Chart From Appendix A in Jesus in Me: Experiencing The Holy Spirit As A Constant Companion by Anne Graham Lotz

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Jesus in Me by Anne Graham Lotz

Step 1: Read Step 2: What Does

God’s Word God’s Word Say?
Look at the passage List the facts

Read John 1:35–39 Since facts are facts, and if we are using the
same translation of the Bible, then our lists
will be similar. You may have more facts,
and I may have fewer facts, or vice versa.
The important thing is that we do not
paraphrase but use the actual words of the
passage itself. Having reread John 1:35–39
the following are the facts I pulled out:

v. 35 The next day John was there again v. 35 The next day John was again with
with two of his disciples. his disciples.

v. 36 When he saw Jesus passing by, he v. 36 When he saw Jesus, he said, “Look,
said, “Look, the Lamb of God!” the Lamb of God!”

v. 37 When the two disciples heard him v. 37 When the disciples heard, they
say this, they followed Jesus. followed Jesus.

v. 38 Turning around, Jesus saw them v. 38 Turning, Jesus saw them following.
following and asked, “What do you Jesus asked, “What do you want?”
want?” They said, “Rabbi” (which
means Teacher), “where are you They said, “Where are You
staying?” staying?”

v. 39 “Come,” he replied, “and you will v. 39 “Come,” He replied, “and see.”

see.” So, they went and saw where They went and spent that day with
he was staying, and spent that day Him.
with him. It was about the tenth

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Learning How to Hear the Holy Spirit’s W hispers W hen You Read Your Bible

Step 3: What Does Step 4: What Does

God’s Word Mean? God’s Word Mean in My Life?
Learn the lessons Listen to His whispers

The following lessons are ones I have ex- As I rewrite the lessons in the form of ques-
tracted from each of the facts on the previ- tions that I ask myself, I listen carefully for
ous page in answer to the above question: the Spirit’s whisper:

v. 35 Discipleship is a longer commit- v. 35 Having read this book, am I

ment than just one day. willing to choose be a disciple?

v. 36 A true man or woman of God v. 36 At the end of this book, have I

points others to Jesus. heard the whisper of the Spirit
pointing me to Jesus?

v.37 We may need to separate from v. 37 Am I willing now to follow Jesus

someone we love and respect in for myself, even if it means
order to choose to follow Jesus for separation from others?

v. 38 When we choose to follow Jesus, v. 38 If I have chosen to follow Jesus,

we discover we have His undivided am I aware He is giving me His
attention. full attention?
Jesus challenges us to tell Him Why do I want to follow Him?
what we want.
Do I really want to be where Jesus
Those who want to follow Jesus is—to spend time daily in His
desire to be where He is that they presence so that I might know
might know Him better. Him better?

v. 39 Jesus invites us to get to know v. 39 Will I accept Jesus’s invitation to

Him. “come”—to get to know Him
It’s our choice to spend time with better?
Jesus. If so, what part of this day…and
every day…will I carve out in order
There can be multiple lessons from one fact to spend time with Jesus, asking
depending on your perspective. The above is the Spirit of Truth to guide me?
just a sampling. The same is true when we
rewrite the lessons into questions. There is
no limit to what you can come up with.

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Step 5: What Is My Takeaway?
Live out God’s Word

The last step in this exercise is to write down what I’m going to do about what the Spirit
seems to have whispered from John 1:35–39 in order to hold myself accountable.
I want to be a Jesus follower, so I choose to spend time with Him each day through prayer
and meditating on His Word, asking the Holy Spirit to take from what is His and make it
known to me in order to get to know Jesus for myself…then make Him known to others.



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