1 3218. wither
3177. watch 4 3219. withhold +
3178. water 3220. withstand +
3179. waterlog 2 3221. witness 4
3180. wave 1 3222. wobble 1
3181. waver 3223. wonder
3182. wax 4 3224. woo 4
3183. weaken 3225. word
3184. wean 3226. work
3185. wear + 3227. worry 3
3186. weather 3228. worsen
3187. weave 1 + 3229. worship RB
3188. wed 2 3230. wound
3189. wedge 1 3231. wrap 2
3190. weep + 3232. wreck
3191. weigh 3233. wrench 4
3192. welcome 1 3234. wrestle 1

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Irregular Verbs and Regular Verbs:

Understanding Columns

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Columns: Understanding Irregular Verbs and Regular Verbs

Traditionally, verbs have four principal parts: present, past, past participle, and present participle. However,
irregular verb lists often have just three columns. Please note that the three columns often have different
names as illustrated by the use of a.k.a.

Present Past Past Participle

a.k.a. Simple Present a.k.a. Simple Past
a.k.a. Base Verb
a.k.a. Bare Infinitive
drive drove driven

The reason why so many irregular verb lists have just these three columns is because these three columns
provide all the information a person needs to understand irregular verbs. The present tense (bare infinitive) is
the true base verb, and the past tense and the past participle are the columns where nearly all the
irregularities occur.

These three columns are all a person needs to understand irregular verbs. However, if a person wants to
understand verbs in general, or if a teacher wants students to understand both regular and irregular verbs—
more columns are needed!

Using the following list of 207 irregular verbs, teachers can teach all the inflections that create all the verb
tenses, while also teaching irregular verbs. In short, the list SHOWS, NOT TELLS.

Irregular Verbs vs. Verbs with Spelling Rule Changes

What’s the difference between an irregular verb and a verb that changes because of a spelling rule?

• Spelling Change: Spelling changes follow a common spelling rule. Please look at the list of 3,250 verbs
and examine the numbers next to them, along with the list of spelling rules. We use this same spelling-
rule number system moving forward.

• Irregular Verbs: Irregular verbs have changes that are strange or random. Many or most of these
irregular verbs are living dinosaurs from our Old English past.

QUIZ: With the base word do, is the inflection does irregular or the result of a spelling-rule change? Did you
have to think about it for at least a moment? You can find the answer on the irregular verb list that follows!

The Table: Regular Verbs, Irregular Verbs and Spelling-Rule Changes

The following table has six columns in which we examine four aspects of regular and irregular verbs:

1. Regular Verbs – No Spelling Changes

2. Regular Verbs – Has Spelling Changes
3. Irregular Verbs – No Spelling Changes
4. Irregular Verbs – Has Spelling Changes

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1 2 3 4 5 6

Past Present
Infinitive Present #1 Present #2 Past
Participle Participle

( to ) ( Base ) ( --s ) ( --ed ) ( --ed ) ( --ing **)

1. Regular Verbs – No Spelling Changes
to accept accept accepts accepted accepted accepting
2. Regular Verbs – Has Spelling Changes
to bat bat bats batted 2 batted 2 batting 2
3. Irregular Verbs – No Spelling Changes
to feel feel feels felt IR* felt IR* feeling

4. Irregular Verbs – Has Spelling Changes

to do do does 4 did IR* done IR* doing

** It’s wise to think of column 6 as the –ing form or column, as –ing words function both as present participles
and as gerunds. Gerunds never function as verbs, so I did not add the word to the column.

As you can see, only column 4 (simple past tense) and column 5 (past participles) have irregular verbs (marked
IR*). Spelling-rule changes (marked with numbers) do not make a verb irregular.

Verbals and Columns 1, 5, and 6

In order to understand columns 1, 5, and 6, you must have a basic understanding of the three verbals:
infinitives, participles, and gerunds. Verbals look like verbs, but they act like a very different part of speech:
1. Infinitives (affect column 1): Infinitives function as or act like adverbs, adjectives, or nouns.
2. Participles (affect column 5 and 6): Participles function as or act like adjectives. We have two types of
participles: past participles (column 5) and present participles (column 6). To be clear, both types of
participles function as adjectives.
3. Gerunds (affect column 6): Gerunds function as or act like nouns.

Are these VERBAL THINGS still considered verbs? In my opinion, they should not be. If it doesn’t act like a verb
or function like a verb, in my opinion, it is not a verb. Some bold grammarians do say VERBALS ARE NOT VERBS.
Most people just avoid the issue or hedge and say, “Well, they still retain some verb qualities.”

Important Note: Columns 2-6 all have the ability to function as verbs. Column 1 can never function as a verb; it
always functions as a verbal. Columns 5-6 can function as both a verb and a verbal.

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The Six Columns of a Verb: An Expanded Version of the Four Principal Parts

Traditionally, verbs have four principal parts: present, past, past participle, and present participle. The
following six columns provide (in my proud opinion) a much clearer picture of these principal parts.
Remember, just because it looks like a verb does not mean it functions or acts like a verb.

1. Infinitive: This form is “to + the base form.” (Of course, there are a few exceptions.) An infinitive never
functions as a verb.
 Verbal #1 – Infinitives: Infinitives always function as an infinitive verbal. Infinitives function as
or act like adverbs, adjectives, or nouns. e.g., Everyone wanted to eat. (to eat = noun)

2. Present #1 (a.k.a. Simple Present Tense, Base Form, and Bare Infinitive): This base form always
functions as a verb. This base verb is used with these pronouns: I, you, they, and we. In short, this base
form (simple present) is used with first person, second person, and third person plural.

Some people call this base form the infinitive. However, why call it the same thing as column 1? It
creates confusion. Call it the bare infinitive, base form, present, or simple present tense, but don’t call
it the infinitive. (If someone calls it the infinitive, clarify what he or she means.) e.g., They bake a cake
every Sunday.

3. Present #2 (a.k.a. Simple Present Tense): This inflected –s form always functions as a verb. This is
simple present form just like column 2. In fact, I’ve never seen a list of verbs that creates a separate
column for this –s form. They simply add the –s in parentheses to column 2: e.g., read(s), throw(s) etc.
In short, there is no Present #1 and Present #2 except in this here model that I have created. The
difference is that Present #2 is used with these pronouns: he, she, and it. So, Present #2 is used with
third person singular. e.g., Jim bakes a cake every Sunday.

4. Past (a.k.a. Simple Past Tense): This inflected –ed form always functions as a verb. Warning: Nearly all
simple past tense verbs and past participles (column 5) are spelled the same. The only way to tell if a
word is simple past tense or a past participle is to analyze how it is used. e.g., Jim baked a cake.

5. Past Participle: Past participles need at least one helping verb (has, have, had) to function as a verb.
Together, the helping verb(s) and past participle form a verb phrase, and the past participle is the
MAIN VERB of both the verb phrase and of the sentence. e.g., The wood had rotted.
 Verbal #2 – Participles: Both past participles (column 5) and present participles (column 6) can
be used as a participle verbal. Participles as verbals function not as verbs, but as adjectives. In
my book, if it functions as an adjective, it is an adjective e.g., The rotted wood crumbled.
(rotted = adjective)

6. Present Participle (–ing Form**): Present participles need at least one helping verb (am, is, are) to
function as a verb. Together, the helping verb(s) and present participle form a verb phrase, and the
present participle is the MAIN VERB of both the sentence and the verb phrase. e.g., I am running.
 Verbal #2 Participles (function as adjectives) and Verbal #3 Gerunds (function as nouns): The –
ing Form can be used as two different types of verbals: (present) participles and gerunds. e.g.,
Participle: The running man fell. (running = adjective) e.g., Gerund: Running is excellent
exercise. (running = noun)

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The Six Verb Columns in Table Form

The following table contains most of the information that appears in the numbered list above. ** Nearly all
irregulars occur in columns 4 and 5.

1 2 3 4 5 6
-Infinitive -Present #1 -Present #2 -Past -Past Participle -Present Participle
-Simple Present -Simple Present -Simple Past
-Bare Infinitive Tense Tense
-Base Verb
** Irregulars ** Irregulars
to + base base Add –s Add –ed Add –ed Add –ing
Used only as a I, you, they, we he, she, it I, you, they, Acts as a verb Acts as a verb when
verbal – never we when used with used with helping
functions as a First person, Third person helping verbs verbs (am, is, are).
verb. second person, singular AND (have, has, had). Also acts as two
and third Also acts as a kinds of verbals:
person plural he, she, it. verbal: participle and
participle. gerund.
to run run runs ** ran ** ran running
to accept accept accepts accepted accepted accepting

Irregular Verbs with Two Versions: e.g., burned / burnt

We have about 29 irregular verbs with two versions similar to burned / burnt. With each of these two-version
irregular verbs, there is a story behind it, a debate going on, or a transition taking place. You must research
each occurrence if wish to know what is going on. I did! For each two-version verb, there is a valid explanation
for why the situation exists. As a rule, the first one (e.g., burned) is the more common version in the United
States. When one of these two versions eventually wins the war, the other version will become archaic. I’ve
marked a couple archaic versions as AR.

#3 Be and #66 Have: Take special notice of these two irregular verbs. They are both extremely common
and don’t follow even the rules of irregular verbs.

Prefixes: In one sense, irregular verbs with prefixes are are repeats of the irregular base verbs. However,
many students can use a refresher in prefixes, so I’ve included a number of them (for–, mis–, over–, re–, un–,
under–, with–, and more).

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Giant Irregular Verb List:

207 Irregular Verbs

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Giant Verb List Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay Giant Verb List

Giant Irregular Verb List: 207 Irregular Verbs

1 2 3 4 5 6

Present #1 Past Present

Infinitive - Base Present #2 Past Participle
1. to arise arises arose arisen arising 1
2. to awake awakes awoke awoken awaking 1
3. to be (be) am / are is was / were been being 1-RB
4. to bear bears bore borne bearing
5. to beat beats beat beaten beating
6. to become becomes became become becoming 1
7. to begin begins began begun beginning 2
8. to behold beholds beheld beheld beholding
9. to bend bends bent (AR bended) bent (AR bended) bending
10. to beset besets beset beset besetting 2
11. to bet bets bet bet betting 2
12. to bid bids bid / bade bid / bidden 2 bidding 2
13. to bind binds bound bound binding
14. to bite bites bit bitten biting 1
15. to bleed bleeds bled bled bleeding
16. to blow blows blew blown blowing
17. to break breaks broke broken breaking
18. to breed breeds bred bred breeding
19. to bring brings brought brought bringing
20. to broadcast broadcasts broadcast broadcast broadcasting
21. to build builds built built building
22. to burn burns burned / burnt burned / burnt burning
23. to burst bursts burst burst bursting
24. to buy buys bought bought buying
25. to cast casts cast cast casting
26. to catch catches 4 caught caught catching
27. to choose chooses chose chosen choosing 1
28. to cling clings clung clung clinging
29. to come comes came come coming 1
30. to cost costs cost cost costing
31. to creep creeps crept crept creeping
32. to cut cuts cut cut cutting 2
33. to deal deals dealt dealt dealing
34. to dig digs dug dug digging 2
35. to dive dives dived / dove dived diving 1
36. to do does 4 did done doing

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37. to draw draws drew drawn drawing

38. to dream dreams dreamed / dreamt dreamed / dreamt dreaming
39. to drink drinks drank drunk drinking
40. to drive drives drove driven driving 1
41. to eat eats ate eaten eating
42. to fall falls fell fallen falling
43. to feed feeds fed fed feeding
44. to feel feels felt felt feeling
45. to fight fights fought fought fighting
46. to find finds found found finding
47. to fit fits fit fit fitting 2
48. to flee flees fled fled fleeing 1-RB
49. to fling flings flung flung flinging
50. to fly flies 3 flew flown flying
51. to forbid forbids forbade forbidden forbidding 2
52. to forgo forgoes 4 forewent foregone forgoing
53. to foresee foresees foresaw foreseen foreseeing 1-RB
54. to foretell foretells foretold foretold foretelling
55. to forget forgets forgot forgotten 2 forgetting 2
56. to forgive forgives forgave forgiven forgiving 1
57. to forsake forsakes forsook forsaken forsaking 1
58. to freeze freezes froze frozen freezing 1
59. to get gets got got / gotten 2 getting 2
60. to give gives gave given giving 1
61. to go goes 4 went gone going
62. to grind grinds ground ground grinding
63. to grow grows grew grown growing
64. to handwrite handwrites handwrote handwritten handwriting 1
65. to hang hangs hung (hanged) hung (hanged) hanging
66. to have has RB had had having 1
67. to hear hears heard heard hearing
68. to hide hides hid hidden hiding 1
69. to hit hits hit hit hitting 2
70. to hold holds held held holding
71. to hurt hurts hurt hurt hurting
72. to keep keeps kept kept keeping
73. to kneel kneels knelt / kneeled knelt / kneeled kneeling
74. to knit knits knit / knitted 2 knit / knitted 2 knitting 2
75. to know knows knew know knowing
76. to lay lays laid laid laying
77. to lead leads led led leading
78. to leap leaps leaped / leapt leaped / leapt leaping
79. to learn learns learned / learnt learned / learnt learning

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Giant Verb List Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay Giant Verb List

80. to leave leaves left left leaving 1

81. to lend lends lent lent lending
82. to let lets let let letting 2
83. to lie lies lay lain lying 1-RB
84. to light lights lighted / lit lighted / lit lighting
85. to lose loses lost lost losing 1
86. to make makes made made making 1
87. to mean means meant meant meaning
88. to meet meets met met meeting
89. to mislay mislays mislaid mislaid mislaying
90. to mislead misleads misled misled misleading
91. to misspeak misspeaks misspoke misspoken misspeaking
92. to misspell misspells misspelled / misspelt misspelled / misspelt misspelling
93. to mistake mistakes mistook mistaken mistaking 1
94. to mow mows mowed mowed / mown mowing
95. to outrun outruns outran outrun outrunning 2
96. to overeat overeats overate overeaten overeating
97. to overcome overcomes overcame overcome overcoming 1
98. to overdo overdoes 4 overdid overdone overdoing
99. to overhear overhears overheard overheard overhearing
100. to oversleep oversleeps overslept overslept oversleeping
101. to overtake overtakes overtook overtaken overtaking 1
102. to overthink overthinks overthought overthought overthinking
103. to overthrow overthrows overthrew overthrown overthrowing
104. to pay pays paid paid paying
105. to plead pleads pled pled pleading
106. to proofread proofreads proofread proofread proofreading
107. to prove proves proved proved / proven proving 1
108. to put puts put put putting 2
109. to quit quits quit quit quitting 2
110. to read reads read read reading
111. to repay repays repaid repaid repaying
112. to reread rereads reread reread rereading
113. to resell resells resold resold reselling
114. to reset resets reset reset resetting 2
115. to retake retakes retook retaken retaking 1
116. to reteach reteaches 4 retaught retaught reteaching
117. to retell retells retold retold retelling
118. to rethink rethinks rethought rethought rethinking
119. to rewrite rewrites rewrote rewritten rewriting 1
120. to rid rids rid / ridded 2 rid ridding 2
121. to ride rides rode ridden riding 1
122. to ring rings rang rung ringing

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Giant Verb List Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay Giant Verb List

123. to rise rises rose risen rising 1

124. to run runs ran run running 2
125. to saw saws sawed sawed / sawn sawing
126. to say says said said saying
127. to see sees saw seen seeing 1-RB
128. to seek seeks sought sought seeking
129. to sell sells sold sold selling
130. to send sends sent sent sending
131. to set sets set set setting 2
132. to sew sews sewed sewed / sewn sewing
133. to shake shakes shook shaken shaking 1
134. to shave shaves shaved shaved / shaven shaving 1
135. to shear shears shore shorn shearing
136. to shed sheds shed shed shedding 2
137. to shine shines shone / shined shone / shined shining 1
138. to shoot shoots shot shot shooting
139. to show shows showed shown / showed showing
140. to shrink shrinks shrank shrunk shrinking
141. to shut shuts shut shut shutting 2
142. to sing sings sang sung singing
143. to sink sinks sank sunk sinking
144. to sit sits sat sat sitting 2
145. to slay slays slept slept slaying
146. to sleep sleeps slew slain sleeping
147. to slide slides slid slid sliding 1
148. to sling slings slung slung slinging
149. to slit slits slit slit slitting 2
150. to sneak sneaks sneaked / snuck sneaked / snuck sneaking
151. to sow sows sowed sowed / sown sowing
152. to speak speaks spoke spoken speaking
153. to speed speeds sped sped speeding
154. to spell spells spelled (AR spelt) spelled (AR spelt) spelling
155. to spend spends spent spent spending
156. to spill spills spilled / spilt spilled / spilt spilling
157. to spin spins spun spun spinning 2
158. to spit spits spit / spat spit spiting
159. to split splits split split splitting 2
160. to spread spreads spread spread spreading
161. to spring springs sprang / sprung sprung springing
162. to stand stands stood stood standing
163. to steal steals stole stolen stealing
164. to stick sticks stuck stuck sticking
165. to sting stings stung stung stinging

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Giant Verb List Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay Giant Verb List

166. to stink stinks stank stunk stinking

167. to stride strides strode stridden striding 1
168. to strike strikes struck struck striking 1
169. to string strings strung strung stringing
170. to strive strives strove striven striving 1
171. to sublet sublets sublet sublet subletting 2
172. to swear swears swore sworn swearing
173. to sweat sweats sweat / sweated sweat / sweated sweating
174. to sweep sweeps swept swept sweeping
175. to swell swells swelled swelled / swollen swelling
176. to swim swims swam swum swimming 2
177. to swing swings swung swung swinging
178. to take takes took taken taking 1
179. to teach teaches 4 taught taught teaching
180. to tear tears tore torn tearing
181. to tell tells told told telling
182. to think thinks thought thought thinking
183. to thrive thrives thrived / throve thrived thriving 1
184. to throw throws threw thrown throwing
185. to thrust thrusts thrust thrust thrusting
186. to tread treads trod trodden treading
187. to troubleshoot troubleshoots troubleshot troubleshot troubleshooting
188. to undercut undercuts undercut undercut undercutting 2
189. to undergo undergoes 4 underwent undergone undergoing
190. to understand understands understood understood understanding
191. to undertake undertakes undertook undertaken undertaking 1
192. to undo undoes 4 undid undone undoing
193. to unwind unwinds unwound unwound unwinding
194. to uphold upholds upheld upheld upholding
195. to upset upsets upset upset upsetting 2
196. to wake wakes woke / waked woken / waked waking 1
197. to wear wears wore worn wearing
198. to weave weaves weaved / wove weaved / woven weaving 1
199. to wed weds wed wed wedding 2
200. to weep weeps wept wept weeping
201. to win wins won won wining
202. to wind winds wound wound winding
203. to withdraw withdraws withdrew withdrawn withdrawing
204. to withhold withholds withheld withheld withholding
205. to withstand withstands withstood withstood withstanding
206. to wring wrings wrung wrung wringing
207. to write writes wrote written writing 1

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Giant Verb List Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay Giant Verb List

Helping Verbs and Linking Verbs:

Little Verb Lists

Giant Verb List Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay © 2015 44
Giant Verb List Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay Giant Verb List

Helping Verbs and Linking Verbs Lists: Little Verb Lists

Helping Verbs Linking Verbs

(Also called auxiliary verbs) (Also called state of being verbs)
1. is 1. is
2. am column 6 uses one of these ** 2. am
3. are 3. are
4. was to be / BE 4. was to be / BE
5. were 5. were
6. be 6. be
7. been 7. been
8. being 8. being
========== ===========
9. has 9. look
10. have column 5 uses one of these ** 10. sound
11. had 11. smell sensory
========== 12. taste
12. does 13. feel
13. do ============
14. did 14. appear
========== 15. become
15. can 16. grow
16. will 17. remain
17. shall 18. seem
=========== 19. stay
18. could 20. turn
19. would 21. prove
20. should
========= Most lists of linking verbs contain around 20 words.
21. must However, some lists contain a variety of common
22. may
verb phrases (helping verb + verb).
23. might

The Simplest Fact in all of Grammar: There are just Here are a few common linking-verb verb phrases:
23 helping verbs. Memorize them. 22. can be 23. could be 24. had been 25. has been
26. have been 27. may be 28. might be 29. might
** If you check a “12 Verb Tenses” chart, you will find have been 30. should be 31. will be AND MORE!
these words used repeatedly. However, look for these
words (would, be, was) if you don’t see one of those.
Of course, these words are only required if the word
in the column is going to be used as a verb. If the
word in the column is used as a verbal, these words
are not required.

Note: Both lists are divided up to help with easy memorization. Also, notice that the first eight words on both
lists are exactly the same words.

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Giant Verb List Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay Giant Verb List

Helping Verbs and Linking Verbs

It’s worth memorizing both of these lists. The first thing to know is that the first eight words on each list are
the same words—the eight forms of BE or to be.

The second thing to know is this: All of the linking verbs are on the Giant Verb List or on the Giant Irregular
Verb List. Why? Because linking verbs are main verbs. In contrast, none of the helping verbs are on the Giant
Verb List or the Giant Irregular Verb List. Why? Because helping verbs are not main verbs.

You say, “But the eight forms of BE are on both lists.” Put simply, if the word is used as a helping verb, it is a
helping verb (i.e., it is not a main verb, and it is not on the lists). However, if the word is used as a linking verb,
it is a linking verb (i.e., it is a main verb, and it is on the lists). As I always say, it doesn’t matter how the word
looks; it matters how the word acts.

Helping Verbs: IS, AM, ARE, WAS, WERE, BE, BEEN, BEING

Linking Verbs: IS, AM, ARE, WAS, WERE, BE, BEEN, BEING

They look the same, but they do not act the same. In short, they are not the same.

You say, “But have, has, and had are on the Giant Irregular Verb List, and they are also on the helping verbs
list. How can that be?” Once again, it doesn’t matter how the word looks; it matters how the word acts.

Helping Verbs: HAVE, HAS, HAD ≠ Irregular Verbs: HAVE, HAS, HAD

They look the same, but they do not act the same. In short, they are not the same.

Two Sentences with a One-Letter Difference

Everything is the same in these two sentences except for one letter. However, as you can see, that one letter,
changes the way that one word acts, which changes everything.

Helping Verb = has

Linking Verb = was
Main Verb = broken
Complete Verb or Verb Phrase = has broken Main Verb = was (Note: It’s the same was!)

The window has broken. The window was broken.

The window has broken. The window was broken.
article noun helping main verb article noun main verb adjective
verb (past participle) (linking verb) (predicate adjective)

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Giant Verb List Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay Giant Verb List

Linking Verbs: Around 20

Helping Verbs: 23 Total
Plus Verb Phrases
BE 9. has 10. have
9. appear 10. become
11. feel 12. grow 11. had 12. does
1. is
13. look 14. remain
2. am 13. do 14. did
15. seem 16. smell
3. are
17. sound 18. stay 15. can 16. will
4. was
19. taste 20. turn
5. were
17. shall 18. could
21. prove
6. be
Plus Verb Phrases: 7. been 19. would 20. should
22. can be 23. could be 24. had been 8. being
21. must 22. may
25. has been 26. have been 27. may be

28. might be 29. might have been 23. might


Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay

Giant Verb List © 2015

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