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DXC PPMC Demand Management Standards

In order to ensure an appropriate management of demand in PPMC the following

standards are effective immediately.

Single Assignments
 All demand in PPMC must to be for Single FTE Demand
 All demand in PPMC should be for Single Assignments only (this change
was communicated back in May 2017).
o For example, if a position is for a maximum of 1 FTE and is filled
by two different resources at 0.50 FTE each, the Resource Broker
cannot commit the two resources to the same position. Instead,
the Demand Owner must create an additional position for the
second resource and update the original position to 0.5 FTE.

FTE Forecast
 The Project Manager is expected to consolidate demand forecast into
single FTEs where possible.
 Demand should not be created for anything less than 0.10 FTE.
 Maximum FTE forecast in PPMC is 1

New Positions required for changes to demand

A New position is required in PPMC every time there is a demand
requirement or demand change due to:
 Backfill
 Attrition
 New demand (new logo or existing account)
 Migrations of work
 Labor Pyramid corrections
 Resource Conversions (LTE to FTE, AC to FTE, etc.)
 For Financial Contract Extensions of 12 months or more, Demand Owners
are to create a new project. The “Reason Position Needed” for the demand
would be “Extension”.
 Increase in FTE forecast if additional forecast will be filled with a different

Changes to a Position Level Management (PLM) Request that require re-

 FTE Forecast (same position can be used if the same resource will fulfil the
entire position)
 Country
 State
 Metro
 Role (Job Level)


Changes to Changes to a Position Level Management (PLM) that are auto-
 Any other fields that are changed at the PLM level will be auto-approved.
 Skills. For example: Resource Pool updates, Job Code, City, Labor Type
in Cost Model, Position Label, etc.
Note: There are a very few fields that can be updated from the PPMC Position in the
Staffing Profile. If you update them from there, the changes will not be fed back to the
PLM which will make the PLM and the PPMC position be out of synch. Therefore, it is
best to make the changes from the PLM.

Position Label
 The Position Label should provide a brief description of what is the
demand need to be fulfilled so that the Resource Broker has a high level
understanding of the position need
 Demand Owner must ensure the Position Label is unique within the
same project
 If the demand owner has a need for more than 1 position for the exact
same need, they will need to create (or copy) separate positions for each
need and make sure each position label has a differentiator
o For Example:
 Junior Java Developer 1
 Junior Java Developer 2
 Junior Java Developer 3

Separation of Roles in PPMC

 Roles within a project need to be performed by different people to avoid
conflicts of interest. The Demand Owner, Demand Approvers and the
Resource Broker have to be separate individuals.

Fulfilling Unsold Demand Early

 If a position tagged as “Project Not Sold” needs to be staffed early, the
demand owner should have the “Early Staffing Indicator” set to “Yes” and
demand will go through an additional level of approval.
 Once fully approved, it can be moved to the Staffing Profile
 Resource Brokers will only be able to start the Supply Matching process
for unsold demand once it has been approved for Early Staffing
 By approving the Early Staffing, the Account Team is committing to fund
the resources for 30 to 60 days should the deal not be signed and
resources hired.

Cross Staffing and Cross Billing

 Despite both ES and CSC being deployed on PPMC, the Cross-Billing

process continues to be required when fulfilling demand from one legacy
company with resources from the opposite legacy company.
 This is due to the fact that we will continue to be in separate financial
systems for a couple of years therefore, we need to ensure financials
are aligned accurately.


 Cross-Staffing is defined as assigning cross legacy resources to legacy
account demand (i.e. assigning a legacy CSC resource to legacy ES
account demand)
 Resource Brokers need to identify when there is a cross staffing scenario
and trigger the cross-billing process.
 Project Managers are on point to ensure the IWO is processed so that
the cost of the resource and revenue can be aligned to the correct legacy
financial system.
 For details on the Cross Staffing and Cross Billing process refer to the
Intercompany Cross-Staffing/Cross-Billing process documentation

Generic Pools and Promise Allocations

Definition: Generic Pools are pools that are used when FTE based demand ends up
being fulfilled with a SOW services engagement
 The Project Manager should always send the demand to the regular
Child Level Pool where manager organizations are mapped to
 The Resource Broker/Manager is on point to determine which is the
appropriate Generic Pool that should be used for the Promise Allocation
 The Resource Broker/Manager will then update the PPMC Position
Resource Pool from the Staffing Profile in order to proceed with the
promise allocation

Demand Clean-up

 Project Managers are responsible for ensuring their demand is

maintained accurate and current.
 Demand that does not meet the requirements will be scrutinized and
removed from PPMC on a regular basis.
 Demand clean-up efforts are driven by the Regional Workforce Planners


 If demand has been filled by a resource or a resource is hired for a given

demand and for any reason the demand ends early or falls through, the
Account Team is expected to cover the cost of the resource for 30 to 60
days until the Resource Broker is able to find a new engagement for the


Agency Contractors
 PPMC Position Label should not contain the name of the AC resource
but a very brief description of what the position is for, same as the
regular FTE positions.
 In PPMC – “Position Allowed Resource Cost per FTE per Month” auto-
populates the Monthly Position Cost in WMA2. This field in PPMC
must reflect the monthly cost of that resource to the account.
 Resource Broker must ensure that the Work Order# is input in PPMC
in the respective field found in the Details Tab.

SOW Services Demand

 When an account has demand that is a true SOW service, therefore, this
demand cannot be translated into FTEs or fulfilled by FTEs, this demand
is not entered in PPMC.
 In the cases of true SOW demand, the Demand Owner, needs to
proceed directly to the Supply Chain tools
 However, if there is FTE-based demand that can be translated into
FTEs, regardless of the Billability (Direct or Indirect billable), this demand
needs to be entered in PPMC.
 When FTE based demand (Direct or Indirect) ends up being fulfilled via
a SOW for any reason, (even when this is not the preferred method), the
demand should continue to be managed in PPMC. The difference will be
that the Resource Broker/Manager cannot commit the resource(s) by
name and instead, will be required to use the Promise Allocation
 PPMC should not be used just to keep track of SOW contracts. This
would need to be done manually.

Demand which is not aligned with these requirements will be rejected.

Important - Please note this document will continue to be amended with new
standards or updates to existing ones as deemed appropriate. Please always refer to
the online of this document which can be found in the iWFM SharePoint under Training
> Job Aids section.
For questions, please contact iWFM Operations.

Version 1.7 – Last updated on June 11th, 2018


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