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A lecture delivered by Dr. Ismael


I begin by giving Allah Almighty thanks for His mercy on us all and I seek
Allah's blessings upon His beloved prophet and all other righteous men
till the end of time. My topic today is "Muhammad (pbuh), peace or
terror to the world"

One of the most misplaced beliefs is that which critics try to attached to
the holy prophet as of violence BUT those who study his captivating life
with an open mind have seen him in a different light. One of such is the
British orientalist, Karen Armstrong, who when asked answered by

“Terrorism has nothing to do with Muhammad, any more than the

Crusades had anything to do with Jesus. There is nothing in the Islam that
is more violent than Christianity. All religions have been violent, including
---- Karen Armstrong

Furthermore, it is unfortunate that some people want no peace even

when peace is offered to them on a platter of gold. They will still
transgress. And instead of them to understand that peace is mutual they
will not but want to have their ways.

Before I begin, I would like us all to stand back from our preconceived
and prejudiced ideas and read with an open mind about the captivating
life of the holy prophet and see whether or not he was indeed a man of
peace and reconciliation or otherwise. I must say this is vast topic and
considering the number of presentations I am allowed and without
making each presentation long and boring, I am going to make it as
summarized as possible. Before I begin my presentation, I would love
that we define our terms so that we can understand and relate to issues Page 1
as we go along. My terms are nothing but a set of chronologies and the
lessons thereof.

Lessons that are living proofs that the prophet was genuinely a man who
was open to peace and reconciliation after he himself and his faithful
followers endured persecution first hand, ready to make peace even
when he had the upper hand, ready to forgive when he had the chance to
avenge, ready to compromise while at the same time fulfilling his
mission as a prophet (passing across the message of God). Follow me and
learn about the captivating life the holy prophet as a man who not
succeeded in passing on the message of God but set a good example as a
man of peace, forgiveness and reconciliation


Because my topic is connected to a bit of history and chronologies I am

going to be breezing through them very quickly, mentioning only the
important points and dwelling on more on the points of more relevancy.
What did Muhammad bring? Do you blame Allah?

Arabia around the fifth century was still much plunged into idolatry,
paganism, barbarism, tribal bloody wars, and all sort of social vices and
crimes. This was after idolatry was introduced into Mecca by Amr Ibn
Luhay, a prominent Meccan leader, who travelled Syria-Palestine (al-
Sham) to seek a cure for a disease he was suffering from; he found the
people there worshiping idols, and he liked this religion, so he brought
back an idol called Hubal back to Mecca and called on the people to
worship it. Page 2
This is after the legacies left behind by Ismael and Abraham (a.s) to keep
purity of the house of God (ka'aba) and worship the only one true God.

See: Al-Azraqi: Akhbar Makkah. Vol.1, Pg. 100.

Thus, as a sunnah/practice of Allah to send prophet after prophet to call

back humanity to the right path when they erred, Allah in his mercy sent
forth this noble prophet to save, his people and the rest of mankind,
guiding them from darkness into light (see Surah 14:1, surah 57:9, Surah
65:11, etc)

So Allah sent Muhammad (pbuh) bringing forth guidance (Hidaya) to

mankind. And this Hidaya/ path/guidance was that upon which the past
prophets were sent. Allah says, Surah 42:13

"He (Allah) has ordained for you of religion what He enjoined upon Noah
and that which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what We
enjoined upon Abraham and Moses and Jesus - to establish the religion and
not be divided therein. Difficult for those who associate others with Allah is
that to which you invite them. Allah chooses for Himself whom He wills and
guides to Himself whoever turns back [to Him]."

So Muhammad (pbuh) brought of what was given to the past prophets

(ie Islam) in order take people out of the evil laden world of idolatry,
social vices, anarchy, corruption of past scriptures and the
misconceptions thereof etc. Would any sane mind say this is NOT a
mercy and peaceful way forward for humankind? Would any sane mind
argue that that God did not do the right thing for what was given to
Muhammad!? Page 3
⚫ What was the response to the call of Muhammad?

The responses were different. It was of acceptance by some of his

relatives and acquaintances. However, it was of rejection, oppositions
and persecution by the Arab pagans of Mecca, some of whom where his
relatives for example Abu Jahal. Critics might say "Muhammad insulted
their gods" so he started it. The answer is, it was them who insulted the
House of Allah (Ka'ba) by idolatry while they know Allah is the Supreme
God but still want to hold on to their forefather's gods as
"intermediaries" because they hate the truth and wanted to follow their
evil heart desires.

See Quran 10:18

"They worship, beside Allah, those who can neither harm nor profit them,
they say; 'These are our intercessors with Allah.' Tell them (O Muhammad):
'Do you (presume to) inform Allah of what He knows not in the heavens
and earth ? Glory is He and He is exalted far above what they associate
with Him in His divinity"

⚫ What was the response of Muhammad and his faithful

followers to the persecution in Mecca?

Like I pointed out in my introduction, the response of Muhammad

(pbuh) to the persecution and hostility was that of patience and peace
for 13 good years and letting the Quraish pagans alone since they hate
the truth and have chosen to follow their evil heart desires. In order
words, emigration. Emigration has always been that which many
prophets were ordered by God when people reject the truth or face Page 4
danger. Abraham from his birth place, prophet Lut from his town before
the wrath of God hit them for their sins, etc

Following a series of immigration to places like Abyssinia, the holy

prophet in 622 CE finally embarked upon the historical emigration to the
town of Medina where converts he had had earlier in Mecca gave him an
asylum and protection from the pagans. Such was a peaceful way to let
those who reject peace be when they sought to kill you while the plan of
God will nevertheless be fulfilled for there are young ones and the weak
ones among them whose hearts were inclined to the truth.

See Quran 8:30

"And [remember, O Muhammad], when those who disbelieved plotted

against you to restrain you or kill you or evict you [from Makkah]. But they
plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners.

⚫ What was the counter responses of the Pagans to

Muhammad and the faithful believers?

Muhammad having left the pagans to their hatred for the truth, he came
to Medina preaching brotherhood in faith, love and peace among people
including the Christians and Jews he found in Medina. He did NOT preach
hatred and vengeance against the Pagans who drove him out of Mecca

But the Pagans would NOT let him alone after the 13 years of
persecution in Mecca and wrote a letter of ultimatum ordering the
leaders of Medina to surrender the holy prophet or face death and
decimation !!!

They wrote to Medina saying: Page 5
"You have given protection to our companion. We swear by Allah that you
must fight him or exile him, or else we will come at you in full force. We will
kill your fighting men and take your women."
ur u r

With the more aggression of the pagans, Allah revealed a verse allowing
the Muslims to defend themselves after having required them to be
patiently endure up to this point.

Allah said: Quran 22:39

" Permission to fight has been given to those who are being fought, because
they were wronged. Verily, Allah is able to give them victory. They are
those who have been evicted from their homes without right and only
because they say: Our Lord is Allah."

This verse (Sura 22:39) makes clear that the reason the Muslims were
allowed to fight was because they were being fought, driven out and
violently oppressed only because of their religion. As the Meccans were
preparing for war, the Muslims prepared to launch raids on their
caravans as a means to disrupt their economic war-making capabilities. Page 6
What is more, the Meccans had confiscated the property that the
Muslims had left behind and were taking it to Syria to be sold for war
funds. Despite suffering this persecution, the Prophet commanded the
Muslims to adhere to the highest standard of conduct and he prohibited
them from plundering the enemy’s wealth.

Abdullah ibn Yazid Reported:

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, prohibited plundering and

ur - u r r

As mentioned in the verse, permission was given to fight back only as a

response to aggression. Muslims are allowed to fight for the right to
practice Islam and to defend innocent people from oppression. No other
motives are permissible, especially not to fight for worldly gains and
spoils. So a sort " polarized BATTLE LINE" was drawn

The pagans in Mecca and their allies from other surrounding towns VS
Muhammad and his followers in Medina. So theoretically, if you are with
the Pagans in Mecca, then you are of them, and if you are NOT with them,
then you are NOT of them and vice versa. These whole struggles
culminated into two historical wars, all initiated by the pagans to crush
the believers. First was the Battle of Badr, on second year after Hijra
where the Quraish marched towards Medina with more than 1,000
strong army to face the 313 army of the believers. Page 7
Prophet prayed for God's help and the Muslims emerged victorious. The
Quraysh suffered a total rout. The second was Battle of Uhud, initiated by
the Quraish to stage a comeback after their first loss. They raised an
army of more than 3000 warriors and, mad with revenge, marched to
Madinah, led by Abu Sufyan. The Prophet’s men numbered only 700. But
with God on their side, the Muslims successfully repulsed the attack and
the pagans of Quraish fled. Even with the upper hand that the holy
prophet and the believers were having, Muhammad under divine
guidance knew that war and violence were not the solution so he
adopted another strategy, inspired by a divine dream headed for Mecca
to perform the Umrah accompanied by 1400 companions and camped at
Hudaibiya but the Pagans of Mecca would NOT allow them in to perform
the rites of Umrah. The Prophet halted at Hudaybiyyah and began
negotiating for peace with the Meccan leaders

The Quraish finally agreed to sign a peace treaty specifying that for the
next ten years no war would take place between the Muslims and the
Maccans. By the terms of this treaty, the Muslims were to go back
without visiting the Kabah. They were to come again the following year
and stay in Makkah for just three days.

All these were among the peaceful gestures of the holy prophet towards
unbelievers. He understood that as a prophet of God his mission to call
people to Islam needs to take place under the atmosphere of peace and
letting them know that it was not about coercion. The Arabs in Arabia,
impressed by the virtues of Islam began to enter its fold in large
numbers. Within the next two years the number of Muslims greatly
increased. Now threatened by the rapid spread of Islam in Arabian, the
Meccan pagans could NOT bear it anymore and 2 years after the signing
of the peace treaty of Hudaibiya, the Pagans of Quraish violated the
treaty. Page 8
See: Al-W q -M g z . V . 2 Pg. 2. I H s m - r t al-
N y p rt 2, pg. 395 I H s m - r t -N y p rt
2, pg. 395

The Prophet then announced that the peace agreement had been
revoked. Subsequently, on the 10th of Ramadan, he left for Makkah
accompanied by 10,000 companions. This march was conducted in
complete peaceful manner. Only when they encamped a few miles from
the city did the Makkans come to know of their arrival. The Makkans
were completely taken by surprise. Faced with this numerical strength,
the Makkans found themselves helpless. Therefore, they conceded their
defeat without any resistance. Mecca was thus conquered without an
armed encounter and bloodshed. After the conquest of Mecca, the
Meccan leaders were gathered in the compound of the Kabah. They were,
without exception, the worst type of criminals. Therefore, even if all of
them had been put to death, the punishment would have been fully
justified. But the Prophet, being of a noble character, did not take any
action against them. He unilaterally declared a general amnesty, saying:
“Go, you are all free.”

The Meccans could hardly believe their ears. This generous treatment
meted out to the fallen foe won all hearts, including those of the most
bitter enemies of Islam.This was such the peaceful, reconciliatory,
forgiving character of the holy prophet. A gesture of peace and
reconciliation that will continue to echo in the world of history till the
end of the world. This again proved that Muhammad (pbuh) is of peace,
forgiveness and reconciliation. And not only that, he was a true leader
who defended his weak people against the tyranny of unbelievers.

Here again, the holy prophet fulfilled yet another prophecy of the Old
testament in Isaiah 42, that talks about a servant of God, coming from the
settlements where Kedir once lived (Arabia), and defeating idol Page 9
worshipers. I know critics would still cry foul and say "we know of the
other side of the prophet" Follow me as we go through this what critics
would can "the other so of the prophet" and see how he is being grossly


CRITICS: "Wait! What about the other side of Muhammad?"

With all the peaceful, reconciliatory and forgiving attitude and legacies of
the holy prophet towards his enemies, his critics would still point
accusing fingers at "few" incidences that happened where he had to
resort to the "last resort" or where he had to put in place a strict and
circumstantial verdicts or law as deterrent for crimes, social vices, etc.

Among these critics were Christian apologists who were NOT even
ashamed of what we read in their Bible as regards to the laws and
violence therein. They wanted to compare Jesus (pbuh) and Muhammad
(pbuh) in terms of their mission and divine laws given

But what they are missing is that the mission and circumstances of these
two great prophets of God is different. Even in the scripture of Isaiah 42,
this great prophet was prophesied as of one who would be of the
settlements once inhabited by Kedar (i.e Arabian Peninsula) who would
NOT fail or be discouraged until he brings forth judgement to the
Gentiles and defeat his idolatrous enemies who say the idols are their
gods (The Meccan Pagans) !!!

YET christians want us to believe that this prophecy was talking about
Jesus who had already been discouraged or failed according to them BUT
only waiting for the second coming. Back on topic, I am going to take us
through these what the critics would call "the other side of Muhammad" Page 10
There are many things you will always fail to understand and relate with
when you do not know the background to them and wisdom thereof. It is
easy yanking off some incidents and occurrences from history or the
scriptures and say "Hey, look your God or prophet is cruel and evil" but it
NOT easy asking why God did this or that. For example, I can still
remember reading some incidents in the old testament where infants
were ordered to be killed and pregnant women ripped open by YHWH
aka Jesus Christ of the Bible.

But nobody will understand this, not even a Christian, until he or she
goes back to the background of the story. So here, I am going to be
looking at those incidents, especially the popular ones, that critics
usually yank off from history or scripture to vilify Muhammad as a
violent man. The critics will never give you the reasons or background
that led to such or why such was done etc.

Banu Quraiza....

The punishment meted out on the Jews of the Banu Quraiza tribe were of
their own making
Why ?

Because after the holy prophet pardoned the Jewish tribe of Banu
Quraiza when they along with others, waged war against the holy
prophet, the Banu Quraiza had another effrontery to break their peace
treaty with the holy prophet and side with the Arab pagans when they
besieged Medina in the war of Trenched (the war of Trenced took place
after Badr and Uhud). Page 11
What an act of fatal betrayal from the Banu Quraiza !!!

They gambled with lifes of people in Medina, women, adults, children,

etc!!! See: Sahih Muslim Book 019, Number 4364:

After the Meccan Pagans could not invade Medina after the siege they
laid, they were sent parking when a storm with heavy wind hit them for
days !!!

Now left alone, the Banu Quraiza themselves were besieged and later
surrendered to the Muslims

See Ibn Hisham, al Sirah , 3/724; Ibn Sa’d, al Tabaqat, 2/72-7

So when they knew that they were doomed, the Banu Quraiza asked that
Sa'ad ibn Mu’adh should pass the judgment on them for their fate, they
thought that he would show mercy to them, because of the alliance
between them and his people, al Aws.

Sa’d was carried to them, because he had been wounded in the hand by
an arrow at the Battle of the Trench, and was ill. Sa'ad judged that the
warriors should be killed, and their children and women be spared. The
prophet confirmed this and said: “You have judged according to God’s
judgment. Since the Jews did NOT consider the Quran word of God, Sa'ad
used their own law against them found in the Torah

Deuteronomy 20:10-14

10. When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace.
11. If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject Page 12
to forced labor and shall work for you. 12 If they refuse to make peace and
they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city.

13. When the LORD your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all
the men in it.

14. As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the
city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the
plunder the LORD your God gives you from your enemies"

To most people it could appear that the punishment that the Jews faced
was too extreme. However, on the contrary what was more extreme is
how the Jews deceptively tricked the Muslims by breaking the treaty and
wanted to end their very existence.!!! How evil they could get!!!

For such treachery they indeed deserved what they got. If any Christian
wants to condemn this judgment then he is actually condemning his own
Bible because it was by a law found in their Bible which the Jews were
judged by. Plus it was not Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who issued the
order; it was Saad bin Muadh whom the Jews selected to judge their fate.

Surah 9:29

"Fight those who do NOT believe in Allah......"

Understanding Surah 9:29

Critics of Islam, especially the enemies of Islam, have always wanted to

paint Islam "black" and as a religion that calls for an all-out war and Page 13
unrelenting fighting with Jews and Christians regardless of whether or
they are peaceful by taking surah 9:29 out of context.

However, the verse 9:29 of the Quran is a command to fight the

Byzantine Romans and other hostile powers who were planning an
invasion against the Muslims in Arabia. In context, it is a distinct
response to aggression, in particular the assassination of one of the
Prophet’s ambassadors.

Allah says: Quran 9:29

"Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not
consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and
who do not acknowledge the religion of truth from those who were given
the Scripture, until they give the tribute willingly while they are humbled."

(Surah At-Tawba 9:29)

On the surface, this appears to be an open-ended command to fight Jews

and christians until they are conquered. However, a fundamental
principle of Quranic exegesis (tafseer) is that the verses must be
understood in the context in which they were revealed ( asbab an-nuzul )
and in conjunction with other verses delineating the rules of warfare.

At-Tabari and other commentators record that this verse was revealed
concerning the expedition of Tabuk.

At-Tabari records: Page 14
‫ﻻ‬ ‫ﻻ‬ …

Mujahid reported concerning the verse, “Fight those who do not believe
in Allah and the Last Day …” that it was revealed when Muhammad and
his companions were commanded with the expedition of Tabuk.

Source: Tafseer At-Tabari 9:29

The expedition of Tabuk was preceded by the battle of Mu’tah which

began when the emissary of the Prophet was assassinated while
delivering a letter to a Roman ally.

Ibn Al-Qayyim writes:

‫ﺙ‬ ‫ﻷﺯ ﻱ‬

"The cause of the battle was that the Messenger of Allah, peace and
blessings be upon him, sent Harith ibn Umair Al-Azdi of the tribe of Lihb
with his letter to Syria for the Roman king or Busra. He presented it to
Sharhabeel ibn Amr Al-Ghassani and he bound him and struck his neck.
Never had an ambassador of the Messenger of Allah been killed besides

The Prophet was upset by that when news reached him and he
dispatched an expedition.

Source: Za'ad Al-Ma’ad 336

Safiur Rahman writes: Page 15
The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, had sent Al-Harith ibn
Umair Al-Azdi on an errand to carry a letter to the ruler of Busra. On his
way, he was intercepted by Sharhabeel ibn Amr Al-Ghassani, the
governor of Al-Balqa and a close ally to Caesar, the Byzantine Emperor.
Al-Harith was tied and beheaded by Al-Ghassani.

Source: The Sealed Nectar p. 245

This was the first act of Roman aggression that further led to the
expedition of Tabuk concerning which the verse 9:29 of the Quran was
revealed. The verse describes the aggressors as those “ who do not
believe in Allah and the Last Day ,” because they committed this act of
treachery. Executing emissaries from other countries is a war crime that
could never be committed by those who sincerely believe in God. !!!!

Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be
upon him, said:

"There is no faith for one who cannot be trusted. There is no religion for
one who cannot uphold a covenant."

Source: Musnad Ahmad 11975, Grade: Hasan

Safiur Rahman further describes the reason the conflict took place:

The Byzantine power, which was considered the greatest military force on
earth at that time, showed an unjustifiable opposition towards Muslims. As
we have already mentioned, their opposition started at killing the Page 16
ambassador of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him,
Al-Harith ibn Umair Al-Azdi, by Sharhabeel ibn Amr Al-Ghassani.

The ambassador was then carrying a message from the Prophet to the
ruler of Busra. We have also stated that the Prophet consequently
dispatched a brigade under the command of Zaid bin Haritha, who had a
fierce fight against the Byzantines at Mu’tah. Although Muslim forces
could not have revenge on those haughty overproud tyrants, the
confrontation itself had a great impression on the Arabs all over Arabia.

Caesar, who could neither ignore the great benefit that the battle of
Mu’tah had brought to Muslims, nor could he disregard the Arab tribes’
expectations of independence and their hopes of getting free from his
influence and reign, nor he could ignore their alliance to the Muslims.
Realizing all that, Caesar was aware of the progressive danger
threatening his borders, especially the fronts of Syria which were
neighboring Arab lands. So he concluded that demolition of the Muslims’
power had grown an urgent necessity. This decision of his should, in his
opinion, be achieved before the Muslims become too powerful to
conquer and raise troubles and unrest in the adjacent Arab territories.

To meet these exigencies, Caesar mustered a huge army of the

Byzantines and pro-Roman Ghassanite tribes to launch a decisive bloody
battle against the Muslims.

Source: The Sealed Nectar p. 272

Therefore, this context must be understood when reading verse 9:29 of

the Quran so that we clearly know who should be fought, specifically the
aggressors among the Jews and Christians and not all of them. Rather, Page 17
many other verses of the Quran make clear that it is unlawful to initiate
hostilities against other nations.

Allah says:

Quran 2:190

"Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Verily,
Allah does not love transgressors."


Sahih Muslim, Book 19, Number 4313:

It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of
Allah (may peace be upon him) said : Do not desire an encounter (war)
with the enemy; but when you encounter them, be firm.

So it very clear from the above that sura 9:29 is NOT an open-ended or
unrelenting fight against the person of the Book. Rather, it is a response
call against the aggressors of the people of the Book of the Byzantine
because of their heinous and brutal treatment of the peace missionary or
ambassador of the holy prophet which was such an abomination that
they only profess to be people of the Book BUT whose such acts proved
that they do NOT actually believe in God, the last Day, or doing what is
unlawful (killing ambassadors) as lawful, etc, for if they actually and
sincerely believe as the people of the Book, they would NOT have killed
peace ambassador which was against the etiquette of international
relation even back then. Page 18
Apostasy law: Peace, fairness or unfairness ?

This has been a topic of keen and hot debate among Muslims, especially
in modern times where "most Muslims" find themselves in a
multicultural and diverse communities in which we share common
values like nationality, international laws, constitutional rights etc and
thus no longer divided or demarcated by the "battle line" as it were in
the days of wars, struggles etc.The most interesting thing is that
throughout the entire Quran, there is no verse that legislates the capital
punishment for apostasy unlike where we have verses that legislates
capital punishment for other offences or crime like murder of murder
(unless if the family of the one killed choose to pardon) However we
have Quranic verses that speaks of leaving Islam and BUT none legislates
that they be killed.

Allah says in Sura 5:54

"O ye who believe! If any from among you turn back from his faith, soon
will Allah produce a people whom He (Allah) will love as they will love Him
lowly with the believers, Mighty against the rejecters, fighting in the way of
Allah, and never afraid of the reproachers of such as find fault. That is the
Grace of Allah which He will bestow on whom He (Allah) pleaseth. And
Allah encompasseth all, and He knoweth all things."

No mentioned of capital punishment

Sura 3:90 Page 19
"But those who reject faith after they accepted it, and then go on adding to
their defiance of faith never will their repentance be accepted; for they are
those who have gone astray."
No capital punishment mentioned

So, where did the apostasy law came from? Was Muhammad
inventing laws on his own as we have seen in many Hadiths such as
Volume 4, Book 52, Number 260 ?

Absolutely NOT !!!. Scholars have differed in the interpretation of these

Hadiths on apostasy law. We have scholars who are of the opinion that
the holy prophet (pbuh) instituted the law of apostasy because of a
circumstantial need for it as of then when the line of battle were still
vividly drawn IN ORDER thwart and stop the treacherous efforts of some
"unscrupulous Jews and christians" whose aim was to declare to
Muhammad that "Oh, Muhammad we have become Muslims" in the
morning BUT only to renounce Islam in the evening of same day!!!

Allah exposed them Sura 3:72

"A section of the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) say: Believe in
the morning what is revealed to the believers (Muslims), but reject it at the
end of the day; perchance they may (themselves) turn back (from Islam)."

So they were in order words "infiltrators" who had a plan to adopt Islam
first and then desert it, thus creating the impression that Islam was not a
religion worth adopting. So in order to protect Islam from such Satanic
attempts done by a group of the people of the book (Jews and
Christians), the Prophet instituted the capital law for apostasy. Thus
scholars of this school of thought are of the opinion that this law was
temporary and circumstantial law that was instituted by the Prophet to
stop the hypocrites from the People of the Book who carried so much
hatred toward Islam to enter Islam and desert it afterwards. So this
school of suggests that the law can only be put in place if the need for Page 20
which it was it was first instituted arises where we have a vivid line of
battle dividing the believers and unbelievers and the treachery of proxy
or sham conversions is noted. I personally subscribe to this school of
thought because I am convinced with the evidences and cases for their
stance on apostasy

The other school of thought are of the opinion that the law of apostasy is
NOT circumstantial and that it applies at all time because it is a hudud
crime, which means it is a crime against God, and the punishment has
been fixed by God. BUT this should ONLY be carried out in an Islamic
owned state/country and NOT in a multicultural and diverse state where
they have their own laws or constitution. And it should be done under
the following conditions

1. The apostate must be given time to reflect and debated with to

clear his misconception s for which he wanted to renounce Islam

2. If the apostate insist on apostasy, the Islamic Judge comes in to

try him for his crime. Note: Jungle justice is NOT allowed by an individual

3. If the Judge finds him guilty of defiantly rejecting the truth, then
he is sentenced for capital punishment.

Some critics, including the orientalists have constitutional laws that

allow for capital punishment for crimes when one or another of its
entrenched values is betrayed yet they will still be pointing accusing
fingers at others. My patient readers, I have lot more to easily debunk the
false accusations against Muhammad (pbuh) or the misconceptions that
predispose those who have NOT really studied his life and legacies
towards peace and reconciliations while at the same time passing on the
message of Islam to mankind for their guidance that leads to eternal Page 21
salvation. I stop here for my last point and you can pose any
misconception during the Q & A session that I have not touched upon for
me to clear them for you. Here comes my last point Islam and modern

Is Muhammad teachings the cause of modern terrorism?

Again let me begin by the quotes of Karen Armstrong and others

----Karen Armstrong:

“Terrorism has nothing to do with Muhammad, any more than the

Crusades had anything to do with Jesus. There is nothing in the Islam that
is more violent than Christianity....."

------- W. Montgomery Watt:

“ His readiness to undergo persecutions for his beliefs, the high moral
character of the men who believed in him and looked up to him as leader,
and the greatness of his ultimate achievement - all argue his fundamental
integrity. To suppose Muhammad an impostor raises more problems than
it solves. Moreover, none of the great figures of history is so poorly
appreciated in the West as Muhammad"

------- Thomas Carlyle

“ It is a great shame for anyone to listen to the accusation that Islam is a lie
and that Muhammad was a fabricator and a deceiver. We saw that he
remained steadfast upon his principles, with firm determination; kind and
generous, compassionate, pious, virtuous, with real manhood, hardworking
and sincere. Besides all these qualities, he was lenient with others, tolerant,
kind, cheerful and praiseworthy and perhaps he would joke and tease his
companions. He was just, truthful, smart, pure, magnanimous and present- Page 22
minded; his face was radiant as if he had lights within him to illuminate
the darkest of nights; he was a great man by nature who was not educated
in a school nor nurtured by a teacher as he was not in need of any of this."

After the passing on of the holy prophet (pbuh) in the early 6th century,
Islam spread futher outside of Arabia to many places such as Iraq, Egypt,
central Asia, etc "largely" through trading , dawah, resettlements, mutual
coexistence etc peacefully. Thanks to the good teachings of leadership,
wisdom, piety that the companions of holy prophet received from him.
Take for example, Indonesia or Malaysia that are far off from Arabia are
Muslims. Did Islam get their by violence ?

Were there violence in these places before they embrace Islam? If

Muhammad's legacy was not of peace, the story would have been

The root cause of modern Terrorism

Before the concept of "Islamic terrorism" came up into the lime light,
what was the situation like?Haven't there been "terrorism" in the past?
Of course, there were! Many terrors inflicted in the name of God by
Christians for examples, the killings of those who reject Trinity like the
Cathars or the killing of scientists for their discoveries if it goes against
the Bible etc. Many terrors inflicted by white colonizers on weak tribes,
communities etc So it is a FALLACY to argue that violence is of Islam

When it comes to Islam though, the situation is a bit different. Ever since
terrors by the Mongols, and the colonization by the whites started to Page 23
infringe on the territory of Muslim or Islamic held territories, especially
following the violence incurred from the Crusaders, there have been a
shift in the attitude of Muslims towards these hostile forces as to their
wish for mutual peace and coexistence. Even after when nations and
countries won their independences, though not on platter of gold, they
were still NOT off the hook of another subtle phenomenon of terror of
Neocolonialism by the imperialists. They set up dubious international
agents among others whose aim were to acts as proxies in their favor in
other places especially smaller and weaker nations. Agents, which on the
surface seems to appeal to sympathy and aid whereas in reality they are
biased, and are just after themselves !!!!

What an injustice and self-imposition on others !!!Injustice that puts

other nations beneath them and self-imposition solely to promotes their
imperialism for economic gain at the expense others. As part of the
response to this, many resistant groups and freedom fighters sprang up.
These freedom fighters were NOT only Islamic but also humanitarian
Some of such resistant groups that are famous for mentioning include
Senussi fighters of Libya under the leadership of Omar Mukhtar, the
Algeria resistant fighters etc So colonization and the self imposed
civilization that the colonizers were trying to impose play a role in
portraying them as hostile in the mind of many, and to many Muslims
also as a enemies to the will of God. For us to have a better
understanding of the roots of militant terrorism, or militant Islam, we
need to look at how and why some of these formerly resistant or
freedom fighters has evolved in the Middle East and South Asia into a
total different matter that is unknown of in the past

We also need to look into how the western powers involved some of
these countries in the Cold wars and the repercussions thereof e.g the
Americans creating the fighters, Mujahedeens in far East such as
Afhganistan and arming them against the USSR, in order to roll back the
presence of Russia in this place.The full details of modern terrorism is Page 24
more than the scope of these 3 presentations BUT the point I want to
make tallies well with what the British Orientalist, Karen Armstrong, had
to say when she was questioned about whether or not the holy prophet
is responsible for what some terrorists had been doing in the name of

Karen said:

“Terrorism has nothing to do with Muhammad, any more than the

Crusades had anything to do with Jesus. There is nothing in the Islam that
is more violent than Christianity. All religions have been violent, including
Christianity. There was nothing in the Muslim world like antisemitism: that
is an import of the modern period. They got it from us. The missionaries
brought it over. And then came the state of Israel. Judaism has become
violent in the modern world, thanks to the nation state.”

I must admit that many terror acts had been inflicted in the name of
Islam. Some of the terrors were even inflicted on those who are not
directly involved such as non-combatants, children, women, etc They
may have their own grudges and reasons. The question is "Were these
people acting exactly how Muhammad instructed them in this regards?"
Absolutely NOT ?

Even if they have their own grudges, that does NOT give them the right
to transgress !!!

Allah says, sura 2:190

Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, BUT do NOT transgress
limits; for Allah does NOT love transgressors.

So whoever is killing people indiscriminately, and the innocent are

transgressors says the Quran. Some critics will say but these people are
shouting "Allahu Akbar ! Allahu Akbar !!" and therefore they are Page 25
Muslims. But again, shouting "Allahu Akbar !" or reciting Arabic does
NOT mean that what they were doing is right. The prophet, Muhammad
(pbuh) himself warned us to be wary of such people in sheep skin.
The holy prophet said ;

Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon
him, said, “There will come a people from the east, who recite the Quran
but it does NOT go beyond their throats. They will go out of the religion
(Islam), just as an arrow pierces through its target, and they will not
return to it, just as the arrow does not return to the bow"

Source: Sahih al-Bukhari 7123 Grade: Sahih (authentic)

This prophecy of the holy prophet is so glaring that even fellow Muslims
are not spared from their wrath even when the holy prophet made it

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:

The Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬said: "The blood, honour and property of a

Muslim is inviolable for another Muslim."

Sahih Muslim 1527

And it is not as if these terror acts is limited to those who portray

themselves as Muslims as I have made known earlier on. We have
Christian terrorist groups like the Ku Klux Klan, Army of God, Lord's
Resistance Army, Anti-Balaka, the National Liberation Front of Tripura,
the Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN), etc who portray
themselves as Christians and have caused havocs, killings and other
atrocities in the name of religion. So it is a FALLACY to attribute or make
hazy generation that when a group of people go the extreme then it is the
scripture or the faith that ask them to. The teachings of Muhammad
stands out in that he was a man of peace, forgiveness and reconcilation Page 26
for those who actually want peace and know that peace is mutual and are
ready to stand by their words of allegience to peace. Thanks


What an excellent presentation and here are my question. What was the
content of the letter Muhammad wrote to the Roman king that made him
kill the emissary. Can we read the letter? Thanks


According to al-Tabari in his History of the Prophets and Kings ,

Muhammad decided after the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah to send letters to
many rulers of the world, inviting them to Islam. According to traditional
Islamic historiography, the prophet sent ambassadors, including
ambassadors to Heraclius the Caesar of Byzantium. The text of the letter
to Heraclius, as transmitted by Muslim historians, reads as follows:

‫ﻈ‬ : ‫ﻼ‬ ‫ ﻊ‬، ‫ﺈ‬

‫ ﻹ ﻼ‬. ، ‫ﺖ ﺈ‬ ‫ﺈ‬ ‫ ﻷ‬.

{ ‫ﺷ‬
‫ﺈ‬ ‫ﺷ‬ [ : 64 ].

Translation: Page 27
“In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. This letter is from
Muhammad the slave of Allah and his Apostle to Heraclius, the ruler of the
Byzantines. Peace be upon him who follows the right path. Furthermore, I
invite you to Islam and if you become a Muslim you will be safe, and Allah
will double your reward, and if you reject this invitation of Islam you will
be committing a sin by misguiding your subjects. And I recite to you Allah's

“O People of the Scriptures! Come to a word common to you and us that we

worship none but Allah and that we associate nothing in worship with Him,
and that none of us shall take others as Lords beside Allah. Then if they
turn away, say: Bear witness that we are Muslims (those who have
surrendered to Allah). (Qur’an: Surah 3, Ayah 64).” End of quote

Note: It says that he will only bear the sins of his followers, meaning that
he would be blamed for being an obstacle to the truth reaching them
through him.

After all Allah says:

Quran 16:125

"Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching;
and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord
knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance."

So you do NOT expect the holy prophet to write something infuriating,

violent, or threats AFTER the Quran says he should call unto the way of
the Lord with beautiful words. So the prophet understand what da'awah
means and he was a leader who himself once suffered same ill treatment

The holy prophet sent letters to other kings too and none carry anything
violent or insulting.

Chosroes II (Emperor of Persian Empire) Muqawqis, (Ruler of Egypt) al-

Mundhir bin Sawa, (Ruler of Bahrain) etc Page 28

Thanks for the response, and as you wanted us to belief in the lecture
that Sura 9:29 was because of the roman king killed the emissary and
now from the content of the letter we can see Muhammad threatening
the Roman King an extract from the letter you shared above

I invite you to Islam and if you become a Muslim you will be safe, and Allah
will double your reward, and if you reject this invitation of Islam you will
be committing a sin by misguiding your subjects.

indeed we can see how peaceful Muhammad is with this letter,

meanwhile The Allah had a sura for the Romans where Allah said they
will be victorious in few years’ time and the believers will rejoice
because of their victory the Quran Sura 30:1-4 precisely in Sura 9:29
Muhammad after he had conquered Mecca and Islam has been
established in Arabian Peninsula wanted to spread his religion to the
Bezzentians. This kind of letter to the king is not a peaceful one dear
lecturer. And till today sura 9:29 is being practiced in Islamic countries
e.g Saudi Arabia where non believer are under obligation to pay jizzya.
Indeed we see the peace of Muhammad in the war and sharing of women
and booties. Infact the lion shares go to the PEACEFUL prophet. We are
wise, no amount of gymnastics can erased the record of the wicked
deeds of Muhammad.


sahih muslim 19:4294- Accept Islam, demand from them the jizya/ If they
agree to pay accept it from them and hold off your hands. if they refuse to
pay the tax, seek Allah's help and fight them Page 29
sahih bukhari 8:53:386: our prophet the messenger of our lord has
ordered us to fight you tii you worship allah alone or give jizzya....

al-Tabari vol. 10, page 100-101: “This] was part of that with which Abu
Bakr (1st caliph leader, best muslim after the prophet) had charged him:
"When you encamp someplace, make the call to prayer and the igamah.663
Then, if the people make the call to prayer and the igamah, leave them
alone; but if they do not do so, there is no [course] but to raid them. [In that
case] kill them by every means, by fire or whatever else. And if they respond
to you in the call to Islam, then question them [further]; if they affirm
[payment of] the alms tax, then accept that from them ; but if they deny it,
then there is no [course] but to raid them (attack) without any word [of

and lots more references, indeed Muhammad was nothing more than a
terror. Thanks


Thank you

1. You asked for the content of the letters and it has been given to you I
wonder why you are throwing other allegations you never asked in your
question. I am afraid you come to this with a preconceived mind and not
an open one. The letter did NOT say accept Islam or die or face war !!!!

It only says if the king denies the truth reaching his subjects by being an
obstacle, then the king will be committing a sin by misguiding his
subjects. So we see that the ambassadors of the holy prophet were killed
because of hatred and barbarism coming from the Romans and their
allies Page 30
2. Of course Surah 30:1-4 says that the Muslims will rejoice over the
victory of the Romans over the Persians because at least the Romans,
being a people of the Book, are closer to the truth than the Persians who
were Pagans like the Pagans of Mecca. So what problem do you have with

3. Why do you say the letter is NOT a peaceful one when it does NOT
speak of war or violence? It only invites him to the truth

And inviting to the truth is NOT a crime UNLESS if you will condemn the
Biblical Jesus Christ for inviting the Saducees and Pharisees to the truth

See Matthew 23:1–39, Mark 12:35–40,

At least Muhammad (pbuh) was NOT abusing and swearing like your
Bible says of Jesus or never asked that those who were NOT willing for
him to rule over them be killed in front of him !!!! See Luke 19:27

Even though we Muslims we do NOT believe that Eeas (Jesus) was that
vulgar and temperamental !!!

4.You said Saudi Arabia are still practicing Sura 9:29 of taking the Jiziyya
Let me educate you a bit about your misconception about the Jizyyah.

I gave you the background leading to Surah 9:29 in my presentation

following the barbarism of the Romans on the Muslim ambassadors. And
an attempt to wage war on the muslims. So the Muslims went out to
meet them, taking the small towns on their way under the control of the
wicked Romans and liberating those towns

So the Jizyyah is a means of what will show that they (the unbelievers
who want to remain in the land controlled by Muslims) are NOT more for
war but at peace with the Muslims so long as they remain on the
territories controlled by the Muslims. So the Jizzyah is a symbol of
allegiance to the government and peace and a means of reminder to the
unbelievers that they are still in disbelief and need to reconsider before Page 31
the Day on which God will judge all. So it is NOT by force that unbelievers
change faith or remain in Islamic countries that seek such, after all, other
countries have their rules of land that other people are not allowed to
enjoy privileges enjoyed by the subjects of such state.

6. As for the at-Tabari that you quoted, I can NOT locate you references. I
believe you are talking about the riddah war and nothing connected to
surah 9:29. Thanks


In this presentation @Dr Ismaeel T you quoted what the pagans of Mecca
wrote to the leaders of Medina and I quote,

"you have given protection to our companion. We swear by Allah that you
must fight him or exile him,or else we will come at you in full force. We will
kill your fighting men and take your women."

I ask,who is this Allah? Is he different from Mohammed's Allah for which

reason they persecute him? The pagans worshipped Allah and Islam
worship Allah,what's the difference between these two. Lastly,"we will
come at you in full force" this also not a common trait in Islam?

Thank you


Thank you for your question. If you had read my first presentation, you
would see how I narrated how idolatry was introduced into Mecca by
Amr Ibn Luhay after the legacies and left behind after Ishmael and
Abraham that none to purify the Ka'aba and worshiped none but Allah.
So the Pagans themselves know that Allah is the Supreme God but
unfortunately Satan deceived them into believing and presuming that Page 32
those idols such as Hubal are "intermediaries" that will relay their
devotions to Allah. Allah Himself corrected their wrong presupposition

Allah says : Sura 10:18

"They serve, besides Allah, things (idols) that hurt them not nor profit
them, and they say: “These are our intercessors with Allah.” Say: “Do ye
indeed inform Allah of something He knows not, in the heavens or on
earth?- Glory to Him! and far is He above the partners they ascribe (to

So when the Meccan Pagans swear by Allah, they know it was the
Supreme God, the God of Abraham and Ishmael and reason why they
swear with Allah and NOT their idols. The Pagans do not worship Allah
in truth RATHER they were committing "Shirk/idolatory/paganism" by
associating partners (idols) with Allah, presuming that those idols, which
they inherited from their forefathers, were intermediaries to Allah.

2. What do you mean "we will come to you in full force" is a trait in

Be specific, who said this , when and where? You do NOT just throw wild
allegations just like that. The similar threat I hear often in the media are
those in the world politics and terrorists group.The likes of US
threatening Iran or North Korea etc with war or Boko Haram or ISIS
threatening to hit back at their rivals etc

Note: Boko Haram or ISIS etc who transgress like I pointed out in my
lectures are going against the teaching of Quran and Muhammad and
therefore can NOT represent Muslims just like the Crusaders are said to
not represent Christianity by apologists. Thanks


Thank you @Dr Ismaeel T you have tried to clarify. Let me ask,if this
Allah was Abraham and Ishmael's Allah,did he answer the pagans when Page 33
they called on him through idolatry. Was he relevant to them and did he
hear and answer them? No one worships a god who does nothing for
them. So were they worshipping idols or Allah through the so called
idolatry. And is the kaaba which they placed their idols in,not same
which is the house of God for Islam today? Lastly,the traits I was talking
about was the full force to get people to surrender to a faith when they
are not in your fold.......thank you


Thank you for the follow-up

1. Did Allah answer the idols worshippers (Pagans of Mecca) when they
called on Him through their idols ?

No, Allah says He is "Clean" and He does NOT accept that which is

See Sahih Muslim 1015

However, Allah says He is "Al-Rahman", Beneficent One whose love and

mercy are manifested in the creation of the world.

See Quran 7:156

So when Allah let "good things" happen to non-believers or Pagans, Allah

does so because His benevolence encompasses "all" and His benevolence
extends to even non-believers NOT because of their idolatry or because
they are pagans. No BUT because His benevolence is for "all" in this
world. However, Allah also says He is "ar-Rahim", the Merciful One
whose love and mercy are manifested in the state that comes after as a
reward for deeds of men (Heavenly Paradise) for the believers and NOT
to the unbelievers in the hereafter

2. You said "No one worship a god who does not answer them" You are a
right ! And that is only if the pagans know. Page 34
Reason why Allah challenged them to think about why would they
worship idols that can not defend itself physically let alone defend
others? These is the same logic prophet Abraham used under the
guidance of Allah to teach his people that idols can NOT be God because
they can NOT even defend themselves

See Quran 21:51-60

3. The ka'aba used to be the House of Allah devoted to pilgrimage and

worship before idolatry was introduced into Mecca and idols placed
therein. So when Muhammad conquered Mecca, he got rid of the idols
and brought back sanity to the house of God

4. That trait you are talking about is not of Islam, maybe some other
people who only claim to be Muslims like Boko Haram etc



I give many thanks to Almighty God for having come to the end of this
lecture and I pray that many, including critics, will come to understand
the holy prophet in a more positive light. We have seen how the holy
prophet started out, weak and persecuted BUT yet because he was truly
sent by God, he came out VICTORIOUS and even pardoned and forgave
those who persecuted him for 13 years and made him to leave his
hometown, Mecca.

If Muhammad was a violent man who knew no forgiveness and

reconciliation or peace, he should have never pardoned his persecutors,
he should have never signed any peace treaty with his enemies etc. even
when he had the upper hand.We have also seen how some occurrences
and verses or Hadith were being grossly misunderstood or taken out of
context by critics simply in order to vilify this man of God as a violent
man. We have also seen how Allah finally gave the holy prophet and Page 35
faithful believers the permission to defend themselves and fight those
who fight them and to “transgress NOT".The permission that insulates
them from enemies NOT to target them as "easy prey". Even at that, he
was still open to peace and reconciliation with his enemies. Amidst all
these, he was still able to perform his duty as a prophet of God, calling
people from darkness of idolatry, barbarism, polytheism, etc into the
light of Islam, which is the religion upon which the past prophets were
sent. So the captivating life of the holy prophet is a living proof that he
was a man who is of peace, forgiveness, reconciliation. Thank you for
your time. Page 36

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