The Effect of Oil Spills On Oceans

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The Effect of Oil Spills on Oceans

Ocean water is made up of 96.5% water (H20, an oxide of
hydrogen) and 3.5% solids. The main chemical ingredient in
these solids is salt (sodium chloride, NaCl), a simple chemical
compound found in the tissue of all living organisms. Other
chemicals include Magnesium, Sulphate, Calcium, Potassium,
Carbon, Bromine, Boron, Strontium, Fluorine and ions of
Nitrogen. Since most scientists agree that life began in the
sea, it is not surprising that a number of these chemicals
(Magnesium, Sulphate, Calcium, Potassium, Carbon and the
Nitrogen ions) are essential to life.
Physical Properties
 Density: One of the most important physical properties of ocean water is
its weight, or density. Which depends on two things – temperature and
 The density of ocean water ranges from 1.026 to l.028 grams per
 High-salinity seawater is denser than low-salinity seawater.
 Cold seawater is denser than warm seawater.

 Salinity is the amount of salt that’s dissolved in an ocean's water – and
it's different in different places.
 The salinity of ocean water varies between 3.0 and 3.7 percent, so it
averages out at about 3.5%.

The temperature of ocean water is highest at the Equator (where it is warmed
by the Sun) and coldest toward the poles.

There are three temperature zones in the oceans.

• The Surface Zone (which begins at the Earth's surface and goes down to
about 400 meters) is 22 degrees Celsius on average.

• The Thermo cline (begins at about 400 meters and extends down to
about 800 meters). Temperatures drop rapidly from warm surface conditions
to frigid deep-water conditions.

• The Deep Zone (which starts at about 800 meters and extends down to
the ocean floor). Temperatures hover just above the freezing point of water (0-
4 degrees Celsius).
Petroleum (crude oil) properties
Chemical Properties
Petroleum is a complex mixture of paraffinic, naphthenic and aromatic
hydrocarbons ranging in carbon number from C1 to >C60. Petroleum typically
also contains smaller amounts of heteroatom compounds, metals and
hydrogen sulfide.

Among these compounds, cyclic (aromatic) hydrocarbons that low boiling point
are more dangerous, such as benzene, toluene and xylene. Naphthalene and
Phenaphthalene are more poisonous for fishes than the mentioned
compounds. Aromatic compounds are more soluble in water than saturated
hydrocarbons; therefore creatures may become poisoned without direct
contact with the oil by the polluted water. Fortunately these compounds are
volatile; their harmful effects will decrease with time.

Physical Properties
Petroleum is not a uniform substance since its physical properties vary from
oilfield to oilfield and can even vary within wells at the same oilfield. At one
extreme, it is a light, mobile, straw-colored liquid. At the other extreme, it is a
highly viscous, semi-solid, black substance. The lower molecular weight
components of petroleum possess moderate to high water solubility while
higher molecular weight fractions tend to form emulsions in water.
Oil Spill Behavior
When oil is spilled in the ocean, it initially spreads in the water, depending on
its relative density and composition. The oil slick formed may remain cohesive,
or may break up in the case of rough seas. Waves, water currents, and wind
force the oil slick to drift over large areas, impacting the open ocean, coastal
areas, and marine and terrestrial habitats in the path of the drift.

Oil that contains volatile organic compounds partially evaporates, becoming

denser and more viscous. A small percentage of oil may dissolve in the water.
The oil residue also can disperse almost invisibly in the water or form a thick
mousse with the water. Part of the oil waste may sink with suspended
particulate matter, and the remainder eventually congeals into sticky tar balls.
Over time, oil waste weathers and disintegrates by means of photolysis.
Effects of Oil Spills on Marine Ecosystems
Environmental Effects
The impacts of oil pollution on marine ecosystem can be categorized into long
term and short term effects. Suffocation cause by oil spills and oil poisoning
are among the first group. Because oil floats on top of water, less light
penetrates into the water, limiting the photosynthesis of marine plants and
phytoplankton. Oil spills reduce oxygen absorption of the water, causing
oxygen dissolution under oil spills to be even less than the deep sea levels.

Suspended oil can gain weight by bonding with minerals and settle on the sea
floor and harm the ecosystem. Also causes sediments adherence to the sea
floor, destabilizing plants. Usually it has been observed that sediments begin to
move after oil settles on the sea floor.
Oil Spills Kill Birds
Oil-covered birds are practically a universal symbol of the environmental
damage wreaked by oil spills. Any oil spill in the ocean is a death sentence for
sea birds. Some species of shore birds may escape by relocating if they sense
the danger in time, but sea birds that swim and dive for their food are sure to
be covered in oil. Oil spills also damage nesting grounds, which can have
serious long-term effects on entire species. They can even disrupt migratory
patterns by contaminating areas where migrating birds normally stop.

By coating the feathers, oil not only makes it impossible for birds to fly but also
destroys their natural waterproofing and insulation, leaving them vulnerable to
hypothermia or overheating. As the birds frantically try to preen their feathers
to restore their natural protections they often swallow some of the oil, which
can severely damage their internal organs and lead to death.
Oil Spills Kill Marine Mammals
Oil spills frequently kill marine mammals such as whales, dolphins, seals and
sea otters. The deadly damage can take several forms. The oil sometimes clogs
the blowholes of whales and dolphins, making it impossible for the animals to
breathe properly and disrupting their ability to communicate. Oil coats the fur
of otters and seals, leaving them vulnerable to hypothermia.

Even when marine mammals escape the immediate effects, an oil spill can
cause damage by contaminating their food supply.
Oil Spills Kill Fish
Oil spills often take a deadly toll on fish, shellfish and other marine life,
particularly if large numbers of fish eggs or larvae are exposed to the oil.

Oil Spills Destroy Wildlife Habitat and Breeding Grounds

The long-term damage to various species, and to the habitat and nesting or
breeding grounds those species depend upon for their survival, is one of the
most far-reaching environmental effects caused by oil spills.

The severity of environmental damages caused by a particular oil spill depends

on many factors, including the amount of the oil spilled, the type and weight of
the oil, the location of the spill, the species of wildlife in the area, the timing or
breeding cycles and seasonal migrations, and even the weather at sea during
and immediately after the oil spill. But one thing never varies: oil spills are
always bad news for the environment.
Oil Compound’s Effect on Animals
It's been proven that oil compounds will harm marine organisms even in low
concentrations. Organisms accumulate oil compounds in their body through
water, sediments and their food.

Oil compounds increase disease sensitivity in fishes and prevent growth of the
phytoplankton. It's been estimated in oil spilled areas; about 70 years are
required for marine life to completely restore. Decomposition of oil materials
is done by bacteria but it's slow, especially in cold waters.

Experience has shown that in these assisted conditions animals restoration

process will begin in a few months, but in natural process it takes one or two
years. It has been observed that oil materials in sediments and cavities of sea
floor will persist for 15 or more years.
The Dangers of Arctic Oil Drilling
The Arctic's extreme weather and freezing temperatures, its remote location
and the presence of moving sea ice severely increase the risks of oil drilling,
complicate logistics and present unparalleled difficulties for any clean-up
operation. Its fragile ecosystem is particularly vulnerable to an oil spill and the
consequences of an accident would have a profound effect on the
environment and local fisheries.

The Arctic is home to four million people. It also houses a diverse range of
unique wildlife: hundreds of species of seabirds, millions of migrating birds; 17
different species of whale live there. Mammals including Polar Bears, Arctic
Foxes and various species of seal inhabit the Arctic at different points
throughout the year. The impact of a spill on these communities and already
vulnerable animal species would be devastating and long-lasting.

The US Geological Survey estimates that around 13% of the world's

undiscovered oil could lie under the area north of the Arctic Circle Due to
climate change, the Arctic sea ice is melting at an alarming rate each summer,
allowing creeping industrialization as companies and governments scramble
for the region’s natural resources.

However, drilling in the Arctic presents, as even Cairn Energy admits,

"significant challenges". Alongside the logistical nightmare of operating in such
a hostile and remote region, oil rigs face an ever-present risk from huge
icebergs and have to employ fleets of ships to drag them out of the way. Some
of the icebergs are so big, though, that oil rigs are forced to stop drilling and
move out of their way.

The Arctic drilling season is limited to a narrow window of a few months during
the summer. In this short period of time, complete the huge logistical response
needed to cap a leaking well would be almost impossible. If relief wells are left
unfinished over the winter, oil could continue to gush out for up to two years.
Yet despite these incredible risks oil companies continue to recklessly lobby
governments to relax Arctic drilling safety rules.
In the Arctic´s freezing conditions, oil is known to behave very differently than
in lower latitudes. It takes much longer to disperse in cold water and experts
suggest that there is no way to contain or clean-up oil trapped underneath
large bodies of ice. Toxic traces would linger for a longer period, affecting local
wildlife for longer, be transported large distances by ice floes and leave a
lasting stain on this pristine environment.

The oil industry cannot guarantee the safety of Arctic drilling and is recklessly
putting profit before the environment. As Cairn's recent operations prove, the
immense technical, economic and environmental risks of drilling in the Arctic
just aren't worth it.

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