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Case – Gram Sevak Sangh: A Team Case

Name – Abhinav Nain

Roll No.- P40001
Situation Analysis:
Gram Sevak Sangh is an organization which is working for the rights and methods of increasing
the income of tribal belt in the Central India. Trishna Singh is the CEO of Gram Sevak Sangh
she constituted KSHT (Kalandhi Spearhead Team) headed by Munish for developing a project
proposal for integrated approach to development through participatory approach in Kalandhi
region as they have received funds from an international donor agency.
Munish constituted a team of following members-

1. Mr. Munjal: He is an irrigation engineer who has taken voluntary retirement after serving
his department for 22 years and he has a strong desire to serve poor. He has good
knowledge in his area of concern and has very high level of initiative. He has a dynamic
personality and a brilliant mind, albeit sharp tongue.
2. Sakharam: He has joined GSS as village level worker. He doesn’t have any professional
degree but has a strong native intelligence. He has his expertise in establishing quick
rapport with villagers and can relate with the villagers.
3. Rajesh Srivastava: he is an expert of agricultural marketing. He has an eye for details and
wants to promote value addition to agricultural produce.
4. Kamla Rao: She is considered as firebrand worker with some rough edges and wants to
promote gender equality.

Munish was looking forward to form a cross-functional team with the above-mentioned team
members who are experts of their field of work and shares different perspectives and have
conflicting personalities. Munish was aware of that conflicts and tension is going to prevail in his
team but still gave them chance to get to know each other during meetings and try to work with
each other. Munish has seen that there were conflicts between team members and they are not
willing to work as a team and wants to work as individuals.

Trishna is now worried as the team had no review meetings without conflicts and their team
performance level is going down since past two years. Trishna sees this as a failure of Munish as
a KSHT leader and wants him to take steps to reduce the level pf tension among the team

Problem Statement:
Munish as a leader of KSHT is not able to keep his team together and the team is having
conflicts and tension among themselves in every review meeting. Munish lacks leadership
qualities and there is conflict of personalities among the team members
1. Development through participatory approach
2. Team building

1. There should be no conflict among team members.
2. Every team member should have equal role and participation in the team decision making

1. To dismantle the team and let the team members to focus on their own individual
objectives and goals.
2. To turn individual players into team players by having team building trainings and
providing incentives to be a good team player. (Alternative chosen)

Action Plan:
The individuals who are selected for the KSHT are individuals with good subject knowledge and
different conflicting personalities. Munish as a team leader should conduct team building
activities and training programs that allows the team members to experience the satisfaction that
teamwork can provide. Each team member should be given team roles like linker, creator,
adviser, maintainer on the basis of their personalities. Munish can also motivate them to work in
a team by providing incentives both monetary and non-monetary to have more team efficacy and
a team of effective decision makers.

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