24th July 2019 - Biology (Cytology)

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Test - 24th July 2019 - Biology (Cytology) For NEET / AIIMS Examination © Biomentors

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1) Which of the following is correct for the diagram given below?

नीचे िदए गए आरेख के िलए िननिलिखत म से कौन सा सही है

a) It represents prokaryotic flagella b) It possess '9 + 0' microtubular organisation

c) Both (a) and (b) d) It represents hair-like outgrowths of cell membrane
in eukaryotic ciliates and flagellates

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2) Regarding the sequence of cell cycle, which one is correct?

कोिशका च के िलए कौन सा म सही ं है

a) G1, G2, S and M b) S, G1, G2, and M

c) G1, S, G2 and M d) G2, S, G1, and M

3) Mitotic index means?

समसूी इंडेस से तापय है

a) Rate of mitotic division b) Ratio of mitotic and meiotic division

c) Ratio of dividing and non-dividing cells d) None of the above
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4) Which of the following is the shortest phase of the cell cycle?

िननिलिखत म से कौन सा कोिशका च का सबसे छोटा चरण है

a) S phase b) G1 phase
c) G2 phase d) M phase

5) The force responsible for the terminalization at the time of cell division is?

कोिशका िवभाजन के समय टिमनलाइजेशन के िलए िज़मेदार बल है

a) Chemostatic b) Galvanostatic
c) Electrostatic d) None of the above

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6) Which phase corresponds to the interval between mitosis and initiation of DNA replication?

िमटोिसस और डीएनए पितकृित की शुआत के बीच कौन सा अंतराल है

a) Gap 1 / G1 phase b) Gap 2 / G2 phase

c) Synthesis / S phase d) M phase

7) Phase of cell cycle when DNA polymerase is active?

कोिशका च की वह अवथा िजसमे डीएनए पोलीमरेज़ सिय होता है

a) G1 b) S
c) G2 d) M

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8) How many time nuclear spindle will formed during formation of 32 cells from a single cell in

िमटोिसस म एक कोशा से ३२ कोशा बनने के दौरान िकतनी बार नािभकीय िपंडल का िनमाण होगा

a) 31 b) 32
c) 5 d) 16

9) Diploid living organism develops from zygote by repeated cell divisions is called?

िगुिणत जीव युमनज से बारबार िवभाजन से िवकिसत होते है, वह िवभाजन है

a) Meiosis b) Amitosis
c) Mitosis d) Karyochorisis
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10) End of prophase is marked by?

पूवथा का अंत इसके ारा िचित िकया गया है

a) Complete disintegration of nuclear membrane b) Disappearance of ER, GB, nucleolus and nuclear
only envelope
c) Initiation of condensation of chromosomal material d) Chromosomes aligns at the equatorial plate

11) The most dramatic period of the cell cycle is?

कोिशका च की सबसे नाटकीय अविध है

a) M Phase b) G1 phase
c) S phase d) Interphase

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12) As there occurs more and more condensation of chromatin during cell division, there occurs?

कोिशका िवभाजन के दौरान जैसे जैसे ोमैिटन का अिधक से अिधक संेपण होता है, तब ऐसा होता है

a) Increase in heterochromatin b) Increase in euchromatin

c) Differentiation of heterochromatin and d) Differentiation of heterochromatin and
euchromatin decreases euchromatin increases

13) Maximum condensation of chromosomes occurs in?

गुणसूों का सवािधक संघनन इस अवथा म होता है

a) Prophase I b) Prophase II
c) Leptotene d) Metaphase I

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14) The replication of nuclear DNA occurs in?

नािभकीय डीएनए का पुनरावतन होता है , इस अवथा म

a) G1 phase b) G2 phase
c) S phase d) M phase

15) An anaphase chromosome contains?

ऐनाफेज के गुणसू म होता है

a) 1 DNA molecule b) 3 DNA molecule

c) 2 DNA molecule d) 4 DNA molecule

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16) The number of DNA in chromosome at G2 stage of cell cycle?

a) One
कोिशका च के G2 चरण म गुणसू म डीएनए की संया होगी

b) Two
c) Four d) Eight

17) Spindle apparatus is formed during which stage of mitosis?

समसूी िवभाजन की िकस अवथा म िपंडल उपकरण िनिमत होते है

a) Prophase b) Metaphase
c) Anaphase d) Telophase

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18) Which of the following stage is affected by colchicum?

िननिलिखत चरण म से कौन सा colchicum से पभािवत है

a) Metaphase b) Prophase
c) Interphase d) Anaphase

19) Mitosis occurs in?

समसूी िवभाजन इसम होता है

a) Haploid individuals b) Diploid individuals

c) Both (a) and (b) d) In bacteria only

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20) Cyclin is associated with which one of the following?

साइिलन िकससे िननिलिखत म से एक से संब है

a) Glycolysis b) Cyclosis
c) Haemolysis d) Mitosis

21) Which is not the character of mitosis?

कौन सा िमटोिसस का लण नही ं है

a) Leptotene b) Zygotene
c) Pachytene d) All of the above

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22) How many ATP is required during anaphase to move chromosomes from equator to the poles?

भूमयवत िपंडल से पोल तक ोमोसोम को थानांतिरत करने के िलए एनाफेज के दौरान िकतने एटीपी आवयक होते ह

a) 38 ATP b) 5 ATP
c) 30 ATP d) 76 ATP

23) He studied a known protein that functions as a brake on the immune system. He realized the
potential of releasing the brake and thereby unleashing our immune cells to attack tumors. He then
developed this concept into a brand new approach for treating cancer patients. He got nobel prize in
2018 (Medicine). Who is he?

उहोंने एक ात पोटीन का अययन िकया जो पितरा पणाली पर एक बेक

 के प म काय करता है। उहोंने बेक
 की अतु मता का
एहसास िकया और इस तरह यूमर पर हमला करने के िलए हमारी पितरा कोिशकाओं को तैयार कर िदया। उहोंने तब इस अवधारणा को
कसर रोिगयों के इलाज के िलए एक नए दृिटकोण म िवकिसत िकया। उह 2018 (िचिकसा) म नोबेल पुरकार िमला। वह कौन है

a) James P. Allison b) Peter Mitchell

c) John E Walker d) Timothy Hunt

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24) If in a pollen grain the amount of DNA is 5 pg and it has 5 chromosomes. What will the amount
of DNA & number of chromosome in mesophyll cell?

यिद पराग कण म डीएनए की माा 5 िपकोगाम है और इसम 5 गुणसू ह। तब मेसोिफल कोिशका म डीएनए की माा और गुणसू की संया
या होगी

a) Amont of DNA - 5 pg & Number of chromosome - b) Amont of DNA - 10 pg & Number of chromosome
5 - 20
c) Amont of DNA - 20 pg & Number of chromosome d) Amont of DNA - 10 pg & Number of chromosome
- 10 - 10

25) In Plants the growing point?

पौधों म विृ  िबदु

a) Shows Meiosis b) Are in Quiscent stage (G0)

c) Distributed all over body d) Shows equational homotypic division

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26) Choose the correct one for the chromosome given below:

नीचे िदए गए गुणसू के िलए सही का चयन कर
a) a b) b
c) c d) d

27) Choose the correct one for the chromosome given below:

नीचे िदए गए गुणसू के िलए सही का चयन कर

a) It is with one chromatid and one molecule of b) It is with two chromatids and two molecules of
c) It is with two chromatids and two arms d) It is one arm and two chromatids

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28) During which phase(s) of the cell cycle the amount of DNA remains at 2C only in a cell?

कोिशका च के िकस चरण के दौरान डीएनए की माा केवल एक कोिशका म 2C पर रहती है

a) G0 and G b) G2 and M
c) G2 only d) G1 and S

29) The loose indistinct network of nucleoprotein fibres can be observed in?

यूिलयोपोटीन फाइबर के ढीले अपय नेटवक म देखा जा सकता है

a) Anaphase b) G1, S and G2 - phases

c) Metaphase d) Late prophase

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30) If a mitocyte has 10 pg of DNA and 16 chromosomes in G1 then which of the following is correct?

यिद एक माइटोसाइट म 10 pg डीएनए और 16 गुणसू G1 म ह तो िनन म से कौन सा सही है

a) S-phase will have 5 pg of DNA b) The cell at anaphase stage will have 20 pg of DNA
and a total of 32 chromosomes
c) G2 - phase will have 8 chromosomes in a cell d) The cell at metaphase will have 10 pg of DNA and a
total of 16 chromosomes

31) Which phase of mitosis is almost the reverse of prophase w. r. t. nuclear changes?

माइटोिसस का कौन सा चरण पोफ़ेज़ का लगभग उटा है।

a) Anaphase b) S-phase
c) G2 - phase d) Telophase

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32) Choose the correct option for the diagram given below:

नीचे िदए गए आरेख के िलए सही िवकप चुन

a) a b) b
c) c d) d

33) How many successive generations of mitosis must occur to produce 32 cells from a single cell?

एक कोिशका से 32 कोिशकाएँ उपन करने के िलए समसूी िवभाजन की िकतनी पीढ़ी होनी चािहए
a) 5 b) 3
c) 2 d) 6

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34) Match the column:

कॉलम से िमलान कर

a) A = (ii), B = (i), C = (iv), D = (iii) b) A = (i), B = (ii), C = (iii), D = (iv)

c) A = (ii), B = (i), C = (iii), D = (iv) d) A =(iv), B = (ii), C = (i), D = (iii)

35) Arrange the different stages of meiosis (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) in sequence:

ू ीिवभाजन (i), (ii), (iii) और (iv) म के िविभन चरणों को यविथत कर


a) (i)→ (iv) → (ii) → (iii) b) (iii) → (iv) → (ii) → (i)

c) (iv) → (iii) → (ii) → (i) d) (ii) → (i) → (iii) → (iv)
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36) Interzonal type of spindle fibres extends:

इंटरजोनल पकार के िपंडल तंतओ
ु ं का िवतार होता है

a) Between daughter chromosomes b) From pole to chromosomes

c) From pole and is incomplete d) From pole to pole

37) Most fearsome property of cancer is?

कसर का सबसे भयावह गुण है

a) Growth b) Apoptosis
c) Vascularization d) Metastasis

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38) Cancer is?

कसर है

a) Uncontrolled mitosis b) Amitosis

c) Repetitive meiosis d) Free nuclear division

39) The number of times a normal human cell population will divide before cell division stops. This
property is known as?

कोिशका िवभाजन कने से पहले एक सामाय मानव कोिशका की संया िजतनी बार िवभािजत होगी। इस गुणधम को जाना जाता है

a) Carcinogenesis b) Mutagenesis
c) Haemolysis d) Hayflick limit

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40) Any substance, radionuclide, or radiation that promotes the formation of cancer. This may be
due to the ability to damage the genome or to the disruption of cellular metabolic processes. These

factors known as?

कोई भी पदाथ, रेिडयोयूलाइड, या िविकरण जो कसर के गठन को बढ़ावा देता है। यह जीनोम को नुकसान पहुच
ं ाने या कोिशकीय चयापचय
पियाओं के िवघटन की मता के कारण हो सकता है। इन कारकों के प म जाना जाता है

a) Mutagen b) Carcinogen
c) Pathogen d) Virulent

41) The property of chemical agents that damages the genetic information within a cell causing
mutations, which may lead to cancer. It is known as?
रासायिनक एजटों का गुणधम जो उपिरवतन पैदा करने वाली कोिशका के भीतर आनुवंिशक जानकारी को नुकसान पहुच
ं ाती है, िजससे कसर
हो सकता है। इसे यह भी कहा जाता है

a) Polyploidy b) Genotoxicity
c) Somatogenesis d) Apoptosis

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42) Which radiations may cause basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma?

कौन से िविकरण बेसल सेल कािसनोमा या वैमस सेल कािसनोमा का कारण बन सकते ह

a) Infrared b) Ultraviolet
c) Visible spectrum d) Violet purple

43) Centriole replicates during?

सेिओल इसके दौरान पितकृित करते है

a) Interphase b) Early prophase

c) Late prophase d) Late telophase

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44) Which of the following cells in an adult animal do not appear to exhibit division?

एक वयक जंत ु म िननिलिखत म से कौन सी कोिशका, िवभाजन को पदिशत नही ं करती है

a) Bone marrow cells b) Upper layer of epidermis

c) Heart cells d) All of the above

45) Prophase is marked by?

पूवथा को इससे िचित िकया गया है

a) Complete disintegration of nuclear membrane b) Disappearance of ER, GB, nucleolus and nuclear
only envelope
c) Initiation of condensation of chromosomal material d) Chromosomes aligns at the equatorial plate

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46) The completion of prophase can be marked by?

पूवथा के पूरा होने को इससे िचित िकया जा सकता है

a) Chromosomal material condenses to form compact b) Initiation of condensation of chromosomal

mitotic chromosomes material
c) Initiation of the assembly of mitotic spindle d) Both A and C
47) Which of the following proteinaceous components of the cell cytoplasm help in the initiation of
the assembly of mitotic spindle?

कोिशकीय कोिशकादय के िननिलिखत पोटीनयुत घटकों म से कौन सा समसूी धुरी के संयोजन म मदद करता है

a) Microtubules b) Microbodies
c) Centromere d) Kinetochore

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48) The centriole begins to move towards opposite poles of the cell in?

सेिओल कोिशका के िवपरीत धु  वों की ओर बढ़ना शु करता है

a) Prophase b) Metaphase
c) Anaphase d) Telophase

49) Identify the different phases (A, B, C, D) of cell cycle:

कोिशका च के िविभन चरणों (ए, बी, सी, डी) की पहचान कर

a) A - G1, B - G2, C - S, D - M b) A - G2, B - G1, C - S, D - M

c) A - M, B - G1, C - G2, D - S d) A - G1, B - S, C - G2, D - M

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50) Which of the following graphs indicate the relative change in the amount of chloroplast DNA of a
cell showing mitosis?

िनन म से कौन सा गाफ एक कोिशका के समसूण के लोरोलाट डीएनए की माा म सापे पिरवतन का संकेत देता है
a) a b) b
c) c d) d


1) D. It represents hair-like outgrowths of cell membrane in eukaryotic ciliates and flagellates. It is

Cilia or flagella. Showing 9+2 arrangement.

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2) C. G1 -> S -> G2 -> M

3) C. Ratio of dividing and non-dividing cells - Mitotic index is defined as the ratio between the

number of cells in a population undergoing mitosis to the total number of cells in a population.

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4) D. M phase is Shortest phase; G1 is longest in most organisms; In mammalian cell S phase may be

5) C. At the time of cell division electrostatic force is responsible for terminalization.

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6) A. Gap 1 / G1 phase is between M phase & S phase

7) B. S phase - DNA replication takes place

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8) A. Every cell that divide will form a spindle apparatus.

9) C. Zygote undergoes in mitosis to produce embryo

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10) B. Disappearance of ER, GB, nucleolus and nuclear envelope marks the end of prophase.

11) A. M Phase is the most dramatic phase of cell cycle.

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12) C. Because entire chromosome get fully condensed so now we can't differentiate it into
euchromatin & heterochromation.

13) D. Maximum chromosome condensation is in Metaphase

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14) C. DNA replicates takes place in S phase

15) A. Anaphasic chromosome have 1 DNA

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16) B. DNA replicates in S phase

17) B. Nuclear spindle apparatus formed in metaphase

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18) A. Cochicine interfere in nuclear spindle formation in metaphase

19) C. Mitosis occurs both in Haploid & Diploid

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20) D. Cyclins & CDK kinase are engines for cell cycle

21) D. All seen in prophase 1 of meiosis

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22) C. 30 ATP required during anaphase to move chromosomes from equator to the poles

23) A. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2018 was awarded jointly to James P. Allison and

Tasuku Honjo "for their discovery of cancer therapy by inhibition of negative immune regulation."
James P. Allison studied a known protein that functions as a brake on the immune system. He
realized the potential of releasing the brake and thereby unleashing our immune cells to attack
tumors. He then developed this concept into a brand new approach for treating patients.In parallel,
Tasuku Honjo discovered a protein on immune cells and, after careful exploration of its function,
eventually revealed that it also operates as a brake, but with a different mechanism of action.
Therapies based on his discovery proved to be strikingly effective in the fight against cancer.

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24) D. Pollen grain is Haploid cell & Mesophyll is diploid cell

25) D. In Plants the growing point shows equational homotypic division (Mitosis) example - Root tip

& Shoot tip
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26) C. c is the right match

27) A. It is with one chromatid and one molecule of dsDNA

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28) A. G0 and G1 are before S phase so DNA not duplicated

29) B. G1, S and G2 - phases - Interphase : DNA or chromatin remains decondensed

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30) B. The cell at anaphase stage will have 20 pg of DNA and a total of 32 chromosomes

31) D. Telophase is just opposite to prophase

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32) D. Option D is correct (Hint : One metaphasic chromosome - 2 chromatid - a centromere - 2

33) A. 1 -> 2 -> 4 -> 8 -> 16 -> 32 (Total 5 time)

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34) C. A = (ii), B = (i), C = (iii), D = (iv)

35) B. (iii) → (iv) → (ii) → (i)

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36) A. Between daughter chromosomes

37) D. Metastasis is the spread of cancer cells to new areas of the body, often by way of the lymph

system or bloodstream. A metastatic cancer, or metastatic tumor, is one that has spread from the
primary site of origin, or where it started, into different areas of the body.

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38) A. Cancer is Uncontrolled mitosis.

39) D. The Hayflick limit or Hayflick phenomenon is the number of times a normal human cell

population will divide before cell division stops. The concept of the Hayflick limit was advanced by
American anatomist Leonard Hayflick in 1961, at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,

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40) B. A carcinogen is any substance, radionuclide, or radiation that promotes carcinogenesis, the
formation of cancer. This may be due to the ability to damage the genome or to the disruption of
cellular metabolic processes.

41) B. In genetics, genotoxicity describes the property of chemical agents that damages the genetic
information within a cell causing mutations, which may lead to cancer. While genotoxicity is often
confused with mutagenicity, all mutagens are genotoxic, whereas not all genotoxic substances are

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42) B. Most skin cancers are a result of exposure to the UV rays in sunlight. Both basal cell and
squamous cell cancers (the most common types of skin cancer) tend to be found on sun-exposed
parts of the body, and their occurrence is typically related to lifetime sun exposure.

43) A. Centriole replicate during Interphase (G2 Phase)
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44) C. Heart cells are in G0 phase & they do not divide.

45) C. Condensation of chromosomal material begins with prophase

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46) D. Both A and C - Chromosomal material condenses to form compact mitotic chromosomes &
Initiation of the assembly of mitotic spindle.

47) A. Microtubules are the components of Spindle fibers

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48) A. The centriole begins to move towards opposite poles of the cell in Prophase.

49) D. A - G1, B - S, C - G2, D - M

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50) D. d (Hint : DNA 2C in G1 -> 2C to 4C in S --> 4C in G2 --> 4C to 2C in M phase)


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