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Club CATALYST cordially invites you to attend the “Event- LETZ BRAND”

“Products are Made in the Factory, But Brands are Created in the Mind" - Walter Landor

Club CATALYST under the aegis of Center for Professional Enhancements III cordially
invites you to attend the “Event- LETZ BRAND”

Letz Brand is an 'Advertisement Making Competition' for all students to

showcase their creativity in Marketing products and services. Its objective is to acquaint
the students about promotional strategies in marketing through advertisements.

It comprises of humorous & conceptual ad presentation by the students. Students will

act out on various advertisement script and ideas relevant for different sectors; goods,
services, automobiles and social awareness etc. All the teams will be given a time frame
to showcase their talent.


1. A team comprises of minimum 2 and maximum 4 members.

2. Products or name of services are mentioned below and the teams have to register
and prepare an advertisement for it.
 Technical Product
 Home Products
 Food Products
 Clothing or Footwear
 Accessories
 E-commerce

3. Time Limit for present: 3- 4 Minutes

4. Teams will create and present an advertisement. This will be presented in the
form of a skit in front of the audiences.
5. Students can use props and material related to the advertisement

Parameters for Judgment:

 Advertisement’s content and task achievement

 Platform skills and Expressions
 Team Work
 Ability to attract audience’s attention
 Overall presentation

Date: 11th Sept 2019

Timing: 4:00 PM onwards

Venue: 26-302
Registration link:

Resource Team & Contact Numbers:

Club Catalyst
Center for Professional Enhancement III
Coordinators details:
Chetan Bhagat: 6283297573
Puru Bhatia: 9454025733

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