26th June 2019 - Biology

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Test - 26th June 2019 - Biology For NEET / AIIMS Examination © Biomentors

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Format - NEET
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1) Assertion: Plasmids are double – stranded extra-chromosomal DNA.

Reason: Plasmids are possessed by eukaryotic cells.

अिभकथन: लािमड ितंतक ु बा गुणसूीय डीएनए ह।

कारण: लािमड यूकेिरयोिटक कोिशकाओं के पास होते ह।

a) Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is b) Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is
the correct explanation of the Assertion not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
c) Assertion is true but Reason is false d) Assertion and Reason both are false

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2) Assertion: Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic, blue green algae with all the prokaryotic structures.
Reason: They are green due to presence of chloroplasts.

अिभकथन: सायनो बैटीिरया सभी पोकैिरयोिटक संरचनाओं के साथ पकाश संलेषक, नीले हरे शैवाल ह।
कारण: वे लोरोलाट की उपिथित के कारण हरे ह।

a) Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is b) Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is
the correct explanation of the Assertion not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
c) Assertion is true but Reason is false d) Assertion and Reason both are false

3) Assertion: Systematics is the branch of biology that deal with classification of living organisms.
Reason: The aim of classification is to group the organisms in an orderly manner.

अिभकथन: िसटमैिटस जीव िवान की वह शाखा है जो जीिवत जीवों के वगकरण से संबिं धत है।
कारण: वगकरण का उेय यविथत तरीके से जीवों को समूह बनाना है।

a) Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is b) Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is
the correct explanation of the Assertion not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
c) Assertion is true but Reason is false d) Assertion and Reason both are false

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4) Assertion: Complexity of classification increases from kingdom to species.
Reason: More specific characters increases from kingdom to species that needs more detailed study.

अिभकथन: वगकरण की जिटलता िकंगडम से पजाितयों तक बढ़ जाती है।
कारण: िकंगडम से पजाितयों की और जाने पर अिधक िविशट लण बढ़ जाते है िजसके िलए अिधक िवतत
ृ अययन की आवयकता होती

a) Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is b) Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is
the correct explanation of the Assertion not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
c) Assertion is true but Reason is false d) Assertion and Reason both are false

5) Assertion : Biochemical investigation clearly revealed that the cell membranes also possess
protein and carbohydrate.
Reason : The ratio of protein and lipid varies considerably in different cell types.

अिभकथन: जैव रासायिनक जांच से पट है िक कोिशका िझली म पोटीन और काबोहाइेट भी होता है।
कारण: पोटीन और िलिपड का अनुपात अलग-अलग कोिशकीय पकारों म काफी िभन होता है।

a) Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is b) Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is
the correct explanation of the Assertion not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
c) Assertion is true but Reason is false d) Assertion and Reason both are false

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6) All worms are?

सभी कृिम होते है

a) Free living b) Parasites

c) Triploblastic d) Marine

7) Flame cells are excreatory organs of?

लेम कोशाय िकसका उसज अंग होती है

a) Ctenophora b) Coelenterata
c) Porifera d) Platyhelminthes

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8) Sea walnuts are?

समुदी अखरोट होते है 

a) Echinus b) Ctenoplana
c) Taenia d) Sycon

9) False coelom is present in?

छम सीलोम इसम पायी जाती है

a) Annelida b) Mollusca
c) Aschelminthes d) Platyhelminthes

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10) Bioluminiscence is well marked in which phylum?

िकस फाइलम म जैवपदीित पट प से देखने िमलती है

a) Ctenophora b) Coelenterata
c) Porifera d) Platyhelminthes

11) Find the correct pair?

सही ं जोड़ा है

a) Sea Pen - Gorgonia b) Sea fan - Adamsia

c) Brain coral - Aurelia d) Liver fluke - Fasciola

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12) Which is not a character of Comb jellies?

कौन सा कोंब जेली का लण नही ं है

a) Exclusively marine b) Metagenesis

c) Biradial symmetry d) All of these

13) Which is not having radial symmetry?

िकसमे िजीय समिमित नही ं होती है

a) Jelly fish b) Comb jellies

c) Star fish d) Flukes

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14) What is true for Flat worms?

कौन सा कथन सपाट कृिम के िलए सही ं है

a) Comb plates on surface b) Pseudocoelomate

c) Spiculous skeleton d) None of these

15) Sea wasp (Carybdea & Chironex) are actually?

सीवाप (काबडीया एवं चीरोनेस ) वातव म है

a) deadly venomous box jellyfish b) Ctenophora animals

c) Medicinally useful sponges d) Marine Flatworms

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16) Tape worm have?

फीता कृिम म होता है

a) Digestive system b) Well defined epidermis

c) True Metamerism d) None of these

17) Cephalization begins with?

िसफेिलज़ेशन का पारभ हुआ इससे

a) Ctenophora b) Coelenterata
c) Porifera d) Platyhelminthes

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18) Amoeba is a member of Phylum?

अमीबा िकस फाइलम का सदय है

a) Porifera b) Protozoa
c) Annelida d) Mollusca

19) Which of the following is not a true fish?

इनम से कौन सी एक वातिवक मछली नही ं है

a) Dog fish b) Angel fish

c) Fighting fish d) Jelly fish

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20) Which one of the following living organisms completely lacks a cell wall?

िननिलिखत जीवों म से कौन सा एक पूरी तरह से कोिशका िभि िवहीन है

a) Saccharomyces b) Blue-green algae

c) Cyanobacteria d) Sea-fan (Gorgonia)

21) High regeneration capacity seen in?

उच पुनजनन मता इसम देखी जाती है

a) Taenia b) Fasciola
c) Planaria d) Pleurobranchia

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22) Mouth develops first in the embryo and anus is formed later in?

मुहं भू ण म पहले िवकिसत होता है और गुदा बाद म बनता है

a) Deuterostomes b) Protostomes
c) Echinoderms d) Chordates

23) The Platyhelminthes do not possess?

लैटीहेिमथेस म नही ं होता है

a) Triploblastic arrangement b) Coelom

c) Organs d) Suckers & hooks

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24) Liver fluke is?

िलवर लूक है

a) Taenia b) Ascaris
c) Ctenoplana d) Fasciola

25) Identify the Phylum which have these features: Radial symmetry, True coelom & Organ system

ऐसे फाइलम की पहचान कर िजनके पास ये िवशेषताएं ह: िजीय समिमित, सय देहगुहा और अंग तं संगठन

a) Cnideria b) Ctenophora
c) Aschelminthus d) Echinodermata

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26) Coelenterates generally include animals which are?

सीलेे टा म सामायतः वे जंत ु शािमल िकये जाते है िजनमे यह लण हो

a) Triploblastic, radial symmetry and acoelomate b) Triploblastic, radial symmetry and coelomate
c) Diploblastic, radial symmetry and acoelomate d) Diploblastic, radial symmetry and coelomate

27) Dugesia belongs to which class?

डु गेिसया िकस वग से संबिं धत है

a) Cestoda b) Trematoda
c) Turbellaria d) Tentacula
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28) All flatworms differ from roundworms in having?

सभी सपाटकृिम गोलकृिम से इसके कारण िभन है

a) Triploblastic body b) Solid mesoderm

c) Bilateral symmetry d) Metamorphosis in the life history

29) One animal that does not perform locomotion is?

एक जंत ु जो गमन नही ं करता है

a) Sycon b) Nereis
c) Sepia d) Euglena

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30) Roundworms are different from Platyhelminthes in having the following features?

गोल कृिम लैटीहेिमथेस से िभन है यूिं क इसम होता है

a) Roundworms are triploblastic b) Roundworms have a complete digestive system

c) Roundworms have flame cells d) All of the above

31) Spicules are found in?

िपयूल इसम पाए जाते ह

a) Hydra b) Planaria
c) Sycon d) Obelia

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32) The contrast to earthworm the tapeworm shows?

भूिमकृिम (कचुए) की तुलना म फीताकृिम दशाता है

a) Absence of body cavity b) Bilateral symmetry

c) Radial symmetry d) Presence of pseudocoel

33) Mehlis's gland in tapeworm is associated with?

टै पवाम म मेहिलस की गिं थ इससे जुड़ा हुआ है

a) Reproduction b) Circulation
c) Respiration d) Excretion
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34) The worms which have organ-system level of body organisation & bilaterally symmetrical,
triploblastic and pseudocoelomate?

वे कृिम िजनम शरीर अंग-पणाली का तर का और िपीय प से समिमत, िपलोलािटक और यूडोसीलोमेट है

a) Ascaris b) Wuchereria
c) Ancylostoma d) All of these

35) Which group of organisms reproduce only by sexual means?

जीवों का कौन सा समूह केवल लिगक पजनन करता है

a) Porifera b) Cnideria
c) Ctenophora d) Platyhelminthes

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36) A rhabditiform larva is formed in the life cycle of?

एक रबािडिटफॉम लावा िकसके जीवन च म बनता है

a) Ascaris b) Tapeworm
c) Hydra d) Leucosolenia

37) Ancylostoma infection spreads through?

एंिकलोटोमा संमण इससे फैलता है

a) Contaminated food b) Kissing

c) Skin d) Blood

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38) Assertion : The Aschelminthes are commonly known as roundworms.
Reason : The body of the aschelminthes is circular in cross-section.

अिभकथन: एकेलिमंस आमतौर पर रॉउं डवॉमस के प म जाना जाता है।
कारण: एकेलिमंस का शरीर ॉस-सेशन म गोलाकार होता है।

a) Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is b) Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is
the correct explanation of the Assertion not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
c) Assertion is true but Reason is false d) Assertion and Reason both are false

39) In mitochondria, Protons accumulate in the?

माइटोकॉिया म, पोटॉन एक हो जाते ह

a) Intermembrane space b) Matrix
c) Outer membrane d) Inner membrane

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40) Which of the following statements regarding mitochondrial membrane is not correct?

माइटोकॉियल िझली के बारे म िननिलिखत म से कौन सा कथन सही नही ं है

a) The inner membrane is highly convolated forming b) The outer membrane resembles as sieve
a series of infoldings
c) The outer membrane is permeable to all kinds of d) The enzymes of the electron transfer chain are
molecules embedded in the outer membrane

41) The presence of DNA in mitochondria and chloroplast supports the hypothesis that?

माइटोकॉिया और लोरोलाट म डीएनए की उपिथित इस पिरकपना का समथन करती है

a) Mitochondria and chloroplast both originated as b) Glycolysis occurs in mitochondria and chloroplast
independent free living organisms both
c) ATP is produced in mitochondria and chloroplast d) Mitochondria and chloroplast undergo meiosis
both and mitosis independent of nucleus

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42) Which of the following require energy dependent carrier molecules during transport through cell

िननिलिखत म से कौन सी पिया म कोशा िझली के मायम से पिरवहन के दौरान ऊजा पर िनभर वाहक अणुओ ं की आवयकता है

a) Simple diffusion b) Facilitated diffusion

c) Osmosis d) Pumps

43) Nucleosome is a unit of?

यूिलओसोम इसकी एक इकाई है

a) DNA molecule b) Genophore

c) Cytoplasmic genome d) Nuclear genome (Chromatin)

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44) Which of the following is not a function of cytoskeleton in a cell?

िननिलिखत म से कौन सा कोिशका म साइटोकेलेटन का काय नही ं है

a) Osmotic relationships with the medium b) Maintenance of cell shape and structure
c) Support of the organelle d) Cell motility (Component of Flagella)
45) What is true for cell sap?

कोिशका सैप के िलए या सय है

a) Part of Cytoplasm b) Polyphasic colloidal solution with living reactions

c) Basal fluid enclosed by double membrane d) Non living solution with various pigments, wastage
and salts; surrounded by a thin living membrane

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46) Find out the correctly matched pair?

सही िमलान की जोड़ी का पता लगाएं

a) Oxysome :: Lumen of thylakoid b) Quantasome :: Mitochondrial inner membrane on

matrix facing face
c) Nucleosome :: DNA coiled around octamer of d) All of these
Basic proteins

47) Which cell organelle participates in photo-respiration?

पकाशीय वसन म कौन से कोिशकांग भाग लेते है 

a) Chloroplast b) Peroxisome
c) Mitochondria d) All the above

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48) Hydrolytic enzymes occurs mostly in?

जल अपघटनीय एंजाइम यादातर कहाँ पाए जाते है 

a) Lysosomes b) Golgi bodies

c) Mitochondria d) Ribosomes

49) Mitochondria having?

माइटोकॉिया म

a) A diameter of 0.2 - 1.0 mm (average 0.5mm) and b) A diameter of 0.2 - 1.0μm (average 0.5μm) and
length 1.0 - 4.1mm length 1.0 - 4.1μm
c) A diameter of 2 - 10μm (average 5 μm) and length d) A diameter of 0.2 - 1.0 nm (average 0.5 nm) and
10 - 14 μm length 1.0 - 4.1 nm

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50) If a particle migrate from lumen of thylakoid to the out of cell membrane. It has to cross how
many miminum number of membranes?

यिद एक कण थाइलाकोइड के लुमन
पार करना होगा
े से कोिशका िझली से बाहर की ओर िनकलता है। तब इसे कम से कम िकतने िझिलयों की संया को

a) 2 b) 3
c) 4 d) 1

51) Fluid nature of membrane is able to explain?

िझली की दव पकृित यह समझा सकती है

a) Endocytosis b) Membrane recycling

c) Lateral movement of integral proteins d) All of these

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52) Which one is false about Facilitated diffusion?

फेिसिलटटे ड िवसरण के बारे म कौन सा कथन असय है

a) It is a specific form of diffusion b) It refers to the movement of particles along its

concentration gradient
c) It is a active transport in which carrier is involved d) It occurs through a carrier / channel protein and
follow concentration gradient

53) Which of the following statement is incorrect?

िनन म से कौन सा कथन गलत है

a) Mitochondria, unless specifically stained are not b) Physiology activity of cells determines the
easily visible under the microscope number of mitochondria per cell
c) Mitochondria has DNA, RNA, ribosome’s and d) Mitochondria divide by fission
enzyme. So can survive outside the cell independently

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54) Phosphatidylcholine are the major constituents of?

फोफेिटडीलकोिलन िकसके पमख
ु घटक ह

a) Middle lamella b) Primary cell wall

c) Secondary cell wall d) Cell membrane

55) Microfilaments are?

माइो िफलामस है

a) Component of Cytoskeleton b) Involved in cyclosis

c) Protein filaments d) All of these

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56) Assertion : Each mitochondrion is a double membrane-bound structure with the outer membrane
and the inner membrane dividing its lumen distinctly into two aqueous compartments, i.e., the outer

compartment and the inner compartment.
Reason : The inner compartment is filled with a dense homogeneous substance called the matrix.
The outer membrane forms the continuous limiting boundary of the organelle.

अिभकथन: पयेक माइटोकॉियन बाहरी िझली के साथ एक डबल मेबेन -बाउं ड संरचना है और आंतिरक िझली अपने लुमने को दो जलीय
कको म िवभािजत करती है, अथात, बाहरी क और आंतिरक क।
कारण: आंतिरक कपाट मट मैिस नामक एक घने सजातीय पदाथ से भरा होता है। बाहरी िझली ऑगनेल की िनरंतर सीिमत सीमा बनाती

a) Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is b) Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is
the correct explanation of the Assertion not a correct explanation of the Assertion
c) Assertion is true but Reason is false d) Assertion and Reason both are false

57) Assertion : Mitochondria are the sites of aerobic respiration.

Reason : They produce cellular energy in the form of ATP by oxidative phosphorylation.

अिभकथन: माइटोकांिया वायवीय वसन के थल ह।

कारण: वे ऑसीडेिटव फाफािरलीकरण ारा एटीपी के प म कोिशकीय ऊजा का उपादन करते ह।

a) Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is b) Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is
the correct explanation of the Assertion not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
c) Assertion is true but Reason is false d) Assertion and Reason both are false

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58) Assertion : The chloroplasts are responsible for trapping light energy.
Reason : The chloroplasts contain chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments.

अिभकथन: लोरोलाट पकाश ऊजा को गहण करने के िलए िजमेदार ह।
कारण: लोरोलाट म लोरोिफल और कैरोटीनॉयड वणक होते ह।

a) Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is b) Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is
the correct explanation of the Assertion not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
c) Assertion is true but Reason is false d) Assertion and Reason both are false

59) Assertion : The inner mitochondrial membrane represents the principal site of ATP generation.
Reason : Most of the energy derived from oxidative metabolism is produced by the process of
oxidative phosphorylation, which takes place in the inner mitochondrial membrane.

अिभकथन: आंतिरक माइटोकॉियल िझली एटीपी उपादन के पमख

ु थल का पितिनिधव करती है।
कारण: ऑसीडेिटव चयापचय से पात अिधकांश ऊजा ऑसीडेिटव फाफािरलीकरण की पिया से उपन होती है, जो आंतिरक

माइटोकॉियल िझली म होती है।
a) Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is b) Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is
the correct explanation of the Assertion not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
c) Assertion is true but Reason is false d) Assertion and Reason both are false

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60) Which one of the following is correctly matched regarding an Institute and its location?

िननिलिखत म से कौन सा एक संथान और उसके थान के बारे म सही प से मेल खाता है

a) National Institute of Virology - Pune b) National Centre for Disease Control - Lucknow
c) Central Drug Research Institute - Kasauli d) National Institute of Nutrition - Mumbai


1) C. Plasmids are small, circular double stranded, self -replicating additional or extra chromosomal
DNA elements which are commonly found in prokaryotes. They can replicate independently.

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2) C. Blue green algae or cyanobacteria are autotrophs. The photosynthetic pigments include
chlorophyll a, carotenoids and phycobilin. The prokaryotic nature of cyanobacteria is due to lack of
membrane bound cell organelles like mitochondria, chloroplast and distinct nucleus

3) B. Taxonomy or systematics is the study of classification, nomenclature and identification of
organisms. While classification is arranging organisms in groups on the basis of similarities,
differences and relationships

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4) A. Most common characters among individual members are found in taxon species. Common
characters decrease from species to kingdom and members of a kingdom have least number of
common characters. Similarly, complexity of classification decreases from species to kingdom. Only

few characters used at kingdom level while among the species differentiation we have to study and
give attention to more specific characters.

5) B. Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is not a correct explanation of the Assertion -
biochemical investigation clearly revealed that the cell membranes also possess protein and
carbohydrate. The ratio of protein and lipid varies considerably in different cell types. In human
beings, the membrane of the erythrocyte has approximately 52 per cent protein and 40 per cent
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6) C. All worms are triploblastic. (Platyhelminthes & Aschleminthes)

7) D. Flame cells are found in flatworms, including parasitic tapeworms and free-living planaria.

They also maintain the organism's osmotic balance.

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8) B. Sea walnuts are not true jellyfish, they belong to a group of animals know as comb jellies.

9) C. Aschelminthes are a heterogenous assemblage of a number of groups of animal, such as
Gastrotricha, Nematoda, Nematomorpha, Rotifera, Acanthocephala, Kinorhyncha and Loricifera and
most of which contain the pseudocoelom as the body cavity. The groups of animals containing the
pseudocoelom are called pseudocoelomata.

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10) A. Most ctenophores are capable of bioluminescence, which is quite faint and only visible in
darkened conditions.

11) D. Sea fan - Gorgonia; Sea pen - Pennatula; Brain coral - Meandrina

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12) B. Metagenesis seen in Obelia (Coelenterata)

13) D. Flukes have bilateral symmetry. They are platyhelminthes.

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14) D. Flatworms are acoelomate, Not having skeleton. Comb plates seen in Ctenophora.

15) A. Chironex fleckeri, commonly known as sea wasp, is a species of deadly venomous box jellyfish

found in coastal waters from northern Australia and New Guinea north to the Philippines and
Vietnam. It has been described as "the most lethal jellyfish in the world", with at least 63 known
deaths in Australia . Notorious for its sting, C. fleckeri has tentacles up to 3 m (9.8 ft) long covered
with millions of cnidocytes which, on contact, release microscopic darts delivering an extremely
powerful venom. Being stung commonly results in excruciating pain, and if the sting area is
significant, an untreated victim may die in two to five minutes. The amount of venom in one animal is
said to be enough to kill 60 adult humans, although most stings are mild and do not require

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16) D. The Cestodes or Tapeworms form a class of purely endoparasitic Platyhelminthes,
characterized by their elongate shape, segmented bodies, and the absence of a digestive system.
With few exceptions they are composed (i) of a minute organ of fixation (the scolex), which marks

the proximal attached end of the body; (2) of a narrow neck from which (3) a number of segments
varying from three to several thousands are budded off distally. These segments, or " proglottides,"
become detached in groups, and if kept moist retain their powers of movement and vitality for a
considerable time. This fact gave rise in ancient times to the false idea that the tapeworm originated
from the union of these segments; and in modern times it has led to the view that the tapeworm is
not a segmented organism (the monozoic view), but is a colony composed of the scolex which arises
from the embryo and of the proglottides, which are asexually produced buds that, upon or before
attaining their full size and maturity, become separated, grow, and, in some cases, live freely for a
time, just as the segments of a strobilating jelly-fish grow, separate and become sexual individuals
(the polyzoic view). Whether this view is soundly based is discussed below; the fact remains,
however, that a tapeworm is, with few and rare exceptions, not directly comparable at all points with
a liver-fluke or indeed with any other organism. The influence of parasitism has so profoundly
influenced its structure that its affinities are obscured by the development of specialized and
adaptive features. They don't have digestive system & lack epidermis.

17) D. Cephalization begins with platyhelminthes.

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18) B. Amoeba is unicelled (Protozoa); Placed in Protista

19) D. Jelly fish is coelenterata

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20) D. Sea fan (Gorgonia) is an animal (Gorgonians are sessile colonial cnidarians)

21) C. NCERT Page no. 51

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22) B. The majority of coelomate invertebrates develop as protostomes ("first mouth") in which the
oral end of the animal develops from the first developmental opening, the blastopore. In the
deuterostomes ("second mouth": cf. Deuteronomy), including Echinodermata and the ancestors of

the Chordata, the oral end of the animal develops from the second opening on the dorsal surface of
the animal; the blastopore becomes the anus.

23) B. NCERT Page no. 51

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24) D. NCERT Page no. 51

25) D. Echinodermata have coelom & radial symmetry in adults

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26) C. Coelenterata are acoelomate & diploblastic having radial symmetry

27) C. Dugesia is a genus of dugesiid triclads that contains some common representatives of the

class Turbellaria. These common flatworms are found in freshwater.

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28) B. No coelom in flatworm (have solid mesoderm, no cavity)

29) A. Sycon is a porifera

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30) B. Roundworms have a complete digestive system

31) C. Sycon is a porifera; Spicule is skeletal component

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32) A. Absence of body cavity, Tape worm is acoelomate.

33) A. It is a large unicellular glands surrounding the oocyte of a flatworm and possibly playing a

part in eggshell formation

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34) D. Ascaris (Round Worm), Wuchereria (Filaria worm), Ancylostoma (Hookworm) --> All are
aschelminthes having the mentioned features (organ-system level of body organisation & bilaterally
symmetrical, triploblastic and pseudocoelomate)

35) C. In ctenophora --> Reproduction takes place only by sexual means. Fertilisation is external
with indirect development. Examples: Pleurobrachia and Ctenoplana.

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36) A. A. lumbricoides, a roundworm, infects humans when an ingested fertilised egg becomes a
larval worm (called rhabditiform larva) that penetrates wall of the duodenum and enters the blood

37) C. Filariform larva of Ancylostoma infects a new host (man) by chance contact with his skin.
Hookworm infection is transmitted primarily by walking barefoot on contaminated soil.

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38) A. The body of the aschelminthes is circular in cross-section, hence, the name roundworms

39) A. In mitochondria, Protons accumulate in the perimitochondrial / intermembrane space to

create proton gradient across inner membrane. (Chemiosmotic theory)

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40) D. The enzymes of the electron transfer chain are embedded in the inner membrane on matrix
side mostly

41) A. Endosymbiotic theory - Mitochondria and chloroplast both originated as independent free
living organisms. Circular DNA & 70s Ribosomes - Prokaryotic cell feature

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42) D. NCERT XI Page no. 132

43) D. Nucleosome is a unit of chromosome (Condensed Chromatin)

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44) A. Osmosis is a property of semipermiable membrane.

45) D. Cell sap is fluid of central vacuole. Surrounded by tonoplast. (thinnest membrane in plant
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46) C. Oxysome present in mitochondria; Quantasome present in chloroplast. Nucleosome is unit of

47) D. Photorespiration involves a complex network of enzyme reactions that exchange metabolites
between chloroplasts, leaf peroxisomes and mitochondria.

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48) A. NCERT XI Page no. 134

49) B. A diameter of 0.2 - 1.0μm (average 0.5 μm) and length 1.0 - 4.1 μm

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50) C. It has to cross - Thylakoid membrane, Inner membrane of chloroplast, Outer membrane of
chloroplast & Plasma membrane.

51) D. Membrane is a dynamic structure so fluidity is very important. Protein can move laterally,
Membrane can show Bulk transport & recycling.

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52) C. Facilitated diffusion not require ATP but need Carrier protein

53) C. Mitochondria are not fully autonomous; they are semi autonomous cell organelles

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54) D. Phosphatidylcholines (PC) are a class of phospholipids that incorporate choline as a
headgroup. They are a major component of biological membranes.

55) D. Microfilaments are fine, thread-like protein fibers which are components of cytoskeleton.
They play important role in cyclosis, furrow formation during cell division and amoeboid movements.

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56) B. Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is not a correct explanation of the Assertion. -
Each mitochondrion is a double membrane-bound structure with the outer membrane and the inner
membrane dividing its lumen distinctly into two aqueous compartments, i.e., the outer compartment

and the inner compartment. The inner compartment is filled with a dense homogeneous substance
called the matrix. The outer membrane forms the continuous limiting boundary of the organelle. The
inner membrane forms a number of infoldings called the cristae (sing.: crista) towards the matrix

57) A. Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion -
Mitochondria are the sites of aerobic respiration. They produce cellular energy in the form of ATP,
hence they are called ‘power houses’ of the cell.

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58) A. The chloroplasts contain chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments which are responsible for
trapping light energy essential for photosynthesis.

59) A. Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion -
Most of the energy derived from oxidative metabolism is produced by the process of oxidative
phosphorylation, which takes place in the inner mitochondrial membrane. The high-energy electrons
from NADH and FADH2 are transferred through a series of carriers in the membrane to molecular
oxygen. The energy derived from these electron transfer reactions is converted to potential energy
stored in a proton gradient across the membrane, which is then used to drive ATP synthesis. The
inner mitochondrial membrane thus represents the principal site of ATP generation, and this critical
role is reflected in its structure

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60) A. National Institute of Virology (NIV) is situated in Pune. Previously known as the Virus
Research Center (VRC), NIV is identified today as the WHO collaborating center for arbovirus
reference and research. NIV also acts as the National Monitoring Center for Influenza and Hepatitis.

National Centre for Disease Control is an institute under the Indian Directorate General of Health
Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. It was established in July 1963 for research in
epidemiology and control of communicable diseases and to reorganize the activities of the Malaria
Institute of India.It's in New delhi. Central Drug Research Institute is in Lucknow. The National
Institute of Nutrition (NIN) is an Indian Public health, Nutrition and Translational research center
located in Hyderabad, India.

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